implementation module Smurf from StdFunc import o, flip import StdArray import StdList import StdString import StdTuple import StdFile from Data.Func import $ import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad import Data.Maybe import Data.List from Text import class Text(concat), instance Text String import GenEq import GenPrint import SmurfParse import LaTeX derive gEq Stm derive gPrint (,) (<+) infixr 5 :: a b -> String | toString a & toString b (<+) a b = toString a +++ toString b instance == Stm where == a b = a === b instance zero [a] where zero = [] instance toString Stm where toString (Push s) = quotify s toString Input = "i" toString Output = "o" toString Cat = "+" toString Head = "h" toString Tail = "t" toString Quotify = "q" toString Put = "p" toString Get = "g" toString Exec = "x" instance toChar Stm where toChar stm = (toString stm).[0] instance fromChar Stm where fromChar '"' = Push "" fromChar 'i' = Input fromChar 'o' = Output fromChar '+' = Cat fromChar 'h' = Head fromChar 't' = Tail fromChar 'q' = Quotify fromChar 'p' = Put fromChar 'g' = Get fromChar 'x' = Exec printList :: [a] -> String | toString a printList xs = "[" <+ concat (intersperse ":" (map (\s->'"' <+ s <+ '"') xs)) <+ "]" instance zero State where zero = { stack = zero, store = zero } instance zero ListIO where zero = {input=[], output=[]} instance toString State where toString {stack,store} = "(" <+ printToString stack <+ "," <+ printToString store <+ ")" instance toString Transition where toString ((p1, ip1, st1) --> (ip2, op, st2)) = "<" <+ simple 2 p1 <+ "," <+ st1 <+ "," <+ printList ip1 <+ "> -> (" <+ printList ip2 <+ "," <+ printList op <+ "," <+ st2 <+ ")" where simple :: !Int !Program -> String simple _ [] = "λ" simple i pgm | i >= length pgm = concat $ intersperse ":" $ map toString pgm = simple i (take i pgm) +++ ":..." instance toString DerivationTree where toString ts = concat $ intersperse "\n" $ map toString $ reverse ts instance toLaTeX Stm where toLaTeX (Push s) = List [Command "StmPush" [], Raw "~", sToLaTeX s] toLaTeX Input = Command "StmInput" [] toLaTeX Output = Command "StmOutput" [] toLaTeX Cat = Command "StmCat" [] toLaTeX Head = Command "StmHead" [] toLaTeX Tail = Command "StmTail" [] toLaTeX Quotify = Command "StmQuotify" [] toLaTeX Put = Command "StmPut" [] toLaTeX Get = Command "StmGet" [] toLaTeX Exec = Command "StmExec" [] instance toLaTeX Program where toLaTeX [] = Command "lambda" [] toLaTeX pgm = List $ intersperse (Text ":") (map toLaTeX pgm) instance toLaTeX String where toLaTeX s = Text s instance toLaTeX Store where toLaTeX [] = Command "emptyset" [] toLaTeX ass = List ([Command "{" []] ++ intersperse (Raw ",") (map assToLaTeX ass) ++ [Command "}" []]) where assToLaTeX :: (String,String) -> LaTeX assToLaTeX (var,val) = List [ sToLaTeX var , Command "mapsto" [] , sToLaTeX val ] instance toLaTeX State where toLaTeX {stack,store} = List [ Command "left" [] , Raw "(" , stackToLaTeX stack , Raw "," , toLaTeX store , Command "right" [] , Raw ")" ] instance toLaTeX Transition where toLaTeX ((p1,ip1,st1) --> (ip2,op,st2)) = Command "trans" [ toLaTeX p1 , stackToLaTeX ip1 , toLaTeX st1 , stackToLaTeX ip2 , stackToLaTeX op , toLaTeX st2 ] stackToLaTeX :: [String] -> LaTeX stackToLaTeX ss = List $ intersperse (Text ":") (map sToLaTeX ss ++ [Command "Nil" []]) sToLaTeX :: String -> LaTeX sToLaTeX s = Command "texttt" [List [Raw "\"", Text s, Raw "\""]] instance toLaTeX DerivationTree where toLaTeX ts = toL ts where toL :: DerivationTree -> LaTeX toL [] = List [] toL [t] = List [ Command "axjustifies" [] , toLaTeX t , Command "using" [Command "rlambdans" []] ] toL [t=:((p1,_,_)-->_):ts] = List [ Command "[" [] , toL ts , Command "]" [] , Command "justifies" [] , toLaTeX t , Command "using" [Command rule []] ] where rule = case p1 of [Push _:_] = "rpushns" [Input:_] = "rinputns" [Output:_] = "routputns" [Cat:_] = "rcatns" [Head:_] = "rheadns" [Tail:_] = "rtailns" [Quotify:_] = "rquotifyns" [Put:_] = "rputns" [Get:_] = "rgetns" [Exec:_] = "rexecns" run :: !Program State io (IO io) -> (Maybe State, io) run prog st io iofuncs # (mbProgSt, io) = step prog st io iofuncs | isNothing mbProgSt = (Nothing, io) # (prog, st) = fromJust mbProgSt = if (isEmpty prog) (Just st, io) (run prog st io iofuncs) step :: !Program State u:io u:(IO u:io) -> u:(Maybe (!Program, State), u:io) step [] st io _ = (pure ([], st), io) step [Push s:p] st io _ = (pure (p, { st & stack = push s st.stack }), io) step [Input:p] st io (IO input _) # (ip, io) = input io = (pure (p, { st & stack = push ip st.stack }), io) step [Output:p] st io (IO _ output) # mbSStk = pop st.stack | isNothing mbSStk = (empty, io) # (s, stk) = fromJust mbSStk = (pure (p, { st & stack = stk }), output s io) step [Cat:p] st io _ = (pop st.stack >>= \(x,stk) -> pop stk >>= \(y,stk`) -> pure (p, { st & stack = push (y +++ x) stk` }), io) step [Head:p] st io _ = (pop st.stack >>= \(x,stk) -> head x >>= \x` -> pure (p, { st & stack = push x` stk }), io) step [Tail:p] st io _ = (pop st.stack >>= \(x,stk) -> tail x >>= \x` -> pure (p, { st & stack = push x` stk }), io) step [Quotify:p] st io _ = (pop st.stack >>= \(x,stk) -> pure (p, { st & stack = push (quotify x) stk }), io) step [Put:p] st io _ = (pop st.stack >>= \(var,stk) -> pop stk >>= \(val,stk`) -> pure (p, { st & stack = stk`, store = put var val }), io) step [Get:p] st io _ = (pop st.stack >>= \(var,stk) -> pure (p, { st & stack = push (get var stk }), io) step [Exec:p] st io _ = (pop st.stack >>= parse o fromString o fst >>= \p -> pure (p, zero), io) push :: String Stack -> Stack push s st = [s:st] pop :: Stack -> Maybe (String, Stack) pop [] = empty pop [s:ss] = pure (s, ss) head :: String -> Maybe String head "" = empty head s = pure $ s % (0,0) tail :: String -> Maybe String tail "" = empty tail s = pure $ s % (1, size s - 1) put :: String String Store -> Store put var val store = [(var,val) : filter ((<>)var o fst) store] get :: String Store -> String get var store = case filter ((==)var o fst) store of [] = ""; [(_,val):_] = val quotify :: (String -> String) quotify = (flip (+++) "\"") o ((+++)"\"") o toString o quot o fromString where quot :: [Char] -> [Char] quot [] = [] quot ['\\':cs] = ['\\':'\\':quot cs] quot ['\n':cs] = ['\\':'n':quot cs] quot ['\r':cs] = ['\\':'r':quot cs] quot ['\t':cs] = ['\\':'t':quot cs] quot ['"':cs] = ['\\':'"':quot cs] quot [c:cs] = [c:quot cs] listIO :: IO ListIO listIO = IO read write where read :: ListIO -> (String, ListIO) read io=:{input} = (hd input, { io & input=tl input }) write :: String ListIO -> ListIO write s io=:{output} = { io & output=output ++ [s] } tree :: !Program !State !ListIO (IO ListIO) -> Maybe DerivationTree tree pgm st io iof # init = (pgm, io.input, st) # (mbPgmSt, io) = step pgm st io iof | isNothing mbPgmSt = empty # (pgm, st) = fromJust mbPgmSt | isEmpty pgm = pure [ init --> (io.input, io.output, st) , ([],io.input,st) --> (io.input,[],st) ] # mbTree = tree pgm st io iof | isNothing mbTree = empty # tree = fromJust mbTree # [child=:(_ --> final):children] = fromJust mbTree = pure [init --> final:child:children]