implementation module cashModel /* Pieter Koopman, Radboud University, 2017 Advanced programming A simple state model for an automated cash register */ import StdEnv, GenEq import gastje from Data.Func import mapSt import Data.Tuple class euro a :: a -> Euro instance euro Product where euro Pizza = euro (4,99) euro Beer = euro (0,65) euro _ = euro 1 instance euro Int where euro e = {euro = e, cent = 0} instance euro (Int, Int) where euro (e,c) = {euro = e, cent = c} instance euro [e] | euro e where euro l = sum (map euro l) instance euro Euro where euro e = e instance + Euro where + x y = {euro = c / 100, cent = (abs c) rem 100} where c = (x.euro + y.euro) * 100 + sign x.euro * x.cent + sign y.euro * y.cent instance - Euro where - x y = {euro = c / 100, cent = (abs c) rem 100} where c = (x.euro - y.euro) * 100 + sign x.euro * x.cent - sign y.euro * y.cent instance zero Euro where zero = {euro = 0, cent = 0} derive gEq Euro, Product instance == Product where (==) p q = p === q instance == Euro where (==) p q = p === q instance ~ Euro where ~ e = {e & euro = ~e.euro} model :: [Product] Action -> ([Product],[Euro]) model list (Add p) = ([p:list],[euro p]) model list (Rem p) | isMember p list = (removeMember p list,[~ (euro p)]) | otherwise = (list,[]) model list Pay = ([],[euro list]) derive gEq Action derive gen Euro, Action, Product, [] derive string Euro, Action, Product, [] derive bimap [] /** * plus_zero_is_identity: Fail for: {Euro|euro=0, cent=1} ; {Euro|euro=0, cent=1} <> {Euro|euro=0, cent=0} * plus_is_commutative: Passed * minus_zero_is_identity: Fail for: {Euro|euro=0, cent=1} ; {Euro|euro=0, cent=1} <> {Euro|euro=0, cent=0} * prop_double_neg_is_identity: Passed * prop_neg_is_not_identity: Fail for: {Euro|euro=0, cent=1} * prop_minus_is_plus_after_neg: Fail for: {Euro|euro=1, cent=0} {Euro|euro=-9223372036854775808, cent=1} ; {Euro|euro=0, cent=99} <> {Euro|euro=1, cent=1} * prop_neg_distributes_over_plus: Fail for: {Euro|euro=1, cent=0} {Euro|euro=-9223372036854775808, cent=1} ; {Euro|euro=-1, cent=1} <> {Euro|euro=0, cent=99} * prop_plus_minus_is_identity: Fail for: {Euro|euro=0, cent=1} {Euro|euro=0, cent=0} ; {Euro|euro=0, cent=0} <> {Euro|euro=0, cent=1} */ Start = [ ["plus_zero_is_identity: ": test prop_plus_zero_is_identity] , ["plus_is_commutative: ": test prop_plus_is_commutative] , ["minus_zero_is_identity: ": test prop_minus_zero_is_identity] , ["prop_double_neg_is_identity: ": test prop_double_neg_is_identity] , ["prop_neg_is_not_identity: ": test prop_neg_is_not_identity] , ["prop_minus_is_plus_after_neg: ": test prop_minus_is_plus_after_neg] , ["prop_neg_distributes_over_plus: ": test prop_neg_distributes_over_plus] , ["prop_plus_minus_is_identity: ": test prop_plus_minus_is_identity] ] where prop_plus_zero_is_identity :: Euro -> Property prop_plus_zero_is_identity e = e + zero =.= e prop_plus_is_commutative :: Euro Euro -> Property prop_plus_is_commutative a b = a + b =.= b + a prop_minus_zero_is_identity :: Euro -> Property prop_minus_zero_is_identity e = e - zero =.= e prop_plus_minus_is_identity :: Euro Euro -> Property prop_plus_minus_is_identity a b = a =.= a - b + b prop_double_neg_is_identity :: Euro -> Property prop_double_neg_is_identity e = ~(~e) =.= e prop_neg_is_not_identity :: Euro -> Property prop_neg_is_not_identity e = e <> zero ==> e <> ~e prop_minus_is_plus_after_neg :: Euro Euro -> Property prop_minus_is_plus_after_neg a b = a - b =.= a + ~b prop_neg_distributes_over_plus :: Euro Euro -> Property prop_neg_distributes_over_plus a b = ~(a + b) =.= ~a + ~b /** * Passed * * NB: this only checks Rem (as requested). The same property holds for Add. * For Pay, the output of the model should be negated. */ Start = test fairness where fairness :: [Product] Product -> Property fairness ps p = value newps =.= value ps + value out where (newps, out) = model ps (Rem p) class value a :: (a -> Real) instance value Real where value = id instance value [a] | value a where value = sum o map value instance value Euro where value = \e -> toReal e.euro * 100.0 + toReal (sign e.euro * e.cent) instance value Product where value = value o euro instance value Action where value = \a -> case a of Add p -> value p Rem p -> ~(value p) Pay -> 0.0