path: root/Smurf.icl
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Diffstat (limited to 'Smurf.icl')
1 files changed, 21 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/Smurf.icl b/Smurf.icl
index fa5cd00..b6b7b90 100644
--- a/Smurf.icl
+++ b/Smurf.icl
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ implementation module Smurf
from StdFunc import o, flip
import StdArray
+import StdDebug
import StdList
import StdMisc
import StdString
@@ -22,7 +23,7 @@ import SmurfParse
import LaTeX
derive gEq Stm, Expr, State
-derive gPrint (,), Expr
+derive gPrint (,), Expr, VarChar
instance == Stm where == a b = a === b
instance == Expr where == a b = a === b
@@ -165,7 +166,15 @@ stackToLaTeX es
= List $ intersperse (Text ":") (map eToLaTeX es ++ [Command "Nil" []])
eToLaTeX :: Expr -> LaTeX
-eToLaTeX e = Command "texttt" [List [Raw "\"", Text (toString e), Raw "\""]]
+eToLaTeX e = Command "texttt" [List [Raw "\"", etl e, Raw "\""]]
+ etl :: Expr -> LaTeX
+ etl (Lit s) = Text s
+ etl (Var v) = Math False [Raw v]
+ etl (ECat a b) = List [etl a, etl b]
+ etl (EHead e) = List [Command "textit" [Text "hd"], Raw "(", etl e, Raw ")"]
+ etl (ETail e) = List [Command "textit" [Text "tl"], Raw "(", etl e, Raw ")"]
+ etl (EQuotify e) = List [Command "textit" [Text "q"], Raw "(", etl e, Raw ")"]
instance toLaTeX DerivationTree
@@ -177,8 +186,12 @@ where
= List
[ Command "axjustifies" []
, toLaTeX t
- , Command "using" [Command "rlambdans" []]
+ , Command "using" [rule]
+ where
+ rule = case t of
+ (([], _, _) --> (_, _, _)) = Command "rlambdans" []
+ _ = Command "rule" [Text "assumption", Text ""]
toL [t=:((p1,_,_)-->_):ts]
= List
[ Command "[" []
@@ -208,10 +221,6 @@ where
(+++) (Lit s) (Lit t) = Lit $ s +++ t
(+++) a b = ECat a b
-eToCharList :: Expr -> [Char]
-eToCharList (Lit s) = fromString s
-eToCharList _ = abort "unimplemented\n"
run :: !Program State io (IO io) -> (Maybe State, io)
run prog st io iofuncs
# (mbProgSt, io) = step prog st io iofuncs
@@ -251,8 +260,7 @@ step [Get:p] st io _
= (pop st.stack >>= \(var,stk) ->
pure (p, { st & stack = push (get var st.store) stk }), io)
step [Exec:p] st io _
- = (pop st.stack >>= parse o eToCharList o fst >>= \p ->
- pure (p, zero), io)
+ = (pop st.stack >>= \(pgm,_) -> pure (let vcs = eToVarChars pgm in fromJust $ parsev $ trace (printToString vcs +++ "\n") vcs, zero), io)
push :: Expr Stack -> Stack
push s st = [s:st]
@@ -290,7 +298,10 @@ where
quot ['\t':cs] = ['\\':'t':quot cs]
quot ['"':cs] = ['\\':'"':quot cs]
quot [c:cs] = [c:quot cs]
-quotify e = EQuotify e
+quotify (ECat a b) = ECat (quotify a) (quotify b)
+quotify (EHead a) = EHead (quotify a)
+quotify (ETail a) = ETail (quotify a)
+quotify (Var v) = EQuotify (Var v)
listIO :: IO ListIO
listIO = IO read write