path: root/Sil/Compile.icl
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Diffstat (limited to 'Sil/Compile.icl')
1 files changed, 81 insertions, 31 deletions
diff --git a/Sil/Compile.icl b/Sil/Compile.icl
index 2609f7c..4c0d02d 100644
--- a/Sil/Compile.icl
+++ b/Sil/Compile.icl
@@ -40,21 +40,23 @@ compile prog = case evalRWST (gen prog) () zero of
:: CompileState =
- { labels :: ['ABC'.Label]
- , addresses :: 'M'.Map Name Address
- , symbols :: 'M'.Map Name FunctionSymbol
- , returns :: ['ABC'.Assembler]
- , stackoffset :: Int
+ { labels :: ['ABC'.Label]
+ , addresses :: 'M'.Map Name Address
+ , symbols :: 'M'.Map Name FunctionSymbol
+ , returns :: ['ABC'.Assembler]
+ , stackoffset :: Int
+ , storedoffsets :: [Int]
instance zero CompileState
zero =
- { labels = ["_l" <+ i \\ i <- [0..]]
- , addresses = 'M'.newMap
- , symbols = 'M'.newMap
- , returns = []
- , stackoffset = 0
+ { labels = ["_l" <+ i \\ i <- [0..]]
+ , addresses = 'M'.newMap
+ , symbols = 'M'.newMap
+ , returns = []
+ , stackoffset = 0
+ , storedoffsets = []
labels :: CompileState -> ['ABC'.Label]
@@ -84,12 +86,19 @@ peekReturn cs = hd cs.returns
stackoffset :: CompileState -> Int
stackoffset cs = cs.stackoffset
+storeStackOffset :: CompileState -> CompileState
+storeStackOffset cs = {cs & storedoffsets=[cs.stackoffset:cs.storedoffsets]}
+restoreStackOffset :: CompileState -> CompileState
+restoreStackOffset cs = {cs & stackoffset=so, storedoffsets=sos}
+where [so:sos] = cs.storedoffsets
:: Gen a :== RWST () 'ABC'.Assembler CompileState (MaybeError CompileError) a
-fresh :: Gen 'ABC'.Label
-fresh = gets labels
+fresh :: a -> Gen 'ABC'.Label | toString a
+fresh n = gets labels
>>= \labs -> modify (\cs -> {cs & labels=tl labs})
- *> pure (hd labs)
+ *> pure (n <+ hd labs)
reserveVar :: Int Name -> Gen Int
reserveVar i n = modify (\cs -> {cs & addresses='M'.put n i cs.addresses}) *> pure (i+1)
@@ -130,11 +139,14 @@ where
, 'ABC'.Label f.f_name
] *>
foldM reserveVar locals [a.arg_name \\ a <- reverse f.f_args] *>
- modify (newReturn cleanup) *>
+ modify (newReturn cleanup`) *>
gen f.f_code *>
+ cleanup *>
+ shrinkStack (args - 1) *>
+ tell ['ABC'.Rtn] *>
modify popReturn
- cleanup = case f.f_args of
+ cleanup` = case f.f_args of
[] -> [ 'ABC'.Annotation $ 'ABC'.DAnnot 1 []
_ -> [ 'ABC'.Comment "Cleanup"
@@ -147,13 +159,15 @@ where
instance gen CodeBlock
- gen cb = foldM reserveVar 0 [i.init_name \\ i <- cb.cb_init] *>
+ gen cb =
+ modify storeStackOffset *>
+ foldM reserveVar 0 [i.init_name \\ i <- cb.cb_init] *>
mapM_ gen cb.cb_init *>
modify (addToReturn cleanup`) *>
mapM_ gen cb.cb_content *>
- cleanup *>
- tell ['ABC'.Rtn] *>
- modify (removeFromReturn $ length cleanup`)
+ tell cleanup` *>
+ modify (removeFromReturn $ length cleanup`) *>
+ modify restoreStackOffset
cleanup` = case cb.cb_init of
[] -> []
@@ -164,7 +178,7 @@ where
instance gen Initialisation
- gen init = comment ("Initialise " <+ init.init_name) *> tell ['ABC'.Create]
+ gen init = comment ("Initialise " <+ init.init_name) *> tell ['ABC'.Create] *> growStack 1
instance gen Statement
@@ -176,6 +190,28 @@ where
gen (Return (Just app)) = comment "Return" *> gen app *> cleanup *> tell ['ABC'.Rtn]
gen (Return Nothing) = comment "Return" *> cleanup *> tell ['ABC'.Rtn]
gen (MachineStm s) = tell ['ABC'.Raw s]
+ gen (If c t Nothing) =
+ fresh "ifend" >>= \end ->
+ comment "condition" *>
+ gen c *>
+ toBStack 'ABC'.BT_Bool 1 *>
+ tell [ 'ABC'.JmpFalse end ] *>
+ comment "if-true" *>
+ gen t *>
+ tell [ 'ABC'.Label end ]
+ gen (If c t (Just e)) =
+ fresh "else" >>= \else -> fresh "ifend" >>= \end ->
+ comment "condition" *>
+ gen c *>
+ toBStack 'ABC'.BT_Bool 1 *>
+ tell [ 'ABC'.JmpFalse else ] *>
+ comment "if-true" *>
+ gen t *>
+ tell [ 'ABC'.Jmp end
+ , 'ABC'.Label else ] *>
+ comment "if-false" *>
+ gen e *>
+ tell [ 'ABC'.Label end ]
instance gen Application
@@ -197,10 +233,10 @@ where
, 'ABC'.Jsr n
, 'ABC'.Annotation $ 'ABC'.OAnnot 1 []
] *>
- shrinkStack fs.fs_arity
+ shrinkStack (fs.fs_arity - 1)
_ -> liftT $ Error $ UndefinedName n
- gen (BuiltinApp op arg) = gen arg *> gen op *> growStack 1
- gen (BuiltinApp2 e1 op e2) = mapM gen [e1,e2] *> gen op *> growStack 1
+ gen (BuiltinApp op arg) = gen arg *> gen op
+ gen (BuiltinApp2 e1 op e2) = mapM gen [e1,e2] *> gen op
instance gen Op1
@@ -217,24 +253,38 @@ where
gen op =
toBStack 'ABC'.BT_Int 2 *>
tell [instr] *>
- BtoAStack 'ABC'.BT_Int
+ BtoAStack rettype
instr = case op of
- Add -> 'ABC'.AddI
- Sub -> 'ABC'.SubI
- Mul -> 'ABC'.MulI
- Div -> 'ABC'.DivI
- Rem -> 'ABC'.RemI
+ Add -> 'ABC'.AddI
+ Sub -> 'ABC'.SubI
+ Mul -> 'ABC'.MulI
+ Div -> 'ABC'.DivI
+ Rem -> 'ABC'.RemI
+ Equals -> 'ABC'.EqI
+ LogOr -> 'ABC'.AddI // TODO remove hack
+ LogAnd -> 'ABC'.MulI // TODO remove hack
+ rettype = case op of
+ Equals -> 'ABC'.BT_Bool
+ _ -> 'ABC'.BT_Int
toBStack :: 'ABC'.BasicType Int -> Gen ()
-toBStack t n = tell [push i \\ i <- [0..n-1]] *> tell ['ABC'.Pop_a (n-1)]
+toBStack t n =
+ tell [push i \\ i <- [0..n-1]] *>
+ tell (if (n <> 0) ['ABC'.Pop_a n] []) *>
+ shrinkStack n
push = case t of
'ABC'.BT_Bool -> 'ABC'.PushB_a
'ABC'.BT_Int -> 'ABC'.PushI_a
BtoAStack :: 'ABC'.BasicType -> Gen ()
-BtoAStack t = tell [fill 0 0, 'ABC'.Pop_b 1]
+BtoAStack t =
+ tell [ 'ABC'.Create
+ , fill 0 0
+ , 'ABC'.Pop_b 1
+ ] *>
+ growStack 1
fill = case t of
'ABC'.BT_Bool -> 'ABC'.FillB_b