diff options
8 files changed, 192 insertions, 62 deletions
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 1eabc20..f4c8bfe 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
# Directory used to store object files, abc files and assembly files
Clean System Files/
diff --git a/Smurf.dcl b/Smurf.dcl
index 53ab797..2c4fd1b 100644
--- a/Smurf.dcl
+++ b/Smurf.dcl
@@ -8,36 +8,46 @@ from StdOverloaded import
from GenEq import generic gEq
-from Data.Maybe import ::Maybe
+from Data.Maybe import ::Maybe(Nothing)
from LaTeX import class toLaTeX
-:: Stm = Push String
+:: Expr = Lit String
+ | Var String
+ | ECat Expr Expr
+ | EHead Expr
+ | ETail Expr
+ | EQuotify Expr
+:: Stm = Push Expr
| Input | Output
| Cat | Head | Tail | Quotify
| Put | Get | Exec
:: Program :== [Stm]
-:: Stack :== [String]
-:: Store :== [(String, String)]
+:: Stack :== [Expr]
+:: Store :== [(Expr, Expr)]
:: State = { stack :: Stack
, store :: Store
-:: IO io = IO (io -> .(String, io)) (String io -> io)
+:: IO io = IO (io -> .(Expr, io)) (Expr io -> io)
-:: ListIO = { input :: [String]
- , output :: [String]
+:: ListIO = { input :: [Expr]
+ , output :: [Expr]
:: Transition = (-->) infix 1 (Program, Stack, State) (Stack, Stack, State)
:: DerivationTree :== [Transition]
-derive gEq Stm
+derive gEq Stm, Expr, State
instance == Stm
+instance == Expr
+instance == State
instance toString Stm
instance toChar Stm
instance fromChar Stm
@@ -57,4 +67,6 @@ step :: !Program State u:io u:(IO u:io) -> u:(Maybe (!Program, State), u:io)
run :: !Program State io (IO io) -> (Maybe State, io)
listIO :: IO ListIO
-tree :: !Program !State !ListIO (IO ListIO) -> Maybe DerivationTree
+prover :: ((Program, Stack, State) -> Maybe (Stack, Stack, State))
+ Program State ListIO (IO ListIO) -> Maybe DerivationTree
+tree :== prover (\_ -> Nothing)
diff --git a/Smurf.icl b/Smurf.icl
index 9afefb8..fa5cd00 100644
--- a/Smurf.icl
+++ b/Smurf.icl
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ implementation module Smurf
from StdFunc import o, flip
import StdArray
import StdList
+import StdMisc
import StdString
import StdTuple
import StdFile
@@ -20,19 +21,32 @@ import GenPrint
import SmurfParse
import LaTeX
-derive gEq Stm
-derive gPrint (,)
-(<+) infixr 5 :: a b -> String | toString a & toString b
-(<+) a b = toString a +++ toString b
+derive gEq Stm, Expr, State
+derive gPrint (,), Expr
instance == Stm where == a b = a === b
+instance == Expr where == a b = a === b
+instance == State where == a b = a === b
instance zero [a] where zero = []
+/// Utilities ...
+(<+) infixr 5 :: a b -> String | toString a & toString b
+(<+) a b = toString a +++ toString b
+instance toString Expr
+ toString (Lit s) = s
+ toString (Var v) = "$" <+ v
+ toString (ECat a b) = a <+ b
+ toString (EHead a) = "hd(" <+ a <+ ")"
+ toString (ETail a) = "tl(" <+ a <+ ")"
+ toString (EQuotify a) = "q(" <+ a <+ ")"
instance toString Stm
- toString (Push s) = quotify s
+ toString (Push s) = toString $ quotify s
toString Input = "i"
toString Output = "o"
toString Cat = "+"
@@ -47,7 +61,7 @@ instance toChar Stm where toChar stm = (toString stm).[0]
instance fromChar Stm
- fromChar '"' = Push ""
+ fromChar '"' = Push $ Lit ""
fromChar 'i' = Input
fromChar 'o' = Output
fromChar '+' = Cat
@@ -86,7 +100,7 @@ where toString ts = concat $ intersperse "\n" $ map toString $ reverse ts
instance toLaTeX Stm
- toLaTeX (Push s) = List [Command "StmPush" [], Raw "~", sToLaTeX s]
+ toLaTeX (Push s) = List [Command "StmPush" [], Raw "~", eToLaTeX s]
toLaTeX Input = Command "StmInput" []
toLaTeX Output = Command "StmOutput" []
toLaTeX Cat = Command "StmCat" []
@@ -113,12 +127,12 @@ where
intersperse (Raw ",") (map assToLaTeX ass) ++
[Command "}" []])
- assToLaTeX :: (String,String) -> LaTeX
+ assToLaTeX :: (Expr,Expr) -> LaTeX
assToLaTeX (var,val)
= List
- [ sToLaTeX var
+ [ eToLaTeX var
, Command "mapsto" []
- , sToLaTeX val
+ , eToLaTeX val
instance toLaTeX State
@@ -146,12 +160,12 @@ where
, toLaTeX st2
-stackToLaTeX :: [String] -> LaTeX
-stackToLaTeX ss
- = List $ intersperse (Text ":") (map sToLaTeX ss ++ [Command "Nil" []])
+stackToLaTeX :: Stack -> LaTeX
+stackToLaTeX es
+ = List $ intersperse (Text ":") (map eToLaTeX es ++ [Command "Nil" []])
-sToLaTeX :: String -> LaTeX
-sToLaTeX s = Command "texttt" [List [Raw "\"", Text s, Raw "\""]]
+eToLaTeX :: Expr -> LaTeX
+eToLaTeX e = Command "texttt" [List [Raw "\"", Text (toString e), Raw "\""]]
instance toLaTeX DerivationTree
@@ -187,6 +201,17 @@ where
[Get:_] = "rgetns"
[Exec:_] = "rexecns"
+/// End utilities
+instance +++ Expr
+ (+++) (Lit s) (Lit t) = Lit $ s +++ t
+ (+++) a b = ECat a b
+eToCharList :: Expr -> [Char]
+eToCharList (Lit s) = fromString s
+eToCharList _ = abort "unimplemented\n"
run :: !Program State io (IO io) -> (Maybe State, io)
run prog st io iofuncs
# (mbProgSt, io) = step prog st io iofuncs
@@ -226,32 +251,36 @@ step [Get:p] st io _
= (pop st.stack >>= \(var,stk) ->
pure (p, { st & stack = push (get var st.store) stk }), io)
step [Exec:p] st io _
- = (pop st.stack >>= parse o fromString o fst >>= \p ->
+ = (pop st.stack >>= parse o eToCharList o fst >>= \p ->
pure (p, zero), io)
-push :: String Stack -> Stack
+push :: Expr Stack -> Stack
push s st = [s:st]
-pop :: Stack -> Maybe (String, Stack)
+pop :: Stack -> Maybe (Expr, Stack)
pop [] = empty
pop [s:ss] = pure (s, ss)
-head :: String -> Maybe String
-head "" = empty
-head s = pure $ s % (0,0)
+head :: Expr -> Maybe Expr
+head (Lit "") = empty
+head (Lit s) = pure $ Lit $ s % (0,0)
+head e = pure $ EHead e
-tail :: String -> Maybe String
-tail "" = empty
-tail s = pure $ s % (1, size s - 1)
+tail :: Expr -> Maybe Expr
+tail (Lit "") = empty
+tail (Lit s) = pure $ Lit $ s % (1, size s - 1)
+tail e = pure $ ETail e
-put :: String String Store -> Store
+put :: Expr Expr Store -> Store
put var val store = [(var,val) : filter ((<>)var o fst) store]
-get :: String Store -> String
-get var store = case filter ((==)var o fst) store of [] = ""; [(_,val):_] = val
+get :: Expr Store -> Expr
+get var store = case filter ((==)var o fst) store of
+ [] = Lit ""
+ [(_,val):_] = val
-quotify :: (String -> String)
-quotify = (flip (+++) "\"") o ((+++)"\"") o toString o quot o fromString
+quotify :: Expr -> Expr
+quotify (Lit s) = Lit $ flip (+++) "\"" $ (+++)"\"" $ toString $ quot $ fromString s
quot :: [Char] -> [Char]
quot [] = []
@@ -261,27 +290,31 @@ where
quot ['\t':cs] = ['\\':'t':quot cs]
quot ['"':cs] = ['\\':'"':quot cs]
quot [c:cs] = [c:quot cs]
+quotify e = EQuotify e
listIO :: IO ListIO
listIO = IO read write
- read :: ListIO -> (String, ListIO)
+ read :: ListIO -> (Expr, ListIO)
read io=:{input} = (hd input, { io & input=tl input })
- write :: String ListIO -> ListIO
+ write :: Expr ListIO -> ListIO
write s io=:{output} = { io & output=output ++ [s] }
-tree :: !Program !State !ListIO (IO ListIO) -> Maybe DerivationTree
-tree pgm st io iof
- # init = (pgm, io.input, st)
- # (mbPgmSt, io) = step pgm st io iof
- | isNothing mbPgmSt = empty
- # (pgm, st) = fromJust mbPgmSt
- | isEmpty pgm = pure [ init --> (io.input, io.output, st)
- , ([],io.input,st) --> (io.input,[],st)
- ]
- # mbTree = tree pgm st io iof
- | isNothing mbTree = empty
- # tree = fromJust mbTree
- # [child=:(_ --> final):children] = fromJust mbTree
- = pure [init --> final:child:children]
+prover :: ((Program, Stack, State) -> Maybe (Stack, Stack, State))
+ Program State ListIO (IO ListIO) -> Maybe DerivationTree
+prover assumptions pgm st io iof
+# init = (pgm, io.input, st)
+# mbAssumption = assumptions init
+| isJust mbAssumption
+ = Just [init --> fromJust mbAssumption]
+# (mbPgmSt, io) = step pgm st io iof
+| isNothing mbPgmSt = empty
+# (pgm, st) = fromJust mbPgmSt
+| isEmpty pgm = pure [ init --> (io.input, io.output, st)
+ , ([],io.input,st) --> (io.input,[],st)
+ ]
+# mbTree = prover assumptions pgm st io iof
+| isNothing mbTree = empty
+# [child=:(_ --> final):children] = fromJust mbTree
+= pure [init --> final:child:children]
diff --git a/SmurfParse.icl b/SmurfParse.icl
index 71bfc34..81f6c2f 100644
--- a/SmurfParse.icl
+++ b/SmurfParse.icl
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import Smurf
parse :: ![Char] -> Maybe Program
parse [] = pure []
-parse ['"':cs] = parseString cs >>= \(s,cs`) -> append (Push s) $ parse cs`
+parse ['"':cs] = parseString cs >>= \(s,cs`) -> append (Push $ Lit s) $ parse cs`
parse ['i':cs] = apparse Input cs
parse ['o':cs] = apparse Output cs
parse ['+':cs] = apparse Cat cs
diff --git a/proof.icl b/proof.icl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ea9b1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proof.icl
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+module proof
+import StdEnv, StdDebug
+from Data.Func import $
+import Data.Maybe
+import Smurf, SmurfParse
+Start = toString (devtree ass) +++ "\n"
+ ass (pgm, ip, st)
+ | pgm == [Tail,Tail] && st.stack == [Lit "bcd"]
+ = Just ([], [], {st & stack=[Lit "d"]})
+ = Nothing
+ pgm = fromJust $ parse ['ittt']
+ devtree ass
+ = fromJust (prover ass pgm zero { zero & input = [Lit "abcd"] } listIO)
diff --git a/proof.prj b/proof.prj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0519a34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proof.prj
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+Version: 1.4
+ ProjectRoot: .
+ Target: StdEnv
+ Exec: {Project}/proof
+ CodeGen
+ CheckStacks: False
+ CheckIndexes: True
+ Application
+ HeapSize: 2097152
+ StackSize: 512000
+ ExtraMemory: 8192
+ IntialHeapSize: 204800
+ HeapSizeMultiplier: 4096
+ ShowExecutionTime: False
+ ShowGC: False
+ ShowStackSize: False
+ MarkingCollector: False
+ DisableRTSFlags: False
+ StandardRuntimeEnv: True
+ Profile
+ Memory: False
+ MemoryMinimumHeapSize: 0
+ Time: False
+ Stack: False
+ Output
+ Output: BasicValuesOnly
+ Font: Monaco
+ FontSize: 9
+ WriteStdErr: False
+ Link
+ LinkMethod: Static
+ GenerateRelocations: False
+ GenerateSymbolTable: False
+ GenerateLinkMap: False
+ LinkResources: False
+ ResourceSource:
+ GenerateDLL: False
+ ExportedNames:
+ Paths
+ Path: {Project}/
+ Path: {Application}/lib/Generics/
+ Path: {Application}/lib/StdLib/
+ Path: {Application}/lib/clean-platform/OS-Independent/
+ Path: {Application}/lib/clean-platform/OS-Linux-64/
+ Precompile:
+ Postlink:
+ Name: proof
+ Dir: {Project}
+ Compiler
+ NeverMemoryProfile: False
+ NeverTimeProfile: False
+ StrictnessAnalysis: True
+ ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
+ ListAttributes: True
+ Warnings: True
+ Verbose: True
+ ReadableABC: False
+ ReuseUniqueNodes: True
+ Fusion: False
diff --git a/run.icl b/run.icl
index 64ef079..385d987 100644
--- a/run.icl
+++ b/run.icl
@@ -17,6 +17,11 @@ import SmurfParse
derive gEq SmurfOpt
instance == SmurfOpt where == a b = a === b
+instance <<< Expr
+ (<<<) f (Lit s) = f <<< s
+ // TODO Rest unimplemented for now
Start :: *World -> *World
Start w
// Options
@@ -25,7 +30,7 @@ Start w
| errs <> [] = error errs w
# breakstms
= if (isMember BreakAll opts)
- [Push "", Input, Output, Cat, Head, Tail, Quotify, Put, Get, Exec]
+ [Push (Lit ""), Input, Output, Cat, Head, Tail, Quotify, Put, Get, Exec]
[fromChar c \\ (Break c) <- opts]
# inputs = [f \\ (IFile f) <- opts]
| length inputs <> 1 = error ["Exactly one input file required"] w
@@ -61,18 +66,18 @@ where
isBrk :: Program -> Bool
isBrk [] = False
- isBrk [(Push _):_] = isMember (Push "") brk
+ isBrk [(Push _):_] = isMember (Push (Lit "")) brk
isBrk [stm:_] = isMember stm brk
iofunc :: *IO *File
iofunc = IO read show
- read :: *File -> *(String, *File)
+ read :: *File -> *(Expr, *File)
read f
# (s, f) = freadline f
- = (s % (0, size s - 2), f)
+ = (Lit (s % (0, size s - 2)), f)
- show :: String *File -> *File
+ show :: Expr *File -> *File
show s f = f <<< s
options = [ Option ['i'] ["infile"]
diff --git a/tree.icl b/tree.icl
index f895c89..5472b40 100644
--- a/tree.icl
+++ b/tree.icl
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ Start w
# tree = trace (toString tree +++ "\n") tree
= toString (toLaTeX tree)
- devtree pgm = fromJust (tree pgm zero { zero & input = [""] } listIO)
+ devtree pgm = fromJust (tree pgm zero { zero & input = [Lit ""] } listIO)
readFile :: !*File -> *(!String, !*File)
readFile f