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3 files changed, 50 insertions, 27 deletions
diff --git a/Smurf.icl b/Smurf.icl
index b6b7b90..f2ab10c 100644
--- a/Smurf.icl
+++ b/Smurf.icl
@@ -172,6 +172,7 @@ where
etl (Lit s) = Text s
etl (Var v) = Math False [Raw v]
etl (ECat a b) = List [etl a, etl b]
+ //etl (ECat a b) = List [etl a, Raw "+(", etl b, Raw ")"]
etl (EHead e) = List [Command "textit" [Text "hd"], Raw "(", etl e, Raw ")"]
etl (ETail e) = List [Command "textit" [Text "tl"], Raw "(", etl e, Raw ")"]
etl (EQuotify e) = List [Command "textit" [Text "q"], Raw "(", etl e, Raw ")"]
@@ -260,7 +261,7 @@ step [Get:p] st io _
= (pop st.stack >>= \(var,stk) ->
pure (p, { st & stack = push (get var st.store) stk }), io)
step [Exec:p] st io _
- = (pop st.stack >>= \(pgm,_) -> pure (let vcs = eToVarChars pgm in fromJust $ parsev $ trace (printToString vcs +++ "\n") vcs, zero), io)
+ = (pop st.stack >>= \(pgm,_) -> pure (let vcs = eToVarChars (trace pgm pgm) in fromJust $ parsev $ trace (printToString vcs +++ "\n") vcs, zero), io)
push :: Expr Stack -> Stack
push s st = [s:st]
@@ -272,6 +273,7 @@ pop [s:ss] = pure (s, ss)
head :: Expr -> Maybe Expr
head (Lit "") = empty
head (Lit s) = pure $ Lit $ s % (0,0)
+head (ECat a b) = head a <|> head b
head e = pure $ EHead e
tail :: Expr -> Maybe Expr
@@ -288,20 +290,22 @@ get var store = case filter ((==)var o fst) store of
[(_,val):_] = val
quotify :: Expr -> Expr
-quotify (Lit s) = Lit $ flip (+++) "\"" $ (+++)"\"" $ toString $ quot $ fromString s
+quotify e = ECat (Lit "\"") (ECat (quotify` e) (Lit "\""))
- quot :: [Char] -> [Char]
- quot [] = []
- quot ['\\':cs] = ['\\':'\\':quot cs]
- quot ['\n':cs] = ['\\':'n':quot cs]
- quot ['\r':cs] = ['\\':'r':quot cs]
- quot ['\t':cs] = ['\\':'t':quot cs]
- quot ['"':cs] = ['\\':'"':quot cs]
- quot [c:cs] = [c:quot cs]
-quotify (ECat a b) = ECat (quotify a) (quotify b)
-quotify (EHead a) = EHead (quotify a)
-quotify (ETail a) = ETail (quotify a)
-quotify (Var v) = EQuotify (Var v)
+ quotify` (Lit s) = Lit $ toString $ quot $ fromString s
+ where
+ quot :: [Char] -> [Char]
+ quot [] = []
+ quot ['\\':cs] = ['\\':'\\':quot cs]
+ quot ['\n':cs] = ['\\':'n':quot cs]
+ quot ['\r':cs] = ['\\':'r':quot cs]
+ quot ['\t':cs] = ['\\':'t':quot cs]
+ quot ['"':cs] = ['\\':'"':quot cs]
+ quot [c:cs] = [c:quot cs]
+ quotify` (ECat a b) = ECat (quotify` a) (quotify` b)
+ quotify` (EHead a) = EHead (quotify` a)
+ quotify` (ETail a) = ETail (quotify` a)
+ quotify` (Var v) = EQuotify (Var v)
listIO :: IO ListIO
listIO = IO read write
diff --git a/SmurfParse.icl b/SmurfParse.icl
index bf59b64..385747c 100644
--- a/SmurfParse.icl
+++ b/SmurfParse.icl
@@ -20,10 +20,14 @@ eToVarChars :: Expr -> [VarChar]
eToVarChars (Lit s) = map Char $ fromString s
eToVarChars (Var v) = [VarString v]
eToVarChars (ECat a b) = eToVarChars a ++ eToVarChars b
-eToVarChars (EHead (Var v)) = abort "head of var\n"
-eToVarChars (EHead a) = [hd $ eToVarChars a]
-eToVarChars (ETail (Var v)) = abort "tail of var\n"
-eToVarChars (ETail a) = tl $ eToVarChars a
+eToVarChars (EHead a) = case eToVarChars a of
+ [Char c:cs] = [Char c]
+ [VarString s:cs] = [VarString (s % (0,0))]
+ [Quoted e:_] = abort "head of quoted\n"
+eToVarChars (ETail a) = case eToVarChars a of
+ [Char _:cs] = cs
+ [VarString s:cs] = [VarString (s % (1,size s - 1)):cs]
+ [Quoted e:_] = abort "tail of quoted\n"
eToVarChars (EQuotify a) = [Quoted a]
parse :: ![Char] -> Maybe Program
@@ -76,6 +80,10 @@ where
simplify :: Expr -> Expr
simplify (ECat a b) = case (simplify a, simplify b) of
- (Lit x, Lit y) = Lit $ x +++ y
- (x, y) = ECat x y
+ (Lit "", Lit y) = Lit y
+ (Lit x, Lit "") = Lit x
+ (Lit x, Lit y) = Lit $ x +++ y
+ (x, y) = ECat x y
+ simplify (EHead a) = EHead $ simplify a
+ simplify (ETail a) = ETail $ simplify a
simplify e = e
diff --git a/proof.icl b/proof.icl
index a836190..33cc3d2 100644
--- a/proof.icl
+++ b/proof.icl
@@ -8,11 +8,16 @@ import Data.Maybe
import Smurf, SmurfParse, LaTeX
Start w //= trigger
-# (_,f,w) = fopen "reverse-ward.smf" FReadText w
-# (pgm,f) = readFile f
-# (ok,w) = fclose f w
-# (Just pgm) = parse [c \\ c <-: pgm]
-# tree = devtree ass pgm
+//# (_,f,w) = fopen "reverse-ward.smf" FReadText w
+//# (pgm,f) = readFile f
+//# (ok,w) = fclose f w
+//# (Just pgm) = parse [c \\ c <-: pgm]
+//# tree = devtree ass pgm zero {zero & input=[Lit "cs"]}
+// ---
+# tree = devtree assbs innerpgm {zero & stack=[Var "s", ECat (Lit "c") (Var "t")]} zero
+// ---
+//# tree = devtree assbs innerpgm {zero & stack=[Var "s", ECat (Lit "c") (Var "t")]} zero
+// ---
# tree = trace (toString tree +++ "\n") tree
= toString (toLaTeX tree)
@@ -21,9 +26,15 @@ where
| pgm == trigger = Just ([], [ECat (Var "s^R") (Lit x)], zero)
ass (pgm, ip, st) = Nothing
+ assbs :: (Program, Stack, State) -> Maybe (Stack, Stack, State)
+ assbs (pgm, [], {stack=[ECat (Lit "c") (ECat (Var "s") (Lit "")),ECat (Var "t") (Lit "")]})
+ | pgm == innerpgm = Just ([], [ECat (Var "t^R") (ECat (Lit "c") (Var "s"))], zero)
+ assbs _ = Nothing
trigger = fromJust (parse ['""\"\\\"u\\\"p\\\"v\\\"p\\\"w\\\"p\\\"w\\\"gh\\\"v\\\"g+\\\"v\\\"p\\\"w\\\"gt\\\"w\\\"p\\\"w\\\"g\\\"v\\\"gq\\\"o\\\"+\\\"w\\\"gq\\\"v\\\"gq\\\"u\\\"gq++\\\"u\\\"g+\\\"w\\\"gp\\\"\\\"pgx\"\"u\"p\"v\"p\"w\"p\"w\"gh\"v\"g+\"v\"p\"w\"gt\"w\"p\"w\"g\"v\"gq\"o\"+\"w\"gq\"v\"gq\"u\"gq++\"u\"g+\"w\"gp\"\"pgx'])
- devtree ass pgm
- = fromJust (prover ass pgm zero { zero & input = [ECat (Lit "c") (Var "s")] } listIO)
+ innerpgm = fromJust (parse ['\"\\\"u\\\"p\\\"v\\\"p\\\"w\\\"p\\\"w\\\"gh\\\"v\\\"g+\\\"v\\\"p\\\"w\\\"gt\\\"w\\\"p\\\"w\\\"g\\\"v\\\"gq\\\"o\\\"+\\\"w\\\"gq\\\"v\\\"gq\\\"u\\\"gq++\\\"u\\\"g+\\\"w\\\"gp\\\"\\\"pgx\"\"u\"p\"v\"p\"w\"p\"w\"gh\"v\"g+\"v\"p\"w\"gt\"w\"p\"w\"g\"v\"gq\"o\"+\"w\"gq\"v\"gq\"u\"gq++\"u\"g+\"w\"gp\"\"pgx'])
+ devtree ass pgm state io
+ = fromJust (prover ass pgm state io listIO)
readFile :: !*File -> *(!String, !*File)
readFile f