# pyble Python Bible tools This is a Python toolbox to analyse the Bible. Copyright © 2015 Camil Staps. See license details below. ## Setting up Install the necessary packages: # pip3 install orator click First we need to setup an SQLite database: $ ./cli.py init pyble.db You're going to need one or several translations. One possibility is to [get them from Bible Hub][biblehubdb] (take the "Text file (zipped, 5.5MB)"). Download and unzip the zipped text file, then run: $ unzip bibles.zip $ ./cli.py load --type=biblehub bibles.txt pyble.db $ rm bibles.zip bibles.txt ## To do Add a table for cross references, and a script to read in the database from [OpenBible.info][openbibledb]. Make a web frontend for anyone to search, add cross references, and vote for cross references. ## License This project is licensed under the GPLv2 license. [biblehubdb]: http://biblehub.net/database/ [openbibledb]: http://www.openbible.info/labs/cross-references/