module test import While from WhileVars import o, s, x, z from StdMisc import abort from StdOverloaded import class +++(..), class toString(..) from StdString import instance +++ {#Char}, instance toString Char, instance toString Int import _SystemArray // From // The rounded down square root function: // { x=n /\ n >= 0 } sqrt { z^2 <= n /\ (z+1)^2 > n } sqrt :: Stm sqrt = z := 0 :. o := 1 :. s := 1 :. While (s <= x) ( z := z + 1 :. o := o + 2 :. s := s + o ) Start :: Int // Value of z after execution of sqrt in st Start = eval NS sqrt st z //Start = toString (seq sqrt st) // Derivation sequence of sqrt in st //Start = toString (tree sqrt st) // Derivation tree of sqrt in st //Start = toString sqrt // The statement itself where st :: Char -> Int st 'x' = 9