path: root/vim/vim.symlink
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vim/vim.symlink')
11 files changed, 0 insertions, 169 deletions
diff --git a/vim/vim.symlink/after/ftplugin/bb.vim b/vim/vim.symlink/after/ftplugin/bb.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b041ba..0000000
--- a/vim/vim.symlink/after/ftplugin/bb.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-setlocal tw=79 spell spelllang=nl
diff --git a/vim/vim.symlink/after/ftplugin/c.vim b/vim/vim.symlink/after/ftplugin/c.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 16ffc97..0000000
--- a/vim/vim.symlink/after/ftplugin/c.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-setlocal foldmethod=syntax
diff --git a/vim/vim.symlink/after/ftplugin/clean.vim b/vim/vim.symlink/after/ftplugin/clean.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 94f327e..0000000
--- a/vim/vim.symlink/after/ftplugin/clean.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-setlocal autoindent foldnestmax=0
diff --git a/vim/vim.symlink/after/ftplugin/html.vim b/vim/vim.symlink/after/ftplugin/html.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b4c30f..0000000
--- a/vim/vim.symlink/after/ftplugin/html.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-setlocal tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2
diff --git a/vim/vim.symlink/after/ftplugin/jade.vim b/vim/vim.symlink/after/ftplugin/jade.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b4c30f..0000000
--- a/vim/vim.symlink/after/ftplugin/jade.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-setlocal tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2
diff --git a/vim/vim.symlink/after/ftplugin/markdown.vim b/vim/vim.symlink/after/ftplugin/markdown.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index b4b5304..0000000
--- a/vim/vim.symlink/after/ftplugin/markdown.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-setlocal spell spelllang=en_gb
-setlocal autoindent
-setlocal textwidth=79
-setlocal tabstop=4
diff --git a/vim/vim.symlink/after/ftplugin/python.vim b/vim/vim.symlink/after/ftplugin/python.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index d52aa2e..0000000
--- a/vim/vim.symlink/after/ftplugin/python.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-setlocal foldmethod=indent
diff --git a/vim/vim.symlink/after/ftplugin/scala.vim b/vim/vim.symlink/after/ftplugin/scala.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index dcca7bf..0000000
--- a/vim/vim.symlink/after/ftplugin/scala.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-setlocal tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 noexpandtab softtabstop=0
diff --git a/vim/vim.symlink/after/ftplugin/tex.vim b/vim/vim.symlink/after/ftplugin/tex.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index aabdc85..0000000
--- a/vim/vim.symlink/after/ftplugin/tex.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-setlocal spell spelllang=en_gb
-setlocal tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2
diff --git a/vim/vim.symlink/bundle/Vundle.vim b/vim/vim.symlink/bundle/Vundle.vim
deleted file mode 160000
-Subproject 4984767509e3d05ca051e253c8a8b37de784be4
diff --git a/vim/vim.symlink/plugin/visincrPlugin.vim b/vim/vim.symlink/plugin/visincrPlugin.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 8907408..0000000
--- a/vim/vim.symlink/plugin/visincrPlugin.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-" visincrPlugin.vim: Visual-block incremented lists
-" Author: Charles E. Campbell
-" Date: Jan 06, 2016
-" Public Interface Only
-" (James 2:19,20 WEB) You believe that God is one. You do well!
-" The demons also believe, and shudder.
-" But do you want to know, vain man, that
-" faith apart from works is dead?
-" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-" Load Once: {{{1
-if &cp || exists("g:loaded_visincrPlugin")
- finish
-let g:loaded_visincrPlugin = "v21g"
-let s:keepcpo = &cpo
-set cpo&vim
-" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-" Methods: {{{1
-let s:I = 0
-let s:II = 1
-let s:IMOD = 2
-let s:IREP = 3
-let s:IMDY = 4
-let s:IYMD = 5
-let s:IDMY = 6
-let s:ID = 7
-let s:IM = 8
-let s:IA = 9
-let s:IX = 10
-let s:IIX = 11
-let s:IB = 12
-let s:IIB = 13
-let s:IO = 14
-let s:IIO = 15
-let s:IR = 16
-let s:IIR = 17
-let s:IPOW = 18
-let s:IIPOW = 19
-let s:RI = 20
-let s:RII = 21
-let s:RIMOD = 22
-let s:RIREP = 23
-let s:RIMDY = 24
-let s:RIYMD = 25
-let s:RIDMY = 26
-let s:RID = 27
-let s:RIM = 28
-let s:RIA = 29
-let s:RIX = 30
-let s:RIIX = 31
-let s:RIB = 32
-let s:RIIB = 33
-let s:RIO = 34
-let s:RIIO = 35
-let s:RIR = 36
-let s:RIIR = 37
-let s:RIPOW = 38
-let s:RIIPOW = 39
-" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-" Public Interface: {{{1
-if !exists("g:visincr_longcmd")
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=* I call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:I , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=* II call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:II , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=* IMOD call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:IMOD , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=* IREP call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:IREP , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=* IMDY call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:IMDY , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=* IYMD call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:IYMD , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=* IDMY call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:IDMY , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=? ID call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:ID , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=? IM call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:IM , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=? IA call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:IA , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=? IX call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:IX , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=? IIX call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:IIX , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=* IB call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:IB , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=* IIB call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:IIB , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=* IO call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:IO , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=* IIO call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:IIO , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=? IR call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:IR , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=? IIR call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:IIR , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=* IPOW call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:IPOW , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=* IIPOW call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:IIPOW , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=* RI call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:RI , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=* RII call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:RII , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=* RIMOD call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:RIMOD , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=* RIREP call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:RIREP , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=* RIMDY call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:RIMDY , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=* RIYMD call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:RIYMD , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=* RIDMY call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:RIDMY , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=? RID call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:RID , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=? RIM call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:RIM , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=? RIA call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:RIA , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=? RIX call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:RIX , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=? RIIX call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:RIIX , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=* RIB call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:RIB , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=* RIIB call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:RIIB , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=* RIO call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:RIO , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=* RIIO call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:RIIO , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=? RIR call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:RIR , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=? RIIR call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:RIIR , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=* RIPOW call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:RIPOW , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=* RIIPOW call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:RIIPOW , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=* VI_I call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:I , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=* VI_II call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:II , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=* VI_IMOD call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:IMOD , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=* VI_IREP call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:IREP , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=* VI_IMDY call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:IMDY , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=* VI_IYMD call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:IYMD , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=* VI_IDMY call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:IDMY , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=? VI_ID call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:ID , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=? VI_IM call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:IM , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=? VI_IA call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:IA , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=? VI_IX call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:IX , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=? VI_IIX call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:IIX , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=* VI_IB call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:IB , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=* VI_IIB call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:IIB , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=* VI_IO call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:IO , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=* VI_IIO call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:IIO , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=? VI_IR call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:IR , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=? VI_IIR call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:IIR , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=* VI_IPOW call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:IPOW , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=* VI_IIPOW call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:IIPOW , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=* VI_RI call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:RI , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=* VI_RII call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:RII , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=* VI_RIMOD call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:RIMOD , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=* VI_RIREP call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:RIREP , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=* VI_RIMDY call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:RIMDY , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=* VI_RIYMD call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:RIYMD , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=* VI_RIDMY call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:RIDMY , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=? VI_RID call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:RID , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=? VI_RIM call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:RIM , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=? VI_RIA call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:RIA , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=? VI_RIX call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:RIX , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=? VI_RIIX call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:RIIX , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=* VI_RIB call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:RIB , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=* VI_RIIB call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:RIIB , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=* VI_RIO call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:RIO , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=* VI_RIIO call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:RIIO , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=? VI_RIR call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:RIR , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=? VI_RIIR call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:RIIR , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=* VI_RIPOW call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:RIPOW , <f-args>)
- com! -range -complete=expression -nargs=* VI_RIIPOW call visincr#VisBlockIncr(s:RIIPOW , <f-args>)
-" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-" Restoration And Modelines: {{{1
-" vim: ts=4 fdm=marker
-let &cpo= s:keepcpo
-unlet s:keepcpo