! File: sstartup.s ! Author: John van Groningen ! At: University of Nijmegen ! Machine: Sun 4 #define SHARE_CHAR_INT #define COPIED_VECTOR #define MY_ITOS #define FINALIZERS #define STACK_OVERFLOW_EXCEPTION_HANDLER #undef MARK_GC #undef ADD_SYSTEM_TIME #undef COUNT_GARBAGE_COLLECTIONS #define SP_G5 #define ldg(g,r) sethi %hi g,%o0 ; ld [%o0+%lo g],r #define ldgr(g,r,ir) sethi %hi g,ir ; ld [ir+%lo g],r #define stg(r,g) sethi %hi g,%o0 ; st r,[%o0+%lo g] #define stgr(r,g,ir) sethi %hi g,ir ; st r,[ir+%lo g] #define ldgsb(g,r) sethi %hi g,%o0 ; ldsb [%o0+%lo g],r #define ldgub(g,r) sethi %hi g,%o0 ; ldub [%o0+%lo g],r #define stgb(r,g) sethi %hi g,%o0 ; stb r,[%o0+%lo g] #define seth(g,r) sethi %hi g,r #define setl(g,r) add r,%lo g,r #define setmbit(vector,bit_n,byte_offset,bit,byte,scratch) \ mov 128,bit ;\ srl bit_n,3,byte_offset ;\ ldub [vector+byte_offset],byte ;\ and bit_n,7,scratch ;\ srl bit,scratch,bit ;\ bset bit,byte ;\ stb byte,[vector+byte_offset] #define tstmbit(vector,bit_n,byte_offset,bit,byte,scratch) \ mov 128,bit ;\ srl bit_n,3,byte_offset ;\ ldub [vector+byte_offset],byte ;\ and bit_n,7,scratch ;\ srl bit,scratch,bit ;\ btst bit,byte #define clrmbit(vector,bit_n,byte_offset,bit,byte,scratch) \ mov 128,bit ;\ srl bit_n,3,byte_offset ;\ ldub [vector+byte_offset],byte ;\ and bit_n,7,scratch ;\ srl bit,scratch,bit ;\ bclr bit,byte ;\ stb byte,[vector+byte_offset] #ifdef SOLARIS #define lcomm(a) .comm a,4,4 #else #define lcomm(a) .comm a,4 #endif #define d0 %l0 #define d1 %l1 #define d2 %l2 #define d3 %l3 #define d4 %l4 #define d5 %l5 #define d6 %l6 #define d7 %l7 #define a0 %i0 #define a1 %i1 #define a2 %i2 #define a3 %i3 #define a4 %i4 #define a5 %i5 #define a6 %g6 #ifdef SP_G5 # define sp %g5 #else # define sp %g7 #endif .data lcomm (heap_mbp) #ifdef STACK_OVERFLOW_EXCEPTION_HANDLER lcomm (begin_b_stack_p) #else lcomm (stack_mbp) #endif lcomm (heap_p) lcomm (heap_p1) lcomm (heap_p2) heap_p3: .long 0 heap_vector: .long 0 lcomm (heap_size_33) #ifdef COPIED_VECTOR lcomm (heap_size_129) lcomm (heap_copied_vector) lcomm (heap_copied_vector_size) #endif heap_end_after_gc: .long 0 lcomm (extra_heap) lcomm (extra_heap_size) lcomm (stack_p) .global halt_sp lcomm (halt_sp) #ifdef MARK_GC bit_counter: .long 0 bit_vector_p: .long 0 zero_bits_before_mark: .long 1 free_after_mark: .long 1000 last_heap_free: .long 0 #endif caf_list: .word 0 .global caf_listp caf_listp: .word 0 ! number of long words requested from the garbage collector lcomm (alloc_size) lcomm (basic_only) #ifdef SOLARIS lcomm (last_time) lcomm (execute_time) lcomm (garbage_collect_time) lcomm (IO_time) #else .comm last_time,8 .comm execute_time,8 .comm garbage_collect_time,8 .comm IO_time,8 #endif #ifdef SOLARIS .comm jump_buffer,9*4,4 #else .comm jump_buffer,9*4 #endif zero_length_string: .word __STRING__+2 .word 0 true_string: .word __STRING__+2 .word 4 true_c_string: .ascii "True" .byte 0,0,0,0 false_string: .word __STRING__+2 .word 5 false_c_string: .ascii "False" .byte 0,0,0 file_c_string: .ascii "File" .byte 0,0,0,0 garbage_collect_flag: .byte 0 .byte 0,0,0 #ifdef COUNT_GARBAGE_COLLECTIONS n_garbage_collections: .word 0 #endif #ifdef SOLARIS .comm sprintf_buffer,32,4 #else .comm sprintf_buffer,32 #endif out_of_memory_string_1: .ascii "Not enough memory to allocate heap and stack" .byte 10,0 printf_int_string: .ascii "%d" .byte 0 printf_real_string: .ascii "%g" .byte 0 printf_string_string: .ascii "%s" .byte 0 printf_char_string: .ascii "%c" .byte 0 garbage_collect_string_1: .asciz "A stack: " garbage_collect_string_2: .asciz " bytes. BC stack: " garbage_collect_string_3: .ascii " bytes." .byte 10,0 heap_use_after_gc_string_1: .ascii "Heap use after garbage collection: " .byte 0 heap_use_after_gc_string_2: .ascii " Bytes." .byte 10,0 stack_overflow_string: .ascii "Stack overflow." .byte 10,0 out_of_memory_string_4: .ascii "Heap full." .byte 10,0 time_string_1: .ascii "Execution: " .byte 0 time_string_2: .ascii " Garbage collection: " #ifdef COUNT_GARBAGE_COLLECTIONS .ascii "(" #endif .byte 0 #ifdef COUNT_GARBAGE_COLLECTIONS time_string_3: .ascii ") " .byte 0 #endif time_string_4: .ascii " Total: " .byte 0 high_index_string: .ascii "Index too high in UPDATE string." .byte 10,0 low_index_string: .ascii "Index negative in UPDATE string." .byte 10,0 IO_error_string: .ascii "IO error: " .byte 0 new_line_string: .byte 10,0 sprintf_time_string: .ascii "%d.%02d" .byte 0 #ifdef MARK_GC marked_gc_string_1: .ascii "Marked: " .byte 0 #endif #ifdef SOLARIS .comm sprintf_time_buffer,20 .align 4 #else .comm sprintf_time_buffer,20 .align 2 #endif first_one_bit_table: .byte -1,7,6,6,5,5,5,5,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4 .byte 3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3 .byte 2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2 .byte 2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2 .byte 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 .byte 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 .byte 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 .byte 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 .byte 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 .byte 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 .byte 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 .byte 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 .byte 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 .byte 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 .byte 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 .byte 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 #ifdef SHARE_CHAR_INT .global small_integers .global static_characters #ifdef SOLARIS .comm small_integers,33*8,4 .comm static_characters,256*8,4 #else .comm small_integers,33*8 .comm static_characters,256*8 #endif #endif #ifdef FINALIZERS .global __Nil .global e____system__kFinalizer .global e____system__kFinalizerGCTemp .global finalizer_list finalizer_list: .long 0 free_finalizer_list: .long 0 #endif .text .global @abc_main .global print .global print_char .global print_int .global print_real .global print__string__ .global print__chars__sc .global print_sc .global print_symbol .global print_symbol_sc .global printD .global DtoAC .global push_t_r_args .global push_a_r_args .global halt .global dump .global catAC .global sliceAC .global updateAC .global eqAC .global cmpAC .global string_to_string_node .global create_array .global create_arrayB .global create_arrayC .global create_arrayI .global create_arrayR #if 0 .global create_r_array #else .global create_R_array #endif .global _create_arrayB .global _create_arrayC .global _create_arrayI .global _create_arrayR .global _create_r_array .global BtoAC .global ItoAC .global RtoAC .global eqD .global collect_0 .global collect_1 .global collect_2 .global collect_3 #if 0 .global e__system__nAP .global e__system__eaAP #endif .global e__system__sAP .global yet_args_needed .global yet_args_needed_0 .global yet_args_needed_1 .global yet_args_needed_2 .global yet_args_needed_3 .global yet_args_needed_4 .global _c3,_c4,_c5,_c6,_c7,_c8,_c9,_c10,_c11,_c12 .global _c13,_c14,_c15,_c16,_c17,_c18,_c19,_c20,_c21,_c22 .global _c23,_c24,_c25,_c26,_c27,_c28,_c29,_c30,_c31,_c32 .global __indirection,__eaind,eval_fill .global eval_upd_0,eval_upd_1,eval_upd_2,eval_upd_3,eval_upd_4 .global eval_upd_5,eval_upd_6,eval_upd_7,eval_upd_8,eval_upd_9 .global eval_upd_10,eval_upd_11,eval_upd_12,eval_upd_13,eval_upd_14 .global eval_upd_15,eval_upd_16,eval_upd_17,eval_upd_18,eval_upd_19 .global eval_upd_20,eval_upd_21,eval_upd_22,eval_upd_23,eval_upd_24 .global eval_upd_25,eval_upd_26,eval_upd_27,eval_upd_28,eval_upd_29 .global eval_upd_30,eval_upd_31,eval_upd_32 .global repl_args_b .global push_arg_b .global del_args #if 0 .global o__S_P2 .global ea__S_P2 #endif .global add_IO_time .global add_execute_time .global @IO_error .global stack_overflow .global out_of_memory_4 #ifdef SOLARIS .global __start #else .global _start #endif .global __driver ! from system.abc: .global INT .global CHAR .global BOOL .global REAL .global FILE .global __STRING__ .global __ARRAY__ .global __cycle__in__spine .global __print__graph .global __eval__to__nf ! from cgscon.c: .global @w_print_char .global @w_print_string .global @w_print_text .global @w_print_int .global @w_print_real .global @ew_print_char .global @ew_print_text .global @ew_print_string .global @ew_print_int .global @ab_stack_size .global @heap_size .global @flags .global @execution_aborted ! from standard c library: .global @malloc .global @free ! .global @rand .global @sprintf .global @strlen @abc_main: save %o6,-128,%o6 save %o6,-256,%o6 ldg (@flags,d0) and d0,1,d0 stg (d0,basic_only) ldg (@heap_size,d0) sub d0,3,%o0 call .udiv mov 33,%o1 stgr (%o0,heap_size_33,%o1) #ifdef COPIED_VECTOR ldg (@heap_size,d0) sub d0,3,%o0 call .udiv mov 129,%o1 stgr (%o0,heap_size_129,%o1) inc 3,%o0 andn %o0,3,%o0 stgr (%o0,heap_copied_vector_size,%o1) #endif ldgr (@heap_size,%o0,%o1) inc 7,%o0 andn %o0,7,%o0 stgr (%o0,@heap_size,%o1) call @malloc inc 3+4,%o0 tst %o0 beq no_memory_2 nop stgr (%o0,heap_mbp,%o1) inc 3,%o0 and %o0,-4,a6 stg (a6,heap_p) stg (a6,heap_p1) #ifdef COPIED_VECTOR ldg (@flags,%o0) btst 64,%o0 bne no_copied_vector1 nop ldg (heap_size_129,d1) sll d1,6,d1 add a6,d1,d0 stg (d0,heap_copied_vector) stg (d0,heap_end_after_gc) ldg (heap_copied_vector_size,%o1) add d0,%o1,d0 stg (d0,heap_p2) b,a copied_vector1 no_copied_vector1: #endif ldg (@heap_size,d1) srl d1,1,d1 add a6,d1,d0 stg (d0,heap_end_after_gc) stg (d0,heap_p2) copied_vector1: ldg (@ab_stack_size,d0) #ifdef STACK_OVERFLOW_EXCEPTION_HANDLER call @allocate_stack add d0,0,%o0 #else call @malloc add d0,3,%o0 #endif tst %o0 beq no_memory_3 nop #ifdef STACK_OVERFLOW_EXCEPTION_HANDLER ldgr (@ab_stack_size,d0,%o1) inc 3,d0 and d0,-4,d0 sub %o0,d0,%i4 stgr (%i4,stack_p,%o1) add %o0,d0,sp set 8192,%o1 add sp,%o1,sp stg (sp,begin_b_stack_p) #else stgr (%o0,stack_mbp,%o1) inc 3,%o0 and %o0,-4,d0 mov d0,%i4 ldg (@ab_stack_size,sp) add sp,d0,sp stg (d0,stack_p) #endif #ifdef SHARE_CHAR_INT set small_integers,a0 mov 0,d0 set INT+2,d1 make_small_integers_lp: st d1,[a0] st d0,[a0+4] inc 1,d0 cmp d0,33 bne make_small_integers_lp inc 8,a0 set static_characters,a0 mov 0,d0 set CHAR+2,d1 make_static_characters_lp: st d1,[a0] st d0,[a0+4] inc 1,d0 cmp d0,256 bne make_static_characters_lp inc 8,a0 #endif set caf_list+4,a0 stg (a0,caf_listp) #ifdef FINALIZERS set __Nil-8,a0 stg (a0,finalizer_list) stg (a0,free_finalizer_list) #endif #ifdef COPIED_VECTOR ldg (@flags,%o0) btst 64,%o0 bne no_copied_vector2 nop ldg (heap_size_129,d7) ba copied_vector2 sll d7,6-2,d7 no_copied_vector2: #endif ldg (@heap_size,d7) srl d7,3,d7 copied_vector2: seth (garbage_collect_flag,%o0) clrb [%o0+%lo garbage_collect_flag] ldg (@flags,d0) btst 32+64,d0 beq no_compact_or_mark_gc nop ldg (heap_size_33,d0) sll d0,3,d7 stg (a6,heap_vector) add a6,d0,a6 add a6,3,a6 andn a6,3,a6 stg (a6,heap_p3) sll d0,5,d0 add d0,a6,d0 stg (d0,heap_end_after_gc) mov -1,d0 seth (garbage_collect_flag,%o0) stb d0,[%o0+%lo garbage_collect_flag] no_compact_or_mark_gc: dec 4,sp call init_timer st %o7,[sp] stg (sp,halt_sp) seth (jump_buffer,%o0) call @setjmp setl (jump_buffer,%o0) tst %o0 bne exit nop set __cycle__in__spine,a5 dec 4,sp #ifdef SOLARIS call __start #else call _start #endif st %o7,[sp] exit: dec 4,sp call add_execute_time st %o7,[sp] ldg (@flags,d0) andcc d0,8,%g0 beq no_print_execution_time nop seth (time_string_1,%o0) call @ew_print_string setl (time_string_1,%o0) set execute_time,a0 ld [a0],d0 #ifndef SOLARIS ld [a0+4],d1 #endif dec 4,sp call print_time st %o7,[sp] seth (time_string_2,%o0) call @ew_print_string setl (time_string_2,%o0) #ifdef COUNT_GARBAGE_COLLECTIONS sethi %hi n_garbage_collections,%o0 call @ew_print_int ld [%o0+%lo n_garbage_collections],%o0 seth (time_string_3,%o0) call @ew_print_string setl (time_string_3,%o0) #endif set garbage_collect_time,a0 ld [a0],d0 #ifndef SOLARIS ld [a0+4],d1 #endif dec 4,sp call print_time st %o7,[sp] seth (time_string_4,%o0) call @ew_print_string setl (time_string_4,%o0) #ifdef SOLARIS set execute_time,a0 ld [a0],d0 set garbage_collect_time,a0 ld [a0],d2 add d0,d2,d0 set IO_time,a0 ld [a0],d2 add d0,d2,d0 #else set execute_time,a0 ld [a0],d0 ld [a0+4],d1 set garbage_collect_time,a0 ld [a0],d2 ld [a0+4],%l3 add d0,d2,d0 add d1,d3,d1 set 1000000,d4 cmp d1,d4 bcs no_usec_overflow_1 nop sub d1,d4,d1 inc 1,d0 no_usec_overflow_1: set IO_time,a0 ld [a0],d2 ld [a0+4],d3 add d0,d2,d0 add d1,d3,d1 cmp d1,d4 bcs no_usec_overflow_2 nop sub d1,d4,d1 inc 1,d0 no_usec_overflow_2: #endif dec 4,sp call print_time st %o7,[sp] call @ew_print_char mov 10,%o0 no_print_execution_time: exit_3: #ifndef STACK_OVERFLOW_EXCEPTION_HANDLER seth (stack_mbp,%o1) call @free ld [%o1+%lo stack_mbp],%o0 #endif exit_2: seth (heap_mbp,%o1) call @free ld [%o1+%lo heap_mbp],%o0 exit_1: restore ret restore __driver: ldgr (@flags,%o0,%o1) btst 16,%o0 beq __print__graph nop b,a __eval__to__nf print_time: #ifdef SOLARIS call _sysconf mov 3,%o0 mov %o0,d2 mov %o0,%o1 call .udiv mov d0,%o0 mov %o0,d3 mov d2,%o1 call .urem mov d0,%o0 call .umul mov 100,%o1 call .udiv mov d2,%o1 mov %o0,%o3 set sprintf_time_string,%o1 set sprintf_time_buffer,%o0 call @sprintf mov d3,%o2 #else set 10000,%o1 call .udiv mov d1,%o0 mov %o0,%o3 set sprintf_time_string,%o1 set sprintf_time_buffer,%o0 call @sprintf mov d0,%o2 #endif sethi %hi sprintf_time_buffer,%o0 call @ew_print_string or %o0,%lo sprintf_time_buffer,%o0 ld [sp],%o7 retl inc 4,sp no_memory_2: seth (out_of_memory_string_1,%o0) call @ew_print_string setl (out_of_memory_string_1,%o0) b,a exit_1 no_memory_3: seth (out_of_memory_string_1,%o0) call @ew_print_string setl (out_of_memory_string_1,%o0) b,a exit_1 print_sc: ldg (basic_only,%o1) tst %o1 bne end_print nop print: call @w_print_string mov d0,%o0 end_print: ld [sp],%o7 retl inc 4,sp dump: dec 4,sp call print st %o7,[sp] b,a halt printD: btst 2,d0 bne printD_ nop ba print_string_a2 mov d0,a2 DtoAC: btst 2,d0 bne DtoAC_ nop ba DtoAC_string_a2 mov d0,a2 DtoAC_: add d0,-2,a2 ldsh [a2],d1 cmp d1,256 bgeu DtoAC_record sll d1,3,d1 sub a2,d1,a2 DtoAC_record: ba DtoAC_string_a2 ld [a2-4],a2 DtoAC_string_a2: ld [a2],d0 ba build_string add a2,4,a0 print_symbol: ba print_symbol_2 clr d1 print_symbol_sc: ldg (basic_only,d1) print_symbol_2: ld [a0],d0 set INT+2,%o0 cmp %o0,d0 beq print_int_node nop set CHAR+2,%o0 cmp %o0,d0 beq print_char_node nop set BOOL+2,%o0 cmp %o0,d0 beq print_bool nop set REAL+2,%o0 cmp %o0,d0 beq print_real_node nop tst d1 bne end_print_symbol nop printD_: add d0,-2,a2 ldsh [a2],d1 cmp d1,256 bgeu print_record sll d1,3,d1 sub a2,d1,a2 print_record: ba print_string_a2 ld [a2-4],a2 end_print_symbol: ld [sp],%o7 retl inc 4,sp print_int_node: call @w_print_int ld [a0+4],%o0 ld [sp],%o7 retl inc 4,sp print_int: call @w_print_int mov d0,%o0 ld [sp],%o7 retl inc 4,sp print_char: ldg (basic_only,d1) tst d1 bne print_char_node_bo nop b,a print_char_node_sc print_char_node: tst d1 bne print_char ld [a0+4],d0 print_char_node_sc: call @w_print_char mov 0x27,%o0 call @w_print_char mov d0,%o0 call @w_print_char mov 0x27,%o0 ld [sp],%o7 retl inc 4,sp print_char_node_bo: call @w_print_char mov d0,%o0 ld [sp],%o7 retl inc 4,sp print_bool: ldsb [a0+7],%o0 tst %o0 beq print_false nop print_true: sethi %hi true_c_string,%o0 call @w_print_string or %o0,%lo true_c_string,%o0 ld [sp],%o7 retl inc 4,sp print_false: sethi %hi false_c_string,%o0 call @w_print_string or %o0,%lo false_c_string,%o0 ld [sp],%o7 retl inc 4,sp print_real: st %f0,[sp-8] st %f1,[sp-4] ld [sp-8],%o0 call @w_print_real ld [sp-4],%o1 ld [sp],%o7 retl inc 4,sp print_real_node: ld [a0+4],%o0 call @w_print_real ld [a0+8],%o1 ld [sp],%o7 retl inc 4,sp print_string_a2: ld [a2],%o1 call @w_print_text add a2,4,%o0 ld [sp],%o7 retl inc 4,sp print__chars__sc: ldg (basic_only,%o1) tst %o1 bne no_print_chars nop print__string__: ld [a0+4],%o1 call @w_print_text add a0,8,%o0 no_print_chars: ld [sp],%o7 retl inc 4,sp push_a_r_args: ld [a0+8],a1 dec 2,a1 lduh [a1],d3 dec 256,d3 lduh [a1+2],d1 inc 4,a1 sub d3,d1,d2 sll d0,2,d0 mov 0,d4 dec d3 mul_array_size_lp: deccc d3 bcc mul_array_size_lp add d4,d0,d4 inc 12,a0 add a0,d4,a0 ld [sp],%o7 inc 4,sp sll d1,2,%o0 add a0,%o0,a0 ba push_a_elements mov a0,a3 push_a_elements_lp: dec 4,a3 st %o0,[a4] inc 4,a4 push_a_elements: deccc d1 bcc,a push_a_elements_lp ld [a3-4],%o0 sll d2,2,%o0 ba push_b_elements add a0,%o0,a0 push_b_elements_lp: dec 4,a0 st %o0,[sp-4] dec 4,sp push_b_elements: deccc d2 bcc,a push_b_elements_lp ld [a0-4],%o0 retl mov a1,d0 push_t_r_args: ld [a0],a1 inc 4,a0 dec 2,a1 lduh [a1],d3 lduh [a1+2],d1 dec 256,d3 add a1,4,d0 sub d3,d1,d2 sll d3,2,d4 cmp d3,2 bleu small_record add a0,d4,a1 ld [a0+4],a1 dec 4,a1 add a1,d4,a1 small_record: ld [sp],%o7 ba push_r_b_elements inc 4,sp push_r_b_elements_lp: bne not_first_arg_b dec 4,sp ld [a0],%o0 b push_r_b_elements st %o0,[sp] not_first_arg_b: ld [a1-4],%o0 dec 4,a1 st %o0,[sp] push_r_b_elements: deccc d2 bcc,a push_r_b_elements_lp deccc d3 b,a push_r_a_elements push_r_a_elements_lp: bne not_first_arg_a inc 4,a4 ld [a0],%o0 b push_r_a_elements st %o0,[a4-4] not_first_arg_a: ld [a1-4],%o0 dec 4,a1 st %o0,[a4-4] push_r_a_elements: deccc d1 bcc,a push_r_a_elements_lp deccc d3 retl nop BtoAC: tst d0 be BtoAC_false ld [sp],%o7 BtoAC_true: sethi %hi true_string,a0 or a0,%lo true_string,a0 retl inc 4,sp BtoAC_false: sethi %hi false_string,a0 or a0,%lo false_string,a0 retl inc 4,sp RtoAC: st %f0,[sp-8] st %f1,[sp-4] set printf_real_string,%o1 ld [sp-8],%o2 set sprintf_buffer,%o0 call @sprintf ld [sp-4],%o3 b,a D_to_S_x ItoAC: #ifdef MY_ITOS sethi %hi sprintf_buffer,a0 tst d0 bpos no_minus or a0,%lo sprintf_buffer,a0 mov 45,%o0 stb %o0,[a0] inc a0 subcc %g0,d0,d0 no_minus: be zero_digit add a0,12,a2 calculate_digits: cmp d0,10 blu last_digit mov d0,%o0 call .urem mov 10,%o1 add %o0,48,a1 stb a1,[a2] mov d0,%o0 call .udiv mov 10,%o1 mov %o0,d0 b calculate_digits inc a2 last_digit: tst d0 be no_zero nop zero_digit: add d0,48,d0 stb d0,[a2] inc a2 no_zero: add a0,12,a1 reverse_digits: ldub [a2-1],d1 dec a2 stb d1,[a0] cmp a2,a1 bne reverse_digits inc a0 clrb [a0] set sprintf_buffer,d0 ba sprintf_buffer_to_string sub a0,d0,d0 #else mov d0,%o2 set printf_int_string,%o1 set sprintf_buffer,%o0 call @sprintf nop #endif D_to_S_x: sethi %hi sprintf_buffer,%o0 call @strlen or %o0,%lo sprintf_buffer,%o0 mov %o0,d0 #ifdef MY_ITOS sprintf_buffer_to_string: set sprintf_buffer,a0 ! d0 : length, a0 : string build_string: #endif add d0,3,d1 srl d1,2,d1 dec 2,d7 subcc d7,d1,d7 bpos D_to_S_no_gc nop mov a0,d2 dec 4,sp call collect_0 st %o7,[sp] mov d2,a0 D_to_S_no_gc: mov a6,d2 set __STRING__+2,%o0 st %o0,[a6] st d0,[a6+4] ba D_to_S_cp_str_2 inc 8,a6 D_to_S_cp_str_1: ld [a0],%o0 inc 4,a0 st %o0,[a6] inc 4,a6 D_to_S_cp_str_2: deccc d1 bpos D_to_S_cp_str_1 nop ld [sp],%o7 mov d2,a0 retl inc 4,sp eqD: ld [a0],d0 ld [a1],%o0 cmp d0,%o0 bne eqD_false nop set INT+2,%o0 cmp d0,%o0 be eqD_INT nop set CHAR+2,%o0 cmp d0,%o0 be eqD_CHAR nop set BOOL+2,%o0 cmp d0,%o0 be eqD_BOOL nop set REAL+2,%o0 cmp d0,%o0 be eqD_REAL nop ld [sp],%o7 mov -1,d0 retl inc 4,sp eqD_CHAR: eqD_INT: ld [a0+4],d1 ld [a1+4],%o0 clr d0 cmp d1,%o0 beq,a eqD_CHAR_true mov -1,d0 eqD_CHAR_true: ld [sp],%o7 retl inc 4,sp eqD_BOOL: ldsb [a0+7],d1 ldsb [a1+7],%o0 clr d0 cmp d1,%o0 beq,a eqD_BOOL_true mov -1,d0 eqD_BOOL_true: ld [sp],%o7 retl inc 4,sp eqD_REAL: ld [a0+4],%f0 ld [a0+8],%f1 ld [a1+4],%f2 ld [a1+8],%f3 clr d0 fcmpd %f0,%f2 nop fbe,a eqD_REAL_true mov -1,d0 eqD_REAL_true: ld [sp],%o7 retl inc 4,sp eqD_false: ld [sp],%o7 clr d0 retl inc 4,sp ! ! the timer ! init_timer: #ifdef SOLARIS call @times sub sp,16,%o0 ld [sp-16],d0 stg (d0,last_time) stg (%g0,execute_time) stg (%g0,garbage_collect_time) stg (%g0,IO_time) #else sub sp,88,%o1 call @getrusage clr %o0 set last_time,a0 ld [sp-88],d0 ld [sp-84],d1 # ifdef ADD_SYSTEM_TIME ld [sp-80],%o0 add d0,%o0,d0 ld [sp-76],%o0 add d1,%o0,d1 set 1000000,%o0 cmp d1,%o0 bl no_micro_seconds_overflow1 nop sub d1,%o0,d1 inc 1,d0 no_micro_seconds_overflow1: # endif st d0,[a0] st d1,[a0+4] set execute_time,a0 # ifdef ADD_SYSTEM_TIME st d0,[a0] st d1,[a0+4] # else clr [a0] clr [a0+4] # endif set garbage_collect_time,a0 clr [a0] clr [a0+4] set IO_time,a0 clr [a0] clr [a0+4] #endif ld [sp],%o7 retl inc 4,sp get_time_diff: #ifdef SOLARIS call @times sub sp,16,%o0 ld [sp-16],d0 sethi %hi last_time,a0 ld [a0+%lo last_time],d2 st d0,[a0+%lo last_time] sub d0,d2,d0 #else sub sp,88,%o1 call @getrusage clr %o0 ld [sp-88],d0 ld [sp-84],d1 # ifdef ADD_SYSTEM_TIME ld [sp-80],%o0 add d0,%o0,d0 ld [sp-76],%o0 add d1,%o0,d1 set 1000000,%o0 cmp d1,%o0 bl no_micro_seconds_overflow2 nop sub d1,%o0,d1 inc 1,d0 no_micro_seconds_overflow2: # endif set last_time,a0 ld [a0],d2 st d0,[a0] sub d0,d2,d0 ld [a0+4],d2 st d1,[a0+4] subcc d1,d2,d1 bpos get_time_diff_1 nop set 1000000,d2 add d1,d2,d1 dec 1,d0 get_time_diff_1: #endif ld [sp],%o7 retl inc 4,sp add_execute_time: dec 4,sp call get_time_diff st %o7,[sp] set execute_time,a0 add_time: #ifdef SOLARIS ld [a0],d2 add d0,d2,d0 st d0,[a0] #else ld [a0],d2 add d0,d2,d0 st d0,[a0] ld [a0+4],d2 add d1,d2,d1 set 1000000,d2 cmp d1,d2 bcs add_execute_time_1 nop sub d1,d2,d1 inc 1,d0 st d0,[a0] add_execute_time_1: st d1,[a0+4] #endif ld [sp],%o7 retl inc 4,sp add_garbage_collect_time: dec 4,sp call get_time_diff st %o7,[sp] sethi %hi garbage_collect_time,a0 ba add_time or a0,%lo garbage_collect_time,a0 add_IO_time: dec 4,sp call get_time_diff st %o7,[sp] sethi %hi IO_time,a0 ba add_time or a0,%lo IO_time,a0 ! ! the garbage collector ! collect_3: st a0,[%i4] st a1,[%i4+4] st a2,[%i4+8] inc 12,%i4 dec 4,sp call collect_0 st %o7,[sp] ld [%i4-12],a0 ld [%i4-8],a1 ld [%i4-4],a2 dec 12,%i4 ld [sp],%o7 retl inc 4,sp collect_2: st a0,[%i4] st a1,[%i4+4] inc 8,%i4 dec 4,sp call collect_0 st %o7,[sp] ld [%i4-8],a0 ld [%i4-4],a1 dec 8,%i4 ld [sp],%o7 retl inc 4,sp collect_1: st a0,[%i4] inc 4,%i4 dec 4,sp call collect_0 st %o7,[sp] ld [%i4-4],a0 dec 4,%i4 ld [sp],%o7 retl inc 4,sp collect_0: #ifdef MARK_GC ldg (@flags,%o0) btst 64,%o0 beq no_mark_gc1 seth (bit_counter,%g1) ld [%g1+%lo bit_counter],%o2 tst %o2 beq no_scan or %g1,%lo bit_counter,%g1 ld [%g1+heap_end_after_gc-bit_counter],%o4 ld [%g1+bit_vector_p-bit_counter],a0 sub %o4,a6,%o4 srl %o4,2,%o4 sub %o4,d7,%o4 scan_bits: ld [a0],%o0 ! inc 4,a0 tst %o0 beq zero_bits deccc %o2 clr [a0-4] bne,a scan_bits+4 ld [a0],%o0 b,a end_scan zero_bits: beq end_bits mov a0,a1 skip_zero_bits_lp: ld [a0],%o3 ! inc 4,a0 tst %o3 bne end_zero_bits deccc %o2 bne,a skip_zero_bits_lp+4 ld [a0],%o3 ba end_bits+4 sub a0,a1,%o3 end_zero_bits: clr [a0-4] ! sub a0,a1,%o3 sll %o3,3,%o3 ld [%g1+free_after_mark-bit_counter],%o1 cmp %o3,%o4 add %o1,%o3,%o1 blu scan_next st %o1,[%g1+free_after_mark-bit_counter] found_free_memory: st %o2,[%g1+bit_counter-bit_counter] st a0,[%g1+bit_vector_p-bit_counter] sub %o3,%o4,d7 ld [%g1+heap_vector-bit_counter],%o1 sub a1,4,%o2 sub %o2,%o1,%o2 ld [%g1+heap_p3-bit_counter],%o1 sll %o2,5,%o2 add %o2,%o1,a6 sll %o3,2,%o3 add a6,%o3,%o2 ld [sp],%o7 st %o2,[%g1+heap_end_after_gc-bit_counter] retl inc 4,sp scan_next: tst %o2 bne,a scan_bits+4 ld [a0],%o0 b,a end_scan end_bits: sub a0,a1,%o3 ! inc 4,%o3 sll %o3,3,%o3 ld [%g1+free_after_mark-bit_counter],%o1 cmp %o3,%o4 add %o1,%o3,%o1 bgeu found_free_memory st %o1,[%g1+free_after_mark-bit_counter] end_scan: st %o2,[%g1+bit_counter-bit_counter] no_scan: no_mark_gc1: #endif dec 28,sp st d0,[sp] st d1,[sp+4] st d2,[sp+8] st d3,[sp+12] st d4,[sp+16] st d5,[sp+20] st d6,[sp+24] seth (garbage_collect_flag,%g1) ldsb [%g1+%lo garbage_collect_flag],%o0 tst %o0 ble collect nop dec 2,%o0 stb %o0,[%g1+%lo garbage_collect_flag] ldg (heap_end_after_gc,d0) sub d0,a6,d0 srl d0,2,d0 sub d0,%l7,d0 ldg (extra_heap_size,d1) cmp d0,d1 bgu collect nop ldg (extra_heap_size,d1) sub d1,d0,%l7 ldg (extra_heap,a6) sll d1,2,d1 add d1,a6,d1 stg (d1,heap_end_after_gc) ld [sp],d0 ld [sp+4],d1 ld [sp+8],d2 ld [sp+12],d3 ld [sp+16],d4 ld [sp+20],d5 ld [sp+24],d6 ld [sp+28],%o7 retl inc 32,sp collect: dec 4,sp call add_execute_time st %o7,[sp] ldgr (@flags,%o0,%o1) btst 4,%o0 beq no_print_stack_sizes nop seth (garbage_collect_string_1,%o0) call @ew_print_string setl (garbage_collect_string_1,%o0) ldg (stack_p,a0) sub %i4,a0,%o0 #ifdef STACK_OVERFLOW_EXCEPTION_HANDLER ldgr (@begin_b_stack_p,d0,%o1) #else ldgr (@ab_stack_size,%o2,%o1) add a0,%o2,d0 #endif call @ew_print_int sub d0,sp,d0 seth (garbage_collect_string_2,%o0) call @ew_print_string setl (garbage_collect_string_2,%o0) call @ew_print_int mov d0,%o0 seth (garbage_collect_string_3,%o0) call @ew_print_string setl (garbage_collect_string_3,%o0) no_print_stack_sizes: cmp %i4,sp bgu stack_overflow nop #ifdef MARK_GC ldg (@flags,%o0) btst 64,%o0 bne collect2_0 nop #endif ldgsb (garbage_collect_flag,%o1) tst %o1 bne collect2_0 nop #ifdef COPIED_VECTOR ldg (@flags,%o0) btst 64,%o0 bne no_copied_vector3 nop ldg (heap_copied_vector,a2) ldg (heap_copied_vector_size,d0) srl d0,2,d0 btst 1,d0 be zero_bits1_1 srl d0,1,d0 clr [%i2] inc 4,%i2 zero_bits1_1: btst 1,d0 be zero_bits1_5 srl d0,1,d0 ba zero_bits1_2 dec 8,%i2 clr [%i2] zero_bits1_4: clr [%i2+4] zero_bits1_2: clr [%i2+8] clr [%i2+12] inc 16,%i2 zero_bits1_5: deccc d0 bpos,a zero_bits1_4 clr [%i2] no_copied_vector3: #endif ! calculate alloc_size ldg (heap_end_after_gc,d0) sub d0,a6,d0 srl d0,2,d0 sub d0,d7,d0 stg (d0,alloc_size) #include "scopy.a" stg (%o4,heap_end_after_gc) sub %o4,%g6,%l7 srl %l7,2,%l7 dec 4,sp call add_garbage_collect_time st %o7,[sp] ldg (alloc_size,%o1) subcc %l7,%o1,%l7 bneg switch_to_mark_scan ! bneg out_of_memory_4 nop sll %l7,2,d0 add d0,%l7,d0 sll d0,5,d0 ldg (@heap_size,d2) sll d2,2,d1 add d1,d2,d1 sll d1,1,d1 add d1,d2,d1 cmp d0,d1 bcc no_mark_scan ! ba no_mark_scan nop switch_to_mark_scan: ldg (heap_size_33,d0) sll d0,5,d0 ldg (heap_p,d1) ldg (heap_p1,d2) ldg (heap_p2,%o1) cmp d2,%o1 bcs vector_at_begin nop vector_at_end: stg (d1,heap_p3) add d1,d0,d1 stg (d1,heap_vector) ldg (heap_p1,d0) stg (d0,extra_heap) sub d1,d0,d1 srl d1,2,d1 stg (d1,extra_heap_size) ba switch_to_mark_scan_2 nop vector_at_begin: stg (d1,heap_vector) ldgr (@heap_size,%o0,%o1) add d1,%o0,d1 sub d1,d0,d1 stg (d1,heap_p3) stg (d1,extra_heap) ldg (heap_p2,d2) sub d2,d1,d2 srl d2,2,d2 stg (d2,extra_heap_size) switch_to_mark_scan_2: ldg (@heap_size,d0) srl d0,3,d0 sub d0,%l7,d0 sll d0,2,d0 mov 1,%o1 stgb (%o1,garbage_collect_flag) tst d7 bpos end_garbage_collect nop mov -1,%o1 stgb (%o1,garbage_collect_flag) ldg (extra_heap_size,d1) ldg (alloc_size,%l7) subcc d1,%l7,%l7 bneg out_of_memory_4 nop ldg (extra_heap,%g6) sll d1,2,d1 add d1,%g6,d1 stg (d1,heap_end_after_gc) ba end_garbage_collect nop no_mark_scan: ! exchange the semi_spaces ldg (heap_p1,d0) ldg (heap_p2,%o1) stg (d0,heap_p2) stg (%o1,heap_p1) #ifdef COPIED_VECTOR ldg (@flags,%o0) btst 64,%o0 bne no_copied_vector5 nop ldg (heap_size_129,d0) ba copied_vector5 sll d0,6-2,d0 no_copied_vector5: #endif ldg (@heap_size,d0) srl d0,3,d0 copied_vector5: sub d0,d7,d0 sll d0,2,d0 end_garbage_collect: #ifdef COUNT_GARBAGE_COLLECTIONS sethi %hi n_garbage_collections,%o1 ld [%o1+%lo n_garbage_collections],%o2 inc 1,%o2 #endif ldg (@flags,%o0) btst 2,%o0 beq no_heap_use_message #ifdef COUNT_GARBAGE_COLLECTIONS st %o2,[%o1+%lo n_garbage_collections] #else nop #endif seth (heap_use_after_gc_string_1,%o0) call @ew_print_string setl (heap_use_after_gc_string_1,%o0) call @ew_print_int mov d0,%o0 seth (heap_use_after_gc_string_2,%o0) call @ew_print_string setl (heap_use_after_gc_string_2,%o0) no_heap_use_message: #ifdef FINALIZERS call call_finalizers nop #endif ld [sp],d0 ld [sp+4],d1 ld [sp+8],d2 ld [sp+12],d3 ld [sp+16],d4 ld [sp+20],%l5 ld [sp+24],%l6 ld [sp+28],%o7 retl inc 32,sp #ifdef FINALIZERS call_finalizers: ldg (free_finalizer_list,d0) call_finalizers_lp: set __Nil-8,%o1 cmp d0,%o1 beq end_call_finalizers nop ld [d0+8],d1 ld [d0+4],d0 ld [d1],%o1 ld [d1+4],%o0 save %o6,-128,%o6 call %i1 nop b call_finalizers_lp restore end_call_finalizers: stg (%o1,free_finalizer_list) retl nop #endif out_of_memory_4: dec 4,sp call add_garbage_collect_time st %o7,[sp] seth (out_of_memory_string_4,%o0) b print_error setl (out_of_memory_string_4,%o0) reorder: mov d0,d2 mov d1,d3 sll d0,2,d4 sll d1,2,d5 add a0,d5,a0 ba st_reorder_lp sub a1,d4,a1 reorder_lp: ld [a1-4],%o0 st d6,[a1-4] st %o0,[a0] deccc 1,d2 bne next_b_in_element inc 4,a0 mov d0,d2 add a0,d5,a0 next_b_in_element: deccc 1,d3 bne next_a_in_element dec 4,a1 mov d1,d3 sub a1,d4,a1 next_a_in_element: st_reorder_lp: cmp a1,a0 bgu,a reorder_lp ld [a0],d6 retl nop ! ! the sliding compacting garbage collector ! collect2_0: ! zero all mark bits ldg (heap_p3,d6) ldg (heap_vector,%o4) ldg (heap_end_after_gc,d5) sub d5,a6,d5 srl d5,2,d5 sub d5,d7,d5 stg (d5,alloc_size) #ifdef MARK_GC ldg (@flags,%o0) btst 64,%o0 be no_mark_gc3 sethi %hi zero_bits_before_mark,%o0 ld [%o0+%lo zero_bits_before_mark],%o1 tst %o1 beq no_zero_bits nop clr [%o0+%lo zero_bits_before_mark] no_mark_gc3: #endif mov %o4,%i2 ldg (heap_size_33,d0) inc 3,d0 srl d0,2,d0 btst 1,d0 be zero_bits_1 srl d0,1,d0 clr [%i2] inc 4,%i2 zero_bits_1: btst 1,d0 be zero_bits_5 srl d0,1,d0 ba zero_bits_2 dec 8,%i2 clr [%i2] zero_bits_4: clr [%i2+4] zero_bits_2: clr [%i2+8] clr [%i2+12] inc 16,%i2 zero_bits_5: deccc d0 bpos,a zero_bits_4 clr [%i2] #ifdef MARK_GC no_zero_bits: ldg (@flags,%o0) btst 64,%o0 be no_mark_gc4 nop ldg (last_heap_free,d0) ldg (free_after_mark,d1) sll d1,2,d1 sll d1,3,d2 add d2,d1,d1 srl d1,2,d1 cmp d0,d1 bgu compact_gc nop #include "smark.a" compact_gc: mov 1,d0 stg (d0,zero_bits_before_mark) sethi %hi last_heap_free,%o0 st %g0,[%o0+%lo last_heap_free] mov 1000,%o1 stg (%o1,free_after_mark) no_mark_gc4: #endif #include "scompact.a" ldg (heap_size_33,d7) sll d7,5,d7 ldg (heap_p3,%o1) add d7,%o1,d7 stg (d7,heap_end_after_gc) sub d7,%g6,d7 srl d7,2,d7 ldg (alloc_size,%o1) subcc d7,%o1,d7 bneg out_of_memory_4 nop mov %l7,d0 sll d0,2,d0 add d0,%l7,d0 sll d0,3,d0 ldg (@heap_size,%o1) cmp d0,%o1 bcs out_of_memory_4 nop sll d0,2,d0 ldg (@heap_size,d1) sll d1,5,d1 ldg (@heap_size,%o1) sub d1,%o1,d1 ldg (@flags,%o1) btst 32,%o1 bne no_copy_garbage_collection #ifdef MARK_GC ldg (@flags,%o0) btst 64,%o0 bne no_copy_garbage_collection nop #endif cmp d0,d1 ble no_copy_garbage_collection ! ba no_copy_garbage_collection nop ldg (heap_p,d0) stg (d0,heap_p1) #ifdef COPIED_VECTOR ldg (@flags,%o0) btst 64,%o0 bne no_copied_vector6 nop ldg (heap_size_129,d1) sll d1,6,d1 add d0,d1,d0 stg (d0,heap_copied_vector) stg (d0,heap_end_after_gc) ldg (heap_copied_vector_size,d1) add d1,d0,d1 stg (d1,heap_p2) b,a copied_vector6 no_copied_vector6: #endif ldg (@heap_size,d1) srl d1,1,d1 add d0,d1,d0 stg (d0,heap_p2) stg (d0,heap_end_after_gc) copied_vector6: sub d0,%g6,d0 srl d0,2,d0 mov d0,%l7 ldg (alloc_size,%o1) sub %l7,%o1,%l7 ldg (heap_p3,d0) ldg (heap_vector,%o1) cmp d0,%o1 ble vector_at_end_2 nop ldg (heap_vector,d1) stg (d1,extra_heap) sub d0,d1,d0 srl d0,2,d0 stg (d0,extra_heap_size) mov 2,%o1 stgb (%o1,garbage_collect_flag) ba no_copy_garbage_collection nop vector_at_end_2: stgb (%g0,garbage_collect_flag) no_copy_garbage_collection: dec 4,sp call add_garbage_collect_time st %o7,[sp] mov %g6,d0 sub d0,%l6,d0 ldg (alloc_size,d1) sll d1,2,d1 ba end_garbage_collect add d0,d1,d0 stack_overflow: dec 4,sp call add_execute_time st %o7,[sp] set stack_overflow_string,%o0 ba print_error nop @IO_error: save %o6,-128,%o6 set IO_error_string,%o0 call @ew_print_string nop call @ew_print_string mov a0,%o0 set new_line_string,%o0 call @ew_print_string nop ba halt restore print_error: call @ew_print_string nop halt: mov 1,d0 stg (d0,@execution_aborted) ldg (halt_sp,sp) set jump_buffer,%o0 call @longjmp mov 1,%o1 __eaind: eval_fill: st a0,[%i4] inc 4,%i4 mov a1,a0 ld [a1],a1 dec 4,sp call a1 st %o7,[sp] mov a0,a1 ld [%i4-4],a0 dec 4,%i4 ld [a1],%g1 st %g1,[a0] ld [a1+4],%g1 st %g1,[a0+4] ld [a1+8],%g1 st %g1,[a0+8] ld [sp],%o7 retl inc 4,sp b,a eval_fill nop nop .word 0 .word -2 __indirection: ld [a0+4],a1 ld [a1],d0 btst 2,d0 #ifdef MARK_GC be,a eval_fill2 st a5,[a0] #else be __cycle__in__spine nop #endif st d0,[a0] ld [a1+4],%g1 st %g1,[a0+4] ld [a1+8],%g1 st %g1,[a0+8] ld [sp],%o7 retl inc 4,sp #ifdef MARK_GC eval_fill2: ldg (@flags,%o0) btst 64,%o0 be __cycle__in__spine st a0,[a4] inc 4,a4 mov a1,a0 dec 4,sp call d0 st %o7,[sp] ld [a4-4],a1 ld [a0],%o0 dec 4,a4 st %o0,[a1] ld [a0+4],%o0 st %o0,[a1+4] ld [a0+8],%o0 ld [sp],%o7 st %o0,[a1+8] mov a1,a0 retl inc 4,sp #endif eval_upd_0: set __indirection,%i3 st %i3,[a1] jmp %i2 st a0,[a1+4] eval_upd_1: set __indirection,%i3 st %i3,[a1] ld [a1+4],d0 st a0,[a1+4] jmp %i2 mov d0,a1 eval_upd_2: mov %i2,%i3 set __indirection,%i2 st %i2,[a1] ld [a1+4],%i2 st a0,[a1+4] jmp %i3 ld [a1+8],a1 eval_upd_3: mov %i2,%i3 set __indirection,%i2 st %i2,[a1] ld [a1+4],%i2 st a0,[%i4] st a0,[a1+4] inc 4,%i4 ld [a1+12],a0 jmp %i3 ld [a1+8],a1 eval_upd_4: mov %i2,%i3 set __indirection,%i2 st %i2,[a1] ld [a1+4],%i2 st a0,[%i4] st a0,[a1+4] ld [a1+16],%g1 st %g1,[%i4+4] inc 8,%i4 ld [a1+12],a0 jmp %i3 ld [a1+8],a1 eval_upd_5: mov %i2,%i3 set __indirection,%i2 st %i2,[a1] ld [a1+4],%i2 st a0,[%i4] st a0,[a1+4] ld [a1+20],%g1 st %g1,[%i4+4] ld [a1+16],%g1 st %g1,[%i4+8] inc 12,%i4 ld [a1+12],a0 jmp %i3 ld [a1+8],a1 eval_upd_6: mov %i2,%i3 set __indirection,%i2 st %i2,[a1] ld [a1+4],%i2 st a0,[%i4] st a0,[a1+4] ld [a1+24],%g1 st %g1,[%i4+4] ld [a1+20],%g1 st %g1,[%i4+8] ld [a1+16],%g1 st %g1,[%i4+12] inc 16,%i4 ld [a1+12],a0 jmp %i3 ld [a1+8],a1 eval_upd_7: mov 0,d0 mov 20,d1 eval_upd_n: mov a2,a3 set __indirection,a2 st a2,[a1] ld [a1+4],a2 st a0,[a4] st a0,[a1+4] add a1,d1,a1 ld [a1+8],%g1 st %g1,[a4+4] ld [a1+4],%g1 st %g1,[a4+8] ld [a1],%g1 st %g1,[a4+12] inc 16,a4 eval_upd_n_lp: ld [a1-4],%g1 dec 4,a1 st %g1,[a4] deccc d0 bcc eval_upd_n_lp inc 4,a4 ld [a1-4],a0 jmp a3 ld [a1-8],a1 eval_upd_8: mov 1,d0 ba eval_upd_n mov 24,d1 eval_upd_9: mov 2,d0 ba eval_upd_n mov 28,d1 eval_upd_10: mov 3,d0 ba eval_upd_n mov 32,d1 eval_upd_11: mov 4,d0 ba eval_upd_n mov 36,d1 eval_upd_12: mov 5,d0 ba eval_upd_n mov 40,d1 eval_upd_13: mov 6,d0 ba eval_upd_n mov 44,d1 eval_upd_14: mov 7,d0 ba eval_upd_n mov 48,d1 eval_upd_15: mov 8,d0 ba eval_upd_n mov 52,d1 eval_upd_16: mov 9,d0 ba eval_upd_n mov 56,d1 eval_upd_17: mov 10,d0 ba eval_upd_n mov 60,d1 eval_upd_18: mov 11,d0 ba eval_upd_n mov 64,d1 eval_upd_19: mov 12,d0 ba eval_upd_n mov 68,d1 eval_upd_20: mov 13,d0 ba eval_upd_n mov 72,d1 eval_upd_21: mov 14,d0 ba eval_upd_n mov 76,d1 eval_upd_22: mov 15,d0 ba eval_upd_n mov 80,d1 eval_upd_23: mov 16,d0 ba eval_upd_n mov 84,d1 eval_upd_24: mov 17,d0 ba eval_upd_n mov 88,d1 eval_upd_25: mov 18,d0 ba eval_upd_n mov 92,d1 eval_upd_26: mov 19,d0 ba eval_upd_n mov 96,d1 eval_upd_27: mov 20,d0 ba eval_upd_n mov 100,d1 eval_upd_28: mov 21,d0 ba eval_upd_n mov 104,d1 eval_upd_29: mov 22,d0 ba eval_upd_n mov 108,d1 eval_upd_30: mov 23,d0 ba eval_upd_n mov 112,d1 eval_upd_31: mov 24,d0 ba eval_upd_n mov 116,d1 eval_upd_32: mov 25,d0 ba eval_upd_n mov 120,d1 ! ! STRINGS ! catAC: ld [a0+4],d0 inc 8,a0 ld [a1+4],d1 inc 8,a1 add d0,d1,d2 add d2,3+8,d5 srl d5,2,d5 subcc d7,d5,d7 ! reserve one word extra, because ! word after the string may changed ble gc_3 add d2,3,d6 gc_r_3: set __STRING__+2,%o0 st %o0,[a6] mov a6,d5 inc 8,%g6 st d2,[a6-4] ! copy string 1 add d1,3,d2 srl d2,2,d2 ba cat_string_4 mov a6,a2 cat_string_3: inc 4,a1 st %o0,[a2] inc 4,a2 cat_string_4: deccc d2 bge,a cat_string_3 ld [a1],%o0 ! copy string 2 andn d1,3,%o0 add a6,%o0,a2 inc 3,d0 srl d0,2,d0 andcc d1,3,%o0 be cat_string_al0_1 mov -1,%o1 cat_string_al123: ld [a2],d3 sll %o0,3,%o2 mov 32,%o3 sub %o3,%o2,%o3 sll %o1,%o3,%o1 ba cat_string_al123_1 and d3,%o1,d3 cat_string_al123_0: inc 4,a0 srl %o0,%o2,d4 or d3,d4,d3 st d3,[a2] inc 4,a2 sll %o0,%o3,d3 cat_string_al123_1: deccc d0 bge,a cat_string_al123_0 ld [a0],%o0 st d3,[a2] bclr 3,d6 ld [sp],%o7 mov d5,a0 add a6,d6,a6 retl inc 4,sp cat_string_al0_0: inc 4,a0 st %o0,[a2] inc 4,a2 cat_string_al0_1: deccc d0 bge,a cat_string_al0_0 ld [a0],%o0 bclr 3,d6 ld [sp],%o7 mov d5,a0 add a6,d6,a6 retl inc 4,sp gc_3: dec 8,a0 dec 8,a1 dec 4,sp call collect_2 st %o7,[sp] inc 8,a0 ba gc_r_3 inc 8,a1 empty_string: ld [sp],%o7 set zero_length_string,a0 retl inc 4,sp sliceAC: ld [a0+4],d2 add a0,8,a2 tst d1 bl,a slice_string_1 clr d1 slice_string_1: cmp d1,d2 bge empty_string cmp d0,d1 bl empty_string inc d0 cmp d0,d2 bg,a slice_string_2 mov d2,d0 slice_string_2: sub d0,d1,d0 add d0,3,d2 srl d2,2,d2 dec 2,d7 subcc d7,d2,d7 bneg gc_4 nop r_gc_4: set __STRING__+2,%o0 st %o0,[a6] mov a6,d5 inc 8,a6 st d0,[a6-4] andcc d1,3,%o0 be slice_string_al0_1 add a2,d1,a2 slice_string_al123: sub a2,%o0,a2 sll %o0,3,%o2 mov 32,%o3 sub %o3,%o2,%o3 ld [a2],d3 ba slice_string_al123_1 sll d3,%o2,d4 slice_string_al123_0: inc 4,a2 srl %o0,%o3,%o1 or d4,%o1,d4 st d4,[a6] inc 4,a6 sll %o0,%o2,d4 slice_string_al123_1: deccc d2 bge,a slice_string_al123_0 ld [a2+4],%o0 ld [sp],%o7 mov d5,a0 retl inc 4,sp slice_string_al0_0: inc 4,a2 st %o0,[a6] inc 4,a6 slice_string_al0_1: deccc d2 bge,a slice_string_al0_0 ld [a2],%o0 ld [sp],%o7 mov d5,a0 retl inc 4,sp gc_4: dec 4,sp call collect_1 st %o7,[sp] ba r_gc_4 add a0,8,a2 updateAC: ld [a0+4],d2 cmp d1,d2 bcc update_string_error add a0,8,a2 add d2,3,d3 srl d3,2,d3 dec 2,d7 subcc d7,d3,d7 bneg gc_5 inc 8,d1 r_gc_5: set __STRING__+2,%o0 st %o0,[%g6] mov a6,a0 inc 8,%g6 ba update_string_5 st d2,[a6-4] update_string_4: inc 4,a2 st %o0,[a6] inc 4,a6 update_string_5: deccc d3 bge,a update_string_4 ld [a2],%o0 ld [sp],%o7 stb d0,[a0+d1] retl inc 4,sp gc_5: dec 4,sp call collect_1 st %o7,[sp] ba r_gc_5 add a0,8,a2 update_string_error: set high_index_string,%o0 tst d0 bpos print_error nop set low_index_string,%o0 update_string_error_2: ba print_error nop eqAC: ld [a0+4],d0 ld [a1+4],%o0 inc 8,a0 cmp d0,%o0 bne equal_string_ne inc 8,a1 and d0,3,d1 srl d0,2,d0 deccc d0 bcs equal_string_b nop ld [a1],%o0 equal_string_1: inc 4,a1 ld [a0],%o1 inc 4,a0 cmp %o1,%o0 bne equal_string_ne deccc d0 bge,a equal_string_1 ld [a1],%o0 equal_string_b: deccc d1 bcs equal_string_eq nop ldub [a1],%o0 equal_string_2: inc a1 ldub [a0],%o1 inc a0 cmp %o1,%o0 bne equal_string_ne deccc d1 bge,a equal_string_2 ldub [a1],%o0 equal_string_eq: ld [sp],%o7 mov -1,d0 retl inc 4,sp equal_string_ne: ld [sp],%o7 clr d0 retl inc 4,sp cmpAC: ld [a0+4],d1 inc 8,a0 ld [a1+4],d2 inc 8,a1 cmp d2,d1 bcs,a cmp_string_less mov -1,d0 bgu,a cmp_string_chars mov 1,d0 ba cmp_string_chars clr d0 cmp_string_less: mov d2,d1 cmp_string_chars: and d1,3,d2 srl d1,2,d1 deccc d1 bcs cmp_string_b nop ld [a0],%o0 cmp_string_1: inc 4,a0 ld [a1],%o1 inc 4,a1 cmp %o1,%o0 bne cmp_string_ne nop deccc d1 bge,a cmp_string_1 ld [a0],%o0 cmp_string_b: deccc d2 bcs cmp_string_eq nop ldub [a0],%o0 cmp_string_2: inc a0 ldub [a1],%o1 inc a1 cmp %o1,%o0 bne cmp_string_ne nop deccc d2 bge,a cmp_string_2 ldub [a0],%o0 cmp_string_eq: ld [sp],%o7 retl inc 4,sp cmp_string_ne: bgu cmp_string_r1 nop ld [sp],%o7 mov -1,d0 retl inc 4,sp cmp_string_r1: ld [sp],%o7 mov 1,d0 retl inc 4,sp string_to_string_node: ld [a0],d0 inc 4,a0 add d0,3,d1 srl d1,2,d1 dec 2,d7 subcc d7,d1,d7 bneg string_to_string_node_gc nop string_to_string_node_r: set __STRING__+2,%o0 st %o0,[%g6] mov %g6,d2 st d0,[%g6+4] b string_to_string_node_4 inc 8,%g6 string_to_string_node_2: st %o0,[%g6] inc 4,a0 inc 4,%g6 string_to_string_node_4: deccc d1 bge,a string_to_string_node_2 ld [a0],%o0 mov d2,a0 ld [sp],%o7 retl inc 4,sp string_to_string_node_gc: st a0,[sp-4] dec 8,sp call collect_0 st %o7,[sp] ld [sp],a0 b string_to_string_node_r inc 4,sp .word 3 _c3: b,a __cycle__in__spine .word 4 _c4: b,a __cycle__in__spine .word 5 _c5: b,a __cycle__in__spine .word 6 _c6: b,a __cycle__in__spine .word 7 _c7: b,a __cycle__in__spine .word 8 _c8: b,a __cycle__in__spine .word 9 _c9: b,a __cycle__in__spine .word 10 _c10: b,a __cycle__in__spine .word 11 _c11: b,a __cycle__in__spine .word 12 _c12: b,a __cycle__in__spine .word 13 _c13: b,a __cycle__in__spine .word 14 _c14: b,a __cycle__in__spine .word 15 _c15: b,a __cycle__in__spine .word 16 _c16: b,a __cycle__in__spine .word 17 _c17: b,a __cycle__in__spine .word 18 _c18: b,a __cycle__in__spine .word 19 _c19: b,a __cycle__in__spine .word 20 _c20: b,a __cycle__in__spine .word 21 _c21: b,a __cycle__in__spine .word 22 _c22: b,a __cycle__in__spine .word 23 _c23: b,a __cycle__in__spine .word 24 _c24: b,a __cycle__in__spine .word 25 _c25: b,a __cycle__in__spine .word 26 _c26: b,a __cycle__in__spine .word 27 _c27: b,a __cycle__in__spine .word 28 _c28: b,a __cycle__in__spine .word 29 _c29: b,a __cycle__in__spine .word 30 _c30: b,a __cycle__in__spine .word 31 _c31: b,a __cycle__in__spine .word 32 _c32: b,a __cycle__in__spine ! ! ARRAYS ! create_arrayB: mov d1,d2 inc 3,d1 srl d1,2,d1 dec 3,d7 subcc d7,d1,d7 bpos no_collect_4575 nop dec 4,sp call collect_0 st %o7,[sp] no_collect_4575: sll d0,8,d3 or d0,d3,d0 sll d0,16,d3 or d0,d3,d0 mov a6,a0 set __ARRAY__+2,%o0 st %o0,[a6] st d2,[a6+4] set BOOL+2,%o0 st %o0,[a6+8] ba create_arrayBCI inc 12,a6 create_arrayC: mov d1,d2 inc 3,d1 srl d1,2,d1 dec 2,d7 subcc d7,d1,d7 bpos no_collect_4578 nop dec 4,sp call collect_0 st %o7,[sp] no_collect_4578: sll d0,8,d3 or d0,d3,d0 sll d0,16,d3 or d0,d3,d0 mov a6,a0 set __STRING__+2,%o0 st %o0,[a6] st d2,[a6+4] ba create_arrayBCI inc 8,a6 create_arrayI: dec 3,d7 subcc d7,d1,d7 bpos no_collect_4577 nop dec 4,sp call collect_0 st %o7,[sp] no_collect_4577: mov a6,a0 set __ARRAY__+2,%o0 st %o0,[a6] st d1,[a6+4] set INT+2,%o0 st %o0,[a6+8] inc 12,a6 create_arrayBCI: btst 1,d1 be st_filli_array srl d1,1,d1 st d0,[a6] ba st_filli_array inc 4,a6 filli_array: st d0,[a6+4] inc 8,a6 st_filli_array: deccc 1,d1 bcc,a filli_array st d0,[a6] ld [sp],%o7 retl inc 4,sp create_arrayR: st %f0,[sp-8] st %f1,[sp-4] ld [sp-8],d1 ld [sp-4],d2 dec 3,d7 sub d7,d0,d7 subcc d7,d0,d7 bpos no_collect_4579 nop dec 4,sp call collect_0 st %o7,[sp] no_collect_4579: mov a6,a0 set __ARRAY__+2,%o0 st %o0,[a6] st d0,[a6+4] set REAL+2,%o0 st %o0,[a6+8] ba st_fillr_array inc 12,a6 fillr_array: st d2,[a6+4] inc 8,a6 st_fillr_array: deccc 1,d0 bcc,a fillr_array st d1,[a6] ld [sp],%o7 retl inc 4,sp create_array: dec 3,d7 subcc d7,d0,d7 bpos no_collect_4576 nop dec 4,sp call collect_1 st %o7,[sp] no_collect_4576: mov a0,d1 mov a6,a0 set __ARRAY__+2,%o0 st %o0,[a6] st d0,[a6+4] st %g0,[a6+8] inc 12,a6 ld [sp],a1 ba fillr1_array inc 4,sp #if 0 create_r_array: deccc 2,d2 bcs create_r_array_1 nop be create_r_array_2 nop deccc 2,d2 bcs create_r_array_3 nop be create_r_array_4 nop b,a create_r_array_5 create_r_array_1: dec 3,d7 subcc d7,d0,d7 bpos no_collect_4581 nop dec 4,sp call collect_0 st %o7,[sp] no_collect_4581: mov a6,a0 set __ARRAY__+2,%o0 st %o0,[a6] st d0,[a6+4] st d1,[a6+8] inc 12,a6 ld [sp],a1 tst d3 be r_array_1_b inc 4,sp ld [a4-4],d1 ba fillr1_array dec 4,a4 r_array_1_b: ld [sp],d1 inc 4,sp fillr1_array: btst 1,d0 be st_fillr1_array_1 srl d0,1,d0 st d1,[a6] ba st_fillr1_array_1 inc 4,a6 fillr1_array_lp: st d1,[a6+4] inc 8,a6 st_fillr1_array_1: deccc 1,d0 bcc,a fillr1_array_lp st d1,[a6] jmp a1+8 nop create_r_array_2: dec 3,d7 sub d7,d0,d7 subcc d7,d0,d7 bpos no_collect_4582 nop dec 4,sp call collect_0 st %o7,[sp] no_collect_4582: mov a6,a0 set __ARRAY__+2,%o0 st %o0,[a6] st d0,[a6+4] st d1,[a6+8] inc 12,a6 ld [sp],a1 inc 4,sp deccc 1,d3 bcs r_array_2_bb nop be r_array_2_ab nop r_array_2_aa: ld [a4-4],d1 ld [a4-8],d2 ba st_fillr2_array dec 8,a4 r_array_2_ab: ld [a4-4],d1 ld [sp],d2 inc 4,sp ba st_fillr2_array dec 4,a4 r_array_2_bb: ld [sp],d1 ld [sp+4],d2 ba st_fillr2_array inc 8,sp fillr2_array_1: st d2,[a6+4] inc 8,a6 st_fillr2_array: deccc 1,d0 bcc,a fillr2_array_1 st d1,[a6] jmp a1+8 nop create_r_array_3: dec 3,d7 sub d7,d0,d7 sub d7,d0,d7 subcc d7,d0,d7 bpos no_collect_4583 nop dec 4,sp call collect_0 st %o7,[sp] no_collect_4583: mov a6,a0 set __ARRAY__+2,%o0 st %o0,[a6] st d0,[a6+4] st d1,[a6+8] inc 12,a6 ld [sp],a1 inc 4,sp tst d3 be r_array_3 nop sll d3,2,d4 sub a4,d4,a4 mov a4,a3 dec 1,d3 copy_a_to_b_lp3: ld [a3],%o0 inc 4,a3 st %o0,[sp-4] deccc 1,d3 bcc copy_a_to_b_lp3 dec 4,sp r_array_3: ld [sp],d1 ld [sp+4],d2 ld [sp+8],d3 ba st_fillr3_array inc 12,sp fillr3_array_1: st d2,[a6+4] st d3,[a6+8] inc 12,a6 st_fillr3_array: deccc 1,d0 bcc,a fillr3_array_1 st d1,[a6] jmp a1+8 nop create_r_array_4: dec 3,d7 sll d0,2,d2 subcc d7,d2,d7 bpos no_collect_4584 nop dec 4,sp call collect_0 st %o7,[sp] no_collect_4584: mov a6,a0 set __ARRAY__+2,%o1 st %o1,[a6] st d0,[a6+4] st d1,[a6+8] inc 12,a6 ld [sp],a1 inc 4,sp tst d3 be r_array_4 nop sll d3,2,d4 sub a4,d4,a4 mov a4,a3 dec 1,d3 copy_a_to_b_lp4: ld [a3],%o1 inc 4,a3 st %o1,[sp-4] deccc 1,d3 bcc copy_a_to_b_lp4 dec 4,sp r_array_4: ld [sp],d1 ld [sp+4],d2 ld [sp+8],d3 ld [sp+12],d4 ba st_fillr4_array inc 16,sp fillr4_array: st d2,[a6+4] st d3,[a6+8] st d4,[a6+12] inc 16,a6 st_fillr4_array: deccc 1,d0 bcc,a fillr4_array st d1,[a6] jmp a1+8 nop create_r_array_5: dec 3,d7 sll d0,2,d4 sub d7,d4,d7 dec 1,d2 mov d2,d5 sub_size_lp: deccc 1,d5 bcc sub_size_lp subcc d7,d0,d7 bpos no_collect_4585 nop dec 4,sp call collect_0 st %o7,[sp] no_collect_4585: mov a6,a0 set __ARRAY__+2,%o0 st %o0,[a6] st d0,[a6+4] st d1,[a6+8] inc 12,a6 ld [sp],a1 inc 4,sp mov d2,d5 tst d3 be r_array_5 nop sll d3,2,d4 sub a4,d4,a4 mov a4,a3 dec 1,d3 copy_a_to_b_lp5: ld [a3],%o0 inc 4,a3 st %o0,[sp-4] deccc 1,d3 bcc copy_a_to_b_lp5 dec 4,sp r_array_5: ld [sp],d1 ld [sp+4],d2 ld [sp+8],d3 ld [sp+12],d4 ba st_fillr5_array inc 16,sp fillr5_array_1: st d2,[a6+4] mov d5,d6 st d3,[a6+8] mov sp,a3 st d4,[a6+12] inc 16,a6 ld [a3],%o0 copy_elem_lp5: inc 4,a3 st %o0,[a6] inc 4,a6 deccc 1,d6 bcc,a copy_elem_lp5 ld [a3],%o0 st_fillr5_array: deccc 1,d0 bcc,a fillr5_array_1 st d1,[a6] sll d5,2,d5 add sp,d5,sp jmp a1+8 inc 4,sp #else create_R_array: deccc 2,d2 bcs create_R_array_1 nop be create_R_array_2 nop deccc 2,d2 bcs create_R_array_3 nop be create_R_array_4 nop b,a create_R_array_5 create_R_array_1: dec 3,d7 subcc d7,d0,d7 bpos no_collect_4581 nop dec 4,sp call collect_0 st %o7,[sp] no_collect_4581: mov a6,a0 set __ARRAY__+2,%o0 st %o0,[a6] st d0,[a6+4] st d1,[a6+8] inc 12,a6 ld [sp],a1 tst d3 be r_array_1_b inc 4,sp ba fillr1_array ld [a4-4],d1 r_array_1_b: ld [sp],d1 fillr1_array: btst 1,d0 be st_fillr1_array_1 srl d0,1,d0 st d1,[a6] ba st_fillr1_array_1 inc 4,a6 fillr1_array_lp: st d1,[a6+4] inc 8,a6 st_fillr1_array_1: deccc 1,d0 bcc,a fillr1_array_lp st d1,[a6] jmp a1+8 nop create_R_array_2: dec 3,d7 sub d7,d0,d7 subcc d7,d0,d7 bpos no_collect_4582 nop dec 4,sp call collect_0 st %o7,[sp] no_collect_4582: mov a6,a0 set __ARRAY__+2,%o0 st %o0,[a6] st d0,[a6+4] st d1,[a6+8] inc 12,a6 ld [sp],a1 deccc 1,d3 bcs r_array_2_bb inc 4,sp be r_array_2_ab nop r_array_2_aa: ld [a4-4],d1 ba st_fillr2_array ld [a4-8],d2 r_array_2_ab: ld [a4-4],d1 ba st_fillr2_array ld [sp],d2 r_array_2_bb: ld [sp],d1 ba st_fillr2_array ld [sp+4],d2 fillr2_array_1: st d2,[a6+4] inc 8,a6 st_fillr2_array: deccc 1,d0 bcc,a fillr2_array_1 st d1,[a6] jmp a1+8 nop create_R_array_3: dec 3,d7 sub d7,d0,d7 sub d7,d0,d7 subcc d7,d0,d7 bpos no_collect_4583 nop dec 4,sp call collect_0 st %o7,[sp] no_collect_4583: mov a6,a0 set __ARRAY__+2,%o0 st %o0,[a6] st d0,[a6+4] st d1,[a6+8] inc 12,a6 ld [sp],a1 add sp,4,a2 tst d3 be r_array_3 inc 4,sp sll d3,2,d4 sub a4,d4,a3 dec 1,d3 copy_a_to_b_lp3: ld [a3],%o0 inc 4,a3 st %o0,[sp-4] deccc 1,d3 bcc copy_a_to_b_lp3 dec 4,sp r_array_3: ld [sp],d1 ld [sp+4],d2 ld [sp+8],d3 ba st_fillr3_array mov a2,sp fillr3_array_1: st d2,[a6+4] st d3,[a6+8] inc 12,a6 st_fillr3_array: deccc 1,d0 bcc,a fillr3_array_1 st d1,[a6] jmp a1+8 nop create_R_array_4: dec 3,d7 sll d0,2,d2 subcc d7,d2,d7 bpos no_collect_4584 nop dec 4,sp call collect_0 st %o7,[sp] no_collect_4584: mov a6,a0 set __ARRAY__+2,%o1 st %o1,[a6] st d0,[a6+4] st d1,[a6+8] inc 12,a6 ld [sp],a1 add sp,4,a2 tst d3 be r_array_4 inc 4,sp sll d3,2,d4 sub a4,d4,a3 dec 1,d3 copy_a_to_b_lp4: ld [a3],%o1 inc 4,a3 st %o1,[sp-4] deccc 1,d3 bcc copy_a_to_b_lp4 dec 4,sp r_array_4: ld [sp],d1 ld [sp+4],d2 ld [sp+8],d3 ld [sp+12],d4 ba st_fillr4_array mov a2,sp fillr4_array: st d2,[a6+4] st d3,[a6+8] st d4,[a6+12] inc 16,a6 st_fillr4_array: deccc 1,d0 bcc,a fillr4_array st d1,[a6] jmp a1+8 nop create_R_array_5: dec 3,d7 sll d0,2,d4 sub d7,d4,d7 dec 1,d2 mov d2,d5 sub_size_lp: deccc 1,d5 bcc sub_size_lp subcc d7,d0,d7 bpos no_collect_4585 nop dec 4,sp call collect_0 st %o7,[sp] no_collect_4585: mov a6,a0 set __ARRAY__+2,%o0 st %o0,[a6] st d0,[a6+4] st d1,[a6+8] inc 12,a6 ld [sp],a1 add sp,4,a2 mov d2,d5 tst d3 be r_array_5 inc 4,sp sll d3,2,d4 sub a4,d4,a3 dec 1,d3 copy_a_to_b_lp5: ld [a3],%o0 inc 4,a3 st %o0,[sp-4] deccc 1,d3 bcc copy_a_to_b_lp5 dec 4,sp r_array_5: ld [sp],d1 ld [sp+4],d2 ld [sp+8],d3 ba st_fillr5_array ld [sp+12],d4 fillr5_array_1: st d2,[a6+4] mov d5,d6 st d3,[a6+8] add sp,16,a3 st d4,[a6+12] inc 16,a6 ld [a3],%o0 copy_elem_lp5: inc 4,a3 st %o0,[a6] inc 4,a6 deccc 1,d6 bcc,a copy_elem_lp5 ld [a3],%o0 st_fillr5_array: deccc 1,d0 bcc,a fillr5_array_1 st d1,[a6] jmp a1+8 mov a2,sp #endif ! ! AP code ! #if 0 e__system__eaAP: st a0,[%i4] inc 4,%i4 mov a1,a0 ba ea_ap mov %i2,a1 sethi %hi e__system__eaAP,%i2 ba eval_upd_2 inc %lo e__system__eaAP,%i2 .word e__system__AP .word 2 e__system__nAP: st a0,[%i4] st a5,[a0] ld [a0+4],a1 ld [a0+8],a0 inc 4,%i4 ea_ap: ld [a1],d0 btst 2,d0 bne ap_1 nop st a0,[%i4] mov a1,a0 inc 4,%i4 dec 4,sp call d0 st %o7,[sp] mov a0,a1 ld [%i4-4],a0 dec 4,%i4 ap_1: ld [a1],%i2 ld [%i2+4-2],%i2 dec 4,sp call %i2 st %o7,[sp] ld [%i4-4],%i2 dec 4,%i4 ld [a0],d0 ld [a0+4],d1 st d0,[%i2] ld [a0+8],d2 st d1,[%i2+4] st d2,[%i2+8] mov %i2,a0 ld [sp],%o7 retl inc 4,sp #endif e__system__sAP: ld [a1],%i2 ld [%i2+4-2],%i2 jmp %i2 nop _create_arrayB: mov d0,d1 inc 3,d0 srl d0,2,d0 dec 3,d7 subcc d7,d0,d7 bpos no_collect_3575 nop dec 4,sp call collect_0 st %o7,[sp] no_collect_3575: mov a6,a0 set __ARRAY__+2,%o0 st %o0,[a6] st d1,[a6+4] set BOOL+2,%o0 st %o0,[a6+8] inc 12,a6 sll d0,2,d0 add a6,d0,a6 ld [sp],%o7 retl inc 4,sp _create_arrayC: mov d0,d1 inc 3,d0 srl d0,2,d0 dec 2,d7 subcc d7,d0,d7 bpos no_collect_3578 nop dec 4,sp call collect_0 st %o7,[sp] no_collect_3578: mov a6,a0 set __STRING__+2,%o0 st %o0,[a6] st d1,[a6+4] inc 8,a6 sll d0,2,d0 add a6,d0,a6 ld [sp],%o7 retl inc 4,sp _create_arrayI: dec 3,d7 subcc d7,d0,d7 bpos no_collect_3577 nop dec 4,sp call collect_0 st %o7,[sp] no_collect_3577: mov a6,a0 set __ARRAY__+2,%o0 st %o0,[a6] st d0,[a6+4] set INT+2,%o0 st %o0,[a6+8] inc 12,a6 sll d0,2,d0 add a6,d0,a6 ld [sp],%o7 retl inc 4,sp _create_arrayR: dec 3,d7 sub d7,d0,d7 subcc d7,d0,d7 bpos no_collect_3579 nop dec 4,sp call collect_0 st %o7,[sp] no_collect_3579: mov a6,a0 set __ARRAY__+2,%o0 st %o0,[a6] st d0,[a6+4] set REAL+2,%o0 st %o0,[a6+8] inc 12,a6 sll d0,3,d0 add a6,d0,a6 ld [sp],%o7 retl inc 4,sp _create_r_array: dec 3,d7 mov d2,d5 sub_size_lp2: deccc 1,d5 bg sub_size_lp2 sub d7,d0,d7 tst d7 bpos no_collect_3585 nop dec 4,sp call collect_1 st %o7,[sp] no_collect_3585: mov a0,d4 mov a6,a0 set __ARRAY__+2,%o0 st %o0,[a6] st d0,[a6+4] st d1,[a6+8] inc 12,a6 ld [sp],a1 tst d3 be _create_r_array_0 inc 4,sp deccc 2,d3 bcs _create_r_array_1 nop be _create_r_array_2 nop deccc 2,d3 bcs _create_r_array_3 nop be _create_r_array_4 nop b,a _create_r_array_5 _create_r_array_0: tst d2 beq _skip_fillr0_array_lp sll d0,2,d0 _fillr0_array_1: deccc d2 bne _fillr0_array_1 add a6,d0,a6 _skip_fillr0_array_lp: jmp a1+8 nop _create_r_array_1: tst d0 beq _skip_fillr1_array_lp sll d2,2,d2 _fillr1_array_lp: st d4,[a6] deccc d0 bne _fillr1_array_lp add a6,d2,a6 _skip_fillr1_array_lp: jmp a1+8 nop _create_r_array_2: tst d0 beq _skip_fillr2_array_1 sll d2,2,d2 _fillr2_array_1: st d4,[a6] st d4,[a6+4] deccc d0 bne _fillr2_array_1 add a6,d2,a6 _skip_fillr2_array_1: jmp a1+8 nop _create_r_array_3: tst d0 beq _skip_fillr3_array sll d2,2,d2 _fillr3_array_1: st d4,[a6] st d4,[a6+4] st d4,[a6+8] deccc d0 bne _fillr3_array_1 add a6,d2,a6 _skip_fillr3_array: jmp a1+8 nop _create_r_array_4: tst d0 beq _skip_fillr4_array sll d2,2,d2 _fillr4_array: st d4,[a6] st d4,[a6+4] st d4,[a6+8] st d4,[a6+12] deccc d0 bne _fillr4_array add a6,d2,a6 _skip_fillr4_array: jmp a1+8 nop _create_r_array_5: mov d3,d1 dec 4,d2 sub d2,d3,d2 ba _st_fillr5_array sll d2,2,d2 _fillr5_array_1: st d4,[a6+4] mov d1,d5 st d4,[a6+8] st d4,[a6+12] inc 16,a6 _copy_elem_lp5: st d4,[a6] deccc d5 bne _copy_elem_lp5 inc 4,a6 add a6,d2,a6 _st_fillr5_array: deccc d0 bge,a _fillr5_array_1 st d4,[a6] jmp a1+8 nop yet_args_needed: ! for more than 4 arguments ld [a1],d1 lduh [d1-2],d0 dec 3,%l7 subcc %l7,d0,%l7 bneg gc_1 nop gc_r_1: ld [a1+4],%l3 dec 1+4,d0 ld [a1+8],a1 mov %g6,d2 ld [a1],%o0 ld [a1+4],%o1 st %o0,[%g6] ld [a1+8],%o2 st %o1,[%g6+4] inc 12,a1 st %o2,[%g6+8] inc 12,%g6 ld [a1],%o0 cp_a: inc 4,a1 st %o0,[%g6] inc 4,%g6 deccc d0 bge,a cp_a ld [a1],%o0 st a0,[%g6] inc 8,d1 st d1,[%g6+4] add %g6,4,a0 st %l3,[%g6+8] ld [sp],%o7 st d2,[%g6+12] inc 4,sp retl inc 16,%g6 gc_1: dec 4,sp call collect_2 st %o7,[sp] b,a gc_r_1 yet_args_needed_0: deccc 2,%l7 bneg gc_20 nop gc_r_20: st a0,[%g6+4] ld [a1],d0 mov %g6,a0 inc 8,d0 st d0,[%g6] ld [sp],%o7 inc 8,%g6 retl inc 4,sp gc_20: dec 4,sp call collect_2 st %o7,[sp] ba gc_r_20 nop yet_args_needed_1: deccc 3,%l7 bneg gc_21 nop gc_r_21: st a0,[%g6+8] ld [a1],d0 mov %g6,a0 inc 8,d0 st d0,[%g6] ld [a1+4],d1 st d1,[%g6+4] ld [sp],%o7 inc 12,%g6 retl inc 4,sp gc_21: dec 4,sp call collect_2 st %o7,[sp] b,a gc_r_21 yet_args_needed_2: deccc 5,%l7 bneg gc_22 nop gc_r_22: ld [a1],d0 st a0,[%g6+4] inc 8,d0 ld [a1+4],d2 st d0,[%g6+8] add %g6,8,a0 ld [a1+8],%o0 st d2,[%g6+12] ld [sp],%o7 st %o0,[%g6] inc 4,sp st %g6,[%g6+16] retl inc 20,%g6 gc_22: dec 4,sp call collect_2 st %o7,[sp] ba gc_r_22 nop yet_args_needed_3: deccc 6,%l7 bneg gc_23 nop gc_r_23: ld [a1],d0 st a0,[%g6+8] inc 8,d0 ld [a1+4],d2 st d0,[%g6+12] ld [a1+8],a1 st d2,[%g6+16] ld [a1],%o0 st %g6,[%g6+20] ld [a1+4],%o1 add %g6,12,a0 st %o0,[%g6] ld [sp],%o7 inc 4,sp st %o1,[%g6+4] retl inc 24,%g6 gc_23: dec 4,sp call collect_2 st %o7,[sp] b,a gc_r_23 yet_args_needed_4: deccc 7,%l7 bneg gc_24 nop gc_r_24: ld [a1],d0 st a0,[%g6+12] inc 8,d0 ld [a1+4],d2 st d0,[%g6+16] ld [a1+8],a1 st d2,[%g6+20] ld [a1],%o0 st %g6,[%g6+24] ld [a1+4],%o1 st %o0,[%g6] add %g6,16,a0 ld [a1+8],%o2 st %o1,[%g6+4] ld [sp],%o7 inc 4,sp st %o2,[%g6+8] retl inc 28,%g6 gc_24: dec 4,sp call collect_2 st %o7,[sp] ba gc_r_24 nop repl_args_b: tst d0 ble repl_args_b_1 nop deccc 1,d0 beq repl_args_b_4 nop ld [a0+8],a1 deccc 2,d1 bne repl_args_b_2 nop st a1,[%i4] ba repl_args_b_4 inc 4,%i4 repl_args_b_2: sll d0,2,d1 add a1,d1,a1 dec 1,d0 repl_args_b_3: ld [a1-4],%o0 st %o0,[%i4] dec 4,a1 inc 4,%i4 tst d0 bne repl_args_b_3 dec d0 repl_args_b_4: ld [a0+4],%o0 st %o0,[%i4] inc 4,%i4 repl_args_b_1: ld [sp],%o7 retl inc 4,sp push_arg_b: cmp d1,2 bcs push_arg_b_1 nop bne push_arg_b_2 nop cmp d1,d0 beq push_arg_b_1 nop push_arg_b_2: ld [a0+8],a0 dec 2,d1 push_arg_b_1: ld [sp],%o7 sll d1,2,d1 ld [a0+d1],a0 retl inc 4,sp del_args: ld [a0],d1 sub d1,d0,d1 lduh [d1-2],d0 deccc 2,d0 bge del_args_2 nop ld [a0+4],%o0 st d1,[a1] ld [a0+8],%o1 st %o0,[a1+4] ld [sp],%o7 st %o1,[a1+8] retl inc 4,sp del_args_2: bne del_args_3 nop ld [a0+4],%o0 st d1,[a1] ld [a0+8],%o1 st %o0,[a1+4] ld [%o1],%o1 ld [sp],%o7 st %o1,[a1+8] retl inc 4,sp del_args_3: subcc %l7,d0,%l7 bneg del_args_gc nop del_args_r_gc: st d1,[a1] ld [a0+4],%o0 st %g6,[a1+8] ld [a0+8],a0 st %o0,[a1+4] ld [a0],%o0 del_args_copy_args: inc 4,a0 st %o0,[%g6] inc 4,%g6 deccc d0 bg,a del_args_copy_args ld [a0],%o0 ld [sp],%o7 retl inc 4,sp del_args_gc: dec 4,sp call collect_2 st %o7,[sp] b,a del_args_r_gc #if 0 o__S_P2: ld [a0],d0 ldsh [d0-2],d0 cmp d0,2 be o__S_P2_2 ld [a0+8],a0 ld [a0],a0 o__S_P2_2: ld [sp],%o7 retl inc 4,sp ea__S_P2: ld [a1+4],d0 set __indirection,%i2 st %i2,[a1] st a0,[a1+4] mov d0,a1 ld [a1],d0 btst 2,d0 bne ea__S_P2_1 nop st a0,[%i4] inc 4,%i4 mov a1,a0 dec 4,sp call d0 st %o7,[sp] mov a0,a1 ld [%i4-4],a0 dec 4,%i4 ea__S_P2_1: ld [a1],d0 ldsh [d0-2],d0 cmp d0,2 be ea__S_P2_2 ld [a1+8],a1 ld [a1],a1 ea__S_P2_2: ld [a1],d0 btst 2,d0 bne ea__S_P2_3 nop jmp d0-20 nop ea__S_P2_3: st d0,[a0] ld [a1+4],%g1 st %g1,[a0+4] ld [a1+8],%g1 st %g1,[a0+8] ld [sp],%o7 retl inc 4,sp #endif