path: root/assignment-10/sets.icl
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Diffstat (limited to 'assignment-10/sets.icl')
1 files changed, 81 insertions, 23 deletions
diff --git a/assignment-10/sets.icl b/assignment-10/sets.icl
index ecdcad6..d4cee20 100644
--- a/assignment-10/sets.icl
+++ b/assignment-10/sets.icl
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
module sets
+import StdArray
import StdBool
import StdEnum
-from StdFunc import flip, o
+from StdFunc import flip, id, o
import StdGeneric
import StdInt
import StdList
@@ -15,8 +16,9 @@ import Data.Error
from Data.Func import $, on, `on`
import Data.Functor
import qualified Data.Map as M
+import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
-from Text import <+
+from Text import <+, class Text(concat), instance Text String
instance + [a] | Eq a where + xs ys = xs - ys ++ ys
instance - [a] | Eq a where - xs ys = removeMembers xs ys
@@ -31,33 +33,36 @@ removeElem = removeMember
hasElem :: (a [a] -> Bool) | Eq a
hasElem = isMember
+ * This Expression type is agnostic with regards to the expression type, so it
+ * can handle sets of booleans, sets of sets, reals, etc. Because of this, we
+ * only need Elem and not New and TRUE/FALSE.
+ */
:: Expression a
- = E.b: New (Bimap a [b]) [b]
- | Elem a
+ = Elem a
| Variable Ident
- | E.b: Size (Bimap a Int) (Set b) & TC b
+ | E.b: Size (Bimap a Int) (Set b) & TC, Print b
| (+.) infixl 6 (Expression a) (Expression a) & + a
- | E.b: AddElemAndSet (Bimap a [b]) (Elem b) (Set b) & TC, Eq b
- | E.b: AddSetAndElem (Bimap a [b]) (Set b) (Elem b) & TC, Eq b
+ | E.b: AddElemAndSet (Bimap a [b]) (Elem b) (Set b) & TC, Eq, Print b
+ | E.b: AddSetAndElem (Bimap a [b]) (Set b) (Elem b) & TC, Eq, Print b
| (-.) infixl 6 (Expression a) (Expression a) & - a
- | E.b: RemoveFromSet (Bimap a [b]) (Set b) (Elem b) & TC, Eq b
+ | E.b: RemoveFromSet (Bimap a [b]) (Set b) (Elem b) & TC, Eq, Print b
| (*.) infixl 7 (Expression a) (Expression a) & * a
- | E.b: MulElemAndSet (Bimap a [b]) (Elem b) (Set b) & TC, * b
+ | E.b: MulElemAndSet (Bimap a [b]) (Elem b) (Set b) & TC, *, Print b
| (=.) infixl 2 Ident (Expression a)
| Not (Bimap a Bool) (Elem Bool)
| Or (Bimap a Bool) (Elem Bool) (Elem Bool)
| And (Bimap a Bool) (Elem Bool) (Elem Bool)
- | E.b: In (Bimap a Bool) (Elem b) (Set b) & TC, Eq b
- | E.b: Eq (Bimap a Bool) (Expression b) (Expression b) & TC, Eq b
- | E.b: Le (Bimap a Bool) (Expression b) (Expression b) & TC, Ord b
+ | E.b: In (Bimap a Bool) (Elem b) (Set b) & TC, Eq, Print b
+ | E.b: Eq (Bimap a Bool) (Expression b) (Expression b) & TC, Eq, Print b
+ | E.b: Le (Bimap a Bool) (Expression b) (Expression b) & TC, Ord, Print b
| If (Elem Bool) (Expression a) (Expression a)
- | E.b c: For (Bimap a [b]) Ident (Set c) (Expression b) & TC b & TC c
- | E.b: (:.) infixl 1 (Expression b) (Expression a) & TC b
+ | E.b c: For (Bimap a [b]) Ident (Set c) (Expression b) & TC, Print b & TC, Print c
+ | E.b: (:.) infixl 1 (Expression b) (Expression a) & TC, Print b
// Convenience
-new :== New bimapId
elem :== Elem
var :== Variable
size :== Size bimapId
@@ -92,18 +97,17 @@ read i = gets ('M'.get i) >>= \v -> case v of
Nothing -> fail $ "unknown variable '" <+ i <+ "'"
eval :: (Expression a) -> Sem a | TC a
-eval (New bm xs) = pure $ bm.map_from xs
eval (Elem x) = pure x
eval (Variable id) = read id
eval (Size bm s) = bm.map_from <$> length <$> eval s
-eval (+. x y) = (liftA2 (+) `on` eval) x y
+eval (x +. y) = (liftA2 (+) `on` eval) x y
eval (AddElemAndSet bm e s) = bm.map_from <$> liftA2 addElem (eval e) (eval s)
eval (AddSetAndElem bm s e) = bm.map_from <$> liftA2 addElem (eval e) (eval s)
-eval (-. x y) = (liftA2 (-) `on` eval) x y
+eval (x -. y) = (liftA2 (-) `on` eval) x y
eval (RemoveFromSet bm s e) = bm.map_from <$> liftA2 removeElem (eval e) (eval s)
-eval (*. x y) = (liftA2 (*) `on` eval) x y
+eval (x *. y) = (liftA2 (*) `on` eval) x y
eval (MulElemAndSet bm e s) = bm.map_from <$> liftA2 (map o (*)) (eval e) (eval s)
-eval (=. id e) = eval e >>= store id
+eval (id =. e) = eval e >>= store id
eval (Not bm l) = bm.map_from <$> not <$> eval l
eval (Or bm x y) = bm.map_from <$> (liftA2 (||) `on` eval) x y
eval (And bm x y) = bm.map_from <$> (liftA2 (&&) `on` eval) x y
@@ -117,6 +121,60 @@ where
iterate e = mapM (\x -> store id x >>| eval e)
eval (s :. t) = eval s >>| eval t
+:: Print :== [String] -> [String]
+class Print a where pr :: a -> Print
+print :: (a -> String) | Print a
+print = concat o flip pr []
+between :: a b c -> Print | Print a & Print b & Print c
+between a b c = pr b o pr a o pr c
+surround :: a b c -> Print | Print a & Print b & Print c
+surround a b c = pr a o pr c o pr b
+parens :: (a -> Print) | Print a
+parens = surround "(" ")"
+braces :: (a -> Print) | Print a
+braces = surround "{" "}"
+interpr :: a [b] -> Print | Print a & Print b
+interpr _ [] = id
+interpr _ [x] = pr x
+interpr g [x:xs] = between g x (interpr g xs)
+instance Print String where pr s = (++) (pure s)
+instance Print Char where pr c = pr {#c}
+instance Print Int where pr i = pr (toString i)
+instance Print Bool where pr b = pr (toString b)
+instance Print [a] | Print a where pr xs = surround "[" "]" (interpr "," xs)
+instance Print Print where pr p = p
+instance Print (Expression a) | Print a
+ pr (Elem x) = pr x
+ pr (Variable x) = surround '"' '"' x
+ pr (Size _ xs) = surround "size (" ")" xs
+ pr (x +. y) = parens (between " +. " x y)
+ pr (AddElemAndSet _ e s) = parens (between " :+ " e s)
+ pr (AddSetAndElem _ s e) = parens (between " +: " s e)
+ pr (x -. y) = parens (between " -. " x y)
+ pr (RemoveFromSet _ s e) = parens (between " -: " s e)
+ pr (x *. y) = parens (between " *. " x y)
+ pr (MulElemAndSet _ e s) = parens (between " :* " e s)
+ pr (id =. e) = between " =. " id e
+ pr (Not _ l) = pr "~" o parens l
+ pr (Or _ x y) = parens (between " ||. " x y)
+ pr (And _ x y) = parens (between " &&. " x y)
+ pr (In _ e s) = parens (between " ∈ " e s)
+ pr (Eq _ x y) = parens (between " == " x y)
+ pr (Le _ x y) = parens (between " <= " x y)
+ pr (If b t e) = pr "if " o pr b o pr " " o braces t o pr " " o braces e
+ pr (For _ id s e) = pr "for " o between " ∈ " id s o pr " " o braces e
+ pr (s :. t) = between " :. " s t
* I did not manage to get the iTasks simulator working, because the compiler
* 'cannot build a generic representation of an existential type'.
@@ -125,13 +183,13 @@ eval (s :. t) = eval s >>| eval t
* did not try to do this due to time constraints.
-Start = evalStateT (eval stmt) 'M'.newMap
+Start = (evalStateT (eval stmt) 'M'.newMap, print stmt)
stmt :: Expression [Int]
stmt =
- "x" =. new [3..10] :.
+ "x" =. elem [3..10] :.
"y" =. elem 0 :.
- elem 10 :* for "i" (new [1..5] +. var "x") (
+ elem 10 :* for "i" (elem [1..5] +. var "x") (
"y" =. var "y" +. elem 1 :.
var "i" *. var "y"