path: root/Sjit
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Diffstat (limited to 'Sjit')
2 files changed, 51 insertions, 34 deletions
diff --git a/Sjit/Compile.dcl b/Sjit/Compile.dcl
index 166b5c4..7cb74e3 100644
--- a/Sjit/Compile.dcl
+++ b/Sjit/Compile.dcl
@@ -23,12 +23,13 @@ from Sjit.Syntax import :: Function
:: Program :== {!Instr}
:: CompileState =
- { vars :: !Map String Int
- , funs :: !Map String Int
- , sp :: !Int
- , pc :: !Int
- , blocks :: ![!Program!]
- , jitst :: !JITState
+ { vars :: !Map String Int
+ , funs :: !Map String Int
+ , sp :: !Int
+ , pc :: !Int
+ , blocks :: ![!Program!]
+ , new_block :: ![!Instr!]
+ , jitst :: !JITState
:: JITState =
diff --git a/Sjit/Compile.icl b/Sjit/Compile.icl
index 96db7f2..4f10096 100644
--- a/Sjit/Compile.icl
+++ b/Sjit/Compile.icl
@@ -40,12 +40,13 @@ bootstrap
# is = {i \\ i <- flatten [is \\ (_,is) <- header]}
( is,
- { vars = newMap
- , funs = fromList bs_funs
- , sp = 0
- , pc = len_bs
- , blocks = [!is!]
- , jitst = appendProgram False is (initJITState 1000)
+ { vars = newMap
+ , funs = fromList bs_funs
+ , sp = 0
+ , pc = len_bs
+ , blocks = [!is!]
+ , new_block = [!!]
+ , jitst = appendProgram False is (initJITState 1000)
bootstrap_funs :: (!Int, ![(String, Int)])
@@ -83,6 +84,29 @@ where
ccall init_jit "II:Vpp"
+class toInstrs a :: !a -> [Instr]
+instance toInstrs Instr where toInstrs i = [i]
+instance toInstrs [a] | toInstrs a where toInstrs xs = [i \\ x <- xs, i <- toInstrs x]
+gen :: !newis !CompileState -> m CompileState | Monad m & toInstrs newis
+gen newis cs = pure (foldr add cs (toInstrs newis))
+ add i cs = {cs & new_block=[!i:cs.new_block!], sp=sp, pc=cs.pc+1}
+ where
+ sp = cs.sp + case i of
+ PushRef _ -> 1
+ PushI _ -> 1
+ Put _ -> -1
+ Pop n -> 0-n
+ Call _ -> 1
+ JmpRelTrue _ -> 0
+ Ret -> -1
+ Halt -> -2
+ IAddRet -> -1
+ IMulRet -> -1
+ ISubRet -> -1
+ IDivRet -> -1
compile :: !Function !CompileState -> Either String CompileState
compile f cs
# cs & funs = put f.fun_name cs.pc cs.funs
@@ -90,36 +114,28 @@ compile f cs
# cs & vars = foldr (uncurry put) cs.vars [(v,sp) \\ v <- f.fun_args & sp <- [cs.sp+1..]]
= case expr f.fun_expr cs of
Left e -> Left e
- Right (is,cs)
- # is = {i \\ i <- reverse [Ret:Put (max 1 (length f.fun_args)+1):is]}
+ Right cs
+ # is = {i \\ i <|- Reverse [!Ret:Put (max 1 (length f.fun_args)+1):cs.new_block!]}
-> Right
{ cs
- & vars = vars
- , pc = cs.pc+2
- , blocks = cs.blocks ++| [!is!]
- , jitst = appendProgram (f.fun_name == "main") is cs.jitst
+ & vars = vars
+ , pc = cs.pc+2
+ , blocks = cs.blocks ++| [!is!]
+ , new_block = [!!]
+ , jitst = appendProgram (f.fun_name == "main") is cs.jitst
- expr :: !Expr !CompileState -> Either String (![Instr], !CompileState)
- expr (Int i) cs = Right ([PushI i], {cs & sp=cs.sp+1, pc=cs.pc+1})
- expr (Bool b) cs = Right ([PushI (if b 1 0)], {cs & sp=cs.sp+1, pc=cs.pc+1})
+ expr :: !Expr !CompileState -> Either String CompileState
+ expr (Int i) cs = gen (PushI i) cs
+ expr (Bool b) cs = gen (PushI (if b 1 0)) cs
expr (Var v) cs = case get v cs.vars of
- Just i -> Right ([PushRef (i-cs.sp)], {cs & sp=cs.sp+1, pc=cs.pc+1})
+ Just i -> gen (PushRef (i-cs.sp)) cs
Nothing -> Left ("undefined variable '" +++ v +++ "'")
expr (App f args) cs
# args = if (args=:[]) [Int 0] args
- = case mapStM expr args {cs & sp=cs.sp+1} of
- Left e -> Left e
- Right (iss,cs) -> case get f cs.funs of
- Just f -> Right
- ( [Pop (length args-1):Call f:flatten iss]
- , {cs & sp=cs.sp+2-length args, pc=cs.pc+2}
- )
- Nothing -> Left ("undefined function '" +++ toString f +++ "'")
- mapStM :: !(a st -> m (b, st)) ![a] !st -> m ([b], st) | Monad m
- mapStM _ [] st = pure ([], st)
- mapStM f [x:xs] st = f x st >>= \(y,st) -> mapStM f xs st >>= \(ys,st) -> pure ([y:ys],st)
+ = foldM (flip expr) {cs & sp=cs.sp+1} (reverse args) >>= \cs -> case get f cs.funs of
+ Nothing -> Left ("undefined function '" +++ toString f +++ "'")
+ Just f -> gen [Pop (length args-1),Call f] cs
generic gEncodedSize a :: !a -> Int
gEncodedSize{|Int|} _ = 1