extends /layout.pug block titleContainer block content h1 Biblical Hebrew reading group p. I am running a reading group for students of and others interested in Biblical Hebrew. We meet weekly on Tuesday evenings (CET) on Zoom for one hour. We read #[em prima vista], without preparation, so it does not cost more time than this. There are no formal entry requirements. If you're interested, just #[a(href="/") drop me an email] for the Zoom link and try it out sometime. p. A selection of texts that we recently read: ul li Bileam (Numbers 22–24) li Deborah (Judges 4–5) li Joseph (Genesis 37–45) li Selected psalms (15; 21) li Manasseh (2 Kings 21; 2 Chronicles 33) li The lootings of the Danites (Judges 18) li Samson (Judges 13–17) li Jonah