module squeen /* The Queens Problem. Or: How to put n queens on a n*n chessboard in such a way that they cannot attack each other. The result of this program is the number of possible solutions for the queens problem for a certain boardsize together with one solution. When BoardSize is 8 the result will be: (92,[4,2,7,3,6,8,5,1]), which means the queens are on a4, b2, c7, d3, e6, f8, g5 and h1. Strictness annotations are used at certain points, because that makes this program more than twice as fast (the strictness analyzer is not able to deduce this strictness information). However, other Clean programs for the Queens problem exist without strictness annotations added by the programmer that are only 40% slower than this solution (lqueen.icl). */ (&&) infixr 3 :: !Bool Bool -> Bool (&&) a b = code { push_b 0 jmp_false l1 pop_b 1 jsr_eval 0 pushB_a 0 pop_a 1 .d 0 1 b rtn :l1 pop_a 1 .d 0 1 b rtn } (||) infixr 2 :: !Bool Bool -> Bool (||) a b = code { push_b 0 jmp_true l2 pop_b 1 jsr_eval 0 pushB_a 0 pop_a 1 .d 0 1 b rtn :l2 pop_a 1 .d 0 1 b rtn } not :: !Bool -> Bool not True = False not False = True (<) infix 4 :: !Int !Int -> Bool (<) a b = code inline { ltI } (>) a b :== b < a (+) infixl 6 :: !Int !Int -> Int (+) a b = code inline { addI } inc :: !Int -> Int inc a = a + 1 (-) infixl 6 :: !Int !Int -> Int (-) a b = code inline { subI } (==) infix 4 :: !Int !Int -> Bool (==) a b = code inline { eqI } (<>) infix 4 :: !Int !Int -> Bool (<>) a b = not (a == b) length :: [a] -> Int length xs = len 0 xs where len :: Int [a] -> Int len i [] = i len i [_:xs] = len (i+1) xs hd :: [a] -> a hd [x:xs] = x //import StdEnv BoardSize :== 8 // The size of the chessboard. // Finding all solutions for the queens problem. Queens::Int [Int] [[Int]] -> [[Int]] Queens row board boards | row>BoardSize = [board : boards] | otherwise = TryCols BoardSize row board boards TryCols::Int Int [Int] [[Int]] -> [[Int]] TryCols 0 row board boards = boards TryCols col row board boards | Save col 1 board = TryCols (col-1) row board queens | otherwise = TryCols (col-1) row board boards where queens = Queens (row+1) [col : board] boards /* The strictness analyzer can't derive strictness for the first and second argument of Save, because they are not used in the first alternative of that function. However, Save is strict in these arguments (in the context of this program) and adding the strictness annotations speeds up this program considerably. */ Save::!Int !Int [Int] -> Bool Save c1 rdiff [] = True Save c1 rdiff [c2:cols] | cdiff==0 || cdiff==rdiff || cdiff==0-rdiff = False | otherwise = Save c1 (rdiff+1) cols where cdiff = c1 - c2 /* The Start Rule: Calculate the list of solutions, show the first solution and the length of that list. */ Start::(Int,[Int]) Start = (length solutions, hd solutions) where solutions = Queens 1 [] []