module silc import StdArray import StdBool import StdChar import StdFile from StdFunc import id, o, seq import StdList import StdMaybe import StdOverloaded import StdString import StdTuple import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad import Data.Error from Data.Func import $ import Data.Functor import Data.Tuple import System.CommandLine import System.Directory import System.File import System.FilePath import System.Process import ABC.Assembler from Sil.Check import checkProgram import Sil.Compile import Sil.Error import Sil.Parse from Sil.Syntax import :: Program import Sil.Util.Parser from Sil.Util.Printer import :: PrintState, instance zero PrintState, class PrettyPrinter(..), instance PrettyPrinter Program :: CLI = { prettyprint :: Bool , check :: Bool , compile :: Bool , generate :: Bool , help :: Bool , inputfile :: ?String } instance zero CLI where zero = { prettyprint = False , check = True , compile = True , generate = True , help = False , inputfile = ?None } Start w #! (io,w) = stdio w #! err = stderr #! (cmd,w) = getCommandLine w #! (args,_) = runParser (arg until eof) $ makeParseState $ map PI_Token $ tl cmd | isError args # err = err <<< toString (fromError args) <<< "\r\n" = finish 1 io err w #! args = seq (fromOk args) zero | # io = io <<< HELP = finish 0 io err w | isNone args.inputfile # err = err <<< "No input file given.\r\n" = finish 1 io err w # infile = fromJust args.inputfile # (dir, module, infile, abcfile, sfile, ofile) = ( if (size dir==0) ?None (?Just dir) , name , indir $ addExtension name "sil" , indir $ addExtension name "abc" , indir $ addExtension name "s" , indir $ addExtension name "o" ) with (dir, name) = splitFileName $ if (ext == "sil") base` infile (base`, ext) = splitExtension infile indir s = if (size dir==0) s (dir s) #! (file,w) = readFile infile w | isError file # err = err <<< "Could not open '" <<< infile <<< "' for reading.\r\n" = finish 1 io err w #! prog = tokenise (fromString $ fromOk file) >>= parse | isError prog # err = err <<< toString (fromError prog) <<< "\r\n" = finish 1 io err w #! prog = fromOk prog #! io = if args.prettyprint (io <<< print zero prog <<< "\r\n") io #! (errs, err) = if args.check (appSnd fromJust $ checkProgram (?Just err) prog) ([], err) | not (isEmpty errs) = finish 1 io err w | not args.compile = finish 0 io err w #! (ok,f,w) = fopen abcfile FWriteText w | not ok # err = err <<< "Could not open '" <<< abcfile <<< "' for writing\r\n" = finish 1 io err w #! prog = compile prog | isError prog # err = err <<< fromError prog = finish 1 io err w #! f = printAssembler (fromOk prog) f #! (_,w) = fclose f w | not args.generate = finish 0 io err w #! (p,w) = callProcess "/opt/clean/exe/cg" [module, "-s", sfile] dir w | isError p # err = err <<< snd (fromError p) <<< "\r\n" = finish 1 io err w | fromOk p <> 0 = finish (fromOk p) io err w #! (_,f,w) = fopen sfile FAppendText w #! f = foldl (<<<) f options #! (_,w) = fclose f w #! (p,w) = callProcess "/usr/bin/as" [ sfile , "-o" , ofile ] dir w | isError p # err = err <<< snd (fromError p) <<< "\r\n" = finish 1 io err w | fromOk p <> 0 = finish (fromOk p) io err w #! (p,w) = callProcess "/usr/bin/gcc" [ "-lc" , "-s" , "-no-pie" , ofile , "/opt/clean/lib/StdEnv/Clean System Files/_system.o" , "/opt/clean/lib/StdEnv/Clean System Files/_startup.o" , "-o" , module ] dir w | isError p # err = err <<< snd (fromError p) <<< "\r\n" = finish 1 io err w | fromOk p <> 0 = finish (fromOk p) io err w = finish 0 io err w where arg :: Parser String (CLI -> CLI) arg = peek >>= \opt -> ( (\ cli -> {cli & prettyprint=True}) <$ anyItem ["-p", "--pretty-print"] <|> (\ cli -> {cli & check=False}) <$ item "--no-check" <|> (\ cli -> {cli & compile=False}) <$ item "--no-compile" <|> (\ cli -> {cli & generate=False}) <$ item "--no-generate" <|> (\ cli -> {cli & help=True}) <$ anyItem ["-h", "--help"] <|> (\name cli -> {cli & inputfile= ?Just name}) <$> satisfy isFilename ) P_Invalid "command line argument" opt HELP = "silc: simple imperative language compiler\r\n\r\n" +++ "Usage: silc [-p|--pretty-print] [--no-check] [--no-compile] [--no-generate] [-h|--help] [FILE]\r\n\r\n" +++ "\t-p, --pretty-print Pretty-print program\r\n" +++ "\t--no-check Do not check program for common errors\r\n" +++ "\t--no-compile Do not compile program to ABC-code\r\n" +++ "\t--no-generate Do not generate machine code from ABC-code\r\n" +++ "\t-h, --help Print this help\r\n" isFilename :: (String -> Bool) isFilename = all (\c -> isAlphanum c || isMember c ['./-']) o fromString finish :: !Int !*File !*File -> *(*World -> *World) finish ret io err = setReturnCode ret o snd o fclose err o snd o fclose io options :: [String] options = [ "\\n" : flatten [ [ "\t.globl " +++ var +++ "\n" , var +++ ":\n" , "\t.quad " +++ val +++ "\n" ] \\ (var,val) <- [ ("heap_size", "0x00200000") , ("ab_stack_size", "0x00080000") , ("flags", "0x00000008") , ("heap_size_multiple", "0x00001400") , ("initial_heap_size", "0x00019000") ] ] ++ ["\t.text\n"] ]