path: root/benton-handout.tex
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1 files changed, 44 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/benton-handout.tex b/benton-handout.tex
index abc371f..fec770c 100644
--- a/benton-handout.tex
+++ b/benton-handout.tex
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
@@ -9,7 +10,7 @@
- \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=4em]
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=4em,scale=0.9,every node/.style={scale=0.9}]
\node[ label={below:$x_{-3}$},label={above:#1}] (xm3) {};
\node[right of=xm3,label={below:$x_{-2}$},label={above:#2}] (xm2) {};
\node[right of=xm2,label={below:$x_{-1}$},label={above:#3}] (xm1) {};
@@ -42,6 +43,7 @@
+ \subsubsection*{Aspect}
Benton takes from Keenan (1985) the idea that when a language has multiple passives,
they are distinguished by \term{aspect}\pagenr{102}.
@@ -60,7 +62,7 @@
(see \autoref{fig:situation-transitions}).
Different aspects may be communicated lexically, contextually and morphologically, depending on the language\pagenr{112}.
- \begin{figure}[b]
+ \begin{figure*}[b]
@@ -71,23 +73,56 @@
\caption{Different types of events: accomplishment, achievement and semelfactive.\label{fig:situation-transitions}}
- \end{figure}
+ \end{figure*}
+ \subsubsection*{Passive}
Benton distinguishes the semantical
\term{Agent} (A)\note{volitionally performs an action, typically affecting another entity},
\term{Patient} (O)\note{undergoes the action of the Agent} and
\term{Subject} (S)\note{of a one-place predicate}\pagenr{116}.
- In the passive, usually, the A-role is demoted and the O-role is promoted to S.
+ In the passive, the A-role is demoted and often the O-role is promoted to S.
However, an S does not always correspond to an O-role%
\note{consider ``The man went into the building,'' where `man' is an S,
and ``The man entered the building,'' where `man' is an A:
the \emph{syntactical} roles differ,
while the \emph{semantical} roles are identical}.
- An A is logical, psychological, semantic and grammatical subject.
- Demotion can be restricted to some types of subject, depending on the language.
+ An A is logical, psychological, semantic and grammatical subject\pagenr{118}.
+ All these aspects can be demoted, but demotion can be restricted to some types of subject, depending on the language.
+ \subsubsection*{Middle}
+ The middle voice presents a large formal and functional variety between languages\pagenr{128}.
+ In cognitive linguistics, scholars look for the middle's prototype\pagenr{131}.
+ According to Manney, passive and middle are used in similar situations,
+ the use of either one only reflects the point of view the speaker wants to take\pagenr{133}.
+ Kemmer claims that the middle distinguishes itself by its level of distinguishability of the participants\pagenr{135}%
+ \note{see \autoref{fig:middle-transitivity-line}}.
+ \plainnote{
+ \begin{figure*}[b]
+ \centering
+ \color{black}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=8em,scale=0.9]
+ \node (a) {Two-participant};
+ \node[right of=a] (b) {Reflexive};
+ \node[right of=b] (c) {Middle};
+ \node[right of=c] (d) {One-participant};
+ \node[xshift=-5em,yshift=-1em] at (a) (plus) {+};
+ \node[xshift=5em, yshift=-1em] at (d) (min) {-};
+ \draw[<->] (plus) -- (min)
+ node[below,midway] {Degree of distinguishability of participants};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \caption{Distinguishability of participants (Kemmer 1993)\label{fig:middle-transitivity-line}}
+ \end{figure*}
+ }
+ Like the passive, the middle demotes the A, but unlike the passive, an A can be a middle-S.
+ When the A is S, A is demoted by reducing its agency and volition\pagenr{139}.