implementation module Snug.Compile import StdEnv import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Fail import Control.Monad.State import Control.Monad.Trans import Data.Error import Data.Func import Data.Functor import Data.List import qualified Data.Map from Data.Map import :: Map from Text import concat4 import MIPS.MIPS32 import Snug.Compile.ABI import Snug.Compile.Simulate import Snug.Syntax :: CompileM a :== MaybeError String a :: Locals :== Map SymbolIdent LocalLocation :: LocalLocation = FrontPtrArg !Int instance == (Namespaced id) | == id where (==) x y = == && x.ns == y.ns instance < (Namespaced id) | < id where (<) x y | < = True | > = False | otherwise = x.ns < y.ns compile :: !Namespace ![Definition] -> MaybeError String [Line] compile ns defs = flatten <$> mapM (compileDefinition ns globals) defs where globals = combineGlobals [ builtin , gatherGlobals ns defs ] builtin = { constructors = 'Data.Map'.fromList [ ({ns="", id="INT"}, ConstructorDef "INT" []) ] , functions = 'Data.Map'.newMap } combineGlobals :: ![Globals] -> Globals combineGlobals sets = { constructors = 'Data.Map'.unions [g.constructors \\ g <- sets] , functions = 'Data.Map'.unions [g.functions \\ g <- sets] } gatherGlobals :: !Namespace ![Definition] -> Globals gatherGlobals ns defs = { constructors = 'Data.Map'.fromList [ ({ns=ns, id=id}, cons) \\ DataDef _ _ conses <- defs , cons=:(ConstructorDef id _) <- conses ] , functions = 'Data.Map'.fromList [ ({ns=ns, id=id}, {arity=length args, type=foldr TyApp ret (map snd (reverse args))}) \\ FunDef id args ret _ <- defs ] } lookupConstructor :: !Namespace !ConstructorIdent !Globals -> MaybeError String ConstructorDef lookupConstructor ns id globs = mb2error (concat4 "Unknown constructor " ns "." id) ('Data.Map'.get {ns=ns, id=id} globs.constructors) lookupFunction :: !Namespace !SymbolIdent !Globals -> MaybeError String FunctionInfo lookupFunction ns id globs = mb2error (concat4 "Unknown symbol " ns "." id) ('Data.Map'.get {ns=ns, id=id} globs.functions) compileDefinition :: !Namespace !Globals !Definition -> CompileM [Line] compileDefinition _ _ (TypeDef _ _) = pure [] compileDefinition ns globals (DataDef _ _ constructors) = (++) [StartSection "data"] <$> flatten <$> mapM (compileConstructor ns globals) constructors compileDefinition ns globals (FunDef id args ret expr) = (++) [ StartSection "text" , Global label // TODO: Ideally we would use the following here: //, Align 1 //, RawByte (sum [2^i \\ i <- [0..] & _ <- args]) // all strict for now, TODO change //, RawByte (length args) // arity // But since SPIM does not allow .byte in the text section, we use: , Align 2 , RawWord (sum [2^i \\ i <- [0..] & _ <- args] bitor // all strict for now, TODO change (length args << 8)) // arity // instead... (end modification) , Label label ] <$> map Instr <$> compileExpr ns globals locals expr where label = functionLabel ns NodeEntry id locals = 'Data.Map'.fromList [ (id, FrontPtrArg offset) \\ (id,_) <- args & offset <- [0..] ] compileConstructor :: !Namespace !Globals !ConstructorDef -> CompileM [Line] compileConstructor ns _ (ConstructorDef id args) = pure [ Global label , Align 1 , Label label , RawByte (length args) // pointer arity , RawByte 0 // basic value arity , RawByte 0 // number of arguments still to be curried in ] where label = constructorLabel ns id compileExpr :: !Namespace !Globals !Locals !Expression -> CompileM [Instruction] compileExpr ns globals locals expr = case simulate [SVRegOffset FrontEvalPtr 0] expr` of Error e -> fail ("Compiling an expression failed: " +++ e) Ok instrs -> pure instrs where expr` = simulator ns globals locals expr >>| indirectAndEval simulator :: !Namespace !Globals !Locals !Expression -> Simulator () simulator _ _ _ (BasicValue bv) = pushBasicValue bv >>| buildCons (constructorLabel "" (label bv)) 1 where label (BVInt _) = "INT" label (BVChar _) = "CHAR" simulator ns globals locals (Symbol id) = case 'Data.Map'.get id locals of ?Just (FrontPtrArg i) -> stackSize >>= \n -> pushArg (n-1) i ?None -> liftT (lookupFunction ns id globals) >>= \info -> case info.arity of 0 -> buildThunk (functionLabel ns NodeEntry id) 0 _ -> fail "symbol with arity > 0" // TODO implement simulator ns globals locals expr=:(ExpApp _ _) = case f of Symbol id -> // TODO include locals liftT (lookupFunction ns id globals) >>= \info | info.arity == length args -> mapM_ (simulator ns globals locals) (reverse args) >>| buildThunk (functionLabel ns NodeEntry id) info.arity | otherwise -> fail "arity mismatch in application" // TODO implement Constructor id -> liftT (lookupConstructor ns id globals) >>= \(ConstructorDef _ arg_types) | length arg_types == length args -> mapM_ (simulator ns globals locals) (reverse args) >>| buildCons (constructorLabel ns id) (length args) | otherwise -> fail ("arity mismatch in application of " +++ id) // TODO implement _ -> // TODO fail "unexpected lhs of function application" where (f, args) = linearizeApp expr [] linearizeApp (ExpApp f x) xs = linearizeApp f [x:xs] linearizeApp e xs = (e, xs) simulator _ _ _ _ = // TODO pushBasicValue (BVInt 0) >>| buildCons (constructorLabel "" "INT") 1 // | Symbol !SymbolIdent // | Constructor !ConstructorIdent // | Case !Expression ![CaseAlternative] // | ExpApp !Expression !Expression