path: root/resources/pug
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Diffstat (limited to 'resources/pug')
2 files changed, 33 insertions, 23 deletions
diff --git a/resources/pug/finals/conferences.pug b/resources/pug/finals/conferences.pug
index ee668d4..3bc2dc9 100644
--- a/resources/pug/finals/conferences.pug
+++ b/resources/pug/finals/conferences.pug
@@ -4,10 +4,6 @@ block extra_head
meta(name='description', content='PhD candidate in Semitic linguistics')
- table.conferences {
- margin-top: 1em;
- }
table.conferences tr.year {
border-color: black;
border-style: solid;
@@ -30,6 +26,14 @@ block extra_head
margin-right: .2ex;
+ .green {
+ color: #0a0;
+ }
+ .red {
+ color: #a00;
+ }
block titleContainer
block content
@@ -39,27 +43,28 @@ block content
h1 Visited conferences
- p.
- This page gives an overview of the conferences, workshops, and summer schools I have visited together with the #[strong travel carbon footprint].
- The #[strong accomodation] I used is also listed, but not included in the carbon footprint.
- The calculation is based on averages from #[a(href='', target='_blank') Our World in Data].
+ div.alert.alert-info
+ p.
+ This page gives an overview of the conferences, workshops, and summer schools I have visited together with the #[strong travel carbon footprint].
+ The #[strong accomodation] I used is also listed, but not included in the carbon footprint.
+ The calculation is based on averages from #[a.alert-link(href='', target='_blank') Our World in Data].
- p.
- For #[strong biking], I counted 30g CO#[sub 2] / km as a rough estimate based on my diet.
- #[strong Flights] shorter than 500km are counted as 'domestic' (255g / km), otherwise they are counted as short/long-haul (averaged on 153g / km).
- Distances (when hovering a travel mode symbol) are given for one-way trip only (but the footprint is computed for all travel).
+ p.
+ For #[strong biking], I counted 30g CO#[sub 2] / km as a rough estimate based on my diet.
+ #[strong Flights] shorter than 500km are counted as 'domestic' (255g / km), otherwise they are counted as short/long-haul (averaged on 153g / km).
+ Distances (when hovering a travel mode symbol) are given for one-way trip only (but the footprint is computed for all travel).
- p.
- I don't know much about computing carbon footprint.
- #[strong Please let me know if you think something can be done better!]
+ p.
+ The carbon footprint per capita of the Netherlands was #[strong 9.66] t (9,660,000 g) in 2017, according to #[a.alert-link(href='', target='_blank') Our World in Data].
+ The global average was #[strong 4.79] t (4,790,000 g) in 2016, according to #[a.alert-link(href='', target='_blank') Worldometer].
- p.
- The carbon footprint per capita of the Netherlands was #[strong 9.66] t (9,660,000 g) in 2017, according to #[a(href='', target='_blank') Our World in Data].
- The global average was #[strong 4.79] t (4,790,000 g) in 2016, according to #[a(href='', target='_blank') Worldometer].
+ p.
+ Transport, aviation, and shipping #[a.alert-link(href='', target='_blank') make up 34% of emissions in the Netherlands], so the average Dutch person emits #[strong 3.28] t per year or #[strong 8,992] g per day.
+ Worldwide, about #[a.alert-link(href='', target='_blank') 16.2% of emissions are from transport], i.e. #[strong 0.78] t per year or #[strong 2,125] g per day.
- p.
- Transport, aviation, and shipping #[a(href='', target='_blank') make up 34% of emissions in the Netherlands], so the average Dutch person emits #[strong 3.28] t per year or #[strong 8,992] g per day.
- Worldwide, about #[a(href='', target='_blank') 16.2% of emissions are from transport], i.e. #[strong 0.78] t per year or #[strong 2,125] g per day.
+ p.
+ I don't know much about computing carbon footprint.
+ #[strong Please let me know if you think something can be done better!]
// Accepts "Y-M-D to [[Y-]M-]D", i.e. you can leave out repeated parts in
@@ -113,11 +118,14 @@ block content
function year_summary(conferences, year) {
conferences = conferences.filter(c => c.from.getFullYear() == year);
- return {
+ let summary = {
conferences: conferences.length,
total_days:,y) => x + y, 0),
total_footprint:,y) => x + y, 0),
+ summary.total_footprint_per_day = summary.total_footprint / summary.total_days;
+ return summary;
let conferences = [];
@@ -163,7 +171,7 @@ block content
#[strong= summary.conferences] conference#{summary.conferences == 1 ? '' : 's'}
over #[strong= summary.total_days] day#{summary.total_days == 1 ? '' : 's'},
for a total of #[strong= (summary.total_footprint).toLocaleString('en')]g CO#[sub 2],
- averaging #[strong= (summary.total_footprint / summary.total_days).toLocaleString('en', {maximumFractionDigits: 0})]g CO#[sub 2] / day.
+ averaging #[strong(class!=summary.total_footprint_per_day > 2125 ? 'red' : 'green')= (summary.total_footprint_per_day).toLocaleString('en', {maximumFractionDigits: 0})]g CO#[sub 2] / day.
diff --git a/resources/pug/finals/index.pug b/resources/pug/finals/index.pug
index 6751da6..50f731c 100644
--- a/resources/pug/finals/index.pug
+++ b/resources/pug/finals/index.pug
@@ -131,6 +131,8 @@ block content
+pub(2017, 'Code generation for the Thumb-2 instruction set')(misc='Bachelor thesis, Radboud University Nijmegen', url='', oa)
h2 Talks
+ p.
+ I keep track of #[a(href='/conferences.html') the conferences I visit and how much CO#[sub 2] I emit in doing so].
td #[a(href="") NL-FP day], 2020-01-10