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4 files changed, 28 insertions, 35 deletions
diff --git a/Sil/Compile.icl b/Sil/Compile.icl
index 6475da7..e16cdd9 100644
--- a/Sil/Compile.icl
+++ b/Sil/Compile.icl
@@ -488,19 +488,17 @@ where
gen (Literal _ (ILit i)) =
tell ['ABC'.PushI i] *>
growStack {zero & bsize=1,btypes=['ABC'.BT_Int]}
- gen (App p n args) = gets addresses >>= \addrs -> case 'M'.get n addrs of
- Just i -> error C_FunctionOnStack
- _ -> gets symbols >>= \syms -> case 'M'.get n syms of
- Just fs ->
- comment "Retrieve arguments" *>
- mapM gen args *>
- comment "Apply function" *>
- tell [ 'ABC'.Annotation $ toDAnnot` $ map typeSize fs.fs_argtypes
- , 'ABC'.Jsr $ toLabel n
- , 'ABC'.Annotation $ toOAnnot $ typeSize fs.fs_rettype
- ] *>
- growStack (foldl (-~) (typeSize fs.fs_rettype) $ map typeSize fs.fs_argtypes)
- _ -> error $ C_UndefinedName (errpos p) n
+ gen (App p n args) = gets symbols >>= \syms -> case 'M'.get n syms of
+ Just fs ->
+ comment "Retrieve arguments" *>
+ mapM gen args *>
+ comment "Apply function" *>
+ tell [ 'ABC'.Annotation $ toDAnnot` $ map typeSize fs.fs_argtypes
+ , 'ABC'.Jsr $ toLabel n
+ , 'ABC'.Annotation $ toOAnnot $ typeSize fs.fs_rettype
+ ] *>
+ growStack (foldl (-~) (typeSize fs.fs_rettype) $ map typeSize fs.fs_argtypes)
+ _ -> error $ C_UndefinedName (errpos p) n
gen (BuiltinApp _ op arg) =
gen arg *>
gen op
diff --git a/Sil/Error.dcl b/Sil/Error.dcl
index 42341ed..947ba9a 100644
--- a/Sil/Error.dcl
+++ b/Sil/Error.dcl
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ instance < ErrorPosition
= E.a: P_Invalid String a & toString a
| E.a: P_Expected ErrorPosition String a & toString a
// Type errors
- | T_IllegalApplication Type Type
+ | T_IllegalApplication ErrorPosition Type Type
| T_IllegalField ErrorPosition String Type
| T_TooHighTupleArity ErrorPosition Int
// Check errors
@@ -33,8 +33,6 @@ instance < ErrorPosition
// Compile errors
| C_UndefinedName ErrorPosition String
| C_UndefinedField ErrorPosition String
- | C_VariableLabel
- | C_FunctionOnStack
| C_CouldNotDeduceType Expression
| C_TypeMisMatch Type Expression Type
| C_BasicInitWithoutValue ErrorPosition String
diff --git a/Sil/Error.icl b/Sil/Error.icl
index e548e33..66fb338 100644
--- a/Sil/Error.icl
+++ b/Sil/Error.icl
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ instance toString Error
toString (P_Invalid w tk) = "\tInvalid token '" <+ tk <+ "' while parsing a " <+ w <+ "."
toString (P_Expected p s h) = p <+ "Expected " <+ s <+ " near '" <+ h <+ "'."
- toString (T_IllegalApplication ft et) = "\tCannot apply a " <+ et <+ " to a " <+ ft <+ "."
+ toString (T_IllegalApplication p ft et) = p <+ "Cannot apply a " <+ et <+ " to a " <+ ft <+ "."
toString (T_IllegalField p f t) = p <+ "Illegal field '" <+ f <+ "' on type " <+ t <+ "."
toString (T_TooHighTupleArity p i) = p <+ "Too high tuple arity " <+ i <+ " (maximum is 32)."
toString Ck_NoMainFunction = "\tError: no main function."
@@ -39,8 +39,6 @@ where
toString (Ck_BasicGlobal p g) = p <+ "Error: global variable '" <+ g <+ "' cannot have a basic type."
toString (C_UndefinedName p n) = p <+ "Undefined name '" <+ n <+ "'."
toString (C_UndefinedField p f) = p <+ "Undefined field '" <+ f <+ "'."
- toString C_VariableLabel = "\tVariable stored at label."
- toString C_FunctionOnStack = "\tFunction stored on the stack."
toString (C_CouldNotDeduceType e) = errpos e <+ "Could not deduce type of '" <+ e <+ "'."
toString (C_TypeMisMatch t e u) = errpos e <+ "Type mismatch: expected " <+ t <+ " for '" <+ e <+ "'; had " <+ u <+ "."
toString (C_BasicInitWithoutValue p n) = p <+ "Basic value '" <+ n <+ "' must have an initial value."
@@ -60,7 +58,7 @@ where
getErrorPosition :: Error -> Maybe ErrorPosition
getErrorPosition (P_Invalid w tk) = Nothing
getErrorPosition (P_Expected p s h) = Just p
-getErrorPosition (T_IllegalApplication ft et) = Nothing
+getErrorPosition (T_IllegalApplication p ft et) = Just p
getErrorPosition (T_IllegalField p f t) = Just p
getErrorPosition (T_TooHighTupleArity p i) = Just p
getErrorPosition Ck_NoMainFunction = Nothing
@@ -73,8 +71,6 @@ getErrorPosition (Ck_LocalVoid p l) = Just p
getErrorPosition (Ck_BasicGlobal p g) = Just p
getErrorPosition (C_UndefinedName p n) = Just p
getErrorPosition (C_UndefinedField p f) = Just p
-getErrorPosition C_VariableLabel = Nothing
-getErrorPosition C_FunctionOnStack = Nothing
getErrorPosition (C_CouldNotDeduceType e) = Just (errpos e)
getErrorPosition (C_TypeMisMatch t e u) = Just (errpos e)
getErrorPosition (C_BasicInitWithoutValue p n) = Just p
diff --git a/Sil/Types.icl b/Sil/Types.icl
index a68a7b8..2fdd666 100644
--- a/Sil/Types.icl
+++ b/Sil/Types.icl
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ from ABC.Assembler import :: BasicType(..)
import Sil.Error
import Sil.Syntax
+import Sil.Util.Parser
import Sil.Util.Printer
derive gEq Type
@@ -70,30 +71,30 @@ where
type res (Literal _ lit) = case lit of
BLit _ -> Just $ Ok TBool
ILit _ -> Just $ Ok TInt
- type res (App _ n args) =
+ type res (App p n args) =
mapM (type res) args >>= \ats ->
res n >>= \ft -> pure
( sequence ats >>= \ats ->
- ft >>= \ft -> foldM tryApply ft ats)
- type res (BuiltinApp _ op e) =
+ ft >>= \ft -> foldM (tryApply p) ft ats)
+ type res (BuiltinApp p op e) =
type res e >>= \te ->
type res op >>= \top -> pure
( top >>= \top ->
- te >>= \te -> tryApply top te)
- type res (BuiltinApp2 _ e1 Cons e2) =
+ te >>= \te -> tryApply p top te)
+ type res (BuiltinApp2 p e1 Cons e2) =
type res e1 >>= \te1 ->
type res e2 >>= \te2 -> pure
( te1 >>= \te1 ->
te2 >>= \te2 ->
let top = te1 --> TList te1 --> TList te1 in
- foldM tryApply top [te1,te2])
- type res (BuiltinApp2 _ e1 op e2) =
+ foldM (tryApply p) top [te1,te2])
+ type res (BuiltinApp2 p e1 op e2) =
type res e1 >>= \te1 ->
type res e2 >>= \te2 ->
type res op >>= \top -> pure
( top >>= \top ->
te1 >>= \te1 ->
- te2 >>= \te2 -> foldM tryApply top [te1,te2])
+ te2 >>= \te2 -> foldM (tryApply p) top [te1,te2])
type res e=:(List _ (Just t) es) =
mapM (type res) es >>= \tes -> pure
(sequence tes >>= \tes -> case [(e,t`) \\ e <- es & t` <- tes | t <> t`] of
@@ -131,11 +132,11 @@ where
isTuple = length f` >= 2 && hd f` == '_' && all isDigit (tl f`)
tupleEl = toInt $ toString $ tl f`
-tryApply :: Type Type -> MaybeError Error Type
-tryApply ft=:(at --> rt) et
-| et == at = Ok rt
-| otherwise = Error $ T_IllegalApplication ft et
-tryApply ft et = Error $ T_IllegalApplication ft et
+tryApply :: ParsePosition Type Type -> MaybeError Error Type
+tryApply p ft=:(at --> rt) et
+| et == at = Ok rt
+| otherwise = Error $ T_IllegalApplication (errpos p) ft et
+tryApply p ft et = Error $ T_IllegalApplication (errpos p) ft et
instance type Name where type res n = res n