path: root/resources/jade/index.jade
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'resources/jade/index.jade')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 136 deletions
diff --git a/resources/jade/index.jade b/resources/jade/index.jade
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f0ecd5..0000000
--- a/resources/jade/index.jade
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-extends ./include/layout.jade
-block content
- h1 Camil Staps
- hr
- img#profile(alt="Camil Staps", style="float:left;", src="/assets/img/profile-300x300.png", width="170")
- p #[a(href="") Freelance programmer]; Bachelor student #[a(href="") Computing Science] and #[a(href="") Theology]
- p
- br
- | GPG ID: #[a(href="") 6A315F83]
- br
- | Fingerprint: #[ 7F41 677C FA51 D2AE 8A4A C47D 4A9B FD4F 6A41 5F83]
- p
- a(href="") GitHub
- br
- a(href="") LinkedIn
- br
- a(href="") StackExchange
- br
- a(href="") Stack Overflow Careers
- hr
- table.main_table
- tr
- td I like:
- td Functional programming (#[a(href="") Clean]), Linux (Debian; Ubuntu Server), LaTeX (TikZ), PIC microcontrollers, CoffeeScript, regular expressions, Git, Bash
- tr
- td I know:
- td The above, Python, PHP (Laravel), SQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript (jQuery), Bootstrap, WordPress, C(++), Java
- tr
- td I dislike:
- td Ubuntu Desktop, C#, Objective C, any Windows version above XP, Apple, MS Office, computer games
- tr
- td My wishlist:
- td R, more functional programming, Node.js, Docker, LXC, functional programming on microcontrollers, data mining
- h2 Work
- table.main_table
- tr
- td 2013 - present
- td Owner of ViviSoft. #[a(href="") Contact me] for any projects in software or hardware development.
- tr
- td 2015 - present
- td
- p Student assistant at the #[a(href="") Faculty of Science] at the Radboud University Nijmegen.
- h6 2016-17
- p
- | #[a(href="") Algorithms and Data Structures]
- br
- | #[a(href="") Combinatorics]
- br
- | #[a(href="") Functional Programming for AI]
- br
- | #[a(href="") Functional Programming 1]
- br
- | #[a(href="") Operating Systems]
- h6 2015-16
- p
- | #[a(href="") Combinatorics]
- br
- | #[a(href="") Functional Programming 1] and #[a(href="") 2]
- br
- | #[a(href="") Introduction to Cryptography]
- br
- | #[a(href="") Mathematical Structures]
- h2 Education
- table.main_table
- tr
- td 2014-2017
- td BSc. #[a(href="") Computing Science & Cyber Security], Radboud University Nijmegen. Some of my work related to this education may be found on #[a(href="")]; releases appear on #[a(href="")].
- tr
- td 2015-2017
- td BA. #[a(href="") Theology], Radboud University Nijmegen. Some of my work related to this education may be found on #[a(href="")].
- h2 Software projects & libraries
- table.main_table
- tr
- td: a(href="") Cloogle
- td Hoogle clone for Clean (co-author & co-maintainer)
- tr
- td: a(href="") tkz-orm
- td LaTeX package for drawing Object-Role Model (ORM) diagrams using PGF and TikZ (#[a(href="") CTAN]) (co-maintainer)
- tr
- td: a(href="") ESP8266_PIC
- td ESP8266 library for PIC microcontrollers
- tr
- td: a(href="") ParseTrainer
- td Web app to practice parsing Hebrew verbs (#[a(href="") GitHub])
- tr
- td: a(href="") ClausesFormatter
- td Web app to format an Old Testament text in clauses, exports to TeX and PDF (#[a(href="") GitHub])
- tr
- td: a(href="") fuspel
- td A minimal, untyped, lazy functional programming language based on term rewriting
- tr
- td: a(href="") latexgit
- td LaTeX package for fetching and typesetting git information (#[a(href="") CTAN])
- tr
- td: a(href="") bibletext
- td LaTeX package for inserting Bible texts by specifying references (#[a(href="") CTAN])
- p Find more on #[a(href="") GitHub] and #[a(href="")].
- h2 Talks
- table.main_table
- tr
- td #[a(href="") 11th October 2016]
- td #[a(href="") Docker] introduction for the #[a(href="") Linux User Group Nijmegen] (#[a(href="") PDF])
- h2 Other interests
- ul
- li I am a community moderator at the #[a(href="") Philosophy Stack Exchange].
- li Making paper cuts, such as #[a(href="/assets/img/papercut.png") this one] or #[a(href="/assets/img/papercut-whales.png") that one].
- li I have been a volunteer in the #[a(href="") Taizé] community in 2013-14.
- h2 Contact details
- p +31 6 4045 1121
- p
- br
- | GPG ID: #[a(href="") 6A315F83]
- br
- | Fingerprint: #[ 7F41 677C FA51 D2AE 8A4A C47D 4A9B FD4F 6A41 5F83]
- p
- | #[a(href="") GitHub], #[a(href="") LinkedIn], #[a(href="") StackExchange], #[a(href="") Stack Overflow Careers]
- p
- | KvK: ViviSoft; 57363145
- br
- | BTW: NL223923096B01
- p
- | IBAN: NL68 ASNB 0707 8177 65
- br