diff options
authorCamil Staps2018-01-30 20:29:54 +0100
committerCamil Staps2018-01-30 20:29:54 +0100
commita65bb8f11225e211d0297366f518a561be68534e (patch)
parentExam 2015 (diff)
Exam 2016HEADmaster
1 files changed, 153 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/exams/ b/exams/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47ef4e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/exams/
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+# 2016
+## 1 Kinds
+A: S
+B: S -> S
+C: a -> S if polymorphic kinds are allowed, otherwise S -> S
+D: S -> S -> S
+E: S -> (S -> S) -> S
+F: ((a -> S) -> S) -> S or a = S in case polymorphic kinds are not allowed
+E B A: incorrect, the first type variable should be instantiated with S, not S -> S.
+E A: (S -> S) -> S
+E A B
+F G, with `:: G c = G (c Int)`
+## 2 Generic Programming
+generic types a :: a -> [String]
+types{|Int|} _ = ["Int"]
+types{|Bool|} _ = ["Bool"]
+types{|UNIT|} _ = []
+types{|PAIR|} fx fy (PAIR x y) = fx x ++ fy y
+types{|EITHER|} fl _ (LEFT l) = fl l
+types{|EITHER|} _ fr (RIGHT r) = fr r
+types{|OBJECT of d|} fx (OBJECT x) = [d.gtd_name:fx x]
+types{|CONS|} fx (CONS x) = fx x
+derive types [], (,)
+typeCount :: a -> Int | types{|*|} a
+typeCount x = length (removeDup (types{|*|} x))
+## 3 Deep Embedding
+// a
+instance Functor Res
+ fmap f (Res x) = Res (f x)
+ fmap _ (Err e) = Err e
+instance Applicative Res
+ pure x = Res x
+ (<*>) (Res f) (Res x) = Res (f x)
+ (<*>) (Err e) _ = Err e
+ (<*>) _ (Err e) = Err e
+instance Monad Res
+ bind (Res x) f = f x
+ bind (Err e) _ = Err e
+instance fail Res where fail e = Err e
+// b
+point :: Exp -> Res P
+point (Point x y) = pure {x=x, y=y}
+point (Add x y) = (+) <$> point x <*> point y
+point _ = fail "Point expected"
+// c
+region :: Exp -> Res Reg
+region (Point _ _) = fail "Region expected"
+region (Circle r) = pure (CIRCLE r)
+region (Add x y) = ADD <$> region x <*> region y
+region (Inter x y) = INT <$> region x <*> region y
+region (Invert x) = INV <$> region x
+region (Move p r) = MOVE <$> point p <*> region r
+// d
+inside :: Point Region -> Res Bool
+inside p r = ins <$> point p <*> region r
+## 4 iTasks
+insideSim = withShared (Point 1 2, Circle 3) (\shr ->
+ (updateSharedInformation "Edit" [] shr -&&- viewSharedInformation "Inside" [ViewUsing (uncurry inside)] shr) >>*
+ [OnAction ActionNew (always insideSim)])
+Start w = startEngine insideSim w
+## 5 Type Safe Deep Embedding
+// a
+:: Exp t
+ = Point_ (BM t P) Int Int
+ | Circle_ (BM t Reg) Radius
+ | Add (Exp t) (Exp t)
+ | Inter_ (BM t Reg) (Exp Reg) (Exp Reg)
+ | Invert_ (BM t Reg) (Exp Reg)
+ | Move_ (BM t Reg) (Exp P) (Exp Reg)
+Point :== Point_ bm
+Circle :== Circle_ bm
+Inter :== Inter_ bm
+Invert :== Invert_ bm
+Move :== Move_ bm
+// b
+eval :: (Exp a) -> a | + a
+eval (Point_ bm x y) = bm.f {x=x,y=y}
+eval (Circle_ bm r) = bm.f (CIRCLE r)
+eval (Add x y) = eval x + eval y
+eval (Inter_ bm x y) = bm.f (INT (eval x) (eval y))
+eval (Invert_ bm x) = bm.f (INV (eval x))
+eval (Move_ bm p r) = bm.f (MOVE (eval p) (eval r))
+// c
+inside :: (Exp P) (Exp Reg) -> Bool
+inside p r = ins (eval p) (eval r)
+Start = inside (Point 1 2) (Circle 3)
+## 6 Shallow Embedding
+// a
+class expr v
+ point :: Int Int -> v P
+ circle :: Radius -> v Reg
+ add :: (v a) (v a) -> v a | + a
+ inter :: (v Reg) (v Reg) -> v Reg
+ invert :: (v Reg) -> v Reg
+ move :: (v P) (v Reg) -> v Reg
+// b
+:: Eval t =: Eval t
+instance expr Eval
+ point x y = Eval {x=x, y=y}
+ circle r = Eval (CIRCLE r)
+ add (Eval x) (Eval y) = Eval (x + y)
+ inter (Eval x) (Eval y) = Eval (INT x y)
+ invert (Eval x) = Eval (INV x)
+ move (Eval p) (Eval r) = Eval (MOVE p r)
+// c
+inside :: (Eval P) (Eval Reg) -> Bool
+inside (Eval p) (Eval r) = ins p r
+Start = inside (point 1 2) (circle 3)