diff options
-rw-r--r-- | assignment-8/skeleton8.icl | 752 |
1 files changed, 376 insertions, 376 deletions
diff --git a/assignment-8/skeleton8.icl b/assignment-8/skeleton8.icl index 562561e..5b5eb58 100644 --- a/assignment-8/skeleton8.icl +++ b/assignment-8/skeleton8.icl @@ -1,376 +1,376 @@ -module skeleton8
-// Camil Staps, s4498062
- * Advanved Progrmming 2017, Assignment 8
- * Pieter Koopman, pieter@cs.ru.nl
- */
-import StdBool
-import StdEnum
-from StdFunc import const, flip, id, o
-import StdList
-import StdString
-import StdTuple
-import Control.Applicative
-import Control.Monad
-from Control.Monad.State import :: StateT(StateT), gets, modify, runStateT,
- instance Functor (StateT s m), instance Applicative (StateT s m),
- instance Monad (StateT s m)
-import Data.Bifunctor
-import Data.Error
-from Data.Func import $, on, `on`
-import Data.Functor
-import Data.List
-import qualified Data.Map as M
-import Data.Maybe
-import qualified Data.Set as S
-import Data.Tuple
-from Text import <+, class Text(concat), instance Text String
-from iTasks import
- class iTask, class toPrompt, class Publishable, instance Publishable (Task a),
- instance toPrompt String, instance Functor Task,
- class TApplicative, instance TApplicative Task,
- generic gEq, generic gDefault, generic JSONDecode, generic JSONEncode,
- generic gText, generic gEditor,
- :: JSONNode, :: TextFormat, :: Editor, :: Task,
- :: ViewOption(..), :: UpdateOption(..), :: EnterOption(..),
- :: Title(Title), instance toPrompt Title,
- class tune, <<@, :: UIAttributes, instance tune UIAttributes Editor,
- instance tune ArrangeHorizontal Task,
- :: ArrangeHorizontal(..), directionAttr, :: UIDirection(..),
- updateInformation, viewInformation, enterInformation, @, -||, startEngine
-import qualified iTasks
-(>>>=) :== 'iTasks'.tbind
-:: Expression
- = New [Int]
- | Elem Int
- | Variable Ident
- | Size Set
- | (+.) infixl 6 Expression Expression
- | (-.) infixl 6 Expression Expression
- | (*.) infixl 7 Expression Expression
- | (=.) infixl 2 Ident Expression
-:: Logical
- | (In) infix 4 Elem Set
- | (==.) infix 4 Expression Expression
- | (<=.) infix 4 Expression Expression
- | Not Logical
- | (||.) infixr 2 Logical Logical
- | (&&.) infixr 3 Logical Logical
-:: Stmt
- = Logical Logical
- | If Logical Stmt Stmt
- | For Ident Set Stmt
- | Expression Expression
-:: Set :== Expression
-:: Elem :== Expression
-:: Ident :== String
-// === State
-:: Val
- = VElem Int
- | VSet ('S'.Set Int)
-:: State :== 'M'.Map Ident Val
-:: Sem a :== StateT State (MaybeError String) a
-// Or define :: Sem a = Sem (s -> MaybeErrorString (a,s)) and copy the relevant
-// instances from Control.Monad.State
-// The types of store, read and fail are more general so that these functions
-// can be used with the Check monad below as well.
-store :: Ident v -> StateT ('M'.Map Ident v) m v | Monad m
-store i v = modify ('M'.put i v) $> v
-read :: Ident -> StateT ('M'.Map Ident v) (MaybeError String) v
-read i = gets ('M'.get i) >>= \v -> case v of
- Nothing -> fail $ "unknown variable '" <+ i <+ "'"
- Just v -> pure v
-fail :: String -> StateT s (MaybeError String) a
-fail e = StateT \_ -> Error e
-class eval f t :: f -> Sem t
-evalE :: (Expression -> Sem Val)
-evalE = eval
-instance eval Expression Val
- eval :: Expression -> Sem Val
- eval (New xs) = pure $ VSet $ 'S'.fromList xs
- eval (Elem x) = pure $ VElem x
- eval (Variable i) = read i
- eval (Size s) = eval s >>= \xs -> case xs of
- VSet xs -> pure $ VElem $ 'S'.size xs
- _ -> fail "Cannot apply Size to Elem"
- eval (a +. b) = (liftA2 valAdd `on` eval) a b
- where
- valAdd (VElem i) (VElem j) = VElem $ i + j
- valAdd (VElem i) (VSet xs) = VSet $ 'S'.insert i xs
- valAdd (VSet xs) (VElem i) = VSet $ 'S'.insert i xs
- valAdd (VSet xs) (VSet ys) = VSet $ 'S'.union xs ys
- eval (a -. b) = (liftA2 tuple `on` eval) a b >>= uncurry valSub
- where
- valSub (VElem i) (VElem j) = pure $ VElem $ i - j
- valSub (VElem i) (VSet xs) = fail "Cannot subtract Set from Elem"
- valSub (VSet xs) (VElem i) = pure $ VSet $ 'S'.delete i xs
- valSub (VSet xs) (VSet ys) = pure $ VSet $ 'S'.difference xs ys
- eval (a *. b) = (liftA2 tuple `on` eval) a b >>= uncurry valMul
- where
- valMul (VElem i) (VElem j) = pure $ VElem $ i * j
- valMul (VElem i) (VSet xs) = pure $ VSet $ 'S'.mapSet ((*) i) xs
- valMul (VSet xs) (VElem i) = fail "Cannot multiply Elem with Set"
- valMul (VSet xs) (VSet ys) = pure $ VSet $ 'S'.intersection xs ys
- eval (n =. e) = eval e >>= store n
-// === semantics
-evalB :: (Logical -> Sem Bool)
-evalB = eval
-instance eval Logical Bool
- eval :: Logical -> Sem Bool
- eval TRUE = pure True
- eval FALSE = pure False
- eval (e In s) = (liftA2 tuple `on` eval) e s >>= \t -> case t of
- (VElem i, VSet xs) -> pure $ 'S'.member i xs
- _ -> fail "Can only apply In to Elem and Set"
- eval (a ==. b) = (liftA2 tuple `on` eval) a b >>= \t -> case t of
- (VElem i, VElem j) -> pure $ i == j
- (VSet xs, VSet ys) -> pure $ 'S'.isSubsetOf xs ys && 'S'.size xs == 'S'.size ys
- // Cannot use == due to name clash
- _ -> fail "Cannot apply == to Elem and Set"
- eval (a <=. b) = (liftA2 tuple `on` eval) a b >>= \t -> case t of
- (VElem i, VElem j) -> pure $ i <= j
- (VSet xs, VSet ys) -> pure $ 'S'.isSubsetOf xs ys
- _ -> fail "Cannot apply <= to Elem and Set"
- eval (Not b) = not <$> eval b
- eval (a ||. b) = (liftA2 (||) `on` eval) a b
- eval (a &&. b) = (liftA2 (&&) `on` eval) a b
-:: Result
- = RElem Int
- | RSet ('S'.Set Int)
- | RBool Bool
-evalS :: (Stmt -> Sem Result)
-evalS = eval
- * For `For`, I use the following semantics:
- * - `For x [e1,e2,...] body`
- * Consecutively assigns e1, e2, ... to x and evaluates body to an element.
- * The elements are placed in a set, which is the result.
- * - `For x n body`
- * Sugar for `For x [0..n-1] body`, or an error if n < 0.
- */
-instance eval Stmt Result
- eval :: Stmt -> Sem Result
- eval (If b t e) = eval b >>= \b -> eval $ if b t e
- eval (For v s e) = eval s >>= \s -> case s of
- VElem n -> if (n < 0)
- (fail "Cannot iterate until a negative value")
- (eval $ For v (New [0..n-1]) e)
- VSet xs -> sequence [store v (VElem x) >>| eval e \\ x <- xs`] >>= \xs ->
- if (all (\x -> x=:(RElem _)) xs)
- (pure $ RSet $ 'S'.fromList [x \\ RElem x <- xs])
- (fail "Not all results of For loop were Elems")
- with xs` = 'S'.toList xs
- eval (Expression e) = vtor <$> eval e
- where
- vtor (VElem x) = RElem x
- vtor (VSet xs) = RSet xs
- eval (Logical l) = RBool <$> eval l
-// === printing
-class print a :: a [String] -> [String]
-printToString :: (a -> String) | print a
-printToString = concat o flip print []
-instance print Int where print i st = [toString i:st]
-instance print String where print s st = [s:st]
-instance print Expression
- print (New xs) st = ["[":intersperse "," (map toString xs)] ++ ["]":st]
- print (Elem x) st = print x st
- print (Variable i) st = print i st
- print (Size s) st = ["(Size ":"(":print s ["))":st]]
- print (a +. b) st = ["(":print a ["+":print b [")":st]]]
- print (a -. b) st = ["(":print a ["-":print b [")":st]]]
- print (a *. b) st = ["(":print a ["*":print b [")":st]]]
- print (v =. e) st = print v [" = ":print e st]
-instance print Logical
- print TRUE st = ["TRUE":st]
- print FALSE st = ["FALSE":st]
- print (x In xs) st = ["(":print x [" In ":print xs [")":st]]]
- print (a ==. b) st = ["(":print a ["==":print b [")":st]]]
- print (a <=. b) st = ["(":print a ["<=":print b [")":st]]]
- print (Not b) st = ["~(":print b [")":st]]
- print (a ||. b) st = ["(":print a ["||":print b [")":st]]]
- print (a &&. b) st = ["(":print a ["&&":print b [")":st]]]
-instance print Stmt
- print (If b t e) st = ["If ":print b [" {":print t ["} {":print e ["}":st]]]]
- print (For v s e) st = ["For ":print v [" {":print s ["} {":print e ["}":st]]]]
- print (Expression e) st = ["Expression (":print e [")":st]]
- print (Logical l) st = ["Logical (":print l [")":st]]
-// === simulation
-derive class iTask Expression, Logical, Stmt, Val, Result, 'S'.Set
-simulate :: Stmt -> Task Stmt
-simulate stmt =
- updateInformation (Title "Program") [UpdateUsing id (flip const) stmtEditor] stmt
- -|| 'iTasks'.allTasks
- [ viewInformation (Title "String representation") [ViewAs printToString] stmt
- , viewInformation (Title "Type") [ViewAs showtype] stmt
- , viewInformation (Title "Execution") [ViewAs execute] stmt
- ] <<@ ArrangeHorizontal
- execute = fmap (bifmap showResult (map (appSnd showVal) o 'M'.toList))
- o flip runStateT 'M'.newMap o evalS
- showtype = fmap fst o flip runStateT 'M'.newMap o type
- showVal :: Val -> String
- showVal (VElem i) = toString i
- showVal (VSet s) = concat (intersperse ", " [toString i \\ i <- 'S'.toList s])
- showResult :: Result -> String
- showResult (RElem i) = toString i
- showResult (RSet s) = concat (intersperse ", " [toString i \\ i <- 'S'.toList s])
- showResult (RBool b) = toString b
-// NB: I want the input fields to be put vertically but don't see how that is
-// possible; neither this nor this with Vertical nor
-// <<@ Arrange{Horizontal,Vertical} on the task works.
-stmtEditor :: Editor Stmt
-stmtEditor = gEditor{|*|} <<@ directionAttr Horizontal
-// === type checking
-:: Type
- = TElem
- | TSet
- | TBool
-:: Check a :== StateT ('M'.Map Ident Type) (MaybeError String) a
-derive class iTask Type
-class type a :: a -> Check Type
-instance type Expression
- type (New _) = pure TSet
- type (Elem _) = pure TElem
- type (Variable i) = read i
- type (Size e) = type e >>= \e -> case e of
- TSet -> pure TElem
- _ -> fail "Can only apply Size to Set"
- type (a +. b) = (liftA2 tuple `on` type) a b >>= \ts -> case ts of
- (TElem, TElem) -> pure TElem
- (TBool, _) -> fail "Cannot apply + to a boolean"
- (_, TBool) -> fail "Cannot apply + to a boolean"
- _ -> pure TSet
- type (a -. b) = (liftA2 tuple `on` type) a b >>= \ts -> case ts of
- (TElem, TElem) -> pure TElem
- (TBool, _) -> fail "Cannot apply - to a boolean"
- (_, TBool) -> fail "Cannot apply - to a boolean"
- (TElem, TSet) -> fail "Cannot apply - to Elem and Set"
- _ -> pure TSet
- type (a *. b) = (liftA2 tuple `on` type) a b >>= \ts -> case ts of
- (TElem, TElem) -> pure TElem
- (TBool, _) -> fail "Cannot apply * to a boolean"
- (_, TBool) -> fail "Cannot apply * to a boolean"
- (TSet, TElem) -> fail "Cannot apply * to Set and Elem"
- _ -> pure TSet
- type (v =. e) = type e >>= \t -> case t of
- TBool -> fail "Cannot assign a boolean to a variable"
- _ -> modify ('M'.put v t) $> t
-instance type Logical
- type TRUE = pure TBool
- type FALSE = pure TBool
- type (x In xs) = (liftA2 tuple `on` type) x xs >>= \ts -> case ts of
- (TElem, TSet) -> pure TBool
- _ -> fail "Can only apply In to Elem and Set"
- type (a ==. b) = (liftA2 tuple `on` type) a b >>= \ts -> case ts of
- (TElem, TElem) -> pure TBool
- (TSet, TSet) -> pure TBool
- _ -> fail "Cannot apply == to Elem and Set"
- type (a <=. b) = (liftA2 tuple `on` type) a b >>= \ts -> case ts of
- (TElem, TElem) -> pure TBool
- (TSet, TSet) -> pure TBool
- _ -> fail "Cannot apply <= to Elem and Set"
- type (Not b) = type b
- type (a ||. b) = type a >>| type b
- type (a &&. b) = type a >>| type b
- * The cases for If and For are tricky. To type-check, we need the then and
- * else block to have the same type. To run, this is not necessary, as long as
- * the type of the used block is correct.
- * We require the For block to have type Elem here, but at runtime it's OK if
- * it has another type as long as the block is not used (the iterator is 0 or
- * empty).
- */
-instance type Stmt
- type (If b t e) = type b >>| type t >>= \t -> type e >>= \e ->
- if (t === e) (pure t) (fail "Types of then and else blocks must match")
- type (For v s e) = type s >>| store v TElem >>| type e >>= \e -> case e of
- TElem -> pure TSet
- _ -> fail "Results of For loop should be Elem"
- type (Expression e) = type e
- type (Logical l) = type l
-// === Testing the type checker
-// Because of the reason explained at the instance type Stmt, we cannot check
-// whether type-check-ok iff run-ok. So we check that every program that can be
-// type-checked correctly can be run correctly instead.
-from Gast import
- quietnm, aStream, generic ggen, generic genShow,
- class TestArg, class Testable, instance Testable (a -> Bool), instance Testable Bool,
- :: GenState, :: RandomStream
-derive ggen Stmt, Expression, Logical
-derive genShow Stmt, Expression, Logical
-derive bimap []
-test :: Stmt -> (MaybeErrorString Result, MaybeErrorString Type)
-test stm = (fst <$> runStateT (evalS stm) 'M'.newMap, fst <$> runStateT (type stm) 'M'.newMap)
-check :: Stmt -> Bool
-check stm = isOk result || isError type
-where (result,type) = test stm
-Start _ = quietnm 100000 20 aStream check
-Start w = startEngine (enterInformation (Title "Program") [EnterUsing id stmtEditor] >>>= sim) w
- sim :: Stmt -> Task Stmt
- sim st = simulate st >>>= sim
+module skeleton8 + +// Camil Staps, s4498062 + +/** + * Advanved Progrmming 2017, Assignment 8 + * Pieter Koopman, pieter@cs.ru.nl + */ + +import StdBool +import StdEnum +from StdFunc import const, flip, id, o +import StdList +import StdString +import StdTuple + +import Control.Applicative +import Control.Monad +from Control.Monad.State import :: StateT(StateT), gets, modify, runStateT, + instance Functor (StateT s m), instance Applicative (StateT s m), + instance Monad (StateT s m) +import Data.Bifunctor +import Data.Error +from Data.Func import $, on, `on` +import Data.Functor +import Data.List +import qualified Data.Map as M +import Data.Maybe +import qualified Data.Set as S +import Data.Tuple +from Text import <+, class Text(concat), instance Text String + +from iTasks import + class iTask, class toPrompt, class Publishable, instance Publishable (Task a), + instance toPrompt String, instance Functor Task, + class TApplicative, instance TApplicative Task, + generic gEq, generic gDefault, generic JSONDecode, generic JSONEncode, + generic gText, generic gEditor, + :: JSONNode, :: TextFormat, :: Editor, :: Task, + :: ViewOption(..), :: UpdateOption(..), :: EnterOption(..), + :: Title(Title), instance toPrompt Title, + class tune, <<@, :: UIAttributes, instance tune UIAttributes Editor, + instance tune ArrangeHorizontal Task, + :: ArrangeHorizontal(..), directionAttr, :: UIDirection(..), + updateInformation, viewInformation, enterInformation, @, -||, startEngine +import qualified iTasks + +(>>>=) :== 'iTasks'.tbind + +:: Expression + = New [Int] + | Elem Int + | Variable Ident + | Size Set + | (+.) infixl 6 Expression Expression + | (-.) infixl 6 Expression Expression + | (*.) infixl 7 Expression Expression + | (=.) infixl 2 Ident Expression + +:: Logical + = TRUE | FALSE + | (In) infix 4 Elem Set + | (==.) infix 4 Expression Expression + | (<=.) infix 4 Expression Expression + | Not Logical + | (||.) infixr 2 Logical Logical + | (&&.) infixr 3 Logical Logical + +:: Stmt + = Logical Logical + | If Logical Stmt Stmt + | For Ident Set Stmt + | Expression Expression + +:: Set :== Expression +:: Elem :== Expression +:: Ident :== String + +// === State + +:: Val + = VElem Int + | VSet ('S'.Set Int) + +:: State :== 'M'.Map Ident Val + +:: Sem a :== StateT State (MaybeError String) a +// Or define :: Sem a = Sem (s -> MaybeErrorString (a,s)) and copy the relevant +// instances from Control.Monad.State + +// The types of store, read and fail are more general so that these functions +// can be used with the Check monad below as well. +store :: Ident v -> StateT ('M'.Map Ident v) m v | Monad m +store i v = modify ('M'.put i v) $> v + +read :: Ident -> StateT ('M'.Map Ident v) (MaybeError String) v +read i = gets ('M'.get i) >>= \v -> case v of + Nothing -> fail $ "unknown variable '" <+ i <+ "'" + Just v -> pure v + +fail :: String -> StateT s (MaybeError String) a +fail e = StateT \_ -> Error e + +class eval f t :: f -> Sem t + +evalE :: (Expression -> Sem Val) +evalE = eval + +instance eval Expression Val +where + eval :: Expression -> Sem Val + eval (New xs) = pure $ VSet $ 'S'.fromList xs + eval (Elem x) = pure $ VElem x + eval (Variable i) = read i + eval (Size s) = eval s >>= \xs -> case xs of + VSet xs -> pure $ VElem $ 'S'.size xs + _ -> fail "Cannot apply Size to Elem" + eval (a +. b) = (liftA2 valAdd `on` eval) a b + where + valAdd (VElem i) (VElem j) = VElem $ i + j + valAdd (VElem i) (VSet xs) = VSet $ 'S'.insert i xs + valAdd (VSet xs) (VElem i) = VSet $ 'S'.insert i xs + valAdd (VSet xs) (VSet ys) = VSet $ 'S'.union xs ys + eval (a -. b) = (liftA2 tuple `on` eval) a b >>= uncurry valSub + where + valSub (VElem i) (VElem j) = pure $ VElem $ i - j + valSub (VElem i) (VSet xs) = fail "Cannot subtract Set from Elem" + valSub (VSet xs) (VElem i) = pure $ VSet $ 'S'.delete i xs + valSub (VSet xs) (VSet ys) = pure $ VSet $ 'S'.difference xs ys + eval (a *. b) = (liftA2 tuple `on` eval) a b >>= uncurry valMul + where + valMul (VElem i) (VElem j) = pure $ VElem $ i * j + valMul (VElem i) (VSet xs) = pure $ VSet $ 'S'.mapSet ((*) i) xs + valMul (VSet xs) (VElem i) = fail "Cannot multiply Elem with Set" + valMul (VSet xs) (VSet ys) = pure $ VSet $ 'S'.intersection xs ys + eval (n =. e) = eval e >>= store n + +// === semantics + +evalB :: (Logical -> Sem Bool) +evalB = eval + +instance eval Logical Bool +where + eval :: Logical -> Sem Bool + eval TRUE = pure True + eval FALSE = pure False + eval (e In s) = (liftA2 tuple `on` eval) e s >>= \t -> case t of + (VElem i, VSet xs) -> pure $ 'S'.member i xs + _ -> fail "Can only apply In to Elem and Set" + eval (a ==. b) = (liftA2 tuple `on` eval) a b >>= \t -> case t of + (VElem i, VElem j) -> pure $ i == j + (VSet xs, VSet ys) -> pure $ 'S'.isSubsetOf xs ys && 'S'.size xs == 'S'.size ys + // Cannot use == due to name clash + _ -> fail "Cannot apply == to Elem and Set" + eval (a <=. b) = (liftA2 tuple `on` eval) a b >>= \t -> case t of + (VElem i, VElem j) -> pure $ i <= j + (VSet xs, VSet ys) -> pure $ 'S'.isSubsetOf xs ys + _ -> fail "Cannot apply <= to Elem and Set" + eval (Not b) = not <$> eval b + eval (a ||. b) = (liftA2 (||) `on` eval) a b + eval (a &&. b) = (liftA2 (&&) `on` eval) a b + +:: Result + = RElem Int + | RSet ('S'.Set Int) + | RBool Bool + +evalS :: (Stmt -> Sem Result) +evalS = eval + +/** + * For `For`, I use the following semantics: + * - `For x [e1,e2,...] body` + * Consecutively assigns e1, e2, ... to x and evaluates body to an element. + * The elements are placed in a set, which is the result. + * - `For x n body` + * Sugar for `For x [0..n-1] body`, or an error if n < 0. + */ +instance eval Stmt Result +where + eval :: Stmt -> Sem Result + eval (If b t e) = eval b >>= \b -> eval $ if b t e + eval (For v s e) = eval s >>= \s -> case s of + VElem n -> if (n < 0) + (fail "Cannot iterate until a negative value") + (eval $ For v (New [0..n-1]) e) + VSet xs -> sequence [store v (VElem x) >>| eval e \\ x <- xs`] >>= \xs -> + if (all (\x -> x=:(RElem _)) xs) + (pure $ RSet $ 'S'.fromList [x \\ RElem x <- xs]) + (fail "Not all results of For loop were Elems") + with xs` = 'S'.toList xs + eval (Expression e) = vtor <$> eval e + where + vtor (VElem x) = RElem x + vtor (VSet xs) = RSet xs + eval (Logical l) = RBool <$> eval l + +// === printing + +class print a :: a [String] -> [String] + +printToString :: (a -> String) | print a +printToString = concat o flip print [] + +instance print Int where print i st = [toString i:st] +instance print String where print s st = [s:st] + +instance print Expression +where + print (New xs) st = ["[":intersperse "," (map toString xs)] ++ ["]":st] + print (Elem x) st = print x st + print (Variable i) st = print i st + print (Size s) st = ["(Size ":"(":print s ["))":st]] + print (a +. b) st = ["(":print a ["+":print b [")":st]]] + print (a -. b) st = ["(":print a ["-":print b [")":st]]] + print (a *. b) st = ["(":print a ["*":print b [")":st]]] + print (v =. e) st = print v [" = ":print e st] + +instance print Logical +where + print TRUE st = ["TRUE":st] + print FALSE st = ["FALSE":st] + print (x In xs) st = ["(":print x [" In ":print xs [")":st]]] + print (a ==. b) st = ["(":print a ["==":print b [")":st]]] + print (a <=. b) st = ["(":print a ["<=":print b [")":st]]] + print (Not b) st = ["~(":print b [")":st]] + print (a ||. b) st = ["(":print a ["||":print b [")":st]]] + print (a &&. b) st = ["(":print a ["&&":print b [")":st]]] + +instance print Stmt +where + print (If b t e) st = ["If ":print b [" {":print t ["} {":print e ["}":st]]]] + print (For v s e) st = ["For ":print v [" {":print s ["} {":print e ["}":st]]]] + print (Expression e) st = ["Expression (":print e [")":st]] + print (Logical l) st = ["Logical (":print l [")":st]] + +// === simulation + +derive class iTask Expression, Logical, Stmt, Val, Result, 'S'.Set + +simulate :: Stmt -> Task Stmt +simulate stmt = + updateInformation (Title "Program") [UpdateUsing id (flip const) stmtEditor] stmt + -|| 'iTasks'.allTasks + [ viewInformation (Title "String representation") [ViewAs printToString] stmt + , viewInformation (Title "Type") [ViewAs showtype] stmt + , viewInformation (Title "Execution") [ViewAs execute] stmt + ] <<@ ArrangeHorizontal +where + execute = fmap (bifmap showResult (map (appSnd showVal) o 'M'.toList)) + o flip runStateT 'M'.newMap o evalS + showtype = fmap fst o flip runStateT 'M'.newMap o type + + showVal :: Val -> String + showVal (VElem i) = toString i + showVal (VSet s) = concat (intersperse ", " [toString i \\ i <- 'S'.toList s]) + + showResult :: Result -> String + showResult (RElem i) = toString i + showResult (RSet s) = concat (intersperse ", " [toString i \\ i <- 'S'.toList s]) + showResult (RBool b) = toString b + +// NB: I want the input fields to be put vertically but don't see how that is +// possible; neither this nor this with Vertical nor +// <<@ Arrange{Horizontal,Vertical} on the task works. +stmtEditor :: Editor Stmt +stmtEditor = gEditor{|*|} <<@ directionAttr Horizontal + +// === type checking + +:: Type + = TElem + | TSet + | TBool + +:: Check a :== StateT ('M'.Map Ident Type) (MaybeError String) a + +derive class iTask Type + +class type a :: a -> Check Type + +instance type Expression +where + type (New _) = pure TSet + type (Elem _) = pure TElem + type (Variable i) = read i + type (Size e) = type e >>= \e -> case e of + TSet -> pure TElem + _ -> fail "Can only apply Size to Set" + type (a +. b) = (liftA2 tuple `on` type) a b >>= \ts -> case ts of + (TElem, TElem) -> pure TElem + (TBool, _) -> fail "Cannot apply + to a boolean" + (_, TBool) -> fail "Cannot apply + to a boolean" + _ -> pure TSet + type (a -. b) = (liftA2 tuple `on` type) a b >>= \ts -> case ts of + (TElem, TElem) -> pure TElem + (TBool, _) -> fail "Cannot apply - to a boolean" + (_, TBool) -> fail "Cannot apply - to a boolean" + (TElem, TSet) -> fail "Cannot apply - to Elem and Set" + _ -> pure TSet + type (a *. b) = (liftA2 tuple `on` type) a b >>= \ts -> case ts of + (TElem, TElem) -> pure TElem + (TBool, _) -> fail "Cannot apply * to a boolean" + (_, TBool) -> fail "Cannot apply * to a boolean" + (TSet, TElem) -> fail "Cannot apply * to Set and Elem" + _ -> pure TSet + type (v =. e) = type e >>= \t -> case t of + TBool -> fail "Cannot assign a boolean to a variable" + _ -> modify ('M'.put v t) $> t + +instance type Logical +where + type TRUE = pure TBool + type FALSE = pure TBool + type (x In xs) = (liftA2 tuple `on` type) x xs >>= \ts -> case ts of + (TElem, TSet) -> pure TBool + _ -> fail "Can only apply In to Elem and Set" + type (a ==. b) = (liftA2 tuple `on` type) a b >>= \ts -> case ts of + (TElem, TElem) -> pure TBool + (TSet, TSet) -> pure TBool + _ -> fail "Cannot apply == to Elem and Set" + type (a <=. b) = (liftA2 tuple `on` type) a b >>= \ts -> case ts of + (TElem, TElem) -> pure TBool + (TSet, TSet) -> pure TBool + _ -> fail "Cannot apply <= to Elem and Set" + type (Not b) = type b + type (a ||. b) = type a >>| type b + type (a &&. b) = type a >>| type b + +/** + * The cases for If and For are tricky. To type-check, we need the then and + * else block to have the same type. To run, this is not necessary, as long as + * the type of the used block is correct. + * We require the For block to have type Elem here, but at runtime it's OK if + * it has another type as long as the block is not used (the iterator is 0 or + * empty). + */ +instance type Stmt +where + type (If b t e) = type b >>| type t >>= \t -> type e >>= \e -> + if (t === e) (pure t) (fail "Types of then and else blocks must match") + type (For v s e) = type s >>| store v TElem >>| type e >>= \e -> case e of + TElem -> pure TSet + _ -> fail "Results of For loop should be Elem" + type (Expression e) = type e + type (Logical l) = type l + +/* +// === Testing the type checker +// Because of the reason explained at the instance type Stmt, we cannot check +// whether type-check-ok iff run-ok. So we check that every program that can be +// type-checked correctly can be run correctly instead. +from Gast import + quietnm, aStream, generic ggen, generic genShow, + class TestArg, class Testable, instance Testable (a -> Bool), instance Testable Bool, + :: GenState, :: RandomStream + +derive ggen Stmt, Expression, Logical +derive genShow Stmt, Expression, Logical +derive bimap [] + +test :: Stmt -> (MaybeErrorString Result, MaybeErrorString Type) +test stm = (fst <$> runStateT (evalS stm) 'M'.newMap, fst <$> runStateT (type stm) 'M'.newMap) + +check :: Stmt -> Bool +check stm = isOk result || isError type +where (result,type) = test stm + +Start _ = quietnm 100000 20 aStream check +*/ + +Start w = startEngine (enterInformation (Title "Program") [EnterUsing id stmtEditor] >>>= sim) w +where + sim :: Stmt -> Task Stmt + sim st = simulate st >>>= sim |