#!/usr/bin/env perl # # On-the-fly adjusting of the font size in urxvt # # Copyright (c) 2008 David O'Neill # 2012 Noah K. Tilton <noahktilton@gmail.com> # 2012-2013 Jan Larres <jan@majutsushi.net> # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to # deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the # rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or # sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS # IN THE SOFTWARE. # # URL: https://github.com/majutsushi/urxvt-font-size # # Based on: # https://github.com/dave0/urxvt-font-size # https://github.com/noah/urxvt-font # #:META:X_RESOURCE:%.step:interger:font size increase/decrease step =head1 NAME font-size - interactive font size setter =head1 USAGE Put the font-size script into $HOME/.urxvt/ext/ and add it to the list of enabled perl-extensions in ~/.Xresources: URxvt.perl-ext-common: ...,font-size Add some keybindings: URxvt.keysym.C-Up: font-size:increase URxvt.keysym.C-Down: font-size:decrease URxvt.keysym.C-S-Up: font-size:incglobal URxvt.keysym.C-S-Down: font-size:decglobal Note that for urxvt versions older than 9.21 the resources have to look like this: URxvt.keysym.C-Up: perl:font-size:increase URxvt.keysym.C-Down: perl:font-size:decrease URxvt.keysym.C-S-Up: perl:font-size:incglobal URxvt.keysym.C-S-Down: perl:font-size:decglobal Supported functions: =over 2 =item * increase/decrease: increase or decrease the font size of the current terminal. =item * incglobal/decglobal: same as above and also adjust the X server values so all newly started terminals will use the same fontsize. =item * incsave/decsave: same as incglobal/decglobal and also modify the ~/.Xresources file so the changed font sizes will persist over a restart of the X server or a reboot. =back You can also change the step size that the script will use to increase the font size: URxvt.font-size.step: 4 The default step size is 1. This means that with this setting a size change sequence would be for example 8->12->16->20 instead of 8->9->10->11->12 etc. Please note that many X11 fonts are only available in specific sizes, though, and odd sizes are often not available, resulting in an effective step size of 2 instead of 1 in that case. =cut use strict; use warnings; my %escapecodes = ( "font" => 710, "boldFont" => 711, "italicFont" => 712, "boldItalicFont" => 713 ); sub on_start { my ($self) = @_; $self->{step} = $self->x_resource("%.step") || 1; foreach my $type (qw(font boldFont italicFont boldItalicFont)) { $self->{$type} = $self->x_resource($type) || "undef"; } } # Needed for backwards compatibility with < 9.21 sub on_user_command { my ($self, $cmd) = @_; my $step = $self->{step}; if ($cmd eq "font-size:increase") { fonts_change_size($self, $step, 0); } elsif ($cmd eq "font-size:decrease") { fonts_change_size($self, -$step, 0); } elsif ($cmd eq "font-size:incglobal") { fonts_change_size($self, $step, 1); } elsif ($cmd eq "font-size:decglobal") { fonts_change_size($self, -$step, 1); } elsif ($cmd eq "font-size:incsave") { fonts_change_size($self, $step, 2); } elsif ($cmd eq "font-size:decsave") { fonts_change_size($self, -$step, 2); } elsif ($cmd eq "font-size:reset") { fonts_reset($self); } } sub on_action { my ($self, $action) = @_; my $step = $self->{step}; if ($action eq "increase") { fonts_change_size($self, $step, 0); } elsif ($action eq "decrease") { fonts_change_size($self, -$step, 0); } elsif ($action eq "incglobal") { fonts_change_size($self, $step, 1); } elsif ($action eq "decglobal") { fonts_change_size($self, -$step, 1); } elsif ($action eq "incsave") { fonts_change_size($self, $step, 2); } elsif ($action eq "decsave") { fonts_change_size($self, -$step, 2); } elsif ($action eq "reset") { fonts_reset($self); } } sub fonts_change_size { my ($term, $change, $save) = @_; my @newfonts = (); my $curres = $term->resource('font'); if (!$curres) { $term->scr_add_lines("\r\nWarning: No font configured, trying a default.\r\nPlease set a font with the 'URxvt.font' resource."); $curres = "fixed"; } my @curfonts = split(/\s*,\s*/, $curres); my $basefont = shift(@curfonts); my ($newbasefont, $newbasesize) = handle_font($term, $basefont, $change, 0); push @newfonts, $newbasefont; # Only adjust other fonts if base font changed if ($newbasefont ne $basefont) { foreach my $font (@curfonts) { my ($newfont, $newsize) = handle_font($term, $font, $change, $newbasesize); push @newfonts, $newfont; } my $newres = join(",", @newfonts); font_apply_new($term, $newres, "font", $save); handle_type($term, "boldFont", $change, $newbasesize, $save); handle_type($term, "italicFont", $change, $newbasesize, $save); handle_type($term, "boldItalicFont", $change, $newbasesize, $save); } if ($save > 1) { # write the new values back to the file my $xresources = readlink $ENV{"HOME"} . "/.Xresources"; system("xrdb -edit " . $xresources); } } sub fonts_reset { my ($term) = @_; foreach my $type (qw(font boldFont italicFont boldItalicFont)) { my $initial = $term->{$type}; if ($initial ne "undef") { font_apply_new($term, $initial, $type, 0); } } } sub handle_type { my ($term, $type, $change, $basesize, $save) = @_; my $curres = $term->resource($type); if (!$curres) { return; } my @curfonts = split(/\s*,\s*/, $curres); my @newfonts = (); foreach my $font (@curfonts) { my ($newfont, $newsize) = handle_font($term, $font, $change, $basesize); push @newfonts, $newfont; } my $newres = join(",", @newfonts); font_apply_new($term, $newres, $type, $save); } sub handle_font { my ($term, $font, $change, $basesize) = @_; my $newfont; my $newsize; my $prefix = 0; if ($font =~ /^\s*x:/) { $font =~ s/^\s*x://; $prefix = 1; } if ($font =~ /^\s*(\[.*\])?xft:/) { ($newfont, $newsize) = font_change_size_xft($term, $font, $change, $basesize); } elsif ($font =~ /^\s*-/) { ($newfont, $newsize) = font_change_size_xlfd($term, $font, $change, $basesize); } else { # check whether the font is a valid alias and if yes resolve it to the # actual font my $lsfinfo = `xlsfonts -l $font 2>/dev/null`; if ($lsfinfo eq "") { # not a valid alias, ring the bell if it is the base font and just # return the current font if ($basesize == 0) { $term->scr_bell; } return ($font, $basesize); } my $fontinfo = (split(/\n/, $lsfinfo))[-1]; my ($fontfull) = ($fontinfo =~ /\s+([-a-z0-9]+$)/); ($newfont, $newsize) = font_change_size_xlfd($term, $fontfull, $change, $basesize); } # $term->scr_add_lines("\r\nNew font is $newfont\n"); if ($prefix) { $newfont = "x:$newfont"; } return ($newfont, $newsize); } sub font_change_size_xft { my ($term, $fontstring, $change, $basesize) = @_; my @pieces = split(/:/, $fontstring); my @resized = (); my $size = 0; my $new_size = 0; foreach my $piece (@pieces) { if ($piece =~ /^(?:(?:pixel)?size=|[^=-]+-)(\d+(\.\d*)?)$/) { $size = $1; if ($basesize != 0) { $new_size = $basesize; } else { $new_size = $size + $change } $piece =~ s/(=|-)$size/$1$new_size/; } push @resized, $piece; } my $resized_str = join(":", @resized); # don't make fonts too small if ($new_size >= 6) { return ($resized_str, $new_size); } else { if ($basesize == 0) { $term->scr_bell; } return ($fontstring, $size); } } sub font_change_size_xlfd { my ($term, $fontstring, $change, $basesize) = @_; #-xos4-terminus-medium-r-normal-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-1 my @fields = qw(foundry family weight slant setwidth style pixelSize pointSize Xresolution Yresolution spacing averageWidth registry encoding); my %font; $fontstring =~ s/^-//; # Strip leading - before split @font{@fields} = split(/-/, $fontstring); if ($font{pixelSize} eq '*') { $term->scr_add_lines("\r\nWarning: Font size undefined, assuming 12.\r\nPlease set the 'URxvt.font' resource to a font with a concrete size."); $font{pixelSize} = '12' } if ($font{registry} eq '*') { $font{registry} ='iso8859'; } # Blank out the size for the pattern my %pattern = %font; $pattern{foundry} = '*'; $pattern{setwidth} = '*'; $pattern{pixelSize} = '*'; $pattern{pointSize} = '*'; # if ($basesize != 0) { # $pattern{Xresolution} = '*'; # $pattern{Yresolution} = '*'; # } $pattern{averageWidth} = '*'; # make sure there are no empty fields foreach my $field (@fields) { $pattern{$field} = '*' unless defined($pattern{$field}); } my $new_fontstring = '-' . join('-', @pattern{@fields}); my @possible; # $term->scr_add_lines("\r\nPattern is $new_fontstring\n"); open(FOO, "xlsfonts -fn '$new_fontstring' | sort -u |") or die $!; while (<FOO>) { chomp; s/^-//; # Strip leading '-' before split my @fontdata = split(/-/, $_); push @possible, [$fontdata[6], "-$_"]; # $term->scr_add_lines("\r\npossibly $fontdata[6] $_\n"); } close(FOO); if (!@possible) { die "No possible fonts!"; } if ($basesize != 0) { # sort by font size, descending @possible = sort {$b->[0] <=> $a->[0]} @possible; # font is not the base font, so find the largest font that is at most # as large as the base font. If the largest possible font is smaller # than the base font bail and hope that a 0-size font can be found at # the end of the function if ($possible[0]->[0] > $basesize) { foreach my $candidate (@possible) { if ($candidate->[0] <= $basesize) { return ($candidate->[1], $candidate->[0]); } } } } elsif ($change > 0) { # sort by font size, ascending @possible = sort {$a->[0] <=> $b->[0]} @possible; foreach my $candidate (@possible) { if ($candidate->[0] >= $font{pixelSize} + $change) { return ($candidate->[1], $candidate->[0]); } } } elsif ($change < 0) { # sort by font size, descending @possible = sort {$b->[0] <=> $a->[0]} @possible; foreach my $candidate (@possible) { if ($candidate->[0] <= $font{pixelSize} + $change && $candidate->[0] != 0) { return ($candidate->[1], $candidate->[0]); } } } # no fitting font available, check whether a 0-size font can be used to # fit the size of the base font @possible = sort {$a->[0] <=> $b->[0]} @possible; if ($basesize != 0 && $possible[0]->[0] == 0) { return ($possible[0]->[1], $basesize); } else { # if there is absolutely no smaller/larger font that can be used # return the current one, and beep if this is the base font if ($basesize == 0) { $term->scr_bell; } return ("-$fontstring", $font{pixelSize}); } } sub font_apply_new { my ($term, $newfont, $type, $save) = @_; # $term->scr_add_lines("\r\nnew font is $newfont\n"); $term->cmd_parse("\033]" . $escapecodes{$type} . ";" . $newfont . "\033\\"); # load the xrdb db # system("xrdb -load " . X_RESOURCES); if ($save > 0) { # merge the new values open(XRDB_MERGE, "| xrdb -merge") || die "can't fork: $!"; local $SIG{PIPE} = sub { die "xrdb pipe broken" }; print XRDB_MERGE "URxvt." . $type . ": " . $newfont; close(XRDB_MERGE) || die "bad xrdb: $! $?"; } }