module serialize2start /* Definition for assignment 2 in AFP 2017 Pieter Koopman September 2017 */ import StdEnv, StdMaybe class serialize a where write :: a [String] -> [String] read :: [String] -> Maybe (a,[String]) instance serialize Bool where write b c = [toString b:c] read ["True":r] = Just (True,r) read ["False":r] = Just (False,r) read _ = Nothing instance serialize Int where write i c = [toString i:c] read [s:r] # i = toInt s | s == toString i = Just (i,r) = Nothing read _ = Nothing // --- :: UNIT = UNIT :: EITHER a b = LEFT a | RIGHT b :: PAIR a b = PAIR a b :: CONS a = CONS String a // --- :: ListG a :== EITHER (CONS UNIT) (CONS (PAIR a [a])) instance serialize [a] | serialize a where // to be imporved write l c = c read l = Nothing :: Bin a = Leaf | Bin (Bin a) a (Bin a) :: BinG a :== EITHER (CONS UNIT) (CONS (PAIR (Bin a) (PAIR a (Bin a)))) instance serialize (Bin a) | serialize a where // to be imporved write a c = c read l = Nothing instance == (Bin a) | == a where // better use the generic approach (==) Leaf Leaf = True (==) (Bin l a r) (Bin k b s) = l == k && a == b && r == s (==) _ _ = False // --- Start = [test True ,test False ,test 0 ,test 123 ,test -36 ,test [42] ,test [0..4] ,test [[True],[]] ,test (Bin Leaf True Leaf) ,test [Bin (Bin Leaf [1] Leaf) [2] (Bin Leaf [3] (Bin Leaf [4,5] Leaf))] ,test [Bin (Bin Leaf [1] Leaf) [2] (Bin Leaf [3] (Bin (Bin Leaf [4,5] Leaf) [6,7] (Bin Leaf [8,9] Leaf)))] ] test :: a -> ([String],[String]) | serialize, == a test a = (if (isJust r) (if (fst jr == a) (if (isEmpty (tl (snd jr))) ["Oke "] ["Fail: not all input is consumed! ":snd jr]) ["Fail: Wrong result ":write (fst jr) []]) ["Fail: read result is Nothing "] , ["write produces ": s] ) where s = write a ["\n"] r = read s jr = fromJust r