path: root/resources/pug/finals
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1 files changed, 6 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/resources/pug/finals/conferences.pug b/resources/pug/finals/conferences.pug
index 436a2f9..2a76218 100644
--- a/resources/pug/finals/conferences.pug
+++ b/resources/pug/finals/conferences.pug
@@ -50,13 +50,13 @@ block content
The calculation is based on averages from #[a.alert-link(href='', target='_blank') Our World in Data].
- For #[strong biking], I counted 30g CO#[sub 2] / km as a rough estimate based on my diet.
- #[strong Flights] shorter than 500km are counted as 'domestic' (255g / km), otherwise they are counted as short/long-haul (averaged on 153g / km).
+ For #[strong biking], I counted 30 g CO#[sub 2] / km as a rough estimate based on my diet.
+ #[strong Flights] shorter than 500km are counted as 'domestic' (255 g / km), otherwise they are counted as short/long-haul (averaged on 153 g / km).
#[strong Trains] in the Netherlands probably emit less than the estimate from Our World in Data because #[a.alert-link(href='', target='_blank') the NS runs on wind energy].
- The carbon footprint per capita of the Netherlands was #[strong 9.66] t (9,660,000 g) in 2017, according to #[a.alert-link(href='', target='_blank') Our World in Data].
- The global average was #[strong 4.79] t (4,790,000 g) in 2016, according to #[a.alert-link(href='', target='_blank') Worldometer].
+ The carbon footprint per capita of the Netherlands was #[strong 9.66] t in 2017 (26,448 g / day), according to #[a.alert-link(href='', target='_blank') Our World in Data].
+ The global average was #[strong 4.79] t in 2016 (13,114 g / day), according to #[a.alert-link(href='', target='_blank') Worldometer].
Transport, aviation, and shipping #[a.alert-link(href='', target='_blank') make up 34% of emissions in the Netherlands].
@@ -171,8 +171,8 @@ block content
#[strong= summary.conferences] conference#{summary.conferences == 1 ? '' : 's'}
over #[strong= summary.total_days] day#{summary.total_days == 1 ? '' : 's'},
- for a total of #[strong= (summary.total_footprint).toLocaleString('en')]g CO#[sub 2],
- averaging #[strong(class!=summary.total_footprint_per_day > 2125 ? 'red' : 'green')= (summary.total_footprint_per_day).toLocaleString('en', {maximumFractionDigits: 0})]g CO#[sub 2] / day.
+ for a total of #[strong= (summary.total_footprint).toLocaleString('en')] g CO#[sub 2],
+ averaging #[strong(class!=summary.total_footprint_per_day > 2125 ? 'red' : 'green')= (summary.total_footprint_per_day).toLocaleString('en', {maximumFractionDigits: 0})] g CO#[sub 2] / day.