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4 files changed, 46 insertions, 23 deletions
diff --git a/assignment-13/uFPL.dcl b/assignment-13/uFPL.dcl
index 55c9c66..f9b3ed6 100644
--- a/assignment-13/uFPL.dcl
+++ b/assignment-13/uFPL.dcl
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ instance Expr Char
| E.rwa rwb rwc: EIf (Expr Bool rwa) (Expr t rwb) (Expr t rwc)
lit :: (t -> Expr t RO)
-(?) infix 4 :: (Expr Bool rwa) (Expr t rwb, Expr t rwc) -> Expr t RO
+(?) infix 5 :: (Expr Bool rwa) (Expr t rwb, Expr t rwc) -> Expr t RO
(==.) infix 4 :: (Expr t rwa) (Expr t rwb) -> Expr Bool RO | Expr, == t
(<.) infix 4 :: (Expr t rwa) (Expr t rwb) -> Expr Bool RO | Expr, < t
@@ -73,8 +73,10 @@ lit :: (t -> Expr t RO)
| (?&) infixr 3 Trigger Trigger
| (?|) infixr 4 Trigger Trigger
+pressed :: (Expr Bool RO) -> Trigger
:: Rule
- = E.t rw: (<#) infix 3 (Expr t RW) (Expr t rw) & Expr t
+ = E.t rw: (<#) infix 4 (Expr t RW) (Expr t rw) & Expr t
| When (Expr Bool rw) [Rule]
| (>>>) infixr 2 Trigger [Rule]
| E.rwa rwb: SetCursor (Expr Int rwa, Expr Int rwb)
@@ -84,7 +86,7 @@ lit :: (t -> Expr t RO)
class gen f t :: f -> t
-class (:.) infixr 2 r :: Rule r -> [Rule]
+class (:.) infixr 3 r :: Rule r -> [Rule]
instance :. Rule
instance :. [Rule]
diff --git a/assignment-13/uFPL.icl b/assignment-13/uFPL.icl
index 129df92..234d2cd 100644
--- a/assignment-13/uFPL.icl
+++ b/assignment-13/uFPL.icl
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ instance Expr Char where litExpr c = CEChar c
lit :: (t -> Expr t RO)
lit = ELit
-(?) infix 4 :: (Expr Bool rwa) (Expr t rwb, Expr t rwc) -> Expr t RO
+(?) infix 5 :: (Expr Bool rwa) (Expr t rwb, Expr t rwc) -> Expr t RO
(?) b (t,e) = EIf b t e
(==.) infix 4 :: (Expr t rwa) (Expr t rwb) -> Expr Bool RO | Expr, == t
@@ -116,6 +116,9 @@ lit = ELit
(||.) infixr 4 :: (Expr Bool rwa) (Expr Bool rwb) -> Expr Bool RO
(||.) a b = EOr bm a b
+pressed :: (Expr Bool RO) -> Trigger
+pressed shr = shr ?= true
instance :. Rule where (:.) a b = [a,b]
instance :. [Rule] where (:.) r rs = [r:rs]
@@ -275,10 +278,10 @@ where
example_score :: [NamedRule]
example_score =
- "a" :=: b0 ?= true >>> [scorea <# scorea +. lit 1]
- ||| "b" :=: b1 ?= true >>> [scoreb <# scoreb +. lit 1]
- ||| "r" :=: b2 ?= true >>> [scorea <# lit 0, scoreb <# lit 0]
- ||| "print" :=: Change scorea ?| Change scoreb >>>
+ "a" :=: pressed b0 >>> [scorea <# scorea +. lit 1]
+ ||| "b" :=: pressed b1 >>> [scoreb <# scoreb +. lit 1]
+ ||| "r" :=: pressed b2 >>> [scorea <# lit 0, scoreb <# lit 0]
+ ||| "print" :=: (Change scorea ?| Change scoreb) >>>
SetCursor (lit 0, lit 0) :.
Print scorea :.
Print (lit '-') :.
@@ -290,20 +293,25 @@ where
example_countdown :: [NamedRule]
example_countdown =
"time" :=:
- When (millis -. DELAY >. counter) (
+ (Change millis >>> [When (millis -. DELAY >. counter) (
counter <# counter +. DELAY :.
- seconds <# seconds -. lit 1 :.
+ seconds <# running ? (seconds -. lit 1, seconds) :.
SetCursor (lit 0, lit 0) :.
Print minutes :.
Print (lit ':') :.
Print seconds
- ) :.
- When (seconds ==. lit 0) (seconds <# lit 60 :. minutes <# minutes -. lit 1)
- ||| "status" :=:
- When (seconds ==. lit 60 &&. minutes ==. lit 0) [running <# false]
+ )]) :.
+ When (seconds ==. lit 0 &&. minutes >. lit 0) (seconds <# lit 60 :. minutes <# minutes -. lit 1) :.
+ When (seconds <. lit 0) [seconds <# lit 0] :.
+ When (minutes <. lit 0) [minutes <# lit 0] :.
+ When (seconds ==. lit 0 &&. minutes ==. lit 0) [running <# false]
+ ||| "setsec" :=: pressed b0 >>> [seconds <# seconds +. lit 1]
+ ||| "setmin" :=: pressed b1 >>> [minutes <# minutes +. lit 1]
+ ||| "on_off" :=: pressed b2 >>> [running <# running ? (false, true)]
+ ||| "reset" :=: pressed b3 >>> [seconds <# lit 0, minutes <# lit 0]
running = rwBool "running" False
minutes = rwUInt "minutes" 0
seconds = rwUInt "seconds" 0
- counter = rwULong "counter" 1000 // If set to 0, this will overflow on first iteration
+ counter = rwULong "counter" 0 // If set to 0, this will overflow on first iteration
DELAY = lit 1000
diff --git a/assignment-13/uFPL.prj.default b/assignment-13/uFPL.prj.default
index 4bd7872..27290da 100644
--- a/assignment-13/uFPL.prj.default
+++ b/assignment-13/uFPL.prj.default
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Global
CheckStacks: False
CheckIndexes: True
- HeapSize: 167772160
+ HeapSize: 1677721600
StackSize: 1048576
ExtraMemory: 81920
IntialHeapSize: 204800
diff --git a/assignment-13/uFPL/Sim.icl b/assignment-13/uFPL/Sim.icl
index 0f232fc..7556867 100644
--- a/assignment-13/uFPL/Sim.icl
+++ b/assignment-13/uFPL/Sim.icl
@@ -288,10 +288,13 @@ where
set (unlift (allShares rs)) ishares
sim =
- (updateSharedInformation (Title "Rules") [] irules
- -&&- updateSharedInformation (Title "Shares") [] ishares
+ (updateSharedInformation (Title "Rules")
+ [UpdateUsing id (const id) (listEditor (Just $ const Nothing) True False Nothing gEditor{|*|})] irules
+ -&&-
+ updateSharedInformation (Title "Shares")
+ [UpdateUsing id (const id) (listEditor (Just $ const Nothing) True False Nothing gEditor{|*|})] ishares
) -&&-
- (show -&&- check)
+ (check -&&- show)
<<@ ArrangeHorizontal
newShares :: [INamedRule] IShares -> Task IState
@@ -356,14 +359,24 @@ where
ifOk _ _ = Nothing
buttonActions :: IShares -> [TaskCont String (Task String)]
- buttonActions shrs =
- [action ("Toggle B" <+ i) $ press i \\ i <- [0..5] | any ((==) ("b" <+ i) o isharedName) shrs]
+ buttonActions shrs = flatten
+ [ [ action ("Toggle B" <+ i) $ toggle i
+ , action ("Press B" <+ i) $ press i
+ ] \\ i <- [0..5] | any ((==) ("b" <+ i) o isharedName) shrs]
- press :: Int -> Task IState
- press i = get istate >>= lift >>= \st -> case st of
+ toggle :: Int -> Task IState
+ toggle i = get istate >>= lift >>= \st -> case st of
(st :: State) -> set (unlift {st & vars='M'.alter upd ("b" <+ i) st.vars}) istate
with upd (Just s=:{val=v :: Bool}) = Just {s & val=dynamic not v, dirty=s.subscriptions}
+ press :: Int -> Task IState
+ press i = change True >>| step >>| change False
+ with
+ change v = get istate >>= lift >>= \st -> case st of
+ (st :: State) -> set (unlift {st & vars='M'.alter (upd v) ("b" <+ i) st.vars}) istate
+ upd v (Just s) = Just {s & val=dynamic v, dirty=s.subscriptions}
millisActions :: IShares -> [TaskCont String (Task String)]
millisActions shrs
| any ((==) "millis" o isharedName) shrs =