path: root/assignment-13/uFPL/C.icl
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Diffstat (limited to 'assignment-13/uFPL/C.icl')
1 files changed, 9 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/assignment-13/uFPL/C.icl b/assignment-13/uFPL/C.icl
index 763774c..87f8573 100644
--- a/assignment-13/uFPL/C.icl
+++ b/assignment-13/uFPL/C.icl
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ import Data.Tuple
import uFPL.Arduino
import uFPL.Util
-(`seq`) infix 0 :: CBody CBody -> CBody
+(`seq`) infixr 0 :: CBody CBody -> CBody
(`seq`) CBEmpty cb = cb
(`seq`) cb CBEmpty = cb
(`seq`) a b = CBSeq a b
@@ -68,10 +68,14 @@ instance print CBody
print (CBReturn Nothing) = print "return;"
print (CBReturn (Just e)) = print "return " o print e o print ";"
- print (CBIf c t e) = print "if (" o print c o print ") {" o indent o nl
- o print t o unindent o nl
- o print "} else {" o indent o nl
- o print e o unindent o nl o print "}"
+ print (CBIf c t eifs e) =
+ prsperse "} else " [print "if (" o print c o print ") {" o indent o nl o print t o unindent o nl \\ (c,t) <- [(c,t):eifs]]
+ o case e of
+ Just e ->
+ print "} else {" o indent o nl
+ o print e o unindent o nl o print "}"
+ Nothing ->
+ print "}"
print (CBWhile e b) = print "while (" o print e o print ") {" o nl o print b o nl o print "}"
print (CBAssign v e) = print v o print " = " o print e o print ";"
print (CBSeq a b) = print a o nl o print b