implementation module uFPL.Sim from StdFunc import flip, seq from Data.Func import $ import Data.Functor from Data.List import concatMap import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.Maybe import Data.Tuple from Text import <+ import Text.HTML import iTasks import iTasks.Extensions.DateTime import iTasks.UI.Editor.Common import uFPL import uFPL.Bootstrap import uFPL.C derive class iTask UFPLException instance toString UFPLException where toString (LiftException s) = "Lift exception: " +++ s toString (NoShareException s) = "No such share: " +++ s toString (WriteToROShare s) = "Write to RO share: " +++ s toString RunException = "Could not run" derive class iTask Signedness, CType, ReadOrWrite, IShared, IExpr, ITrigger, IRule, INamedRule, IState, IShareState, Display class lift a :: a -> Task Dynamic class unlift a b :: b -> a istate :: Shared IState istate = sharedStore "state" gDefault{|*|} irules :: Shared [INamedRule] irules = sharedStore "irules" [] ishares :: Shared IShares ishares = sharedStore "ishares" gDefault{|*|} simulatorRunning :: Shared Bool simulatorRunning = sharedStore "simulatorRunning" False getShared :: ISharedRef -> Task Dynamic getShared n = get ishares >>= \shrs -> case filter ((==) n o isharedName) shrs of [] -> throw (NoShareException n) [s:_] -> lift s isharedName :: IShared -> String isharedName (ISharedInt n _ _) = n isharedName (ISharedUInt n _ _) = n isharedName (ISharedLong n _ _) = n isharedName (ISharedULong n _ _) = n isharedName (ISharedBool n _ _) = n isharedInit :: IShared -> Dynamic isharedInit (ISharedInt _ i _) = dynamic i isharedInit (ISharedUInt _ i _) = dynamic i isharedInit (ISharedLong _ i _) = dynamic i isharedInit (ISharedULong _ i _) = dynamic i isharedInit (ISharedBool _ i _) = dynamic i instance lift [a] | lift a where lift xs = dynamicList <$> allTasks (map lift xs) where dynamicList :: [Dynamic] -> Dynamic dynamicList ds = list (reverse ds) (dynamic [] :: A.a: [a]) where list :: [Dynamic] Dynamic -> Dynamic list [] d = d list [(d :: t):r] (l :: [t]) = list r (dynamic [d:l]) instance unlift [a] [b] | unlift a b where unlift xs = map unlift xs instance lift IExpr where lift (ILitInt i) = return (dynamic ELit i :: Expr Int RO) lift (ILitBool b) = return (dynamic ELit b :: Expr Bool RO) lift (ILitChar c) = return (dynamic ELit c :: Expr Char RO) lift (IShared s) = getShared s >>= \s -> case s of (s :: UShared t rw) -> return (dynamic EShared s) lift (IAdd a b) = lift a >>= \a -> lift b >>= \b -> case (a,b) of (a :: Expr Int rwa, b :: Expr Int rwb) -> return (dynamic a +. b :: Expr Int RO) (a :: Expr Char rwa, b :: Expr Char rwb) -> return (dynamic a +. b :: Expr Char RO) _ -> throw (LiftException "IAdd") lift (ISub a b) = lift a >>= \a -> lift b >>= \b -> case (a,b) of (a :: Expr Int rwa, b :: Expr Int rwb) -> return (dynamic a -. b :: Expr Int RO) (a :: Expr Char rwa, b :: Expr Char rwb) -> return (dynamic a -. b :: Expr Char RO) _ -> throw (LiftException "ISub") lift (IMul a b) = lift a >>= \a -> lift b >>= \b -> case (a,b) of (a :: Expr Int rwa, b :: Expr Int rwb) -> return (dynamic a *. b :: Expr Int RO) _ -> throw (LiftException "IMul") lift (IDiv a b) = lift a >>= \a -> lift b >>= \b -> case (a,b) of (a :: Expr Int rwa, b :: Expr Int rwb) -> return (dynamic a /. b :: Expr Int RO) _ -> throw (LiftException "IDiv") lift (IEq a b) = lift a >>= \a -> lift b >>= \b -> case (a,b) of (a :: Expr Int rwa, b :: Expr Int rwb) -> return (dynamic a ==. b :: Expr Bool RO) (a :: Expr Char rwa, b :: Expr Char rwb) -> return (dynamic a ==. b :: Expr Bool RO) (a :: Expr Bool rwa, b :: Expr Bool rwb) -> return (dynamic a ==. b :: Expr Bool RO) _ -> throw (LiftException "IEq") lift (ILt a b) = lift a >>= \a -> lift b >>= \b -> case (a,b) of (a :: Expr Int rwa, b :: Expr Int rwb) -> return (dynamic a <. b :: Expr Bool RO) (a :: Expr Char rwa, b :: Expr Char rwb) -> return (dynamic a <. b :: Expr Bool RO) _ -> throw (LiftException "ILt") lift (IAnd a b) = lift a >>= \a -> lift b >>= \b -> case (a,b) of (a :: Expr Bool rwa, b :: Expr Bool rwb) -> return (dynamic a &&. b :: Expr Bool RO) _ -> throw (LiftException "IAnd") lift (IOr a b) = lift a >>= \a -> lift b >>= \b -> case (a,b) of (a :: Expr Bool rwa, b :: Expr Bool rwb) -> return (dynamic a ||. b :: Expr Bool RO) _ -> throw (LiftException "IOr") lift (IIf b t e) = lift b >>= \b -> lift t >>= \t -> lift e >>= \e -> case (b,t,e) of (b :: Expr Bool rwa, t :: Expr Int rwb, e :: Expr Int rwc) -> return (dynamic b ? (t,e) :: Expr Int RO) (b :: Expr Bool rwa, t :: Expr Char rwb, e :: Expr Char rwc) -> return (dynamic b ? (t,e) :: Expr Char RO) (b :: Expr Bool rwa, t :: Expr Bool rwb, e :: Expr Bool rwc) -> return (dynamic b ? (t,e) :: Expr Bool RO) _ -> throw (LiftException "IIf") instance unlift IExpr (Expr t rw) | Expr t where unlift (ELit v) = case dynamic v of (i :: Int) -> ILitInt i (c :: Char) -> ILitChar c (b :: Bool) -> ILitBool b unlift (EShared s) = IShared s.sname unlift (a +. b) = IAdd (unlift a) (unlift b) unlift (a -. b) = ISub (unlift a) (unlift b) unlift (a *. b) = IMul (unlift a) (unlift b) unlift (a /. b) = IDiv (unlift a) (unlift b) unlift (EEq _ a b) = IEq (unlift a) (unlift b) unlift (ELt _ a b) = ILt (unlift a) (unlift b) unlift (EAnd _ a b) = IAnd (unlift a) (unlift b) unlift (EOr _ a b) = IOr (unlift a) (unlift b) unlift (EIf b t e) = IIf (unlift b) (unlift t) (unlift e) instance lift IShared where lift s = return case s of ISharedInt n i ReadOnly -> dynamic {sname=n, stype=CTInt Sig, sinit=i, srepr=intmap, srw=RO} ISharedInt n i ReadWrite -> dynamic {sname=n, stype=CTInt Sig, sinit=i, srepr=intmap, srw=RW} ISharedUInt n i ReadOnly -> dynamic {sname=n, stype=CTInt Unsig, sinit=i, srepr=intmap, srw=RO} ISharedUInt n i ReadWrite -> dynamic {sname=n, stype=CTInt Unsig, sinit=i, srepr=intmap, srw=RW} ISharedLong n i ReadOnly -> dynamic {sname=n, stype=CTLong Sig, sinit=i, srepr=longmap, srw=RO} ISharedLong n i ReadWrite -> dynamic {sname=n, stype=CTLong Sig, sinit=i, srepr=longmap, srw=RW} ISharedULong n i ReadOnly -> dynamic {sname=n, stype=CTLong Unsig, sinit=i, srepr=longmap, srw=RO} ISharedULong n i ReadWrite -> dynamic {sname=n, stype=CTLong Unsig, sinit=i, srepr=longmap, srw=RW} ISharedBool n i ReadOnly -> dynamic {sname=n, stype=CTBool, sinit=i, srepr=boolmap, srw=RO} ISharedBool n i ReadWrite -> dynamic {sname=n, stype=CTBool, sinit=i, srepr=boolmap, srw=RW} // NOTE: Compiler doesn't allow instances for both Int and Bool or RW and RO, // so we use dynamics and ABC code here. Otherwise, there would have been // separate instances for UShared Int RO, UShared Int RW, etc. // If rw = RO, we get ReadOnly. In all other cases, we get ReadWrite. instance unlift IShared (UShared t rw) | Expr t where unlift s = case dynamic s.sinit of (b :: Bool) -> ISharedBool s.sname b (rw s.srw) (i :: Int) -> cons s.sname i (rw s.srw) where cons = case s.stype of CTInt Sig -> ISharedInt CTInt Unsig -> ISharedUInt CTLong Sig -> ISharedLong CTLong Unsig -> ISharedULong rw :: !a -> ReadOrWrite rw _ = code { eq_desc e_uFPL_dRO 0 0 jmp_true readonly fillh e_uFPL.Sim_dReadWrite 0 1 pop_a 1 .d 1 0 rtn :readonly fillh e_uFPL.Sim_dReadOnly 0 1 pop_a 1 .d 1 0 rtn } instance unlift IShares Shares where unlift NoShares = [] unlift (Shares shr rest) = [unlift shr:unlift rest] instance lift ITrigger where lift (IChange s) = getShared s >>= \s -> case s of (s :: UShared Int rw) -> return (dynamic Change (EShared s)) _ -> throw (LiftException "IChange") lift (IBecomes s e) = getShared s >>= \s -> lift e >>= \e -> case (s,e) of (s :: UShared Int rwa, e :: Expr Int rwb) -> return (dynamic EShared s ?= e) (s :: UShared Char rwa, e :: Expr Char rwb) -> return (dynamic EShared s ?= e) (s :: UShared Bool rwa, e :: Expr Bool rwb) -> return (dynamic EShared s ?= e) _ -> throw (LiftException "IBecomes") lift (ITAnd a b) = lift a >>= \a -> lift b >>= \b -> case (a,b) of (a :: Trigger, b :: Trigger) -> return (dynamic a ?& b) _ -> throw (LiftException "ITAnd") lift (ITOr a b) = lift a >>= \a -> lift b >>= \b -> case (a,b) of (a :: Trigger, b :: Trigger) -> return (dynamic a ?| b) _ -> throw (LiftException "ITOr") instance unlift ITrigger Trigger where unlift (Change (EShared s)) = IChange s.sname unlift (EShared s ?= e) = IBecomes s.sname (unlift e) unlift (a ?& b) = ITAnd (unlift a) (unlift b) unlift (a ?| b) = ITOr (unlift a) (unlift b) instance lift IRule where lift (IAssign s e) = getShared s >>= \s -> lift e >>= \e -> case (s,e) of (s :: UShared Int RW, e :: Expr Int rw) -> return (dynamic EShared s <# e) (s :: UShared Char RW, e :: Expr Char rw) -> return (dynamic EShared s <# e) (s :: UShared Bool RW, e :: Expr Bool rw) -> return (dynamic EShared s <# e) (s :: UShared t RO, _) -> throw (WriteToROShare s.sname) (t :: UShared t rw, _ :: Expr u rwb) -> throw $ LiftException $ "IAssign: cannot assign " <+ typeCodeOfDynamic e <+ " to " <+ typeCodeOfDynamic s <+ " " <+ t.sname <+ "." _ -> throw (LiftException "IAssign") lift (IWhen e rs) = lift e >>= \e -> lift rs >>= \rs -> case (e,rs) of (e :: Expr Bool rw, rs :: [Rule]) -> return (dynamic When e rs) _ -> throw (LiftException "IWhen") lift (ITrigger t rs) = lift t >>= \t -> lift rs >>= \rs -> case (t,rs) of (t :: Trigger, rs :: [Rule]) -> return (dynamic t >>> rs) _ -> throw (LiftException "IWhen") lift (ISetCursor (c,r)) = lift c >>= \c -> lift r >>= \r -> case (c,r) of (c :: Expr Int rwa, r :: Expr Int rwb) -> return (dynamic SetCursor (c,r)) _ -> throw (LiftException "ISetCursor") lift (IPrint e) = lift e >>= \e -> case e of (e :: Expr Int rw) -> return (dynamic Print e) (e :: Expr Char rw) -> return (dynamic Print e) (e :: Expr Bool rw) -> return (dynamic Print e) _ -> throw (LiftException "IPrint") instance unlift IRule Rule where unlift (EShared s <# e) = IAssign s.sname (unlift e) unlift (When e rs) = IWhen (unlift e) (unlift rs) unlift (t >>> rs) = ITrigger (unlift t) (unlift rs) unlift (SetCursor (c,r)) = ISetCursor (unlift c, unlift r) unlift (Print e) = IPrint (unlift e) instance lift INamedRule where lift (Rule s rs) = lift rs >>= \rs -> case rs of (rs :: [Rule]) -> return (dynamic s :=: rs) instance unlift INamedRule NamedRule where unlift (s :=: rs) = case dynamic rs of (r :: Rule) -> Rule s [unlift r] (rs :: [Rule]) -> Rule s (unlift rs) instance lift IState where lift ist = return (dynamic { display = ist.IState.display , vars = 'M'.fromList $ map (appSnd liftSharedState) ('M'.toList ist.isvalues) ++ map (appSnd liftSharedState) ('M'.toList ist.csvalues) ++ map (appSnd liftSharedState) ('M'.toList ist.bsvalues) }) where liftSharedState :: (IShareState t) -> ShareState | TC t liftSharedState st = {val=dynamic st.isval, dirty=st.isdirty, subscriptions=st.issubscriptions} instance unlift IState State where unlift st = { isvalues = 'M'.fromList [(n,{isval=v,isdirty=s.dirty,issubscriptions=s.subscriptions}) \\ (n,s=:{val=v :: Int}) <- 'M'.toList st.vars] , csvalues = 'M'.fromList [(n,{isval=v,isdirty=s.dirty,issubscriptions=s.subscriptions}) \\ (n,s=:{val=v :: Char}) <- 'M'.toList st.vars] , bsvalues = 'M'.fromList [(n,{isval=v,isdirty=s.dirty,issubscriptions=s.subscriptions}) \\ (n,s=:{val=v :: Bool}) <- 'M'.toList st.vars] , display = st.State.display } simulate :: [NamedRule] -> *World -> *World simulate rs = startEngine $ (setupShares >>| sim) -&&- (( whileUnchanged (irules >*< ishares) (uncurry newShares) ) <<@ NoUserInterface) where setupShares = set (unlift rs) irules >>| set (unlift (allShares rs)) ishares sim = (updateSharedInformation (Title "Rules") [UpdateUsing id (const id) (listEditor (Just $ const Nothing) True False Nothing gEditor{|*|})] irules -&&- updateSharedInformation (Title "Shares") [UpdateUsing id (const id) (listEditor (Just $ const Nothing) True False Nothing gEditor{|*|})] ishares ) -&&- (check -&&- show) <<@ ArrangeHorizontal newShares :: [INamedRule] IShares -> Task IState newShares rs shrs = get istate >>= lift >>= \ist -> case ist of (st :: State) -> set (unlift { st & vars = 'M'.mapWithKey (\k v -> {v & subscriptions=subscriptions k rs}) $ foldr (uncurry 'M'.put) st.vars [(isharedName shr, {val=isharedInit shr, dirty=0, subscriptions=0}) \\ shr <- shrs]}) istate where subscriptions :: String [INamedRule] -> Int subscriptions s rs = length $ filter ((==) s) $ concatMap allSharedSubscriptions $ flatten [allTriggers rs` \\ Rule _ rs` <- rs] allTriggers :: [IRule] -> [ITrigger] allTriggers rs = [t \\ ITrigger t _ <- rs] allSharedSubscriptions :: ITrigger -> [ISharedRef] allSharedSubscriptions t = case t of IChange s -> [s] IBecomes s _ -> [s] ITAnd a b -> allSharedSubscriptions a ++ allSharedSubscriptions b ITOr a b -> allSharedSubscriptions a ++ allSharedSubscriptions b show :: Task IState show = viewSharedInformation (Title "State") [viewAsLists] istate where viewAsLists = ViewUsing tolists $ container3 listView listView listView with listView :: Editor [(String,IShareState a)] | iTask, == a listView = listEditor Nothing False False Nothing itemView itemView :: Editor (String, IShareState a) | iTask, == a itemView = comapEditorValue (\(s,shr) -> (s, shr.isval, shr.isdirty, shr.issubscriptions)) (listitem4 textView gEditor{|*|} (intView "Dirty") (intView "Subscriptions") <<@ directionAttr Horizontal) with intView s = comapEditorValue (\i -> s <+ ": " <+ i) textView tolists :: IState -> ([(String, IShareState Int)], [(String, IShareState Char)], [(String, IShareState Bool)]) tolists st = ('M'.toList st.isvalues, 'M'.toList st.csvalues, 'M'.toList st.bsvalues) check :: Task String check = whileUnchanged (irules >*< ishares) (\(rs,shrs) -> catchAll (lift rs >>| return "OK") return >>= viewInformation (Title "Status") [ViewUsing id $ viewComponent (\text -> 'M'.unions [ valueAttr (JSONString (escapeStr text)) , styleAttr (if (text == "OK") "" "color:red;font-weight:bold;") ]) UITextView] >>* buttonActions shrs ++ millisActions shrs ++ [action "Step" $ step]) where action :: String (Task a) -> TaskCont String (Task String) | iTask a action s t = OnAction (Action s) $ ifOk $ t >>- \_ -> check ifOk :: a (TaskValue String) -> Maybe a ifOk t (Value "OK" _) = Just t ifOk _ _ = Nothing buttonActions :: IShares -> [TaskCont String (Task String)] buttonActions shrs = flatten [ [ action ("Toggle B" <+ i) $ toggle i , action ("Press B" <+ i) $ press i ] \\ i <- [0..5] | any ((==) ("b" <+ i) o isharedName) shrs] where toggle :: Int -> Task IState toggle i = get istate >>= lift >>= \st -> case st of (st :: State) -> set (unlift {st & vars='M'.alter upd ("b" <+ i) st.vars}) istate with upd (Just s=:{val=v :: Bool}) = Just {s & val=dynamic not v, dirty=s.subscriptions} press :: Int -> Task IState press i = change True >>| step >>| change False with change v = get istate >>= lift >>= \st -> case st of (st :: State) -> set (unlift {st & vars='M'.alter (upd v) ("b" <+ i) st.vars}) istate upd v (Just s) = Just {s & val=dynamic v, dirty=s.subscriptions} millisActions :: IShares -> [TaskCont String (Task String)] millisActions shrs | any ((==) "millis" o isharedName) shrs = [ action "t +100ms" $ addMillis 100 $> () , action "t +1s" $ addMillis 1000 $> () , action "Toggle running / 1s" $ ((forever $ waitForTimer 0 >>| addMillis 1000 >>| step $> ()) <<@ NoUserInterface) >>* [OnAction (Action "Stop") (always (return ()))] ] | otherwise = [] step :: Task IState step = get istate >>= lift >>= \st -> case st of (st :: State) -> get irules >>= lift >>= \rs -> case rs of (rs :: [NamedRule]) -> case run rs st of Just st -> set (unlift st) istate Nothing -> throw RunException _ -> throw (LiftException "step rules") _ -> throw (LiftException "step state") addMillis :: Int -> Task IState addMillis n = get istate >>= lift >>= \st -> case st of (st :: State) -> set (unlift {st & vars='M'.alter upd "millis" st.vars}) istate with upd (Just s=:{val=v :: Int}) = Just {s & val=dynamic v+n, dirty=s.subscriptions} // From iTasks.UI.Editor.Controls viewComponent toAttributes type = {Editor|genUI=genUI,onEdit=onEdit,onRefresh=onRefresh} where genUI dp val vst = (Ok (uia type (toAttributes val), FieldMask {touched = False, valid = True, state = JSONNull}),vst) onEdit dp (tp,e) val mask vst = (Error "Edit event for view component",val,vst) onRefresh dp new old mask vst = case [SetAttribute nk nv \\ ((ok,ov),(nk,nv)) <- zip ('M'.toList (toAttributes old),'M'.toList (toAttributes new)) | ok == nk && ov =!= nv] of [] = (Ok (NoChange,mask),new,vst) changes = (Ok (ChangeUI changes [],mask),new,vst)