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diff --git a/assignment-9/sets.icl b/assignment-9/sets.icl
index 4f996bd..94beddb 100644
--- a/assignment-9/sets.icl
+++ b/assignment-9/sets.icl
@@ -25,9 +25,6 @@ from Text import <+, class Text(concat), instance Text String
:: SetState :== 'M'.Map Ident Dynamic
:: Ident :== String
-// Like in the previous assignment: we can also use something like
-// :: Sem a = Sem (SetState -> MaybeErrorString (a, SetState))
-// and implement the monad functionality like that of StateT.
:: Sem a :== StateT SetState (MaybeError String) a
fail :: (String -> Sem a)
@@ -51,6 +48,21 @@ eval = flip evalStateT 'M'.newMap
:: Print :== [String] -> [String]
+pr :: a -> Print | toString a
+pr x = \st -> [toString x:st]
+prsperse :: a [b] -> Print | toString a & toString b
+prsperse g xs = (++) ('L'.intersperse (toString g) (map toString xs))
+between :: a Print Print -> Print | toString a
+between g x y = x o pr g o y
+surround :: a b Print -> Print | toString a & toString b
+surround x y p = pr x o p o pr y
+parens :: (Print -> Print)
+parens = surround "(" ")"
// Convenience
INT :: (Element -> Element); INT = id
SET :: (Set -> Set); SET = id
@@ -87,18 +99,18 @@ instance :+ Set Element where :+ = flip (+:)
instance :- Set Element where :- = flip $ flip (-) o fmap pure
instance *: Element Set where *: = liftA2 $ map o (*)
-instance integer Print where integer = \i st -> ["integer ":toString i:st]
-instance set Print where set = \xs st -> ["set [":'L'.intersperse "," (map toString xs)] ++ ["]":st]
-instance size Print Print where size = \s st -> ["size (":s [")":st]]
+instance integer Print where integer = pr
+instance set Print where set = \xs -> pr "[" o prsperse "," xs o pr "]"
+instance size Print Print where size = surround "size (" ")"
-instance + Print where + a b = \st -> ["(":a [" + ":b [")":st]]]
-instance - Print where - a b = \st -> ["(":a [" - ":b [")":st]]]
-instance * Print where * a b = \st -> ["(":a [" * ":b [")":st]]]
+instance + Print where + a b = parens (between " + " a b)
+instance - Print where - a b = parens (between " - " a b)
+instance * Print where * a b = parens (between " * " a b)
-instance +: Print Print where +: = \a b st -> ["(":a [" +: ":b [")":st]]]
-instance :+ Print Print where :+ = \a b st -> ["(":a [" :+ ":b [")":st]]]
-instance :- Print Print where :- = \a b st -> ["(":a [" :- ":b [")":st]]]
-instance *: Print Print where *: = \a b st -> ["(":a [" *: ":b [")":st]]]
+instance +: Print Print where +: = \a b -> parens (between " +: " a b)
+instance :+ Print Print where :+ = \a b -> parens (between " :+ " a b)
+instance :- Print Print where :- = \a b -> parens (between " :- " a b)
+instance *: Print Print where *: = \a b -> parens (between " *: " a b)
// -- Set expressions --
@@ -119,8 +131,8 @@ where
instance Variable Print
- variable = \id st -> [id:st]
- =. = \id x st -> [id:" =. ":x st]
+ variable = pr
+ =. = between " =. " o pr
// -- Logical expressions --
@@ -161,61 +173,85 @@ instance In Element Set Logical where In = liftA2 isMember
instance Logic Print
- true = \st -> ["true":st]
- false = \st -> ["false":st]
- Not = \b st -> ["not (":b [")":st]]
- (||.) = \a b st -> ["(":a [" ||. ": b [")":st]]]
- (&&.) = \a b st -> ["(":a [" &&. ": b [")":st]]]
+ true = pr "true"
+ false = pr "false"
+ Not = surround "not (" ")"
+ (||.) = \a b -> parens (between " ||. " a b)
+ (&&.) = \a b -> parens (between " ||. " a b)
instance Compare Print Print
- ==. = \a b st -> a [" ==. ":b st]
- <=. = \a b st -> a [" <=. ":b st]
+ ==. = between " ==. "
+ <=. = between " <=. "
-instance In Print Print Print where In = \e s st -> e [" in ":s st]
+instance In Print Print Print where In = between " in "
// -- Statements --
// The Expression and Logical from last week are not needed; we can just use
// Sem Int, Sem [Int] and Sem Bool in the same pipeline.
class If a b :: a b b -> b
-class for a b c :: Ident a b -> c
+class For a b c :: Ident a b -> c
+class (:.) infixl 1 a b :: (a b -> b)
instance If Logical (Sem a) where If b t e = b >>= \b -> if b t e
-instance for Set Element Set where for k xs body = xs >>= mapM (flip (>>|) body o store k)
-instance for Element Element Set where for k n body = n >>= \n -> for k (SET (set [0..n-1])) body
-instance If Print Print where If b t e = \st -> ["if (":b [") {":t ["} else {":e ["}":st]]]]
-instance for Print Print Print where for x l b = \st -> ["for ":x:" in ":l [" {":b ["}":st]]]
+instance For Set Element Set
+ For k xs body = xs >>= mapM (flip (>>|) body o store k)
+instance For Element Element Set
+ For k n body = n >>= \n -> For k (SET (set [0..n-1])) body
+instance :. (Sem a) (Sem b) where :. = (>>|)
+instance If Print Print
+ If b t e = pr "If (" o b o pr ") {" o t o pr "} else {" o e o pr "}"
+instance For Print Print Print
+ For x l b = pr "For " o pr x o pr " in " o l o pr " {" o b o pr "}"
-(:.) infixl 1
-(:.) :== (>>|)
+instance :. Print Print where :. = between " :. "
print :: ([String] -> [String]) -> String
print f = concat (f [])
-//Start =
-// ( "\n", print $ integer 5
-// , "\n", print $ set [1,2,3,4,5]
-// , "\n", print $ size (PRINT (set [1..10]))
-// , "\n", print $ PRINT (set [1..3]) +: PRINT (integer 5 * integer 10)
-// , "\n", print $ "x" =. integer 5
-// , "\n", print $ factorial 5
-// , "\n"
-// )
-Start =
- ( "\n", eval $ SET (for "x" (SET (set [0,1,2,3,4])) (variable "x" * INT (integer 5)))
- , "\n", eval $ "y" =. INT (integer 5) :. SET (for "x" (intvar "y") (variable "x" * INT (integer 5)))
- //, "\n", eval $ factorial 5
- , "\n")
-//factorial :: Int -> a b
-//factorial n =
-// "k" =. integer n :.
-// "r" =. integer 1 :.
-// for "x" (variable "k")
-// (If (variable "x" ==. integer 0)
-// (variable "r") // for type-checking
-// ("r" =. variable "r" * variable "x")) :.
-// variable "r"
+import GenPrint
+derive gPrint MaybeError
+// Run with -b
+Start = map (\x -> printToString x +++ "\n")
+ [ print $ integer 5
+ , print $ set [1,2,3,4,5]
+ , print $ size (PRINT (set [1..10]))
+ , print $ PRINT (set [1..3]) +: PRINT (integer 5 * integer 10)
+ , print $ "x" =. integer 5
+ , print $ factorial PRINT PRINT PRINT 5
+ , printToString $ eval $ SET (For "x" (SET (set [0,1,2,3,4])) (variable "x" * INT (integer 5)))
+ , printToString $ eval $ "y" =. INT (integer 5) :. SET (For "x" (intvar "y") (variable "x" * INT (integer 5)))
+ , printToString $ eval $ factorial INT SET BOOL 5
+ ]
+ * @param cast for integers
+ * @param cast for sets
+ * @param cast for booleans
+ * @param integer to compute factorial for
+ */
+factorial :: (a -> a) (b -> b) (c -> c) Int -> a
+ | Variable, integer, * a
+ & :. a a & :. a b & :. b a
+ & Compare a c
+ & If c a
+ & For a a b
+factorial castint castset castlog n =
+ "k" =. castint (integer n) :.
+ "r" =. castint (integer 1) :.
+ castset (For "x" (castint (variable "k"))
+ (If (castlog (castint (variable "x") ==. castint (integer 0)))
+ (variable "r") // for type-checking
+ ("r" =. castint (variable "r") * castint (variable "x")))) :.
+ castint (variable "r")