path: root/Sjit/Compile.icl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Sjit/Compile.icl')
1 files changed, 29 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/Sjit/Compile.icl b/Sjit/Compile.icl
index 527676f..b5ea1bf 100644
--- a/Sjit/Compile.icl
+++ b/Sjit/Compile.icl
@@ -98,13 +98,10 @@ where
Pop n -> 0-n
Call _ -> 0
Jmp _ -> 0
- JmpTrue _ -> 0
+ JmpCond c _ -> if (c=:CTrue) -1 -2
Ret -> -1
Halt -> -2
- IAdd -> -1
- IMul -> -1
- ISub -> -1
- IDiv -> -1
+ Op _ -> -1
PlaceHolder _ n -> n
reserve :: !Int !CompileState -> m (!Int, !CompileState) | Monad m
@@ -152,20 +149,38 @@ where
# args = if (args=:[]) [Int 0] args
= foldM (flip expr) cs (reverse args) >>= \cs -> case get f cs.funs of
Nothing -> case f of
- "+" -> gen [IAdd] cs
- "-" -> gen [ISub] cs
- "*" -> gen [IMul] cs
- "/" -> gen [IDiv] cs
- _ -> Left ("undefined function '" +++ toString f +++ "'")
+ "+" -> gen [Op OAdd] cs
+ "-" -> gen [Op OSub] cs
+ "*" -> gen [Op OMul] cs
+ "/" -> gen [Op ODiv] cs
+ _ -> Left ("undefined function '" +++ toString f +++ "'")
Just f -> case length args of
1 -> gen [Call f] cs
n -> gen [Pop (n-1),Call f] cs
+ expr (If (App cond [a,b]) t e) cs | isJust condop =
+ expr a cs >>=
+ expr b >>=
+ reserve -2 >>= \(jmpcond,cs=:{sp=orgsp}) ->
+ expr e cs >>=
+ reserve 0 >>= \(jmpend,cs) ->
+ fillPlaceHolder jmpcond (JmpCond (fromJust condop) cs.pc) {cs & sp=orgsp} >>=
+ expr t >>= \cs ->
+ fillPlaceHolder jmpend (Jmp cs.pc) cs
+ where
+ condop = case cond of
+ "==" -> Just CEq
+ "<>" -> Just CNe
+ "<" -> Just CLt
+ "<=" -> Just CLe
+ ">" -> Just CGt
+ ">=" -> Just CGe
+ _ -> Nothing
expr (If b t e) cs =
expr b cs >>=
- reserve -1 >>= \(jmptrue,cs=:{sp=orgsp}) ->
+ reserve -1 >>= \(jmpcond,cs=:{sp=orgsp}) ->
expr e cs >>=
reserve 0 >>= \(jmpend,cs) ->
- fillPlaceHolder jmptrue (JmpTrue cs.pc) {cs & sp=orgsp} >>=
+ fillPlaceHolder jmpcond (JmpCond CTrue cs.pc) {cs & sp=orgsp} >>=
expr t >>= \cs ->
fillPlaceHolder jmpend (Jmp cs.pc) cs
@@ -198,8 +213,8 @@ gEncode{|EITHER|} _ fr (RIGHT r) i arr = fr r i arr
gEncode{|CONS of {gcd_index}|} fx (CONS x) i arr = fx x (i+1) {arr & [i]=gcd_index}
gEncode{|OBJECT|} fx (OBJECT x) i arr = fx x i arr
-derive gEncodedSize Instr
-derive gEncode Instr
+derive gEncodedSize Cond, Op, Instr
+derive gEncode Cond, Op, Instr
encode :: !a -> *{#Int} | gEncodedSize{|*|}, gEncode{|*|} a
encode x