implementation module Smurf from StdFunc import o, flip import StdArray import StdDebug import StdList import StdMisc import StdString import StdTuple import StdFile from Data.Func import $ import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad import Data.Maybe import Data.List from Text import class Text(concat), instance Text String import GenEq import GenPrint import SmurfParse import LaTeX derive gEq Stm, Expr, State derive gPrint (,), Expr, VarChar instance == Stm where == a b = a === b instance == Expr where == a b = a === b instance == State where == a b = a === b instance zero [a] where zero = [] /// Utilities ... (<+) infixr 5 :: a b -> String | toString a & toString b (<+) a b = toString a +++ toString b instance toString Expr where toString (Lit s) = s toString (Var v) = "$" <+ v toString (ECat a b) = a <+ b toString (EHead a) = "hd(" <+ a <+ ")" toString (ETail a) = "tl(" <+ a <+ ")" toString (EQuotify a) = "q(" <+ a <+ ")" instance toString Stm where toString (Push s) = toString $ quotify s toString Input = "i" toString Output = "o" toString Cat = "+" toString Head = "h" toString Tail = "t" toString Quotify = "q" toString Put = "p" toString Get = "g" toString Exec = "x" instance toChar Stm where toChar stm = (toString stm).[0] instance fromChar Stm where fromChar '"' = Push $ Lit "" fromChar 'i' = Input fromChar 'o' = Output fromChar '+' = Cat fromChar 'h' = Head fromChar 't' = Tail fromChar 'q' = Quotify fromChar 'p' = Put fromChar 'g' = Get fromChar 'x' = Exec printList :: [a] -> String | toString a printList xs = "[" <+ concat (intersperse ":" (map (\s->'"' <+ s <+ '"') xs)) <+ "]" instance zero State where zero = { stack = zero, store = zero } instance zero ListIO where zero = {input=[], output=[]} instance toString State where toString {stack,store} = "(" <+ printToString stack <+ "," <+ printToString store <+ ")" instance toString Transition where toString ((p1, ip1, st1) --> (ip2, op, st2)) = "<" <+ simple 2 p1 <+ "," <+ st1 <+ "," <+ printList ip1 <+ "> -> (" <+ printList ip2 <+ "," <+ printList op <+ "," <+ st2 <+ ")" where simple :: !Int !Program -> String simple _ [] = "λ" simple i pgm | i >= length pgm = concat $ intersperse ":" $ map toString pgm = simple i (take i pgm) +++ ":..." instance toString DerivationTree where toString ts = concat $ intersperse "\n" $ map toString $ reverse ts instance toLaTeX Stm where toLaTeX (Push s) = List [Command "StmPush" [], Raw "~", eToLaTeX s] toLaTeX Input = Command "StmInput" [] toLaTeX Output = Command "StmOutput" [] toLaTeX Cat = Command "StmCat" [] toLaTeX Head = Command "StmHead" [] toLaTeX Tail = Command "StmTail" [] toLaTeX Quotify = Command "StmQuotify" [] toLaTeX Put = Command "StmPut" [] toLaTeX Get = Command "StmGet" [] toLaTeX Exec = Command "StmExec" [] instance toLaTeX Program where toLaTeX [] = Command "lambda" [] toLaTeX pgm = List $ intersperse (Text ":") (map toLaTeX pgm) instance toLaTeX String where toLaTeX s = Text s instance toLaTeX Store where toLaTeX [] = Command "emptyset" [] toLaTeX ass = List ([Command "{" []] ++ intersperse (Raw ",") (map assToLaTeX ass) ++ [Command "}" []]) where assToLaTeX :: (Expr,Expr) -> LaTeX assToLaTeX (var,val) = List [ eToLaTeX var , Command "mapsto" [] , eToLaTeX val ] instance toLaTeX State where toLaTeX {stack,store} = List [ Command "left" [] , Raw "(" , stackToLaTeX stack , Raw "," , toLaTeX store , Command "right" [] , Raw ")" ] instance toLaTeX Transition where toLaTeX ((p1,ip1,st1) --> (ip2,op,st2)) = Command "trans" [ toLaTeX p1 , stackToLaTeX ip1 , toLaTeX st1 , stackToLaTeX ip2 , stackToLaTeX op , toLaTeX st2 ] stackToLaTeX :: Stack -> LaTeX stackToLaTeX es = List $ intersperse (Text ":") (map eToLaTeX es ++ [Command "Nil" []]) eToLaTeX :: Expr -> LaTeX eToLaTeX e = Command "texttt" [List [Raw "\"", etl e, Raw "\""]] where etl :: Expr -> LaTeX etl (Lit s) = Text s etl (Var v) = Math False [Raw v] etl (ECat a b) = List [etl a, etl b] etl (EHead e) = List [Command "textit" [Text "hd"], Raw "(", etl e, Raw ")"] etl (ETail e) = List [Command "textit" [Text "tl"], Raw "(", etl e, Raw ")"] etl (EQuotify e) = List [Command "textit" [Text "q"], Raw "(", etl e, Raw ")"] instance toLaTeX DerivationTree where toLaTeX ts = toL ts where toL :: DerivationTree -> LaTeX toL [] = List [] toL [t] = List [ Command "axjustifies" [] , toLaTeX t , Command "using" [rule] ] where rule = case t of (([], _, _) --> (_, _, _)) = Command "rlambdans" [] _ = Command "rule" [Text "assumption", Text ""] toL [t=:((p1,_,_)-->_):ts] = List [ Command "[" [] , toL ts , Command "]" [] , Command "justifies" [] , toLaTeX t , Command "using" [Command rule []] ] where rule = case p1 of [Push _:_] = "rpushns" [Input:_] = "rinputns" [Output:_] = "routputns" [Cat:_] = "rcatns" [Head:_] = "rheadns" [Tail:_] = "rtailns" [Quotify:_] = "rquotifyns" [Put:_] = "rputns" [Get:_] = "rgetns" [Exec:_] = "rexecns" /// End utilities instance +++ Expr where (+++) (Lit s) (Lit t) = Lit $ s +++ t (+++) a b = ECat a b run :: !Program State io (IO io) -> (Maybe State, io) run prog st io iofuncs # (mbProgSt, io) = step prog st io iofuncs | isNothing mbProgSt = (Nothing, io) # (prog, st) = fromJust mbProgSt = if (isEmpty prog) (Just st, io) (run prog st io iofuncs) step :: !Program State u:io u:(IO u:io) -> u:(Maybe (!Program, State), u:io) step [] st io _ = (pure ([], st), io) step [Push s:p] st io _ = (pure (p, { st & stack = push s st.stack }), io) step [Input:p] st io (IO input _) # (ip, io) = input io = (pure (p, { st & stack = push ip st.stack }), io) step [Output:p] st io (IO _ output) # mbSStk = pop st.stack | isNothing mbSStk = (empty, io) # (s, stk) = fromJust mbSStk = (pure (p, { st & stack = stk }), output s io) step [Cat:p] st io _ = (pop st.stack >>= \(x,stk) -> pop stk >>= \(y,stk`) -> pure (p, { st & stack = push (y +++ x) stk` }), io) step [Head:p] st io _ = (pop st.stack >>= \(x,stk) -> head x >>= \x` -> pure (p, { st & stack = push x` stk }), io) step [Tail:p] st io _ = (pop st.stack >>= \(x,stk) -> tail x >>= \x` -> pure (p, { st & stack = push x` stk }), io) step [Quotify:p] st io _ = (pop st.stack >>= \(x,stk) -> pure (p, { st & stack = push (quotify x) stk }), io) step [Put:p] st io _ = (pop st.stack >>= \(var,stk) -> pop stk >>= \(val,stk`) -> pure (p, { st & stack = stk`, store = put var val }), io) step [Get:p] st io _ = (pop st.stack >>= \(var,stk) -> pure (p, { st & stack = push (get var stk }), io) step [Exec:p] st io _ = (pop st.stack >>= \(pgm,_) -> pure (let vcs = eToVarChars pgm in fromJust $ parsev $ trace (printToString vcs +++ "\n") vcs, zero), io) push :: Expr Stack -> Stack push s st = [s:st] pop :: Stack -> Maybe (Expr, Stack) pop [] = empty pop [s:ss] = pure (s, ss) head :: Expr -> Maybe Expr head (Lit "") = empty head (Lit s) = pure $ Lit $ s % (0,0) head e = pure $ EHead e tail :: Expr -> Maybe Expr tail (Lit "") = empty tail (Lit s) = pure $ Lit $ s % (1, size s - 1) tail e = pure $ ETail e put :: Expr Expr Store -> Store put var val store = [(var,val) : filter ((<>)var o fst) store] get :: Expr Store -> Expr get var store = case filter ((==)var o fst) store of [] = Lit "" [(_,val):_] = val quotify :: Expr -> Expr quotify (Lit s) = Lit $ flip (+++) "\"" $ (+++)"\"" $ toString $ quot $ fromString s where quot :: [Char] -> [Char] quot [] = [] quot ['\\':cs] = ['\\':'\\':quot cs] quot ['\n':cs] = ['\\':'n':quot cs] quot ['\r':cs] = ['\\':'r':quot cs] quot ['\t':cs] = ['\\':'t':quot cs] quot ['"':cs] = ['\\':'"':quot cs] quot [c:cs] = [c:quot cs] quotify (ECat a b) = ECat (quotify a) (quotify b) quotify (EHead a) = EHead (quotify a) quotify (ETail a) = ETail (quotify a) quotify (Var v) = EQuotify (Var v) listIO :: IO ListIO listIO = IO read write where read :: ListIO -> (Expr, ListIO) read io=:{input} = (hd input, { io & input=tl input }) write :: Expr ListIO -> ListIO write s io=:{output} = { io & output=output ++ [s] } prover :: ((Program, Stack, State) -> Maybe (Stack, Stack, State)) Program State ListIO (IO ListIO) -> Maybe DerivationTree prover assumptions pgm st io iof # init = (pgm, io.input, st) # mbAssumption = assumptions init | isJust mbAssumption = Just [init --> fromJust mbAssumption] # (mbPgmSt, io) = step pgm st io iof | isNothing mbPgmSt = empty # (pgm, st) = fromJust mbPgmSt | isEmpty pgm = pure [ init --> (io.input, io.output, st) , ([],io.input,st) --> (io.input,[],st) ] # mbTree = prover assumptions pgm st io iof | isNothing mbTree = empty # [child=:(_ --> final):children] = fromJust mbTree = pure [init --> final:child:children]