implementation module Snug.Compile import StdEnv import Data.List import qualified Data.Map from Data.Map import :: Map import Text import MIPS.MIPS32 import Snug.Syntax :: Locals :== Map SymbolIdent MemoryLocation :: MemoryLocation = InRegister !Register | Indirect !Register !Offset :: EntryPoint = NodeEntry BackPrintPtr :== S 0 FrontPrintPtr :== S 1 BackEvalPtr :== S 2 FrontEvalPtr :== S 3 HeapPtr :== GP instance == (Namespaced id) | == id where (==) x y = == && x.ns == y.ns instance < (Namespaced id) | < id where (<) x y | < = True | > = False | otherwise = x.ns < y.ns compile :: !Namespace ![Definition] -> [Line] compile ns defs = concatMap (compileDefinition ns globals) defs where globals = { constructors = 'Data.Map'.fromList [ ({ns="", id="INT"}, ConstructorDef "INT" []) ] , functions = 'Data.Map'.newMap } compileDefinition :: !Namespace !Globals !Definition -> [Line] compileDefinition _ _ (TypeDef _ _) = [] compileDefinition ns globals (DataDef _ _ constructors) = [ StartSection "data" : concatMap (compileConstructor ns globals) constructors ] compileDefinition ns globals (FunDef id args ret expr) = [ StartSection "text" , Align 3 // to have 3 bits unused in addresses , RawWord (sum [2^i \\ i <- [0..] & _ <- args]) // all strict for now, TODO change , RawWord (length args) // arity , Label (functionLabel ns NodeEntry id) : map Instr (compileExpr ns globals locals expr) ] where locals = 'Data.Map'.fromList [ (id, Indirect FrontEvalPtr (offset*4)) \\ (id,_) <- args & offset <- [1..] ] compileConstructor :: !Namespace !Globals !ConstructorDef -> [Line] compileConstructor ns _ (ConstructorDef id args) = [ Align 3 // to have 3 bits unused in addresses , Label (constructorLabel ns id) , RawWord (length args) // arity , RawWord (size id) // length name , RawAscii id // name ] compileExpr :: !Namespace !Globals !Locals !Expression -> [Instruction] compileExpr _ _ _ (BasicValue bv) = // Build new node [ LoadAddress (T 0) (Address 2 (constructorLabel "" (label bv))) , StoreWord (T 0) 0 HeapPtr ] ++ loadImmediate bv ++ [ StoreWord (T 0) 4 HeapPtr // Overwrite old node with indirection , LoadAddress (T 0) (Address 0 (functionLabel "" NodeEntry "indir")) , StoreWord (T 0) 0 FrontEvalPtr , StoreWord HeapPtr 4 FrontEvalPtr // Update front and heap pointers; return , Move FrontEvalPtr HeapPtr , Jump NoLink (Direct (Address 0 "eval")) , AddImmediate Signed GP GP (Immediate 8) ] where label (BVInt _) = "INT" label (BVChar _) = "CHAR" loadImmediate (BVInt i) | 0 <= i && i < 0x10000 = [ OrImmediate (T 0) R0 (Immediate i) ] | 0 > i && i >= -0x8000 = [ AddImmediate Signed (T 0) R0 (Immediate i) ] | otherwise = [ LoadUpperImmediate (T 0) (Immediate (i >> 16)) , OrImmediate (T 0) (T 0) (Immediate (i bitand 0xffff)) ] compileExpr _ _ _ _ = [Nop]// TODO // | Symbol !SymbolIdent // | Constructor !ConstructorIdent // | Case !Expression ![CaseAlternative] // | ExpApp !Expression !Expression constructorLabel :: !Namespace !ConstructorIdent -> Label constructorLabel "" id = "_c" +++ id // for built-in constructors constructorLabel ns id = concat4 "__" ns "_c" id // TODO escaping functionLabel :: !Namespace !EntryPoint !ConstructorIdent -> Label functionLabel ns entry_point id // TODO escaping | size ns == 0 = {#'_',e} +++ id = concat4 "__" ns {#'_',e} id where e = case entry_point of NodeEntry -> 'n'