\section{Builtin code names}

	\begin{tabular}{l l l}
		\textbf{Name} & \textbf{Type} & \textbf{Description} \\

		\hline\hline\multicolumn{3}{l}{\emph{Integer operations}} \\\hline
		\fuspel{add a b}
			& Int $\to$ Int $\to$ Int
			& Adds $a$ and $b$ \\
		\fuspel{mul a b}
			& Int $\to$ Int $\to$ Int
			& Multiplies $a$ and $b$ \\
		\fuspel{sub a b}
			& Int $\to$ Int $\to$ Int
			& Subtracts $a$ from $b$ \\

		\hline \multicolumn{3}{l}{\emph{Tests}} \\\hline
		\fuspel{eq a b}
			& Int $\to$ Int $\to \{0,1\}$
			& 1 if $a=b$, 0 otherwise \\
		\fuspel{ge a b}
			& Int $\to$ Int $\to \{0,1\}$
			& 1 if $a\ge b$, 0 otherwise \\
		\fuspel{gt a b}
			& Int $\to$ Int $\to \{0,1\}$
			& 1 if $a>b$, 0 otherwise \\
		\fuspel{le a b}
			& Int $\to$ Int $\to \{0,1\}$
			& 1 if $a\le b$, 0 otherwise \\
		\fuspel{lt a b}
			& Int $\to$ Int $\to \{0,1\}$
			& 1 if $a<b$, 0 otherwise \\
		\fuspel{ne a b}
			& Int $\to$ Int $\to \{0,1\}$
			& 1 if $a\neq b$, 0 otherwise \\

		\hline\multicolumn{3}{l}{\emph{Miscellaneous}} \\\hline
			& Int
			& The current time in seconds since the Unix Epoch. \\
			& $a\to b\to b$
			& \fuspel{trace x y} prints \fuspel{x} to stdout and returns \fuspel{y}. \\