/* File: wcon.c Author: John van Groningen At: University of Nijmegen */ #include #define GC_FLAGS #define STACK_OVERFLOW_EXCEPTION_HANDLER #ifdef WINDOWS # include # define ULONG unsigned long # define DosWrite(f,p,l,lp) WriteFile ((HANDLE)f,p,l,lp,NULL) # define DosRead(f,p,l,lp) ReadFile ((HANDLE)f,p,l,lp,NULL) # define OS(w,o) w # define StdInput std_input_handle # define StdOutput std_output_handle # define StdError std_error_handle # ifdef TIME_PROFILE # define TCHAR char # if 0 typedef struct _WIN32_FIND_DATA { DWORD dwFileAttributes; FILETIME ftCreationTime; FILETIME ftLastAccessTime; FILETIME ftLastWriteTime; DWORD nFileSizeHigh; DWORD nFileSizeLow; DWORD dwReserved0; DWORD dwReserved1; TCHAR cFileName[ MAX_PATH ]; TCHAR cAlternateFileName[ 14 ]; } WIN32_FIND_DATA; # endif # endif # include "wfileIO3.h" #else # define INCL_DOSFILEMGR # include # define OS(w,o) o # define StdInput 0 # define StdOutput 1 # define StdError 2 #endif #define SHOW_EXECUTION_TIME_MASK 8 #define NO_RESULT_MASK 16 #ifdef WINDOWS HANDLE std_input_handle,std_output_handle,std_error_handle; int console_window_visible,console_allocated,console_flag=0; int std_input_from_file=0; int std_output_to_file=0; extern void init_std_io_from_or_to_file (void); #endif extern int c_entier (double); extern double c_log10 (double); extern double c_pow (double,double); extern long ab_stack_size,heap_size,flags; static void print_char (char c,OS(HANDLE,int) file_number) { ULONG n_chars; if (c==10){ c=13; DosWrite (file_number,&c,1,&n_chars); c=10; } DosWrite (file_number,&c,1,&n_chars); } static void print_text (char *s,unsigned long length,OS(HANDLE,int) file_number) { ULONG n_chars; int n; n=0; while (n!=length) if (s[n]!=10) ++n; else { char c; if (n>0) DosWrite (file_number,s,n,&n_chars); c=13; DosWrite (file_number,&c,1,&n_chars); s+=n; length-=n; n=1; } if (length>0) DosWrite (file_number,s,length,&n_chars); } #ifdef WINDOWS static void make_console_window_visible () { if (!console_window_visible){ if (console_flag==0 || std_input_handle==INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE || std_input_handle==NULL || std_output_handle==INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE || std_output_handle==NULL || std_error_handle==INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE || std_error_handle==NULL) { console_allocated=AllocConsole(); if (std_input_handle==INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE || std_input_handle==NULL) std_input_handle=GetStdHandle (STD_INPUT_HANDLE); if (std_output_handle==INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE || std_output_handle==NULL || GetFileType (std_output_handle)==FILE_TYPE_UNKNOWN /* hack for windows 2000/XP */ ) std_output_handle=GetStdHandle (STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); if (std_error_handle==INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE || std_error_handle==NULL) std_error_handle=GetStdHandle (STD_ERROR_HANDLE); } console_window_visible=1; } } #endif void w_print_char (char c) { #ifdef WINDOWS if (std_output_to_file){ file_write_char (c,&file_table[1]); return; } if (!console_window_visible) make_console_window_visible(); #endif print_char (c,StdOutput); } void w_print_text (char *s,unsigned long length) { #ifdef WINDOWS if (std_output_to_file){ file_write_characters (s,length,&file_table[1]); return; } if (!console_window_visible) make_console_window_visible(); #endif print_text (s,length,StdOutput); } void ew_print_char (char c) { #ifdef WINDOWS if (!console_window_visible) make_console_window_visible(); #endif print_char (c,StdError); } void ew_print_text (char *s,unsigned long length) { #ifdef WINDOWS if (!console_window_visible) make_console_window_visible(); #endif print_text (s,length,StdError); } static int next_stdin_character=-1; int w_get_char (void) { ULONG n_chars; char c; #ifdef WINDOWS if (std_input_from_file) return file_read_char (&file_table[1]); if (!console_window_visible) make_console_window_visible(); #endif if (next_stdin_character==-1){ do { DosRead (StdInput,&c,1,&n_chars); if (n_chars>0 && c!=13) return c; } while (n_chars>0); return -1; } else { c=next_stdin_character; next_stdin_character=-1; return c; } } #define is_digit(n) ((unsigned)((n)-'0')<(unsigned)10) int w_get_int (int *i_p) { int c,negative; unsigned int i; #ifdef WINDOWS if (std_input_from_file) return file_read_int (&file_table[1],i_p); #endif c=w_get_char(); while (c==' ' || c=='\t' || c=='\n') c=w_get_char(); negative=0; if (c=='+') c=w_get_char(); else if (c=='-'){ c=w_get_char(); negative=1; } if (!is_digit (c)){ next_stdin_character=c; *i_p=0; return 0; } i=c-'0'; while (c=w_get_char(),is_digit (c)){ i+=i<<2; i+=i; i+=c-'0'; }; if (negative) i=-i; next_stdin_character=c; *i_p=i; return -1; } char *convert_string_to_real (char *string,double *r_p) { int neg,has_digits,has_dot; char *s_p,*end_s; long scale; double d; s_p=string; neg=0; if (*s_p=='+') ++s_p; else if (*s_p=='-'){ neg = 1; ++s_p; } has_digits=0; has_dot=0; scale=0; d=0.0; for (;;){ if (*s_p== '.' && !has_dot){ ++s_p; has_dot=1; } else if ((unsigned)(*s_p-'0') < (unsigned)10){ if (!has_digits){ d=(double)(*s_p - '0'); has_digits=1; } else { if (d >= 1e18) ++scale; else d = d*10.0 + (double)(*s_p - '0'); } ++s_p; if (has_dot) --scale; } else break; } if (!has_digits){ *r_p=0.0; return string; } end_s=s_p; if ((*s_p & ~0x20)=='E'){ int neg_exponent; ++s_p; neg_exponent=0; if (*s_p=='+') ++s_p; else if (*s_p=='-'){ neg_exponent=1; ++s_p; } if ((unsigned)(*s_p-'0') < (unsigned)10){ int exponent; exponent=*s_p++ - '0'; while ((unsigned)(*s_p-'0') < (unsigned)10) exponent=exponent*10 + *s_p++ - '0'; if (neg_exponent) scale -= exponent; else scale += exponent; end_s=s_p; } } if (scale!=0 && d!=0.0) d *= c_pow (10.0,(double)scale); if (neg) d=-d; *r_p=d; return end_s; } int w_get_real (double *r_p) { char s[256+1]; int c,dot,digits,result,n; #ifdef WINDOWS if (std_input_from_file) return file_read_real (&file_table[1],r_p); #endif n=0; c=w_get_char(); while (c==' ' || c=='\t' || c=='\n') c=w_get_char(); if (c=='+') c=w_get_char(); else if (c=='-'){ s[n++]=c; c=w_get_char(); } dot=0; digits=0; while (is_digit (c) || c=='.'){ if (c=='.'){ if (dot){ dot=2; break; } dot=1; } else digits=-1; if (n<256) s[n++]=c; c=w_get_char(); } result=0; if (digits) if (dot==2 || ! (c=='e' || c=='E')) result=-1; else { if (n<256) s[n++]=c; c=w_get_char(); if (c=='+') c=w_get_char(); else if (c=='-'){ if (n<256) s[n++]=c; c=w_get_char(); } if (is_digit (c)){ do { if (n<256) s[n++]=c; c=w_get_char(); } while (is_digit (c)); result=-1; } } if (n>=256) result=0; next_stdin_character=c; *r_p=0.0; if (result){ s[n]='\0'; result= convert_string_to_real (s,r_p)==&s[n]; } return result; } unsigned long w_get_text (char *string,unsigned long max_length) { ULONG length; length=0; #ifdef WINDOWS if (std_input_from_file){ unsigned long length; length=max_length; return file_read_characters (&file_table[1],&length,string); } if (!console_window_visible) make_console_window_visible(); #endif if (max_length==0) return length; if (next_stdin_character!=-1){ *string++=next_stdin_character; next_stdin_character=-1; --max_length; ++length; } while (max_length>0){ ULONG r_length; int s,d; DosRead (StdInput,string,max_length,&r_length); s=0; d=0; while (s=10){ unsigned int r; r=m/10; s[--length]=48+m-r*10; m=r; } s[--length]=48+m; if (n<0) s[--length]='-'; DosWrite (file_number,&s[length],16-length,&n_chars); } void w_print_int (int n) { #ifdef WINDOWS if (std_output_to_file){ file_write_int (n,&file_table[1]); return; } if (!console_window_visible) make_console_window_visible(); #endif print_integer (n,StdOutput); } void ew_print_int (int n) { #ifdef WINDOWS if (!console_window_visible) make_console_window_visible(); #endif print_integer (n,StdError); } int xam_and_fstsw (double d) { int i; #if 0 asm ("fxam ; fstsw %%ax" : : "f" (d) : "%ax"); asm ("movzwl %%ax,%0" : "=g" (i) : ); #else asm ("fxam ; fstsw %%ax; movzwl %%ax,%0" : "=g" (i) : "t" (d) : "%ax"); #endif return i; } int fbstp (double d,char *buffer) { #if 0 asm ("movl %0,%%eax ; fbstp (%%eax) ; fld1" : : "g" (buffer) , "f" (d) : "%eax"); #else asm ("fbstp (%0)" : : "r" (buffer) , "t" (d) : "st"); #endif } #define N_DIGITS 15 #if 1 static unsigned int dtoi_divmod_1e9 (double d,unsigned int *rem_p) { double a[1]; unsigned int q,r; # if 0 asm ( "fistpq (%3); " "movl $1000000000,%%ebx; " "movl 4(%3),%%edx; " "movl (%3),%%eax; " "divl %%ebx; " : "=&a" (q), "=&d" (r) : "t" (d), "r" (a) : "%ebx","st" ); # else asm ( "fistpq (%3); " "movl $1000000000,%%ebx; " "movl 4(%3),%%edx; " "movl (%3),%%eax; " "divl %%ebx; " "movl %%eax,%0" : "&=g" (q), "&=d" (r) : "t" (d), "r" (a) : "%eax","%ebx","%ecx","%edx","st" ); # endif *rem_p=r; return q; } static unsigned int to14_18 (int i) { int r; asm ( "mov $0x0a7c5ac48,%%eax; " // 2^18 / 1e5 * 2^30 rounded up "mull %1; " // Divide by 1e5, "shr $30,%%eax; " // converting it into "lea 1(%%eax,%%edx,4),%0" // 14.18 fixed-point format : "=r" (r) : "g" (i) : "%eax","%edx" ); return r; } static unsigned int to4_28 (int i) { int r; asm ( "mov $0xabcc7712,%%eax; " // 2^28 / 1e8 * 2^30 rounded up "mull %1; " // Divide by 1e8 "shr $30,%%eax; " // converting it into "lea 1(%%eax,%%edx,4),%0" // 4.28 fixed-point format : "=r" (r) : "g" (i) : "%eax","%edx" ); return r; } static void dtoa (double d,char *s) { unsigned int i1,i2,n,r; n=dtoi_divmod_1e9 (d,&r); i2=to4_28 (r); s[6]=(i2>>28)+'0'; i1=to14_18 (n); i2=(i2 & 0xfffffff)*5; s[7]=(i2>>27)+'0'; s[0]=(i1>>18)+'0'; i2=(i2 & 0x7ffffff)*5; s[8]=(i2>>26)+'0'; i1=(i1 & 0x3ffff)*5; s[1]=(i1>>17)+'0'; i2=(i2 & 0x3ffffff)*5; s[9]=(i2>>25)+'0'; i1=(i1 & 0x1ffff)*5; s[2]=(i1>>16)+'0'; i2=(i2 & 0x1ffffff)*5; s[10]=(i2>>24)+'0'; i1=(i1 & 0xffff)*5; s[3]=(i1>>15)+'0'; i2=(i2 & 0xffffff)*5; s[11]=(i2>>23)+'0'; i1=(i1 & 0x7fff)*5; s[4]=(i1>>14)+'0'; i2=(i2 & 0x7fffff)*5; s[12]=(i2>>22)+'0'; i1=(i1 & 0x3fff)*5; s[5]=(i1>>13)+'0'; i2=(i2 & 0x3fffff)*5; s[13]=(i2>>21)+'0'; s[15]='\0'; i2=(i2 & 0x1fffff)*5; s[14]=(i2>>20)+'0'; } #endif char *convert_real_to_string (double d,char *s_p) { double scale_factor; int exponent,n; unsigned int fpu_status; fpu_status = xam_and_fstsw (d); switch (fpu_status & 0x4500){ case 0x500: if (fpu_status & 0x200) *s_p++='-'; s_p[0]='#'; s_p[1]='I'; s_p[2]='N'; s_p[3]='F'; s_p[4]='\0'; return s_p+4; case 0x100: s_p[0]='#'; s_p[1]='N'; s_p[2]='A'; s_p[3]='N'; s_p[4]='\0'; return s_p+4; case 0x4100: if (fpu_status & 0x200) *s_p++='-'; s_p[0]='#'; s_p[1]='E'; s_p[2]='M'; s_p[3]='P'; s_p[4]='\0'; return s_p+4; } if (d<0){ d=-d; *s_p++ = '-'; } if (d==0){ *s_p++ = '0'; *s_p = '\0'; return s_p; } if (d<1e4){ if (d<1e0){ if (d<1e-4){ exponent=c_entier (c_log10 (d)); if (N_DIGITS-exponent>=308){ d=d*1e20; scale_factor=c_pow (10.0,N_DIGITS-1-20-exponent); } else { scale_factor=c_pow (10.0,N_DIGITS-1-exponent); } } else { if (d<1e-2){ if (d<1e-3){ exponent=-4; scale_factor=1e18; } else { exponent=-3; scale_factor=1e17; } } else { if (d<1e-1){ exponent=-2; scale_factor=1e16; } else { exponent=-1; scale_factor=1e15; } } } } else { if (d<1e2){ if (d<1e1){ exponent=0; scale_factor=1e14; } else { exponent=1; scale_factor=1e13; } } else { if (d<1e3){ exponent=2; scale_factor=1e12; } else { exponent=3; scale_factor=1e11; } } } } else { if (d<1e8){ if (d<1e6){ if (d<1e5){ exponent=4; scale_factor=1e10; } else { exponent=5; scale_factor=1e9; } } else { if (d<1e7){ exponent=6; scale_factor=1e8; } else { exponent=7; scale_factor=1e7; } } } else if (d<1e12){ if (d<1e10){ if (d<1e9){ exponent=8; scale_factor=1e6; } else { exponent=9; scale_factor=1e5; } } else { if (d<1e11){ exponent=10; scale_factor=1e4; } else { exponent=11; scale_factor=1e3; } } } else { exponent=c_entier (c_log10 (d)); scale_factor=c_pow (10.0,N_DIGITS-1-exponent); } } d *= scale_factor; if (d<1e14){ d *= 10.0; --exponent; } #if 1 dtoa (d,s_p); #else { unsigned char bcd_buffer[16]; int i,j; fbstp (d,bcd_buffer); j=14; for (i=0; i<7; ++i){ unsigned char bcd_byte; bcd_byte=bcd_buffer[i]; s_p[j] ='0'+(bcd_byte & 0xf); s_p[j-1]='0'+((bcd_byte & 0xf0)>>4); j-=2; } s_p[j] ='0'+(bcd_buffer[i] & 0xf); } #endif s_p+=N_DIGITS; if (exponent>(N_DIGITS-1) || exponent<-4){ int exponent_d10; for (n=-1; n>=-(N_DIGITS-1); --n) s_p[n+1]=s_p[n]; s_p[-(N_DIGITS-1)]='.'; ++s_p; while (s_p[-1]=='0') --s_p; if (s_p[-1]=='.') --s_p; *s_p++ = 'e'; if (exponent>=0) *s_p++ = '+'; else { *s_p++ = '-'; exponent= -exponent; } if (exponent>=100){ int exponent_d100; exponent_d100=exponent/100; *s_p++ = '0'+exponent_d100; exponent -= 100*exponent_d100; } exponent_d10=exponent/10; *s_p++ = '0'+exponent_d10; *s_p++ = '0'+exponent-10*exponent_d10; } else { if (exponent>=-1){ for (n=-1; n>=exponent-(N_DIGITS-1); --n) s_p[n+1]=s_p[n]; s_p[exponent-(N_DIGITS-1)]='.'; ++s_p; } else { for (n=-1; n>=-N_DIGITS; --n) s_p[n-exponent]=s_p[n]; s_p[-N_DIGITS] = '.'; for (n=exponent; n<-1; ++n) s_p[-(N_DIGITS-1)+(n-exponent)] = '0'; s_p+= -exponent; } while (s_p[-1]=='0') --s_p; if (s_p[-1]=='.') --s_p; } *s_p='\0'; return s_p; } void w_print_real (double r) { char s[32],*end_s; #ifdef WINDOWS if (std_output_to_file){ file_write_real (r,&file_table[1]); return; } if (!console_window_visible) make_console_window_visible(); #endif end_s=convert_real_to_string (r,s); print_text (s,end_s-s,StdOutput); } void ew_print_real (double r) { char s[32],*end_s; #ifdef WINDOWS if (!console_window_visible) make_console_window_visible(); #endif end_s=convert_real_to_string (r,s); print_text (s,end_s-s,StdError); } #ifdef WINDOWS void wait_for_key_press (VOID) { DWORD console_mode; SetConsoleTitleA ("press any key to exit"); GetConsoleMode (std_input_handle,&console_mode); SetConsoleMode (std_input_handle,console_mode & ~(ENABLE_LINE_INPUT | ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT)); { ULONG n_chars; char c; n_chars=1; DosRead (StdInput,&c,1,&n_chars); } SetConsoleMode (std_input_handle,console_mode); } #endif int free_memory (void *p) { #ifdef WINDOWS if (GlobalFree (p)==NULL) return 0; else return GetLastError(); #else return DosFreeMem (p); #endif } void *allocate_memory (int size) { #ifdef WINDOWS return LocalAlloc (GMEM_FIXED,size); #else APIRET rc; void *pb; rc=DosAllocMem (&pb,size,fALLOC); if (rc!=0) return NULL; else return pb; #endif } #if defined (WINDOWS) && defined (STACK_OVERFLOW_EXCEPTION_HANDLER) void *allocate_memory_with_guard_page_at_end (int size) { int alloc_size; DWORD old_protect; char *p,*end_p; alloc_size=(size+4096+4095) & -4096; p=LocalAlloc (GMEM_FIXED,alloc_size); if (p==NULL) return p; end_p=(char*)(((int)p+size+4095) & -4096); if (!VirtualProtect (end_p,4096,PAGE_READWRITE | PAGE_GUARD,&old_protect)) VirtualProtect (end_p,4096,PAGE_NOACCESS,&old_protect); return p; } #endif static long parse_size (char *s) { int c; long n; c=*s++; if (c<'0' || c>'9'){ w_print_string ("Digit expected in argument\n"); return -1; } n=c-'0'; while (c=*s++,c>='0' && c<='9') n=n*10+(c-'0'); if (c=='k' || c=='K'){ c=*s++; n<<=10; } else if (c=='m' || c=='M'){ c=*s++; n<<=20; } if (c!='\0'){ w_print_string ("Error in argument\n"); return -1; } return n; } #ifdef GC_FLAGS static long parse_integer (register char *s) { register int c; register long n; c=*s++; if (c<'0' || c>'9'){ w_print_string ("Digit expected in argument\n"); return (-1); } n=c-'0'; while (c=*s++,c>='0' && c<='9') n=n*10+(c-'0'); if (c!='\0'){ w_print_string ("Error in integer"); return (-1); } return n; } #endif int global_argc; char **global_argv; #ifdef DLL extern void abc_main (void *); #else extern void abc_main (void); #endif #define EQ_STRING1(s,c1) ((s)[0]==(c1) && (s)[1]=='\0') #define EQ_STRING2(s,c1,c2) ((s)[0]==(c1) && (s)[1]==(c2) &&(s)[2]=='\0') #define EQ_STRING3(s,c1,c2,c3) ((s)[0]==(c1) && (s)[1]==(c2) && (s)[2]==(c3) && (s)[3]=='\0') #ifdef WINDOWS extern long heap_size_multiple; extern long initial_heap_size; # define MINIMUM_HEAP_SIZE_MULTIPLE ((2*256)+128) # define MAXIMUM_HEAP_SIZE_MULTIPLE (100*256) #endif void (*exit_tcpip_function) (void); #ifdef WINDOWS int execution_aborted; int return_code; #endif #ifdef STACK_OVERFLOW_EXCEPTION_HANDLER extern __stdcall LONG clean_exception_handler (struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *exception_p); #endif #ifdef DLL int clean_main (int heap_size_param,int flags_param,int ab_stack_size_param,void *start_address,int argc,char **argv) #else # ifdef CLIB int main (int argc,char **argv) # else int clean_main (void) # endif #endif { int arg_n; #ifndef CLIB char **argv,*arg_p,*arg_p_copy,*command_p; int argc; argc=0; command_p=GetCommandLineA(); if (command_p==NULL || *command_p=='\0') command_p="?"; { char c; arg_p=command_p; while ((c=*arg_p)!=0){ while (c==' ' || c=='\t' || c=='\n' || c=='\r') c = * ++arg_p; if (c=='\0') break; ++argc; if (c=='\"'){ do { c = * ++arg_p; } while (!(c=='\0' || c=='\"')); if (c=='\"') c = * ++arg_p; } else { while (!(c=='\0' || c==' ' || c=='\t' || c=='\n' || c=='\r')) c = * ++arg_p; } if (c=='\0') break; ++arg_p; } } argv=LocalAlloc (GMEM_FIXED,argc*sizeof (char*)); arg_p_copy=LocalAlloc (GMEM_FIXED,(1+arg_p-command_p)*sizeof (char)); argc=0; arg_p=command_p; if (argv==NULL || arg_p_copy==NULL){ argv=&arg_p; argc=1; } else { char c; while ((c=*arg_p)!='\0'){ while (c==' ' || c=='\t' || c=='\n' || c=='\r') c=* ++arg_p; if (c=='\0') break; argv[argc++]=arg_p_copy; if (c=='\"'){ c = * ++arg_p; while (!(c=='\0' || c=='\"')){ *arg_p_copy++ = c; c = * ++arg_p; } if (c=='\"') c = * ++arg_p; } else { while (!(c=='\0' || c==' ' || c=='\t' || c=='\n' || c=='\r')){ *arg_p_copy++ = c; c = * ++arg_p; } } *arg_p_copy++ = '\0'; if (c=='\0') break; ++arg_p; } } #endif exit_tcpip_function=NULL; #ifdef WINDOWS execution_aborted=0; return_code=0; #endif #ifdef DLL heap_size=heap_size_param; flags=flags_param; ab_stack_size=ab_stack_size_param; #endif #ifdef WINDOWS std_input_handle=GetStdHandle (STD_INPUT_HANDLE); std_output_handle=GetStdHandle (STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); if (flags & 128) std_error_handle=CreateFileA ("Messages",GENERIC_WRITE,0,NULL,CREATE_ALWAYS,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,NULL); else std_error_handle=GetStdHandle (STD_ERROR_HANDLE); std_input_from_file = GetFileType (std_input_handle)==FILE_TYPE_DISK; std_output_to_file = GetFileType (std_output_handle)==FILE_TYPE_DISK; if (std_input_from_file || std_output_to_file) init_std_io_from_or_to_file(); console_window_visible=flags & NO_RESULT_MASK ? 0 : 1; if (heap_size_multipleMAXIMUM_HEAP_SIZE_MULTIPLE) heap_size_multiple=MAXIMUM_HEAP_SIZE_MULTIPLE; #endif for (arg_n=1; arg_n=argc){ w_print_string ("Heapsize missing\n"); return -1; } s=parse_size (argv[arg_n]); if (s<0) return -1; heap_size=s; } else if (EQ_STRING1 (s,'s')){ long s; ++arg_n; if (arg_n>=argc){ w_print_string ("Stacksize missing\n"); return -1; } s=parse_size (argv[arg_n]); if (s<0) return -1; ab_stack_size=s; } else if (EQ_STRING1 (s,'b')) flags |= 1; else if (EQ_STRING2 (s,'s','c')) flags &= ~1; else if (EQ_STRING1 (s,'t')) flags |= SHOW_EXECUTION_TIME_MASK; else if (EQ_STRING2 (s,'n','t')) flags &= ~SHOW_EXECUTION_TIME_MASK; else if (EQ_STRING2 (s,'g','c')) flags |= 2; else if (EQ_STRING3 (s,'n','g','c')) flags &= ~2; else if (EQ_STRING2 (s,'s','t')) flags |= 4; else if (EQ_STRING3 (s,'n','s','t')) flags &= ~4; else if (EQ_STRING2 (s,'n','r')) flags |= NO_RESULT_MASK; #ifdef GC_FLAGS else if (EQ_STRING3 (s,'g','c','m')) flags |= 64; else if (EQ_STRING3 (s,'g','c','c')) flags &= ~64; else if (EQ_STRING3 (s,'g','c','i')){ int s; ++arg_n; if (arg_n>=argc){ w_print_string ("Initial heap size missing\n"); return -1; } s=parse_size (argv[arg_n]); if (s<0) return -1; initial_heap_size=s; } else if (EQ_STRING3 (s,'g','c','f')){ int i; ++arg_n; if (arg_n>=argc){ w_print_string ("Next heap size factor missing\n"); return -1; } i=parse_integer (argv[arg_n]); if (i<0) return -1; heap_size_multiple=i<<8; } #endif #ifdef WINDOWS else if (EQ_STRING3 (s,'c','o','n')) console_flag=1; #endif else break; } --arg_n; argv[arg_n]=argv[0]; global_argv=&argv[arg_n]; global_argc=argc-arg_n; #ifdef STACK_OVERFLOW_EXCEPTION_HANDLER SetUnhandledExceptionFilter (&clean_exception_handler); #endif #ifdef DLL abc_main (start_address); #else abc_main(); #endif if (exit_tcpip_function!=NULL) exit_tcpip_function(); #ifdef WINDOWS # if 1 if ( (!(flags & NO_RESULT_MASK) || (flags & SHOW_EXECUTION_TIME_MASK) || execution_aborted || (console_window_visible && !console_allocated) ) && !console_flag) # else if ( (!(flags & NO_RESULT_MASK) || (flags & SHOW_EXECUTION_TIME_MASK) || execution_aborted) && !console_flag) # endif wait_for_key_press(); if (std_output_to_file) flush_file_buffer (&file_table[1]); if (return_code==0 && execution_aborted) return_code= -1; #endif #ifndef CLIB ExitProcess (return_code); #endif #ifdef WINDOWS return return_code; #else return 0; #endif } #ifdef TIME_PROFILE char time_profile_file_name_suffix[]=" Time Profile.pcl"; #define MAX_PATH_LENGTH 256 void create_profile_file_name (unsigned char *profile_file_name_string) { char *time_profile_file_name_p,*time_profile_file_name_suffix_p,*profile_file_name,*p; int length_time_profile_file_name,time_profile_file_name_suffix_length,i; time_profile_file_name_p=global_argv[0]; profile_file_name=&profile_file_name_string[8]; for (p=time_profile_file_name_p; *p!='\0'; ++p) ; length_time_profile_file_name=p-time_profile_file_name_p; if (time_profile_file_name_p[0]=='\"' && length_time_profile_file_name>1 && time_profile_file_name_p[length_time_profile_file_name-1]=='\"'){ ++time_profile_file_name_p; length_time_profile_file_name-=2; } for (i=0; iprofile_file_name && p[-1]!='\\' && p[-1]!='/'; --p) ; if ((p-profile_file_name)+file_name_length<=MAX_PATH_LENGTH){ for (i=0; i3 && p[-4]=='.' && p[-3]=='e' && p[-2]=='x' && p[-1]=='e') length_time_profile_file_name-=4; time_profile_file_name_suffix_p=time_profile_file_name_suffix; time_profile_file_name_suffix_length=sizeof (time_profile_file_name_suffix); if (length_time_profile_file_name+time_profile_file_name_suffix_length>MAX_PATH_LENGTH){ time_profile_file_name_suffix_length=MAX_PATH_LENGTH-length_time_profile_file_name; time_profile_file_name_suffix_p=&time_profile_file_name_suffix_p[sizeof (time_profile_file_name_suffix)-time_profile_file_name_suffix_length]; } p=profile_file_name+length_time_profile_file_name; for (i=0; i<=time_profile_file_name_suffix_length; ++i) p[i]=time_profile_file_name_suffix_p[i]; *(unsigned int*)(&profile_file_name_string[4])=length_time_profile_file_name+time_profile_file_name_suffix_length; } #endif #ifdef WRITE_HEAP # include "iwrite_heap.c" #endif