extends /layout.pug block extra_head meta(name='description', content='PhD candidate in linguistics, representation of agency in language using spatial relations. I do theoretical research and apply it to Biblical Hebrew.') block titleContainer block append js script(src='/assets/js/jquery.slim.min.js') script(src='/assets/js/scrollspy.min.js') script $('body').scrollspy({target: '#sticky-nav'}); block content #sticky-nav ul.nav.nav-pills li(role='presentation') #[a(href='#introduction') Introduction] li(role='presentation') #[a(href='#publications') Publications] li(role='presentation') #[a(href='#talks') Talks] li(role='presentation') #[a(href='#projects') Software projects] li(role='presentation') #[a(href='#teaching') Teaching] li(role='presentation') #[a(href='#service') Service] li(role='presentation') #[a(href='#grants') Grants] li(role='presentation') #[a(href='#employment') Employment] li(role='presentation') #[a(href='#education') Education] .container#content header#introduction div(style="display:table-row;") img#profile(alt="Camil Staps", style="vertical-align:bottom;", src="/assets/img/profile.jpg", width="170") div#basicinfo(style="display:table-cell;vertical-align:bottom;") h1 | Camil Staps  small.nowrap [ka'mil stɑps] small   small.nowrap he/his p span.tt.obfuscate | info@c span dummy | amilst span dummy | aps.nl p(style="margin-bottom:1em;") a(href="https://leidenuni.academia.edu/CamilStaps") i.ai.ai-lg.ai-academia(title="Academia.edu") |   a(href="https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1164-6838") i.ai.ai-lg.ai-orcid(title="ORCiD") |   a(href="https://mstdn.social/@CamilStaps", rel="me") i.fab.fa-lg.fa-mastodon(title="Mastodon") |   a(href="https://gitlab.com/camilstaps") i.fab.fa-lg.fa-gitlab(title="GitLab") |   a(href="https://github.com/camilstaps") i.fab.fa-lg.fa-github(title="GitHub") |   a(href="https://nl.linkedin.com/in/camilstaps") i.fab.fa-lg.fa-linkedin(title="LinkedIn") section p.larger#lead | I am a PhD candidate in linguistics. | My interests are in semantics and its interfaces with morphosyntax and pragmatics. p.larger | The Bigger Question I try to answer is what language can tell us about how abstract concepts like causation and evidentiality are represented in the mind. | In particular, I study the relation between spatial and non-spatial meanings of prepositions, demonstratives, and other function words. p.larger | I do this at #[a(href="https://www.universiteitleiden.nl/", target="_blank") Leiden University] | and #[a(href="https://www.ru.nl/") Radboud University] | under the supervision of #[a(href="https://www.rooryck.org/") Johan Rooryck] | and #[a(href="https://radboud.academia.edu/ellenvanwolde") Ellen van Wolde]. section#publications h2 Publications mixin pub(year, title) p if attributes.oa if attributes.doi - var oaurl = 'https://doi.org/'+attributes.doi else if attributes.url - var oaurl = attributes.url else - throw 'pub: oa set but no doi or url' a.oa(href!=oaurl, target='_blank') i.ai.ai-lg.ai-open-access(title="Open Access") if !attributes.authors - attributes.authors = 'Staps, Camil' | !{attributes.authors}, #{year}. | if attributes.url a(href!=attributes.url, target='_blank')!= title else | !{title} | if attributes.journal |. !{attributes.prejournal}#[em!=attributes.journal] if attributes.volume | #{attributes.volume} if attributes.issue | (#{attributes.issue}) else if attributes.booktitle | . In !{attributes.editors} (eds.), #[em!=attributes.booktitle] else if attributes.misc | . #{attributes.misc} if attributes.pages - attributes.pages = attributes.pages.replace('-', '–') if attributes.journal | . !{attributes.pages} else | , !{attributes.pages} | . if attributes.address | #{attributes.address}: if attributes.publisher | #{attributes.publisher}. if attributes.doi | #[span.sc doi]: - var doiurl = 'https://doi.org/'+attributes.doi a(href!=doiurl, target='_blank')!= attributes.doi | . mixin review(year, author, title) +pub(year, 'Review of: ' + author + ', ' + title)&attributes(attributes) p I keep track of #[a(href='/publications.html') time from submission to publication]. h4 Refereed articles table.main_table.publications tr td In preparation td +pub('in preparation', 'Complementation and Common Ground: Discursive effects in Biblical Hebrew')(url='https://lingbuzz.net/lingbuzz/007711', oa) tr td td +pub('in preparation', 'Formalizing spatial-causal polysemy of Agent prepositions')(authors='Staps, Camil & Johan Rooryck', prejournal='Accepted by ', journal='Semantics & Pragmatics', url='https://lingbuzz.net/lingbuzz/007721', oa) tr td td +pub('in preparation', 'Semantic properties of prepositions: The distinction between causal min ‘from’ and ‘in’')(authors='Staps, Camil & Martijn Beukenhorst', prejournal='Accepted by ', journal='Brill\'s Journal of Afroasiatic Languages and Linguistics',, url='https://lingbuzz.net/lingbuzz/007716', oa) tr td 2023 td +pub(2023, 'The interpretation of [+distal] in demonstratives and complementizers')(authors='Staps, Camil & Johan Rooryck', journal='Linguistics', volume=61, issue=5, pages='1195-1231', doi='10.1515/ling-2022-0178', oa) tr td 2022 td +pub(2022, 'Voice, discourse prominence, and aspect: The niphal and passive qal of yālad')(booktitle='Where is the way to the dwelling of light? Studies in Genesis, Job and linguistics in honor of Ellen van Wolde', editors='Pierre Van Hecke & Hanneke van Loon', pages='387-408', address='Leiden', publisher='Brill', doi='10.1163/9789004536296_020') tr td td +pub(2022, 'Lip̄nē ‘in the face of’: A Locative preposition with a threatening connotation')(journal='Journal of Hebrew Scriptures', volume=22, issue=1, pages='1-24', doi='10.5508/jhs29582', oa) tr td 2020 td +pub(2020, '“When dust was poured out”: Creation in Job 38.36–38')(journal='Journal for the Study of the Old Testament', volume=44, issue=3, pages='456-471', doi='10.1177/0309089219862828', oa) tr td td +pub(2020, 'Prepositions and the grammaticalization of Ancient Hebrew bipartite reciprocal markers')(journal='Journal of Semitic Studies', volume=65, issue=1, pages='61-84', doi='10.1093/jss/fgz050', oa) tr td 2019 td +pub(2019, 'Lazy interworking of compiled and interpreted code for sandboxing and distributed systems')(authors='Staps, Camil, John van Groningen & Rinus Plasmeijer', booktitle='Implementation and Application of Functional Languages (IFL \'19), September 25–27, 2019, Singapore, Singapore', editors='Jurriën Stutterheim & Wei Ngan Chin', doi='10.1145/3412932.3412941', url='/assets/pdf/ifl2019.pdf', oa) tr td 2018 td +pub(2018, 'A case study of reciprocal middles in Biblical Hebrew: The niphal of לחם')(journal='Orientalia', volume=87, issue=2, pages='159-183', url='http://www.academia.edu/37896637') h4#book-reviews Book reviews table.main_table.publications tr td 2021 td +review(2021, 'Peter Bekins', 'Inscriptions from the world of the Bible: A reader and introduction to Old Northwest Semitic')(journal='Bibliotheca Orientalis', volume=78, issue='5/6', pages='723-726') tr td td +review(2021, 'Margaret Winters', 'Historical linguistics')(journal='LINGUIST List', volume=32, issue=1438, url='https://linguistlist.org/issues/32/32-1438/', oa) tr td 2020 td +review(2020, 'Elitzur A. Bar-Asher Siegal', 'The NP-strategy for expressing reciprocity')(journal='Bibliotheca Orientalis', volume=77, issue='3/4', pages='318-322', url='https://scholarlypublications.universiteitleiden.nl/handle/1887/3142525', oa) h4 Non-refereed work table.main_table.publications tr td 2019 td +pub(2019, 'Tense, aspect and modality in Jewish Palestinian Aramaic')(misc='Leiden University MA. thesis', url='https://hdl.handle.net/1887/77991', oa) tr td td +pub(2019, 'Lazy interworking of compiled and interpreted code for sandboxing and distributed systems')(misc='Radboud University Nijmegen MSc. thesis', url='https://www.ru.nl/publish/pages/769526/thesis_1.pdf', oa) tr td 2017 td +pub(2017, 'Code generation for the Thumb-2 instruction set')(misc='Radboud University Nijmegen BSc. thesis', url='https://cs.ru.nl/bachelorscripties/2017/Camil_Staps___4498062___Code-generation-for-the-Thumb-2-instruction-set.pdf', oa) section#talks h2 Talks p. I keep track of #[a(href='/conferences.html') the conferences I visit and how much CO#[sub 2] I emit in doing so]. table.main_table.presentations //tr // td(colspan=3) // h4 Upcoming tr td(colspan=3) h4 Past tr td 2024 td Feb 2, #[a(href="https://anela.nl/activiteiten/grote-taaldag/", title="Grote Taaldag / Dutch Annual Linguistics Day") Taaldag] td With Johan Rooryck. The raadselen/#raadsels ‘riddles’ behind Dutch double plurals (#[a(href="/assets/pdf/gtd2024.pdf") slides]). tr td 2023 td Oct 13, #[a(href="https://spe-uca.sciencesconf.org/", title="Semantics and Philosophy in Europe") SPE12/OASIS] td With Johan Rooryck. Interpreting [+distal] complementizers as markers of Common Ground (#[a(href="/assets/pdf/spe2023.pdf") slides]; #[a(href="/assets/pdf/spe2023-handout.pdf") handout]). tr td 2022 td Dec 9, #[a(href="https://benecla.com/", title="CogLing Days") CogLing Days] td With Johan Rooryck. Finite complementizers as demonstratives in the clausal domain (#[a(href="/assets/pdf/coglingdays2022.pdf") slides]; #[a(href="/assets/pdf/coglingdays2022-handout.pdf") handout]). tr td td Nov 21, #[a(href="https://www.sbl-site.org/meetings/AnnualMeeting.aspx", title="Society of Biblical Literature") SBL Annual] td With Martijn Beukenhorst. Semantic properties of prepositions: the distinction between causal מן and ב (#[a(href="/assets/pdf/sbl2022.pdf") slides]). tr td td Nov 9, #[a(href="https://bcopley.com/cocoa", title="Converging On Causal Ontology Analyses") COCOA] td With Johan Rooryck. Space in the causal chain: The perspective from French and Biblical Hebrew (#[a(href="/assets/pdf/cocoa2022.pdf") handout]). tr td td Aug 25, #[a(href="https://societaslinguistica.eu/sle2022/", title="Societas Linguistica Europaea") SLE2022] td With Johan Rooryck. On the demonstratives nature of finite complementizers (#[a(href="/assets/pdf/sle2022.pdf") slides]; #[a(href="/assets/pdf/sle2022-handout.pdf") handout]). tr td td Jan 12, #[a(href="https://ail-workshop.github.io/AIL2-Workshop/", title="Agency and Intentions in Language") AIL2] td With Johan Rooryck. French double Agents: a force-theoretic account of #[em de] and #[em par] (#[a(href="/assets/pdf/ail2022.pdf") handout]). tr td 2020 td Jan 10, #[a(href="https://sites.google.com/view/nl-fp-day-2020/home", title="Dutch Functional Programming Day") NL-FP day] td With John van Groningen and Rinus Plasmeijer. Lazy interworking of compiled and interpreted code. tr td 2019 td Sep 27, #[a(href="https://web.archive.org/web/20201201105043/http://2019.iflconference.org/", title="Implementation and application of Functional Languages") IFL31] td By Rinus Plasmeijer, with John van Groningen. Lazy interworking of compiled and interpreted code for sandboxing and distributed systems. tr td 2018 td Jan 26, #[a(href="http://clin28.cls.ru.nl/", title="Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands") CLIN28] td Combining grammatical features for dating texts in small-corpus languages (#[a(href="http://clin28.cls.ru.nl/#abstract-42") abstract & slides]). tr td td Jan 5, #[a(href="http://clean.cs.ru.nl/NL-FP_dag_2018", title="Dutch Functional Programming Day") NL-FP day] td #[a(href="https://cloogle.org") Cloogle]: a programming language search engine and its applications (#[a(href="https://clean.cs.ru.nl/NL-FP_dag_2018#Camil_Staps_-_Cloogle:_a_programming_language_search_engine_and_its_applications") abstract & slides]). section#projects h2 Software projects table.main_table tr td: a(href="https://gitlab.com/camilstaps/mbqs") Məḇaqqēš td A spreadsheet application for scholars of the Hebrew Bible and Biblical Hebrew. tr td: a(href="https://hebrewtools.org") HebrewTools td Several web applications for Biblical Hebrew education (#[a(href="https://github.com/HebrewTools") GitHub]). tr td: a(href="https://clean-and-itasks.gitlab.io/nitrile") Nitrile td A package manager for the functional programming language #[a(href="https://clean-lang.org") Clean]. tr td: a(href="https://cloogle.org") Cloogle td A search engine for #[a(href="https://clean-lang.org") Clean] code (#[a(href="https://gitlab.com/cloogle/cloogle-web") GitLab]). p Find more on #[a(href="https://gitlab.com/camilstaps") GitLab], #[a(href="https://github.com/camilstaps") GitHub], and #[a(href="https://git.camilstaps.nl/") git.camilstaps.nl]. section#teaching h2 Teaching table.main_table tr td 2022–2023 td Hebrew I–II, Radboud University Nijmegen (10 ECTS). tr td 2021–2022 td Hebrew I–II, Radboud University Nijmegen (10 ECTS). tr td 2020–2021 td Hebrew II, Radboud University Nijmegen (5 ECTS). tr td td Hebrew I–III, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (15 ECTS). tr td 2015–2019 td. Student assistant for various courses in computing science, Radboud University Nijmegen. See under #[a(href='#employment') Employment] for a list of courses. section#service h2 Service table.main_table tr td 2024 td Proofreader for #[a(href='https://langsci-press.org/', target='_blank') Language Science Press]. tr td td Reviewer for #[i Glossa]. tr td 2023 td Reviewer for #[i Glossa], #[i Open Mind], and #[i The New Scholar]. p | For journal review details, see #[a(href='/publications.html') here]. | For book reviews, see #[a(href='#book-reviews') above]. section#grants h2 Grants table.main_table tr td 2019–2024 td #[a(href="https://www.nwo.nl/projecten/pgw19015-0") NWO Promoties in de Geesteswetenschappen], €249K (covering my PhD project; applied for by Holger Gzella; grant no. PGW.19.015). section#employment h2 Employment table.main_table tr td Sep. 2019–Apr 2024 td | PhD candidate, Leiden University & Radboud University Nijmegen. br | Supervised by #[a(href="https://www.rooryck.org/") Johan Rooryck] and #[a(href="https://radboud.academia.edu/ellenvanwolde") Ellen van Wolde]. tr td Feb. 2023–Jun. 2023 td Lecturer, Radboud University Nijmegen. tr td Sep. 2019–Aug. 2021 td Scientific programmer / software architect, #[a(href="https://top-software.nl") TOP Software]. tr td Feb. 2021–Jul. 2021 td Lecturer, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. tr td Sep. 2015–Aug. 2019 td details summary(style='cursor:pointer;') Student assistant, #[a(href="https://www.ru.nl") Radboud University Nijmegen] (click for an overview of activities). mixin saItem(guide, name) | #[a(href=guide)= name], mixin lastSaItem(guide, name) a(href=guide)= name p 2018–19: work on the #[a(href="http://clean.cs.ru.nl/Clean") Clean] ecosystem p | 2017–18: +saItem("https://sis.ru.nl/osiris-student/OnderwijsCatalogusSelect.do?selectie=cursus&collegejaar=2017&cursus=NWI-IBC016", "Combinatorics") +lastSaItem("https://sis.ru.nl/osiris-student/OnderwijsCatalogusSelect.do?selectie=cursus&collegejaar=2017&cursus=NWI-IBC015", "Functional Programming for AI") p | 2016–17: +saItem("https://studiegids.science.ru.nl/2016/science/prospectus/inf_ba/course/40559/", "Algorithms and Data Structures") +saItem("https://studiegids.science.ru.nl/2016/science/course/40511/", "Combinatorics") +saItem("https://studiegids.science.ru.nl/2016/en/socsci/course/41452/", "Functional Programming for AI") +saItem("https://www.studiegids.science.ru.nl/2016/science/prospectus/inf_ba/course/40568/", "Functional Programming 1") +saItem("https://studiegids.science.ru.nl/2016/en/science/course/40564/", "Introduction to Cryptography") +lastSaItem("https://studiegids.science.ru.nl/2016/science/prospectus/inf_ba/course/40560/", "Operating Systems") p | 2015–16: +saItem("https://cs.ru.nl/~hubbers/courses/co_1516/", "Combinatorics") +saItem("https://studiegids.science.ru.nl/2015/science/prospectus/inf_ba/course/37072/", "Functional Programming 1") +saItem("https://studiegids.science.ru.nl/2015/course/37073/", "Functional Programming 2") +saItem("https://studiegids.science.ru.nl/2015/science/prospectus/inf_ba/course/37067/", "Introduction to Cryptography") +lastSaItem("https://cs.ru.nl/~hubbers/courses/ms_1516/", "Mathematical Structures") tr td May 2013–Mar. 2019 td Owner of ViviSoft. section#education h2 Education table.main_table tr td 2017–2019 td | Research MA. #[a(href="https://www.universiteitleiden.nl/en/education/study-programmes/master/classics-and-ancient-civilizations-research/hebrew-and-aramaic-studies-research") Hebrew and Aramaic Studies], Leiden University | (#[abbr(title="A weighted average of more than 8/10 points, and a thesis graded with more than 8/10 points") #[em cum laude]]). tr td 2017–2019 td | MSc. #[a(href="https://www.ru.nl/english/education/masters/software-science/") Software Science], Radboud University Nijmegen | (#[abbr(title="A weighted average of more than 9/10 points") #[em summa cum laude]]). tr td 2014–2017 td | BSc. #[a(href="https://www.ru.nl/opleidingen/bachelor/computing-science/") Computing Science], Radboud University Nijmegen | (#[abbr(title="A weighted average of more than 8/10 points") #[em cum laude]]).