path: root/debian/i3status-wmii.1
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Diffstat (limited to 'debian/i3status-wmii.1')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 158 deletions
diff --git a/debian/i3status-wmii.1 b/debian/i3status-wmii.1
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index 9e8ba40..0000000
--- a/debian/i3status-wmii.1
+++ /dev/null
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-.de Vb \" Begin verbatim text
-.ft CW
-.ne \\$1
-.de Ve \" End verbatim text
-.ft R
-.TH i3status 1 "MAY 2009" Linux "User Manuals"
-i3status \- Generates a status line for wmii
-.B i3status
-.RB [\|\-c
-.IR configfile \|]
-.B i3status
-is a small program (around 500 SLOC) for filling wmii's status bar via its 9P
-pseudo filesystem. It is designed to be very efficient by issuing a very
-small number of systemcalls (as the bar should be updated every second or at
-your specified interval). This ensures that even under high load, your status bar
-is updated correctly and it saves a little bit of battery life by not spawning
-new processes every second like shell scripts do.
-.B wlan
-Specifies the name of your WLAN interface (e.g. wlan0 or ath0 or eth1). Don't
-specify if you don't have a WLAN interface or if it should not be displayed.
-.B eth
-Specifies the name of your ethernet interface (e.g. eth0). Don't specify if you
-don't have an ethernet interface or if it should not be displayed.
-.B wmii_path
-Specifies the path to the rbar-folder of your mounted wmii pseudo file system
-(e.g. /mnt/wmii/rbar/). It has to be terminated by a slash.
-.B time_format
-Format for the time/date to be displayed. See strftime(3) or date(1). Don't
-specify it if you don't want the time to be shown.
-.B battery
-The number of the battery you want to display. This option can be specified
-multiple times to display multiple batteries. Don't specify it if you don't
-have a battery. To get the number of the specific battery, see
-If you want i3status to use the last full capacity instead of the design capacity
-of the battery, specify the f-flag, like this:
-.Vb 10
-# Use the last full capacity
-battery 0,f
-.B run_watch
-You can specify this directive multiple times. Each line first has a name (one
-word, separated by space) followed by a path (can contain wildcards, given to
-glob(3)). The path is the path to a PID-file which contains just the process ID
-of a process. i3status will then check if the process is still running and
-displays "yes" or "no" depending on the status. This is useful for displaying
-if your VPN is running, or dhclient for DHCP and so on...
-.B order
-Followed by a comma separated list of the modules (run, wlan, eth, battery,
-load, time) this directive specifies the order of the information which should
-be displayed. An order is accomplished by prefixing the files in wmii's /rbar
-directory with a number, that is 0VPN, 1DHCP, 2time and so on..
-.B color
-If specified, color mode is on. This affects WLAN which will be displayed red
-if WLAN is down and the run_watch system which will display the status in
-.B get_ethspeed
-Get current speed of the ethernet interface using the same mechanism as
-ethtool. You need to start i3status with root privileges to use this.
-.B get_cpu_temperature
-Gets the temperature of the first thermal zone or the specified thermal zone
-(if any). Use it to display your CPU temperature.
-.B normcolors
-Specifies the colors for background/border in the same format (html colorcodes)
-as wmii's configuration (just the last two values), that is #222222 #333333 for
-example. Text color will be determined automatically (red/green/#888888),
-depending on context.
-.B interval
-Specifies the interval in which the status bar will be updated. If you got a
-very slow system or feel you don't need so much information, you may want to
-increase it.
-.B /etc/i3status.conf
-System-wide configuration file.
-.Vb 10
-\&wlan wlan0
-\&eth eth0
-\&wmii_path /mnt/wmii/rbar/
-\&time_format %d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S
-\&battery 0
-\&battery 1,f
-\&run_watch DHCP /var/run/dhclient*.pid
-\&run_watch VPN /var/run/vpnc*.pid
-\&order run,wlan,eth,battery,load,time
-\&normcolors #000000 #333333
-As of now (February 2009, Linux 2.6.28) you can mount wmii's 9P pseudo filesystem using:
-.Vb 3
-mount -t 9p -o rw,trans=unix,uname=michael,dfltuid=1000,dfltgid=50,name=michael,noauto,noextend /tmp/ns.michael.:0/wmii /mnt/wmii
-# Perhaps you need to load module 9pnet_fd if that does not work
-modprobe 9pnet_fd
-Sometimes, i3status crashes when the wlan interface vanishes (killswitch). I
-haven't yet found the bug, as it is not reproducible. If you can reproduce
-this, please fix it and send me a patch.
-.BR strftime (3),
-.BR date (1),
-.BR glob (3)
-Michael Stapelberg <michael+i3status at stapelberg dot de>
-Thorsten Toepper <atsutane at freethoughts dot de>
-See http://i3.zekjur.net/i3status for the newest release.