extends /layout-articles.pug

block prepend title
	| Compiling Clean in the browser - 

block prepend menu
	- var page = '2021-06-23-compiling-clean-in-the-browser-with-webassembly-part-3-putting-it-all-together'

block append breadcrumbs
	+breadcrumb('Compiling Clean in the browser with WebAssembly, part 3: Putting it all together')

block subtitle
	| Compiling Clean in the browser with WebAssembly, part 3: Putting it all together
block subtitleDate
	| 23 June 2021

block page
	include:markdown ../../../md/2021-06-23-compiling-clean-in-the-browser-with-webassembly-part-3-putting-it-all-together.md