diff options
3 files changed, 45 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/assignment-7/DateExtensions.dcl b/assignment-7/DateExtensions.dcl
index c7eacec..1cce935 100644
--- a/assignment-7/DateExtensions.dcl
+++ b/assignment-7/DateExtensions.dcl
@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ import iTasks.Extensions.DateTime
derive class iTask Day
instance toString Day
+addTime :: Time DateTime -> DateTime
nextHour :: DateTime -> DateTime
nextDay :: (Date -> Date)
diff --git a/assignment-7/DateExtensions.icl b/assignment-7/DateExtensions.icl
index fa9ebb0..eded992 100644
--- a/assignment-7/DateExtensions.icl
+++ b/assignment-7/DateExtensions.icl
@@ -30,6 +30,12 @@ where
timestampToGmDate :: (Timestamp -> Date)
timestampToGmDate = toDate o timestampToGmDateTime
+addTime :: Time DateTime -> DateTime
+addTime t dt = timestampToGmDateTime (Timestamp dt`)
+ (Timestamp dtst) = utcDateTimeToTimestamp dt
+ dt` = dtst + 3600 * t.Time.hour + 60 * t.Time.min + t.Time.sec
nextHour :: DateTime -> DateTime
nextHour t = timestampToGmDateTime (Timestamp ts`)
diff --git a/assignment-7/appointments.icl b/assignment-7/appointments.icl
index ae23a6d..773e7d3 100644
--- a/assignment-7/appointments.icl
+++ b/assignment-7/appointments.icl
@@ -4,11 +4,15 @@ from StdFunc import flip, id, seq
from Data.Func import $
import Data.Functor
+import Data.List
+import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Graphics.Scalable as G
from Graphics.Scalable import class margin, instance margin Span
import System.Time
+from Text import class Text(concat), instance Text String
import iTasks
+import iTasks.UI.Editor.Common
import iTasks.Extensions.DateTime
import iTasks.Extensions.SVG.SVGEditor
@@ -26,10 +30,7 @@ derive class iTask Appointment
derive JSEncode Appointment, User, Time, DateTime, Maybe
appointments :: Shared [Appointment]
-appointments = sharedStore "appointments"
- [ {title="Sunday", when={DateTime | year=2017,mon=10,day=29,hour=10,min=0,sec=0}, duration={Time | hour=1,min=0,sec=0}, owner=SystemUser, participants=[]}
- , {title="Monday", when={DateTime | year=2017,mon=10,day=30,hour=12,min=0,sec=0}, duration={Time | hour=1,min=0,sec=0}, owner=SystemUser, participants=[]}
- ]
+appointments = sharedStore "appointments" []
belongsTo :: User Appointment -> Bool
belongsTo u a = isMember u [a.owner:a.participants]
@@ -40,6 +41,27 @@ where
(Timestamp tsapp) = utcDateTimeToTimestamp a.when
tsend = Timestamp $ tsapp + a.duration.Time.sec + 60 * (a.duration.Time.min + 60 * a.duration.Time.hour)
+addAppointment :: Appointment -> Task Appointment
+addAppointment app =
+ upd (flip (++) [app]) appointments >>|
+ allTasks [assign (attrs u) finishTask \\ u <- app.participants] $>
+ app
+ finishTask :: Task ()
+ finishTask =
+ wait (Title "Wait for the start of this appointment") (\now -> now >= app.when) currentDateTime >>= \_ ->
+ viewInformation (Title app.Appointment.title) [] "Click 'Done' to finish this task." >>*
+ [OnAction (Action "Done") (always $ return ())]
+ attrs :: User -> TaskAttributes
+ attrs u = workerAttributes u
+ [ ("title", app.Appointment.title)
+ , ("createdAt", toString app.when)
+ , ("createdBy", toString app.owner)
+ , ("createdFor", toString u)
+ , ("completeBefore", toString (addTime app.duration app.when))
+ ]
:: ProposedAppointment =
{ appointment :: Appointment
, startOptions :: [DateTime]
@@ -55,7 +77,7 @@ Start w = startEngine (loginAndManageWorkList "Scheduler" worklist) w
worklist :: [Workflow]
worklist =
- [ workflow "Manage users" "Manage users" manageUsers
+ [ restrictedTransientWorkflow "Manage users" "Manage users" ["admin"] manageUsers
, transientWorkflow "Show appointments" "Show appointments" showAppointments
, transientWorkflow "Make appointment" "Make appointment" makeAppointment
, transientWorkflow "Propose appointment" "Propose appointment" proposeAppointment
@@ -67,8 +89,15 @@ showAppointments =
get currentDateTime >>= \now ->
(Title "Future appointments")
- [ViewAs (filter (\a -> belongsTo user a && inFuture now a))]
+ [ViewUsing (filter (\a -> belongsTo user a && inFuture now a)) editor]
+ editor = listEditor Nothing False False Nothing (bijectEditorValue toTuple fromTuple tupEdit)
+ tupEdit = toolbar5 gEditor{|*|} gEditor{|*|} gEditor{|*|} userViewer usersViewer
+ userViewer = comapEditorValue toString gEditor{|*|}
+ usersViewer = comapEditorValue (concat o intersperse "; " o map toString) gEditor{|*|}
+ toTuple app = (app.Appointment.title, app.when, app.duration, app.owner, app.participants)
+ fromTuple (t,w,d,o,p) = {title=t, when=w, duration=d, owner=o, participants=p}
/*showAppointments :: Task [Appointment]
showAppointments =
@@ -114,8 +143,8 @@ makeAppointment =
, enterMultipleChoiceWithShared "Participants" [ChooseFromCheckGroup id] users @ \ps a -> {a & participants=ps}
@ flip seq {gDefault{|*|} & owner=user} >>*
- [ OnAction (Action "Make") (hasValue \app -> upd (flip (++) [app]) appointments $> Just app)
- , OnAction ActionCancel (always $ return Nothing)
+ [ OnAction (Action "Make") (hasValue $ fmap Just o addAppointment)
+ , OnAction ActionCancel (always $ makeAppointment)
where onehour = {Time | hour=1,min=0,sec=0}