implementation module Sil.Types import StdBool from StdFunc import const, o import StdList import StdMisc import StdOverloaded import StdString import GenEq import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad import Data.Error from Data.Func import $ import Data.Functor import Data.Maybe from Text import <+ from ABC.Assembler import :: BasicType(..) import Sil.Error import Sil.Syntax import Sil.Util.Parser import Sil.Util.Printer derive gEq Type instance == Type where == a b = gEq{|*|} a b instance toString Type where toString TBool = "Bool" toString TInt = "Int" toString TVoid = "Void" toString (at --> rt) = "(" <+ at <+ " -> " <+ rt <+ ")" toString (TTuple _ ts) = "(" <+ printersperse ", " ts <+ ")" toString (TList t) = "[" <+ t <+ "]" instance zero TypeSize where zero = {asize=0, bsize=0, btypes=[]} typeSize :: Type -> TypeSize typeSize TVoid = zero typeSize TBool = {zero & bsize=1, btypes=[BT_Bool]} typeSize TInt = {zero & bsize=1, btypes=[BT_Int]} typeSize (TTuple _ _) = {zero & asize=1} typeSize (TList _) = {zero & asize=1} (+~) infixl 6 :: TypeSize TypeSize -> TypeSize (+~) a b = { asize = a.asize + b.asize , bsize = a.bsize + b.bsize , btypes = a.btypes ++ b.btypes } (-~) infixl 6 :: TypeSize TypeSize -> TypeSize (-~) a b = { asize = a.asize - b.asize , bsize = a.bsize - b.bsize , btypes = abort "btypes after -~\r\n" } instance zero TypeResolver where zero = const Nothing instance type Function where type res f = Just $ Ok $ foldr (-->) f.f_type [a.arg_type \\ a <- f.f_args] instance type Expression where type res (Name _ n) = type res n type res (Literal _ lit) = case lit of BLit _ -> Just $ Ok TBool ILit _ -> Just $ Ok TInt type res (App p n args) = mapM (type res) args >>= \ats -> res n >>= \ft -> pure ( sequence ats >>= \ats -> ft >>= \ft -> foldM (tryApply p) ft ats) type res (BuiltinApp p op e) = type res e >>= \te -> type res op >>= \top -> pure ( top >>= \top -> te >>= \te -> tryApply p top te) type res (BuiltinApp2 p e1 Cons e2) = type res e1 >>= \te1 -> type res e2 >>= \te2 -> pure ( te1 >>= \te1 -> te2 >>= \te2 -> let top = te1 --> TList te1 --> TList te1 in foldM (tryApply p) top [te1,te2]) type res (BuiltinApp2 p e1 op e2) = type res e1 >>= \te1 -> type res e2 >>= \te2 -> type res op >>= \top -> pure ( top >>= \top -> te1 >>= \te1 -> te2 >>= \te2 -> foldM (tryApply p) top [te1,te2]) type res e=:(List _ (Just t) es) = mapM (type res) es >>= \tes -> pure (sequence tes >>= \tes -> case [(e,t`) \\ e <- es & t` <- tes | t <> t`] of [(e`,t`):_] -> Error $ C_TypeMisMatch t e` t` [] -> Ok $ TList t) type res (List _ Nothing []) = Nothing type res e=:(List _ Nothing es) = mapM (type res) es >>= \tes -> pure (sequence tes >>= \tes -> case removeDup tes of [t] -> Ok $ TList t [_:_] -> Error $ C_CouldNotDeduceType e) type res e=:(Tuple _ n es) | n > 32 = Just $ Error $ T_TooHighTupleArity (errpos e) n | otherwise = mapM (type res) es >>= \ats -> pure (sequence ats >>= pure o TTuple n) type res fe=:(Field _ f e) | isTuple = type res e >>= \te -> pure (te >>= \te -> case te of TTuple arity es -> if (0 < tupleEl && tupleEl <= arity) (Ok $ es!!(tupleEl - 1)) (Error $ T_IllegalField (errpos fe) f te) _ -> Error $ T_IllegalField (errpos fe) f te) | f == "hd" = type res e >>= \te -> pure (te >>= \te -> case te of TList t -> Ok t _ -> Error $ T_IllegalField (errpos fe) f te) | f == "tl" = type res e >>= \te -> pure (te >>= \te -> case te of t=:(TList _) -> Ok t _ -> Error $ T_IllegalField (errpos fe) f te) | f == "nil" = type res e >>= \te -> pure (te >>= \te -> case te of (TList _) -> Ok TBool _ -> Error $ T_IllegalField (errpos fe) f te) | otherwise = type res e >>= \te -> pure (te >>= Error o T_IllegalField (errpos fe) f) where f` = fromString f isTuple = length f` >= 2 && hd f` == '_' && all isDigit (tl f`) tupleEl = toInt $ toString $ tl f` tryApply :: ParsePosition Type Type -> MaybeError Error Type tryApply p ft=:(at --> rt) et | et == at = Ok rt | otherwise = Error $ T_IllegalApplication (errpos p) ft et tryApply p ft et = Error $ T_IllegalApplication (errpos p) ft et instance type Name where type res n = res n instance type Op1 where type _ Neg = Just $ Ok $ TInt --> TInt type _ Not = Just $ Ok $ TBool --> TBool instance type Op2 where type _ Add = Just $ Ok $ TInt --> TInt --> TInt type _ Sub = Just $ Ok $ TInt --> TInt --> TInt type _ Mul = Just $ Ok $ TInt --> TInt --> TInt type _ Div = Just $ Ok $ TInt --> TInt --> TInt type _ Rem = Just $ Ok $ TInt --> TInt --> TInt type _ Equals = Just $ Ok $ TInt --> TInt --> TBool type _ Unequals = Just $ Ok $ TInt --> TInt --> TBool type _ CmpLe = Just $ Ok $ TInt --> TInt --> TBool type _ CmpGe = Just $ Ok $ TInt --> TInt --> TBool type _ CmpLt = Just $ Ok $ TInt --> TInt --> TBool type _ CmpGt = Just $ Ok $ TInt --> TInt --> TBool type _ LogOr = Just $ Ok $ TBool --> TBool --> TBool type _ LogAnd = Just $ Ok $ TBool --> TBool --> TBool