/ / File: istartup.s / Author: John van Groningen / Machine: Intel 386 #define K6_0 0 #define d0 %eax #define d1 %ebx #define a0 %ecx #define a1 %edx #define a2 %ebp #define a3 %esi #define a4 %edi #define sp %esp #define d0w %ax #define d1w %bx #define a0w %cx #define a1w %dx #define a2w %bp #define a3w %si #define a4w %di #define d0b %al #define d1b %bl #define a0b %cl #define a1b %dl #define d0lb %al #define d0hb %ah #define d1lb %bl #define d1hb %bh #define SHARE_CHAR_INT #define MY_ITOS #define FINALIZERS #define STACK_OVERFLOW_EXCEPTION_HANDLER #define WRITE_HEAP #undef MEASURE_GC #undef DEBUG #undef PREFETCH2 #define NO_BIT_INSTRUCTIONS #define ADJUST_HEAP_SIZE #define MARK_GC #define MARK_AND_COPY_GC #define UNBOXED_CLOSURES / #define PROFILE #define MODULE_NAMES_IN_TIME_PROFILER #undef COMPACT_GC_ONLY #undef NO_COPY_TO_END #define MINIMUM_HEAP_SIZE 8000 #define MINIMUM_HEAP_SIZE_2 4000 #if defined(_WINDOWS_) || defined (ELF) # define align(n) .align (1<<n) #else # define align(n) .align n #endif #ifdef OS2 # define DLL # define NOCLIB #endif #ifdef _WINDOWS_ # define NOCLIB #endif #ifdef LINUX # define section(n) .section .text.##n,"ax",@progbits #else # define section(n) .text #endif #if 1 # define DESCRIPTOR_ARITY_OFFSET (-2) # define ZERO_ARITY_DESCRIPTOR_OFFSET (-8) #else # define DESCRIPTOR_ARITY_OFFSET (-8) # define ZERO_ARITY_DESCRIPTOR_OFFSET (-12) #endif .comm semi_space_size,4 .globl end_heap .comm end_heap,4 .comm heap_mbp,4 .comm stack_mbp,4 .comm heap_p,4 .comm heap_p1,4 .comm heap_p2,4 .comm heap_p3,4 .comm neg_heap_p3,4 .comm end_heap_p3,4 .comm heap_size_33,4 .comm vector_p,4 .comm vector_counter,4 .comm neg_heap_vector_plus_4,4 .comm heap_size_32_33,4 .comm heap_vector,4 .comm stack_top,4 .comm end_vector,4 .comm heap_size_129,4 .comm heap_copied_vector,4 .comm heap_copied_vector_size,4 .comm heap_end_after_copy_gc,4 .comm heap_end_after_gc,4 .comm extra_heap,4 .comm extra_heap_size,4 .comm stack_p,4 .comm halt_sp,4 .comm n_allocated_words,4 .comm basic_only,4 #if !defined (OS2) && !defined (_WINDOWS_) && !defined (ELF) .comm last_time,8 .comm execute_time,8 .comm garbage_collect_time,8 .comm IO_time,8 #else .comm last_time,4 .comm execute_time,4 .comm garbage_collect_time,4 .comm IO_time,4 # ifdef MEASURE_GC .comm compact_garbage_collect_time,4 .comm mark_compact_garbage_collect_time,4 .comm total_gc_bytes_lo,4 .comm total_gc_bytes_hi,4 .comm total_compact_gc_bytes_lo,4 .comm total_compact_gc_bytes_hi,4 # endif #endif .globl saved_heap_p .comm saved_heap_p,4 .globl saved_a_stack_p .comm saved_a_stack_p,4 .globl end_a_stack .comm end_a_stack,4 .globl end_b_stack .comm end_b_stack,4 .comm dll_initisialised,4 .globl int_to_real_scratch .comm int_to_real_scratch,4 #ifdef WRITE_HEAP .comm heap_end_write_heap,4 .comm d3_flag_write_heap,4 .comm heap2_begin_and_end,8 #endif #ifdef STACK_OVERFLOW_EXCEPTION_HANDLER .comm a_stack_guard_page,4 #endif .globl profile_stack_pointer .comm profile_stack_pointer,4 .data align (2) #ifdef MARK_GC bit_counter: .long 0 bit_vector_p: .long 0 zero_bits_before_mark: .long 1 n_free_words_after_mark: .long 1000 n_last_heap_free_bytes: .long 0 lazy_array_list: .long 0 n_marked_words: .long 0 end_stack: .long 0 # ifdef ADJUST_HEAP_SIZE bit_vector_size: .long 0 # endif #endif caf_list: .long 0 .globl caf_listp caf_listp: .long 0 zero_length_string: .long __STRING__+2 .long 0 true_string: .long __STRING__+2 .long 4 true_c_string: .ascii "True" .byte 0,0,0,0 false_string: .long __STRING__+2 .long 5 false_c_string: .ascii "False" .byte 0,0,0 file_c_string: .ascii "File" .byte 0,0,0,0 garbage_collect_flag: .byte 0 .byte 0,0,0 .comm sprintf_buffer,32 out_of_memory_string_1: .ascii "Not enough memory to allocate heap and stack" .byte 10,0 printf_int_string: .ascii "%d" .byte 0 printf_real_string: .ascii "%.15g" .byte 0 printf_string_string: .ascii "%s" .byte 0 printf_char_string: .ascii "%c" .byte 0 garbage_collect_string_1: .asciz "A stack: " garbage_collect_string_2: .asciz " bytes. BC stack: " garbage_collect_string_3: .ascii " bytes." .byte 10,0 heap_use_after_gc_string_1: .ascii "Heap use after garbage collection: " .byte 0 heap_use_after_gc_string_2: .ascii " Bytes." .byte 10,0 stack_overflow_string: .ascii "Stack overflow." .byte 10,0 out_of_memory_string_4: .ascii "Heap full." .byte 10,0 time_string_1: .ascii "Execution: " .byte 0 time_string_2: .ascii " Garbage collection: " .byte 0 #ifdef MEASURE_GC time_string_3: .ascii " " .byte 0 #endif time_string_4: .ascii " Total: " .byte 0 high_index_string: .ascii "Index too high in UPDATE string." .byte 10,0 low_index_string: .ascii "Index negative in UPDATE string." .byte 10,0 IO_error_string: .ascii "IO error: " .byte 0 new_line_string: .byte 10,0 sprintf_time_string: .ascii "%d.%02d" .byte 0 #ifdef MARK_GC marked_gc_string_1: .ascii "Marked: " .byte 0 #endif #ifdef PROFILE align (2) # ifdef MODULE_NAMES_IN_TIME_PROFILER # ifdef LINUX .globl m_system # endif m_system: .long 6 .ascii "System" .byte 0 .byte 0 .long m_system # endif garbage_collector_name: .long 0 .asciz "garbage_collector" align (2) #endif #ifdef NOCLIB align (3) NAN_real: .long 0xffffffff,0x7fffffff one_real: .long 0x00000000,0x3ff00000 zero_real: .long 0x00000000,0x00000000 #endif #ifdef NO_BIT_INSTRUCTIONS align (2) bit_set_table: .long 0x00000001,0x00000002,0x00000004,0x00000008 .long 0x00000010,0x00000020,0x00000040,0x00000080 .long 0x00000100,0x00000200,0x00000400,0x00000800 .long 0x00001000,0x00002000,0x00004000,0x00008000 .long 0x00010000,0x00020000,0x00040000,0x00080000 .long 0x00100000,0x00200000,0x00400000,0x00800000 .long 0x01000000,0x02000000,0x04000000,0x08000000 .long 0x10000000,0x20000000,0x40000000,0x80000000 .long 0 bit_clear_table: .long 0xfffffffe,0xfffffffd,0xfffffffb,0xfffffff7 .long 0xffffffef,0xffffffdf,0xffffffbf,0xffffff7f .long 0xfffffeff,0xfffffdff,0xfffffbff,0xfffff7ff .long 0xffffefff,0xffffdfff,0xffffbfff,0xffff7fff .long 0xfffeffff,0xfffdffff,0xfffbffff,0xfff7ffff .long 0xffefffff,0xffdfffff,0xffbfffff,0xff7fffff .long 0xfeffffff,0xfdffffff,0xfbffffff,0xf7ffffff .long 0xefffffff,0xdfffffff,0xbfffffff,0x7fffffff .long 0xffffffff first_one_bit_table: .byte -1,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0 .byte 4,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0 .byte 5,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0 .byte 4,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0 .byte 6,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0 .byte 4,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0 .byte 5,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0 .byte 4,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0 .byte 7,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0 .byte 4,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0 .byte 5,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0 .byte 4,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0 .byte 6,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0 .byte 4,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0 .byte 5,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0 .byte 4,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0 #endif #ifdef DLL start_address: .long 0 #endif align (2) .comm sprintf_time_buffer,20 align (2) #ifdef SHARE_CHAR_INT .globl small_integers .comm small_integers,33*8 .globl static_characters .comm static_characters,256*8 #endif .text .globl @abc_main .globl print .globl print_char .globl print_int .globl print_real .globl print__string__ .globl print__chars__sc .globl print_sc .globl print_symbol .globl print_symbol_sc .globl printD .globl DtoAC .globl push_t_r_args .globl push_a_r_args .globl halt .globl dump .globl catAC .globl sliceAC .globl updateAC .globl eqAC .globl cmpAC .globl string_to_string_node .globl _create_arrayB .globl _create_arrayC .globl _create_arrayI .globl _create_arrayR .globl _create_r_array .globl create_array .globl create_arrayB .globl create_arrayC .globl create_arrayI .globl create_arrayR .globl create_R_array .globl BtoAC .globl ItoAC .globl RtoAC .globl eqD .globl collect_0 .globl collect_1 .globl collect_2 .globl collect_0l .globl collect_1l .globl collect_2l .globl yet_args_needed .globl yet_args_needed_0 .globl yet_args_needed_1 .globl yet_args_needed_2 .globl yet_args_needed_3 .globl yet_args_needed_4 .globl _c3,_c4,_c5,_c6,_c7,_c8,_c9,_c10,_c11,_c12 .globl _c13,_c14,_c15,_c16,_c17,_c18,_c19,_c20,_c21,_c22 .globl _c23,_c24,_c25,_c26,_c27,_c28,_c29,_c30,_c31,_c32 .globl e__system__nind .globl e__system__eaind / old names of the previous two labels for compatibility, remove later .globl __indirection,__eaind .globl e__system__dind .globl eval_fill .globl eval_upd_0,eval_upd_1,eval_upd_2,eval_upd_3,eval_upd_4 .globl eval_upd_5,eval_upd_6,eval_upd_7,eval_upd_8,eval_upd_9 .globl eval_upd_10,eval_upd_11,eval_upd_12,eval_upd_13,eval_upd_14 .globl eval_upd_15,eval_upd_16,eval_upd_17,eval_upd_18,eval_upd_19 .globl eval_upd_20,eval_upd_21,eval_upd_22,eval_upd_23,eval_upd_24 .globl eval_upd_25,eval_upd_26,eval_upd_27,eval_upd_28,eval_upd_29 .globl eval_upd_30,eval_upd_31,eval_upd_32 .globl repl_args_b .globl push_arg_b .globl del_args #if 0 .globl o__S_P2 .globl ea__S_P2 #endif .globl add_IO_time .globl add_execute_time .globl @IO_error .globl stack_overflow .globl out_of_memory_4 .globl print_error #ifndef DLL .global _start #endif .globl tan_real .globl asin_real .globl acos_real .globl atan_real .globl ln_real .globl log10_real .globl exp_real .globl pow_real .globl entier_real .globl r_to_i_real #ifdef NOCLIB .globl @c_pow .globl @c_log10 .globl @c_entier #endif #ifdef PROFILE .globl init_profiler .globl profile_s,profile_n,profile_r,profile_t .globl write_profile_information,write_profile_stack #endif .globl __driver / from system.abc: .global INT .global CHAR .global BOOL .global REAL .global FILE .global __STRING__ .global __ARRAY__ .global __cycle__in__spine .global __print__graph .global __eval__to__nf / from wcon.c: .globl @w_print_char .globl @w_print_string .globl @w_print_text .globl @w_print_int .globl @w_print_real .globl @ew_print_char .globl @ew_print_text .globl @ew_print_string .globl @ew_print_int .global @ab_stack_size .global @heap_size .global @flags / from standard c library: #ifdef USE_CLIB .globl @malloc .globl @free .globl @sprintf .globl @strlen #else .globl @allocate_memory # ifdef STACK_OVERFLOW_EXCEPTION_HANDLER .globl @allocate_memory_with_guard_page_at_end # endif .globl @free_memory #endif #ifdef ADJUST_HEAP_SIZE .global @heap_size_multiple .global @initial_heap_size #endif #ifdef WRITE_HEAP .global @min_write_heap_size #endif #ifdef FINALIZERS .global __Nil .globl finalizer_list .comm finalizer_list,4 .globl free_finalizer_list .comm free_finalizer_list,4 #endif @abc_main: push d1 push a0 push a1 push a2 push a3 push a4 finit fldz fldz fldz fldz fldz fldz fldz #ifdef DLL mov 28(sp),d0 mov d0,start_address #endif call init_clean test %eax,%eax jne init_error call init_timer mov sp,halt_sp #ifdef PROFILE call init_profiler #endif #ifdef DLL mov start_address,d0 call *d0 #else # ifdef ELF call __start # else call _start # endif #endif exit: call exit_clean init_error: pop a4 pop a3 pop a2 pop a1 pop a0 pop d1 ret #ifdef _WINDOWS_ .globl @DllMain?12 @DllMain?12: cmpl $1,8(sp) je DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH jb DLL_PROCESS_DETACH ret $12 DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: push d1 push a0 push a1 push a2 push a3 push a4 movl $1,dll_initisialised call init_clean test %eax,%eax jne init_dll_error call init_timer mov sp,halt_sp #ifdef PROFILE call init_profiler #endif mov %edi,saved_heap_p mov %esi,saved_a_stack_p movl $1,%eax jmp exit_dll_init init_dll_error: xor %eax,%eax jmp exit_dll_init DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: push d1 push a0 push a1 push a2 push a3 push a4 mov saved_heap_p,%edi mov saved_a_stack_p,%esi call exit_clean exit_dll_init: pop a4 pop a3 pop a2 pop a1 pop a0 pop d1 ret $12 #endif init_clean: lea 128(sp),d0 subl @ab_stack_size,d0 movl d0,end_b_stack mov @flags,d0 andl $1,d0 mov d0,basic_only movl @heap_size,d0 #ifdef PREFETCH2 sub $63,d0 #else sub $3,d0 #endif xorl a1,a1 mov $33,d1 div d1 movl d0,heap_size_33 movl @heap_size,d0 sub $3,d0 xorl a1,a1 mov $129,d1 div d1 mov d0,heap_size_129 add $3,d0 andl $-4,d0 movl d0,heap_copied_vector_size movl $0,heap_end_after_copy_gc movl @heap_size,d0 add $7,d0 andl $-8,d0 movl d0,@heap_size add $7,d0 push d0 #ifdef USE_CLIB call @malloc #else call @allocate_memory #endif add $4,sp test d0,d0 je no_memory_2 mov d0,heap_mbp lea 3(d0),a4 andl $-4,a4 mov a4,heap_p mov @ab_stack_size,a2 add $3,a2 push a2 #ifdef STACK_OVERFLOW_EXCEPTION_HANDLER call @allocate_memory_with_guard_page_at_end #else # ifdef USE_CLIB call @malloc # else call @allocate_memory # endif #endif add $4,sp test d0,d0 je no_memory_3 mov d0,stack_mbp #ifdef STACK_OVERFLOW_EXCEPTION_HANDLER addl @ab_stack_size,d0 addl $3+4095,d0 andl $-4096,d0 movl d0,a_stack_guard_page subl @ab_stack_size,d0 #endif add $3,d0 andl $-4,d0 mov d0,a3 mov d0,stack_p addl @ab_stack_size,d0 subl $64,d0 movl d0,end_a_stack #ifdef SHARE_CHAR_INT leal small_integers,a0 xorl d0,d0 leal INT+2,d1 make_small_integers_lp: mov d1,(a0) mov d0,4(a0) inc d0 add $8,a0 cmp $33,d0 jne make_small_integers_lp leal static_characters,a0 xorl d0,d0 leal CHAR+2,d1 make_static_characters_lp: mov d1,(a0) mov d0,4(a0) inc d0 add $8,a0 cmp $256,d0 jne make_static_characters_lp #endif lea caf_list+4,a0 movl a0,caf_listp #ifdef FINALIZERS movl $__Nil-8,finalizer_list movl $__Nil-8,free_finalizer_list #endif mov a4,heap_p1 movl heap_size_129,a2 shl $4,a2 lea (a4,a2,4),d0 mov d0,heap_copied_vector add heap_copied_vector_size,d0 mov d0,heap_p2 movb $0,garbage_collect_flag # ifdef MARK_AND_COPY_GC testb $64,@flags je no_mark1 # endif # if defined (MARK_GC) || defined (COMPACT_GC_ONLY) movl heap_size_33,d0 movl a4,heap_vector addl d0,a4 # ifdef PREFETCH2 addl $63,a4 andl $-64,a4 # else addl $3,a4 andl $-4,a4 # endif movl a4,heap_p3 lea (,d0,8),a2 movb $-1,garbage_collect_flag # endif # ifdef MARK_AND_COPY_GC no_mark1: # endif # ifdef ADJUST_HEAP_SIZE movl @initial_heap_size,d0 # ifdef MARK_AND_COPY_GC movl $(MINIMUM_HEAP_SIZE_2),d1 testb $64,@flags jne no_mark9 addl d1,d1 no_mark9: # else # if defined (MARK_GC) || defined (COMPACT_GC_ONLY) movl $(MINIMUM_HEAP_SIZE),d1 # else movl $(MINIMUM_HEAP_SIZE_2),d1 # endif # endif cmpl d1,d0 jle too_large_or_too_small shr $2,d0 cmpl a2,d0 jge too_large_or_too_small movl d0,a2 too_large_or_too_small: # endif lea (a4,a2,4),d0 mov d0,heap_end_after_gc subl $32,d0 movl d0,end_heap # ifdef MARK_AND_COPY_GC testb $64,@flags je no_mark2 # endif # if defined (MARK_GC) && defined (ADJUST_HEAP_SIZE) movl a2,bit_vector_size # endif # ifdef MARK_AND_COPY_GC no_mark2: # endif xor %eax,%eax ret no_memory_2: push $out_of_memory_string_1 call @ew_print_string add $4,sp #ifdef _WINDOWS_ movl $1,@execution_aborted #endif movl $1,%eax ret no_memory_3: push $out_of_memory_string_1 call @ew_print_string add $4,sp #ifdef _WINDOWS_ movl $1,@execution_aborted #endif push heap_mbp #ifdef USE_CLIB call @free #else call @free_memory #endif add $4,sp movl $1,%eax ret exit_clean: call add_execute_time mov @flags,d0 testb $8,d0b je no_print_execution_time push $time_string_1 call @ew_print_string add $4,sp mov execute_time,d0 #if !defined (OS2) && !defined (_WINDOWS_) && !defined (ELF) mov execute_time+4,d1 #endif call print_time push $time_string_2 call @ew_print_string add $4,sp mov garbage_collect_time,d0 #if !defined (OS2) && !defined (_WINDOWS_) && !defined (ELF) mov garbage_collect_time+4,d1 #endif call print_time #ifdef MEASURE_GC push $time_string_3 call @ew_print_string add $4,sp mov mark_compact_garbage_collect_time,d0 # if !defined (OS2) && !defined (_WINDOWS_) mov mark_compact_garbage_collect_time+4,d1 # endif call print_time push $time_string_3 call @ew_print_string add $4,sp mov compact_garbage_collect_time,d0 # if !defined (OS2) && !defined (_WINDOWS_) mov compact_garbage_collect_time+4,d1 # endif call print_time #endif push $time_string_4 call @ew_print_string add $4,sp #if !defined (OS2) && !defined (_WINDOWS_) && !defined (ELF) mov execute_time,d0 mov execute_time+4,d1 add garbage_collect_time,d0 add garbage_collect_time+4,d1 cmp $1000000,d1 jb no_usec_overflow_1 sub $1000000,d1 inc d0 no_usec_overflow_1: add IO_time,d0 add IO_time+4,d1 cmp $1000000,d1 jb no_usec_overflow_2 sub $1000000,d1 inc d0 no_usec_overflow_2: #else mov execute_time,d0 add garbage_collect_time,d0 add IO_time,d0 # ifdef MEASURE_GC add mark_compact_garbage_collect_time,d0 add compact_garbage_collect_time,d0 # endif #endif call print_time #ifdef MEASURE_GC push $10 call @ew_print_char addl $4,sp pushl total_gc_bytes_hi call @ew_print_int addl $4,sp push $':' call @ew_print_char addl $4,sp pushl total_gc_bytes_lo call @ew_print_int addl $4,sp push $32 call @ew_print_char addl $4,sp pushl total_compact_gc_bytes_hi call @ew_print_int addl $4,sp push $':' call @ew_print_char addl $4,sp pushl total_compact_gc_bytes_lo call @ew_print_int addl $4,sp #endif push $10 call @ew_print_char add $4,sp no_print_execution_time: push stack_mbp #ifdef USE_CLIB call @free #else call @free_memory #endif add $4,sp push heap_mbp #ifdef USE_CLIB call @free #else call @free_memory #endif add $4,sp #ifdef PROFILE call write_profile_information #endif ret __driver: mov @flags,a2 test $16,a2 je __print__graph jmp __eval__to__nf print_time: #if !defined (OS2) && !defined (_WINDOWS_) && !defined (ELF) mov d0,a0 xorl a1,a1 mov d1,d0 mov $10000,d1 div d1 #else xorl a1,a1 movl $1000,d1 div d1 movl d0,a0 movl a1,d0 xorl a1,a1 movl $10,d1 div d1 #endif push d0 push a0 #ifdef USE_CLIB push $sprintf_time_string push $sprintf_time_buffer call @sprintf add $16,sp push $sprintf_time_buffer call @ew_print_string add $4,sp #else call @ew_print_int add $4,sp movl $sprintf_time_buffer,a0 xorl a1,a1 mov $10,d1 / movb $'.',(a0) movb $46,(a0) pop d0 div d1 add $48,d0 add $48,a1 movb d0b,1(a0) movb a1b,2(a0) push $3 push a0 call @ew_print_text add $8,sp #endif ret print_sc: mov basic_only,a2 test a2,a2 jne end_print print: push d0 call @w_print_string add $4,sp end_print: ret dump: call print jmp halt printD: testb $2,d0b jne printD_ mov d0,a2 jmp print_string_a2 DtoAC_record: movl -4(a2),a2 jmp DtoAC_string_a2 DtoAC: testb $2,d0b jne DtoAC_ mov d0,a2 jmp DtoAC_string_a2 DtoAC_: lea -2(d0),a2 movswl (a2),d1 cmp $256,d1 jae DtoAC_record shl $3,d1 sub d1,a2 #if 1 movzwl DESCRIPTOR_ARITY_OFFSET(a2),d1 lea 4(a2,d1,8),a2 #endif DtoAC_string_a2: movl (a2),d0 lea 4(a2),a0 jmp build_string print_symbol: xorl d1,d1 jmp print_symbol_2 print_symbol_sc: mov basic_only,d1 print_symbol_2: mov (a0),d0 cmp $INT+2,d0 je print_int_node cmp $CHAR+2,d0 je print_char_denotation cmp $BOOL+2,d0 je print_bool cmp $REAL+2,d0 je print_real_node test d1,d1 jne end_print_symbol printD_: lea -2(d0),a2 movswl (a2),d1 cmp $256,d1 jae no_print_record shl $3,d1 sub d1,a2 #if 1 movzwl DESCRIPTOR_ARITY_OFFSET(a2),d1 lea 4(a2,d1,8),a2 jmp print_string_a2 #endif no_print_record: mov -4(a2),a2 jmp print_string_a2 end_print_symbol: ret print_int_node: push 4(a0) call @w_print_int add $4,sp ret print_int: push d0 call @w_print_int add $4,sp ret print_char_denotation: test d1,d1 jne print_char_node push 4(a0) push $0x27 call @w_print_char add $4,sp call @w_print_char add $4,sp push $0x27 call @w_print_char add $4,sp ret print_char_node: push 4(a0) call @w_print_char add $4,sp ret print_char: push d0 call @w_print_char add $4,sp ret print_bool: movsbl 4(a0),a0 test a0,a0 je print_false print_true: push $true_c_string call @w_print_string add $4,sp ret print_false: push $false_c_string call @w_print_string add $4,sp ret print_real: subl $8,sp fstpl 0(sp) jmp print_real_ print_real_node: push 8(a0) push 4(a0) print_real_: ffree %st(0) ffree %st(1) ffree %st(2) ffree %st(3) ffree %st(4) ffree %st(5) ffree %st(6) ffree %st(7) call @w_print_real add $8,sp ret print_string_a2: add $4,a2 push -4(a2) push a2 call @w_print_text add $8,sp ret print__chars__sc: mov basic_only,a2 test a2,a2 jne no_print_chars print__string__: push 4(a0) lea 8(a0),a2 push a2 call @w_print_text add $8,sp no_print_chars: ret push_a_r_args: pushl a4 movl 8(a0),a1 subl $2,a1 movzwl (a1),a4 subl $256,a4 movzwl 2(a1),d1 addl $4,a1 pushl a1 movl a4,a1 subl d1,a1 shl $2,d0 lea 12(a0,d1,4),a0 dec a4 mul_array_size_lp: addl d0,a0 subl $1,a4 jnc mul_array_size_lp lea (a0,a1,4),a4 jmp push_a_elements push_a_elements_lp: movl -4(a0),d0 subl $4,a0 movl d0,K6_0(a3) addl $4,a3 push_a_elements: subl $1,d1 jnc push_a_elements_lp movl a4,a0 popl d0 popl a4 popl a2 jmp push_b_elements push_b_elements_lp: pushl -4(a0) subl $4,a0 push_b_elements: subl $1,a1 jnc push_b_elements_lp jmp *a2 push_t_r_args: popl a2 movl (a0),a1 addl $4,a0 subl $2,a1 movzwl (a1),d0 subl $256,d0 movzwl 2(a1),d1 addl $4,a1 movl a1,K6_0(a3) movl d1,4(a3) subl d0,d1 negl d1 lea (a0,d0,4),a1 cmpl $2,d0 jbe small_record movl 4(a0),a1 lea -4(a1,d0,4),a1 small_record: jmp push_r_b_elements push_r_b_elements_lp: dec d0 jne not_first_arg_b pushl (a0) jmp push_r_b_elements not_first_arg_b: pushl -4(a1) subl $4,a1 push_r_b_elements: subl $1,d1 jnc push_r_b_elements_lp movl 4(a3),d1 pushl a2 pushl K6_0(a3) jmp push_r_a_elements push_r_a_elements_lp: dec d0 jne not_first_arg_a movl (a0),a2 movl a2,K6_0(a3) addl $4,a3 jmp push_r_a_elements not_first_arg_a: movl -4(a1),a2 subl $4,a1 movl a2,K6_0(a3) addl $4,a3 push_r_a_elements: subl $1,d1 jnc push_r_a_elements_lp popl d0 ret BtoAC: testb d0b,d0b je BtoAC_false BtoAC_true: mov $true_string,a0 ret BtoAC_false: mov $false_string,a0 ret RtoAC: #ifndef USE_CLIB push $sprintf_buffer #endif subl $8,sp fstl 0(sp) ffree %st(0) ffree %st(1) ffree %st(2) ffree %st(3) ffree %st(4) ffree %st(5) ffree %st(6) ffree %st(7) #ifdef USE_CLIB push $printf_real_string push $sprintf_buffer call @sprintf add $16,sp #else call @convert_real_to_string add $12,sp #endif jmp return_sprintf_buffer ItoAC: #ifdef MY_ITOS mov $sprintf_buffer,a0 call int_to_string movl a0,d0 subl $sprintf_buffer,d0 jmp sprintf_buffer_to_string # ifdef NOCLIB .globl @convert_int_to_string @convert_int_to_string: push a0 push a1 push a2 push d1 movl 16+4(sp),a0 movl 16+8(sp),d0 call int_to_string movl a0,d0 pop d1 pop a2 pop a1 pop a0 ret # endif int_to_string: test d0,d0 jns no_minus movb $45,(a0) inc a0 neg d0 no_minus: lea 12(a0),a2 je zero_digit #ifdef USE_DIV movl $10,d1 #endif calculate_digits: #ifndef USE_DIV cmp $10,d0 #else cmp d1,d0 #endif jb last_digit #ifndef USE_DIV movl $0xcccccccd,a1 movl d0,d1 mull a1 movl a1,d0 andl $-8,a1 add $48,d1 shrl $3,d0 subl a1,d1 shrl $2,a1 subl a1,d1 movb d1b,(a2) #else xorl a1,a1 div d1 add $48,a1 movb a1b,(a2) #endif inc a2 jmp calculate_digits last_digit: test d0,d0 je no_zero zero_digit: add $48,d0 movb d0b,(a2) inc a2 no_zero: lea 12(a0),a1 reverse_digits: movb -1(a2),d1b dec a2 movb d1b,(a0) inc a0 cmp a2,a1 jne reverse_digits movb $0,(a0) ret #else push d0 push $printf_int_string push $sprintf_buffer call @sprintf add $12,sp #endif return_sprintf_buffer: #ifdef USE_CLIB push $sprintf_buffer call @strlen add $4,sp #else mov $sprintf_buffer-1,d0 skip_characters: inc d0 cmpb $0,(d0) jne skip_characters sub $sprintf_buffer,d0 #endif #ifdef MY_ITOS sprintf_buffer_to_string: mov $sprintf_buffer,a0 build_string: #endif lea 3(d0),d1 shr $2,d1 add $2,d1 lea -32(a4,d1,4),a2 cmpl end_heap,a2 jb D_to_S_no_gc push a0 call collect_0l pop a0 D_to_S_no_gc: sub $2,d1 mov a4,a2 movl $__STRING__+2,(a4) mov d0,4(a4) add $8,a4 jmp D_to_S_cp_str_2 D_to_S_cp_str_1: mov (a0),d0 add $4,a0 mov d0,(a4) add $4,a4 D_to_S_cp_str_2: sub $1,d1 jnc D_to_S_cp_str_1 movl a2,a0 ret eqD: mov (a0),d0 cmp (a1),d0 jne eqD_false cmp $INT+2,d0 je eqD_INT cmp $CHAR+2,d0 je eqD_CHAR cmp $BOOL+2,d0 je eqD_BOOL cmp $REAL+2,d0 je eqD_REAL mov $1,d0 ret eqD_CHAR: eqD_INT: mov 4(a0),d1 xorl d0,d0 cmp 4(a1),d1 sete %al ret eqD_BOOL: movb 4(a0),d1b xorl d0,d0 cmpb 4(a1),d1b sete d0b ret eqD_REAL: fldl 4(a0) fcompl 4(a1) fnstsw %ax andb $68,%ah xorb $64,%ah sete %al andl $1,%eax ret eqD_false: xorl d0,d0 ret / / the timer / #if !defined (OS2) && !defined (_WINDOWS_) && !defined (ELF) init_timer: sub $88,sp push sp push $0 call @getrusage add $8,sp mov (sp),d0 mov 4(sp),d1 mov d0,last_time mov d1,last_time+4 xorl d0,d0 mov d0,execute_time mov d0,execute_time+4 mov d0,garbage_collect_time mov d0,garbage_collect_time+4 mov d0,IO_time mov d0,IO_time+4 add $88,sp ret get_time_diff: sub $88,sp push sp push $0 call @getrusage add $8,sp mov (sp),d0 mov 4(sp),d1 mov $last_time,a0 mov (a0),a1 mov d0,(a0) sub a1,d0 mov 4(a0),a1 mov d1,4(a0) sub a1,d1 jae get_time_diff_1 add $1000000,d1 dec d0 get_time_diff_1: add $88,sp ret add_execute_time: push d1 call get_time_diff mov $execute_time,a0 add_time: add (a0),d0 add 4(a0),d1 cmp $1000000,d1 jb add_execute_time_1 sub $1000000,d1 inc d0 add_execute_time_1: mov d0,(a0) mov d1,4(a0) pop d1 ret add_garbage_collect_time: push d1 call get_time_diff mov $garbage_collect_time,a0 jmp add_time add_IO_time: push d1 call get_time_diff mov $IO_time,a0 jmp add_time #else init_timer: #ifdef _WINDOWS_ call _GetTickCount?0 #else # ifdef ELF subl $20,sp push sp call times addl $4,sp movl (sp),d0 imul $10,d0 addl $20,sp # else subl $4,sp pushl $4 lea 4(sp),a0 pushl a0 pushl $14 pushl $14 call _DosQuerySysInfo addl $16,sp popl d0 # endif #endif mov d0,last_time xorl d0,d0 mov d0,execute_time mov d0,garbage_collect_time mov d0,IO_time #ifdef MEASURE_GC mov d0,mark_compact_garbage_collect_time mov d0,compact_garbage_collect_time #endif ret get_time_diff: #ifdef _WINDOWS_ call _GetTickCount?0 #else # ifdef ELF subl $20,sp push sp call times addl $4,sp movl (sp),d0 imul $10,d0 addl $20,sp # else subl $4,sp pushl $4 lea 4(sp),a0 pushl a0 pushl $14 pushl $14 call _DosQuerySysInfo addl $16,sp popl d0 # endif #endif mov $last_time,a0 mov (a0),a1 mov d0,(a0) sub a1,d0 ret add_execute_time: call get_time_diff mov $execute_time,a0 add_time: add (a0),d0 mov d0,(a0) ret add_garbage_collect_time: call get_time_diff mov $garbage_collect_time,a0 jmp add_time add_IO_time: call get_time_diff mov $IO_time,a0 jmp add_time # ifdef MEASURE_GC add_mark_compact_garbage_collect_time: call get_time_diff mov $mark_compact_garbage_collect_time,a0 jmp add_time add_compact_garbage_collect_time: call get_time_diff mov $compact_garbage_collect_time,a0 jmp add_time # endif #endif / / the garbage collector / collect_2l: #ifdef PROFILE pushl a2 movl $garbage_collector_name,a2 call profile_s popl a2 #endif mov a0,K6_0(a3) mov a1,4(a3) add $8,a3 call collect_0l_ mov -4(a3),a1 mov -8(a3),a0 sub $8,a3 #ifdef PROFILE jmp profile_r #else ret #endif collect_1l: #ifdef PROFILE pushl a2 movl $garbage_collector_name,a2 call profile_s popl a2 #endif mov a0,K6_0(a3) add $4,a3 call collect_0l_ mov -4(a3),a0 sub $4,a3 #ifdef PROFILE jmp profile_r #else ret #endif collect_2: #ifdef PROFILE movl $garbage_collector_name,a2 call profile_s #endif mov a0,K6_0(a3) mov a1,4(a3) add $8,a3 call collect_0_ mov -4(a3),a1 mov -8(a3),a0 sub $8,a3 #ifdef PROFILE jmp profile_r #else ret #endif collect_1: #ifdef PROFILE movl $garbage_collector_name,a2 call profile_s #endif mov a0,K6_0(a3) add $4,a3 call collect_0_ mov -4(a3),a0 sub $4,a3 #ifdef PROFILE jmp profile_r #else ret #endif #ifdef PROFILE collect_0: movl $garbage_collector_name,a2 call profile_s call collect_0_ jmp profile_r collect_0l: pushl a2 movl $garbage_collector_name,a2 call profile_s popl a2 call collect_0l_ jmp profile_r #endif #ifndef PROFILE collect_0: #endif collect_0_: movl a4,a2 #ifndef PROFILE collect_0l: #endif collect_0l_: push d0 push d1 add $32,a2 sub a4,a2 shr $2,a2 mov a2,n_allocated_words #ifdef MARK_AND_COPY_GC testb $64,@flags je no_mark3 #endif #ifdef MARK_GC movl bit_counter,a2 testl a2,a2 je no_scan xorl d1,d1 pushl a3 movl n_allocated_words,a3 movl bit_vector_p,a0 scan_bits: cmpl (a0),d1 je zero_bits movl d1,(a0) addl $4,a0 subl $1,a2 jne scan_bits jmp end_scan zero_bits: lea 4(a0),a1 addl $4,a0 subl $1,a2 jne skip_zero_bits_lp1 jmp end_bits skip_zero_bits_lp: testl d0,d0 jne end_zero_bits skip_zero_bits_lp1: movl (a0),d0 addl $4,a0 subl $1,a2 jne skip_zero_bits_lp testl d0,d0 je end_bits movl d1,-4(a0) movl a0,d0 subl a1,d0 jmp end_bits2 end_zero_bits: movl a0,d0 subl a1,d0 shll $3,d0 addl d0,n_free_words_after_mark movl d1,-4(a0) cmpl a3,d0 jb scan_bits found_free_memory: movl a2,bit_counter movl a0,bit_vector_p lea -4(a1),a2 subl heap_vector,a2 shll $5,a2 movl heap_p3,a4 addl a2,a4 lea (a4,d0,4),a2 movl a2,heap_end_after_gc subl $32,a2 movl a2,end_heap popl a3 popl d1 popl d0 ret end_bits: movl a0,d0 subl a1,d0 addl $4,d0 end_bits2: shll $3,d0 addl d0,n_free_words_after_mark cmpl a3,d0 jae found_free_memory end_scan: popl a3 movl a2,bit_counter no_scan: #endif #ifdef MARK_AND_COPY_GC no_mark3: #endif movsbl garbage_collect_flag,d0 test d0,d0 jle collect subl $2,d0 movb d0b,garbage_collect_flag movl extra_heap_size,d1 cmpl d1,a2 ja collect movl extra_heap,a4 lea (a4,d1,4),d1 movl d1,heap_end_after_gc subl $32,d1 movl d1,end_heap pop d1 pop d0 ret collect: call add_execute_time testl $4,@flags je no_print_stack_sizes push $garbage_collect_string_1 call @ew_print_string add $4,sp mov a3,d0 sub stack_p,d0 push d0 call @ew_print_int add $4,sp push $garbage_collect_string_2 call @ew_print_string add $4,sp mov halt_sp,d0 sub sp,d0 push d0 call @ew_print_int add $4,sp push $garbage_collect_string_3 call @ew_print_string add $4,sp no_print_stack_sizes: mov stack_p,d0 add @ab_stack_size,d0 cmp d0,a3 ja stack_overflow #ifdef MARK_AND_COPY_GC testb $64,@flags jne compacting_collector #else # ifdef MARK_GC jmp compacting_collector # endif #endif #if defined (MARK_AND_COPY_GC) || !defined (MARK_GC) cmpb $0,garbage_collect_flag jne compacting_collector mov heap_copied_vector,a2 cmpl $0,heap_end_after_copy_gc je zero_all movl a4,d0 subl heap_p1,d0 addl $63*4,d0 shr $8,d0 call zero_bit_vector movl heap_end_after_copy_gc,a1 subl heap_p1,a1 shr $6,a1 andl $-4,a1 movl heap_copied_vector,a2 movl heap_copied_vector_size,d0 addl a1,a2 subl a1,d0 shr $2,d0 movl $0,heap_end_after_copy_gc call zero_bit_vector jmp end_zero_bit_vector zero_all: mov heap_copied_vector_size,d0 shr $2,d0 call zero_bit_vector end_zero_bit_vector: #include "icopy.s" #ifdef WRITE_HEAP movl a3,heap2_begin_and_end #endif mov a3,a2 sub a4,a2 shr $2,a2 #ifdef MEASURE_GC addl a2,total_gc_bytes_lo jnc no_total_gc_bytes_carry1 incl total_gc_bytes_hi no_total_gc_bytes_carry1: #endif pop a3 call add_garbage_collect_time subl n_allocated_words,a2 jc switch_to_mark_scan lea (a2,a2,4),d0 shl $5,d0 movl @heap_size,d1 mov d1,a0 shl $2,d1 add a0,d1 add d1,d1 add a0,d1 cmp d1,d0 jnc no_mark_scan / jmp no_mark_scan switch_to_mark_scan: movl heap_size_33,d0 shl $5,d0 movl heap_p,d1 movl heap_p1,a0 cmpl heap_p2,a0 jc vector_at_begin vector_at_end: movl d1,heap_p3 add d0,d1 movl d1,heap_vector movl heap_p1,d0 movl d0,extra_heap subl d0,d1 shr $2,d1 movl d1,extra_heap_size jmp switch_to_mark_scan_2 vector_at_begin: movl d1,heap_vector addl @heap_size,d1 subl d0,d1 movl d1,heap_p3 movl d1,extra_heap movl heap_p2,a0 subl d1,a0 shr $2,a0 movl a0,extra_heap_size switch_to_mark_scan_2: movl @heap_size,d0 shr $3,d0 sub a2,d0 shl $2,d0 movb $1,garbage_collect_flag test a2,a2 jns end_garbage_collect movb $-1,garbage_collect_flag movl extra_heap_size,d1 movl d1,d0 subl n_allocated_words,d0 js out_of_memory_4 movl extra_heap,a4 shl $2,d1 addl a4,d1 movl d1,heap_end_after_gc #ifdef WRITE_HEAP movl a4,heap_end_write_heap #endif subl $32,d1 movl d1,end_heap #ifdef WRITE_HEAP movl $1,d3_flag_write_heap jmp end_garbage_collect_ #else jmp end_garbage_collect #endif no_mark_scan: / exchange the semi_spaces mov heap_p1,d0 mov heap_p2,d1 mov d0,heap_p2 mov d1,heap_p1 mov heap_size_129,d0 shl $6-2,d0 # ifdef MUNMAP mov heap_p2,d1 lea (d1,d0,4),a0 add $4095,d1 andl $-4096,d1 andl $-4096,a0 sub d1,a0 jbe no_pages push d0 push a0 push d1 call _munmap add $8,sp pop d0 no_pages: # endif # ifdef ADJUST_HEAP_SIZE movl d0,d1 # endif sub a2,d0 # ifdef ADJUST_HEAP_SIZE movl d0,a0 imull @heap_size_multiple shrd $9,a1,d0 shr $9,a1 jne no_small_heap1 cmpl $(MINIMUM_HEAP_SIZE_2),d0 jge not_too_small1 movl $(MINIMUM_HEAP_SIZE_2),d0 not_too_small1: subl d0,d1 jb no_small_heap1 shl $2,d1 movl heap_end_after_gc,a2 subl d1,end_heap movl a2,heap_end_after_copy_gc subl d1,a2 movl a2,heap_end_after_gc no_small_heap1: movl a0,d0 # endif shl $2,d0 #endif end_garbage_collect: #ifdef WRITE_HEAP movl a4,heap_end_write_heap movl $0,d3_flag_write_heap end_garbage_collect_: #endif pushl d0 testl $2,@flags je no_heap_use_message pushl d0 push $heap_use_after_gc_string_1 call @ew_print_string add $4,sp call @ew_print_int add $4,sp push $heap_use_after_gc_string_2 call @ew_print_string add $4,sp no_heap_use_message: #ifdef FINALIZERS call call_finalizers #endif popl d0 #ifdef WRITE_HEAP /* Check whether memory profiling is on or off */ testb $32,@flags je no_write_heap cmpl @min_write_heap_size,d0 jb no_write_heap pushl a0 pushl a1 pushl a2 pushl a3 pushl a4 subl $64,sp movl d3_flag_write_heap,d0 test d0,d0 jne copy_to_compact_with_alloc_in_extra_heap movsbl garbage_collect_flag,d0 movl heap2_begin_and_end,a0 movl heap2_begin_and_end+4,a1 movl $heap_p1,d1 testl d0,d0 je gc0 movl $heap_p2,d1 jg gc1 movl $heap_p3,d1 xor a0,a0 xor a1,a1 gc0: gc1: movl (d1),d1 /* fill record */ movl sp,d0 movl d1,0(d0) movl a4,4(d0) // klop dit? movl a0,8(d0) // heap2_begin movl a1,12(d0) // heap2_end movl stack_p,d1 movl d1,16(d0) // stack_begin movl a3,20(d0) // stack_end movl $0,24(d0) // text_begin movl $0,28(d0) // data_begin movl $small_integers,32(d0) // small_integers movl $static_characters,36(d0) // small_characters movl $INT+2,40(d0) // INT-descP movl $CHAR+2,44(d0) // CHAR-descP movl $REAL+2,48(d0) // REAL-descP movl $BOOL+2,52(d0) // BOOL-descP movl $__STRING__+2,56(d0) // STRING-descP movl $__ARRAY__+2,60(d0) // ARRAY-descP pushl d0 call @write_heap addl $68,sp popl a4 popl a3 popl a2 popl a1 popl a0 no_write_heap: #endif pop d1 pop d0 ret #ifdef FINALIZERS call_finalizers: movl free_finalizer_list,d0 call_finalizers_lp: cmpl $__Nil-8,d0 je end_call_finalizers pushl 4(d0) movl 8(d0),d1 pushl 4(d1) call *(d1) addl $4,sp pop d0 jmp call_finalizers_lp end_call_finalizers: movl $__Nil-8,free_finalizer_list ret #endif #ifdef WRITE_HEAP copy_to_compact_with_alloc_in_extra_heap: movl heap2_begin_and_end,a0 movl heap2_begin_and_end+4,a1 movl $heap_p2,d1 jmp gc1 #endif out_of_memory_4: call add_garbage_collect_time mov $out_of_memory_string_4,a2 jmp print_error zero_bit_vector: xorl a1,a1 testb $1,d0b je zero_bits1_1 mov a1,(a2) add $4,a2 zero_bits1_1: shr $1,d0 mov d0,d1 shr $1,d0 testb $1,d1b je zero_bits1_5 sub $8,a2 jmp zero_bits1_2 zero_bits1_4: mov a1,(a2) mov a1,4(a2) zero_bits1_2: mov a1,8(a2) mov a1,12(a2) add $16,a2 zero_bits1_5: sub $1,d0 jae zero_bits1_4 ret reorder: pushl a3 pushl a2 movl d0,a2 shl $2,a2 movl d1,a3 shl $2,a3 addl a3,a0 subl a2,a1 pushl a3 pushl a2 pushl d1 pushl d0 jmp st_reorder_lp reorder_lp: movl (a0),a2 movl -4(a1),a3 movl a2,-4(a1) subl $4,a1 movl a3,(a0) addl $4,a0 dec d0 jne next_b_in_element movl (sp),d0 addl 12(sp),a0 next_b_in_element: dec d1 jne next_a_in_element movl 4(sp),d1 subl 8(sp),a1 next_a_in_element: st_reorder_lp: cmpl a0,a1 ja reorder_lp popl d0 popl d1 addl $8,sp popl a2 popl a3 ret / / the sliding compacting garbage collector / compacting_collector: / zero all mark bits movl heap_p3,d0 negl d0 movl d0,neg_heap_p3 movl a3,stack_top movl heap_vector,a4 #ifdef MARK_GC # ifdef MARK_AND_COPY_GC testb $64,@flags je no_mark4 # endif cmpl $0,zero_bits_before_mark je no_zero_bits movl $0,zero_bits_before_mark # ifdef MARK_AND_COPY_GC no_mark4: # endif #endif movl a4,a2 movl heap_size_33,d0 addl $3,d0 shr $2,d0 xorl d1,d1 testb $1,d0b je zero_bits_1 movl d1,(a2) addl $4,a2 zero_bits_1: movl d0,a0 shr $2,d0 testb $2,a0b je zero_bits_5 subl $8,a2 jmp zero_bits_2 zero_bits_4: movl d1,(a2) movl d1,4(a2) zero_bits_2: movl d1,8(a2) movl d1,12(a2) addl $16,a2 zero_bits_5: subl $1,d0 jnc zero_bits_4 #ifdef MARK_GC # ifdef MARK_AND_COPY_GC testb $64,@flags je no_mark5 # endif no_zero_bits: movl n_last_heap_free_bytes,d0 movl n_free_words_after_mark,d1 #if 1 shrl $2,d0 #else shll $2,d1 #endif movl d1,a2 shll $3,a2 addl d1,a2 shrl $2,a2 cmpl a2,d0 jg compact_gc # ifdef ADJUST_HEAP_SIZE movl bit_vector_size,d1 shl $2,d1 subl d1,d0 negl d0 imull @heap_size_multiple shrd $7,a1,d0 shr $7,a1 jne no_smaller_heap cmpl d1,d0 jae no_smaller_heap cmpl $(MINIMUM_HEAP_SIZE),d1 jbe no_smaller_heap jmp compact_gc no_smaller_heap: # endif #include "imark.s" compact_gc: movl $1,zero_bits_before_mark movl $0,n_last_heap_free_bytes movl $1000,n_free_words_after_mark # ifdef MARK_AND_COPY_GC no_mark5: # endif #endif #include "icompact.s" movl stack_top,a3 movl heap_size_33,d1 shl $5,d1 addl heap_p3,d1 movl d1,heap_end_after_gc lea -32(d1),d0 movl d0,end_heap subl a4,d1 shr $2,d1 subl n_allocated_words,d1 jc out_of_memory_4 movl d1,d0 shl $2,d0 addl d1,d0 shl $3,d0 cmpl @heap_size,d0 jc out_of_memory_4 #if defined (MARK_GC) || defined (COMPACT_GC_ONLY) # if defined (MARK_GC) && defined (ADJUST_HEAP_SIZE) # ifdef MARK_AND_COPY_GC testb $64,@flags je no_mark_6 # endif movl neg_heap_p3,d0 addl a4,d0 movl n_allocated_words,d1 lea (d0,d1,4),d0 movl heap_size_33,d1 shl $5,d1 imull @heap_size_multiple shrd $8,a1,d0 shr $8,a1 jne no_small_heap2 andl $-4,d0 cmpl $(MINIMUM_HEAP_SIZE),d0 jae not_too_small2 movl $(MINIMUM_HEAP_SIZE),d0 not_too_small2: movl d1,a0 subl d0,a0 jb no_small_heap2 subl a0,heap_end_after_gc subl a0,end_heap movl d0,d1 no_small_heap2: shr $2,d1 movl d1,bit_vector_size # ifdef MARK_AND_COPY_GC no_mark_6: # endif # endif jmp no_copy_garbage_collection #else shl $2,d0 movl @heap_size,a0 shl $5,a0 subl @heap_size,a0 cmpl a0,d0 jle no_copy_garbage_collection movl heap_p,d0 movl d0,heap_p1 movl heap_size_129,d1 shl $6,d1 addl d1,d0 movl d0,heap_copied_vector movl d0,heap_end_after_gc lea -32(d0),d1 movl d1,end_heap movl heap_copied_vector_size,d1 addl d0,d1 movl d1,heap_p2 movl heap_p3,d0 cmpl heap_vector,d0 jle vector_at_end_2 movl heap_vector,d1 movl d1,extra_heap subl d1,d0 shr $2,d0 movl d0,extra_heap_size movb $2,garbage_collect_flag jmp no_copy_garbage_collection vector_at_end_2: movb $0,garbage_collect_flag #endif no_copy_garbage_collection: #ifdef MEASURE_GC call add_compact_garbage_collect_time movl a4,d0 subl heap_p3,d0 addl d0,total_compact_gc_bytes_lo jnc no_total_compact_gc_bytes_carry incl total_compact_gc_bytes_hi no_total_compact_gc_bytes_carry: #else call add_garbage_collect_time #endif movl a4,d0 subl heap_p3,d0 movl n_allocated_words,d1 lea (d0,d1,4),d0 jmp end_garbage_collect #ifdef _WINDOWS_ .globl _clean_exception_handler?4 _clean_exception_handler?4: movl 4(%esp),%eax movl (%eax),%eax cmpl $0xc00000fd,(%eax) // EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW je stack_overflow_exception cmpl $0x80000001,(%eax) // EXCEPTION_GUARD_PAGE je guard_page_or_access_violation_exception cmpl $0xc0000005,(%eax) // EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION je guard_page_or_access_violation_exception no_stack_overflow_exception: movl $0,%eax // EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH ret $4 guard_page_or_access_violation_exception: movl 0x18(%eax),%eax andl $-4096,%eax cmpl %eax,a_stack_guard_page jne no_stack_overflow_exception cmpl $0,a_stack_guard_page je no_stack_overflow_exception stack_overflow_exception: movl 4(%esp),%eax movl 4(%eax),%eax movl $stack_overflow,0xb8(%eax) movl $-1,%eax // EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_EXECUTION ret $4 #endif stack_overflow: call add_execute_time mov $stack_overflow_string,a2 jmp print_error @IO_error: addl $4,sp pushl $IO_error_string call @ew_print_string addl $4,sp call @ew_print_string addl $4,sp pushl $new_line_string call @ew_print_string addl $4,sp jmp halt print_error: push a2 call @ew_print_string add $4,sp halt: mov halt_sp,sp #ifdef PROFILE call write_profile_stack #endif #ifdef _WINDOWS_ # if 0 testb $8,@flags jne exit testb $16,@flags je exit call @wait_for_key_press # endif #endif #ifdef _WINDOWS_ movl $1,@execution_aborted cmpl $0,dll_initisialised je exit cmpl $0,@return_code jne return_code_set movl $-1,@return_code return_code_set: pushl @return_code call _ExitProcess?4 jmp return_code_set #else jmp exit #endif e__system__eaind: __eaind: eval_fill: mov a0,K6_0(a3) add $4,a3 mov a1,a0 call *(a1) mov a0,a1 mov -4(a3),a0 sub $4,a3 mov (a1),a2 mov a2,(a0) mov 4(a1),a2 mov a2,4(a0) mov 8(a1),a2 mov a2,8(a0) ret align (2) movl $e__system__eaind,d0 jmp *d0 .space 5 .long e__system__dind .long -2 e__system__nind: __indirection: mov 4(a0),a1 mov (a1),d0 testb $2,d0b #ifdef MARK_GC je eval_fill2 #else je __cycle__in__spine #endif mov d0,(a0) mov 4(a1),a2 mov a2,4(a0) mov 8(a1),a2 mov a2,8(a0) ret #ifdef MARK_GC eval_fill2: movl $__cycle__in__spine,(a0) movl a0,K6_0(a3) # ifdef MARK_AND_COPY_GC testb $64,@flags je __cycle__in__spine # endif addl $4,a3 movl a1,a0 call *d0 movl a0,a1 movl -4(a3),a0 subl $4,a3 mov (a1),a2 mov a2,(a0) mov 4(a1),a2 mov a2,4(a0) mov 8(a1),a2 mov a2,8(a0) ret #endif #ifdef PROFILE call profile_n movl d0,a2 #endif eval_upd_0: movl $__indirection,(a1) mov a0,4(a1) jmp *a2 #ifdef PROFILE call profile_n movl d0,a2 #endif eval_upd_1: movl $__indirection,(a1) mov 4(a1),d0 mov a0,4(a1) mov d0,a1 jmp *a2 #ifdef PROFILE call profile_n movl d0,a2 #endif eval_upd_2: movl $__indirection,(a1) mov 4(a1),d0 mov a0,4(a1) mov a0,K6_0(a3) add $4,a3 mov 8(a1),a0 mov d0,a1 jmp *a2 #ifdef PROFILE call profile_n movl d0,a2 #endif eval_upd_3: movl $__indirection,(a1) mov 4(a1),d0 mov a0,4(a1) mov a0,K6_0(a3) mov 12(a1),d1 mov d1,4(a3) add $8,a3 mov 8(a1),a0 mov d0,a1 jmp *a2 #ifdef PROFILE call profile_n movl d0,a2 #endif eval_upd_4: movl $__indirection,(a1) mov 4(a1),d0 mov a0,4(a1) mov a0,K6_0(a3) mov 16(a1),d1 mov d1,4(a3) mov 12(a1),d1 mov d1,8(a3) add $12,a3 mov 8(a1),a0 mov d0,a1 jmp *a2 #ifdef PROFILE call profile_n movl d0,a2 #endif eval_upd_5: movl $__indirection,(a1) mov 4(a1),d0 mov a0,K6_0(a3) mov a0,4(a1) mov 20(a1),d1 mov d1,4(a3) mov 16(a1),d1 mov d1,8(a3) mov 12(a1),d1 mov d1,12(a3) add $16,a3 mov 8(a1),a0 mov d0,a1 jmp *a2 #ifdef PROFILE call profile_n movl d0,a2 #endif eval_upd_6: movl $__indirection,(a1) mov 4(a1),d0 mov a0,K6_0(a3) mov a0,4(a1) mov 24(a1),d1 mov d1,4(a3) mov 20(a1),d1 mov d1,8(a3) mov 16(a1),d1 mov d1,12(a3) mov 12(a1),d1 mov d1,16(a3) add $20,a3 mov 8(a1),a0 mov d0,a1 jmp *a2 #ifdef PROFILE call profile_n movl d0,a2 #endif eval_upd_7: mov $0,d0 mov $20,d1 eval_upd_n: movl $__indirection,(a1) push 4(a1) mov a0,K6_0(a3) mov a0,4(a1) add d1,a1 mov 8(a1),d1 mov d1,4(a3) mov 4(a1),d1 mov d1,8(a3) mov (a1),d1 mov d1,12(a3) add $16,a3 eval_upd_n_lp: mov -4(a1),d1 sub $4,a1 mov d1,K6_0(a3) add $4,a3 sub $1,d0 jnc eval_upd_n_lp mov -4(a1),d1 mov d1,K6_0(a3) add $4,a3 mov -8(a1),a0 pop a1 jmp *a2 #ifdef PROFILE call profile_n movl d0,a2 #endif eval_upd_8: mov $1,d0 mov $24,d1 jmp eval_upd_n #ifdef PROFILE call profile_n movl d0,a2 #endif eval_upd_9: mov $2,d0 mov $28,d1 jmp eval_upd_n #ifdef PROFILE call profile_n movl d0,a2 #endif eval_upd_10: mov $3,d0 mov $32,d1 jmp eval_upd_n #ifdef PROFILE call profile_n movl d0,a2 #endif eval_upd_11: mov $4,d0 mov $36,d1 jmp eval_upd_n #ifdef PROFILE call profile_n movl d0,a2 #endif eval_upd_12: mov $5,d0 mov $40,d1 jmp eval_upd_n #ifdef PROFILE call profile_n movl d0,a2 #endif eval_upd_13: mov $6,d0 mov $44,d1 jmp eval_upd_n #ifdef PROFILE call profile_n movl d0,a2 #endif eval_upd_14: mov $7,d0 mov $48,d1 jmp eval_upd_n #ifdef PROFILE call profile_n movl d0,a2 #endif eval_upd_15: mov $8,d0 mov $52,d1 jmp eval_upd_n #ifdef PROFILE call profile_n movl d0,a2 #endif eval_upd_16: mov $9,d0 mov $56,d1 jmp eval_upd_n #ifdef PROFILE call profile_n movl d0,a2 #endif eval_upd_17: mov $10,d0 mov $60,d1 jmp eval_upd_n #ifdef PROFILE call profile_n movl d0,a2 #endif eval_upd_18: mov $11,d0 mov $64,d1 jmp eval_upd_n #ifdef PROFILE call profile_n movl d0,a2 #endif eval_upd_19: mov $12,d0 mov $68,d1 jmp eval_upd_n #ifdef PROFILE call profile_n movl d0,a2 #endif eval_upd_20: mov $13,d0 mov $72,d1 jmp eval_upd_n #ifdef PROFILE call profile_n movl d0,a2 #endif eval_upd_21: mov $14,d0 mov $76,d1 jmp eval_upd_n #ifdef PROFILE call profile_n movl d0,a2 #endif eval_upd_22: mov $15,d0 mov $80,d1 jmp eval_upd_n #ifdef PROFILE call profile_n movl d0,a2 #endif eval_upd_23: mov $16,d0 mov $84,d1 jmp eval_upd_n #ifdef PROFILE call profile_n movl d0,a2 #endif eval_upd_24: mov $17,d0 mov $88,d1 jmp eval_upd_n #ifdef PROFILE call profile_n movl d0,a2 #endif eval_upd_25: mov $18,d0 mov $92,d1 jmp eval_upd_n #ifdef PROFILE call profile_n movl d0,a2 #endif eval_upd_26: mov $19,d0 mov $96,d1 jmp eval_upd_n #ifdef PROFILE call profile_n movl d0,a2 #endif eval_upd_27: mov $20,d0 mov $100,d1 jmp eval_upd_n #ifdef PROFILE call profile_n movl d0,a2 #endif eval_upd_28: mov $21,d0 mov $104,d1 jmp eval_upd_n #ifdef PROFILE call profile_n movl d0,a2 #endif eval_upd_29: mov $22,d0 mov $108,d1 jmp eval_upd_n #ifdef PROFILE call profile_n movl d0,a2 #endif eval_upd_30: mov $23,d0 mov $112,d1 jmp eval_upd_n #ifdef PROFILE call profile_n movl d0,a2 #endif eval_upd_31: mov $24,d0 mov $116,d1 jmp eval_upd_n #ifdef PROFILE call profile_n movl d0,a2 #endif eval_upd_32: mov $25,d0 mov $120,d1 jmp eval_upd_n / / STRINGS / section (catAC) catAC: mov 4(a0),a2 add 4(a1),a2 add $8+3,a2 shr $2,a2 lea -32(a4,a2,4),a2 cmpl end_heap,a2 jae gc_3 gc_r_3: mov 4(a0),d0 mov 4(a1),d1 add $8,a0 add $8,a1 / fill_node push a4 movl $__STRING__+2,(a4) / store length mov d0,a2 add d1,a2 mov a2,4(a4) add $8,a4 / copy string 1 lea 3(d1),a2 shr $2,a2 add a4,d1 xchg a2,%ecx xchg a1,%esi cld rep movsl mov a1,%esi mov a2,%ecx mov d1,a4 / copy_string 2 cat_string_6: mov d0,a2 shr $2,a2 je cat_string_9 cat_string_7: mov (a0),d1 add $4,a0 mov d1,(a4) add $4,a4 dec a2 jne cat_string_7 cat_string_9: testb $2,d0b je cat_string_10 movw (a0),d1w add $2,a0 movw d1w,(a4) add $2,a4 cat_string_10: testb $1,d0b je cat_string_11 movb (a0),d1b movb d1b,(a4) inc a4 cat_string_11: pop a0 / align heap pointer add $3,a4 andl $-4,a4 ret gc_3: call collect_2l jmp gc_r_3 empty_string: movl $zero_length_string,a0 ret section (sliceAC) sliceAC: mov 4(a0),a2 test d1,d1 jns slice_string_1 xorl d1,d1 slice_string_1: cmp a2,d1 jge empty_string cmp d1,d0 jl empty_string inc d0 cmp a2,d0 jle slice_string_2 mov a2,d0 slice_string_2: sub d1,d0 lea 8+3(d0),a2 shr $2,a2 lea -32(a4,a2,4),a1 cmpl end_heap,a1 jae gc_4 r_gc_4: sub $2,a2 lea 8(a0,d1),a1 movl $__STRING__+2,(a4) mov d0,4(a4) / copy part of string mov a2,%ecx movl a4,a2 add $8,a4 xchg a1,%esi cld rep movsl mov a1,%esi mov a2,a0 ret gc_4: movl a1,a2 call collect_1l lea 8+3(d0),a2 shr $2,a2 jmp r_gc_4 section (updateAC) updateAC: mov 4(a0),a2 cmp a2,d1 jae update_string_error add $8+3,a2 shr $2,a2 lea -32(a4,a2,4),a2 cmpl end_heap,a2 jae gc_5 r_gc_5: mov 4(a0),a2 add $3,a2 shr $2,a2 mov a0,a1 push a4 movl $__STRING__+2,(a4) mov 4(a1),a0 add $8,a1 mov a0,4(a4) add $8,a4 add a4,d1 mov a2,%ecx xchg a1,%esi cld rep movsl mov a1,%esi movb d0b,(d1) pop a0 ret gc_5: call collect_1l jmp r_gc_5 update_string_error: movl $high_index_string,a2 test d0,d0 jns update_string_error_2 movl $low_index_string,a2 update_string_error_2: jmp print_error section (eqAC) eqAC: mov 4(a0),d0 cmp 4(a1),d0 jne equal_string_ne add $8,a0 add $8,a1 mov d0,d1 andl $3,d1 shr $2,d0 je equal_string_b equal_string_1: mov (a0),a2 cmp (a1),a2 jne equal_string_ne add $4,a0 add $4,a1 dec d0 jne equal_string_1 equal_string_b: testb $2,d1b je equal_string_2 movw (a0),d0w cmpw (a1),d0w jne equal_string_ne add $2,a0 add $2,a1 equal_string_2: testb $1,d1b je equal_string_eq movb (a0),d1b cmpb (a1),d1b jne equal_string_ne equal_string_eq: mov $1,d0 ret equal_string_ne: xorl d0,d0 ret section (cmpAC) cmpAC: mov 4(a0),d1 mov 4(a1),a2 add $8,a0 add $8,a1 cmp d1,a2 jb cmp_string_less ja cmp_string_more xorl d0,d0 jmp cmp_string_chars cmp_string_more: mov $1,d0 jmp cmp_string_chars cmp_string_less: mov $-1,d0 mov a2,d1 jmp cmp_string_chars cmp_string_1: mov (a1),a2 cmp (a0),a2 jne cmp_string_ne4 add $4,a1 add $4,a0 cmp_string_chars: sub $4,d1 jnc cmp_string_1 cmp_string_b: testb $2,d1b je cmp_string_2 movb (a1),%bh cmpb (a0),%bh jne cmp_string_ne movb 1(a1),%bh cmpb 1(a0),%bh jne cmp_string_ne add $2,a1 add $2,a0 cmp_string_2: testb $1,d1b je cmp_string_eq movb (a1),d1b cmpb (a0),d1b jne cmp_string_ne cmp_string_eq: ret cmp_string_ne4: movb (a1),d1b cmpb (a0),d1b jne cmp_string_ne movb 1(a1),d1b cmpb 1(a0),d1b jne cmp_string_ne movb 2(a1),d1b cmpb 2(a0),d1b jne cmp_string_ne movb 3(a1),d1b cmpb 3(a0),d1b cmp_string_ne: ja cmp_string_r1 mov $-1,d0 ret cmp_string_r1: mov $1,d0 ret section (string_to_string_node) string_to_string_node: movl (a0),d0 addl $4,a0 lea 3(d0),d1 shr $2,d1 lea -32+8(a4,d1,4),a2 cmpl end_heap,a2 jae string_to_string_node_gc string_to_string_node_r: movl $__STRING__+2,(a4) movl d0,4(a4) movl a4,a2 addl $8,a4 jmp string_to_string_node_4 string_to_string_node_2: movl (a0),d0 addl $4,a0 movl d0,(a4) addl $4,a4 string_to_string_node_4: subl $1,d1 jge string_to_string_node_2 movl a2,a0 ret string_to_string_node_gc: push a0 call collect_0l pop a0 jmp string_to_string_node_r align (2) .long 3 _c3: jmp __cycle__in__spine align (2) .long 4 _c4: jmp __cycle__in__spine align (2) .long 5 _c5: jmp __cycle__in__spine align (2) .long 6 _c6: jmp __cycle__in__spine align (2) .long 7 _c7: jmp __cycle__in__spine align (2) .long 8 _c8: jmp __cycle__in__spine align (2) .long 9 _c9: jmp __cycle__in__spine align (2) .long 10 _c10: jmp __cycle__in__spine align (2) .long 11 _c11: jmp __cycle__in__spine align (2) .long 12 _c12: jmp __cycle__in__spine align (2) .long 13 _c13: jmp __cycle__in__spine align (2) .long 14 _c14: jmp __cycle__in__spine align (2) .long 15 _c15: jmp __cycle__in__spine align (2) .long 16 _c16: jmp __cycle__in__spine align (2) .long 17 _c17: jmp __cycle__in__spine align (2) .long 18 _c18: jmp __cycle__in__spine align (2) .long 19 _c19: jmp __cycle__in__spine align (2) .long 20 _c20: jmp __cycle__in__spine align (2) .long 21 _c21: jmp __cycle__in__spine align (2) .long 22 _c22: jmp __cycle__in__spine align (2) .long 23 _c23: jmp __cycle__in__spine align (2) .long 24 _c24: jmp __cycle__in__spine align (2) .long 25 _c25: jmp __cycle__in__spine align (2) .long 26 _c26: jmp __cycle__in__spine align (2) .long 27 _c27: jmp __cycle__in__spine align (2) .long 28 _c28: jmp __cycle__in__spine align (2) .long 29 _c29: jmp __cycle__in__spine align (2) .long 30 _c30: jmp __cycle__in__spine align (2) .long 31 _c31: jmp __cycle__in__spine align (2) .long 32 _c32: jmp __cycle__in__spine / / ARRAYS / _create_arrayB: movl d0,d1 addl $3,d0 shr $2,d0 lea -32+12(a4,d0,4),a2 cmpl end_heap,a2 jb no_collect_4574 call collect_0l no_collect_4574: movl a4,a0 movl $__ARRAY__+2,(a4) movl d1,4(a4) movl $BOOL+2,8(a4) lea 12(a4,d0,4),a4 ret _create_arrayC: movl d0,d1 addl $3,d0 shr $2,d0 lea -32+8(a4,d0,4),a2 cmpl end_heap,a2 jb no_collect_4573 call collect_0l no_collect_4573: movl a4,a0 movl $__STRING__+2,(a4) movl d1,4(a4) lea 8(a4,d0,4),a4 ret _create_arrayI: lea -32+12(a4,d0,4),a2 cmpl end_heap,a2 jb no_collect_4572 call collect_0l no_collect_4572: movl a4,a0 movl $__ARRAY__+2,(a4) movl d0,4(a4) movl $INT+2,8(a4) lea 12(a4,d0,4),a4 ret _create_arrayR: lea -32+12+4(a4,d0,8),a2 cmpl end_heap,a2 jb no_collect_4580 call collect_0l no_collect_4580: orl $4,a4 movl a4,a0 movl $__ARRAY__+2,(a4) movl d0,4(a4) movl $REAL+2,8(a4) lea 12(a4,d0,8),a4 ret / vier(sp): number of elements, (sp): element descriptor / d0: element size, d1: element a size a0:a_element-> a0: array _create_r_array: movl 4(sp),a1 pushl d0 shl $2,a1 lea 12-32(a4),a2 _sub_size_lp: addl a1,a2 subl $1,d0 jne _sub_size_lp popl d0 cmpl end_heap,a2 jb no_collect_4586 call collect_1l no_collect_4586: movl a0,a2 pop a0 pop a1 / a1: number of elements, a0: element descriptor / d0: element size, d1: element a size a2:a_element movl $__ARRAY__+2,(a4) movl a1,4(a4) movl a0,8(a4) movl a4,a0 addl $12,a4 / a1: number of elements, a0: array / d0: element size, d1: element a size a2:a_element test d1,d1 je _create_r_array_0 subl $2,d1 jc _create_r_array_1 je _create_r_array_2 subl $2,d1 jc _create_r_array_3 je _create_r_array_4 jmp _create_r_array_5 _create_r_array_0: shl $2,a1 jmp _st_fillr0_array _fillr0_array: addl a1,a4 _st_fillr0_array: subl $1,d0 jnc _fillr0_array ret _create_r_array_1: shl $2,d0 jmp _st_fillr1_array _fillr1_array: movl a2,(a4) addl d0,a4 _st_fillr1_array: subl $1,a1 jnc _fillr1_array ret _create_r_array_2: shl $2,d0 jmp _st_fillr2_array _fillr2_array: movl a2,(a4) movl a2,4(a4) addl d0,a4 _st_fillr2_array: subl $1,a1 jnc _fillr2_array ret _create_r_array_3: shl $2,d0 jmp _st_fillr3_array _fillr3_array: movl a2,(a4) movl a2,4(a4) movl a2,8(a4) addl d0,a4 _st_fillr3_array: subl $1,a1 jnc _fillr3_array ret _create_r_array_4: shl $2,d0 jmp _st_fillr4_array _fillr4_array: movl a2,(a4) movl a2,4(a4) movl a2,8(a4) movl a2,12(a4) addl d0,a4 _st_fillr4_array: subl $1,a1 jnc _fillr4_array ret _create_r_array_5: push a0 movl d1,a0 subl $4,d0 subl d1,d0 subl $1,a0 shl $2,d0 jmp _st_fillr5_array _fillr5_array: movl a2,(a4) movl a2,4(a4) movl a2,8(a4) movl a2,12(a4) addl $16,a4 movl a0,d1 _copy_elem_5_lp: movl a2,(a4) addl $4,a4 subl $1,d1 jnc _copy_elem_5_lp addl d0,a4 _st_fillr5_array: subl $1,a1 jnc _fillr5_array pop a0 ret create_arrayB: movl d1,a1 addl $3,d1 shr $2,d1 lea -32+12(a4,d1,4),a2 cmpl end_heap,a2 jb no_collect_4575 pushl a1 call collect_0l popl a1 no_collect_4575: movl d0,a2 shl $8,a2 orl a2,d0 movl d0,a2 shl $16,a2 orl a2,d0 movl a4,a0 movl $__ARRAY__+2,(a4) movl a1,4(a4) movl $BOOL+2,8(a4) addl $12,a4 jmp create_arrayBCI create_arrayC: movl d1,a1 addl $3,d1 shr $2,d1 lea -32+8(a4,d1,4),a2 cmpl end_heap,a2 jb no_collect_4578 pushl a1 call collect_0l popl a1 no_collect_4578: movl d0,a2 shl $8,a2 orl a2,d0 movl d0,a2 shl $16,a2 orl a2,d0 movl a4,a0 movl $__STRING__+2,(a4) movl a1,4(a4) addl $8,a4 jmp create_arrayBCI create_arrayI: lea -32+12(a4,d1,4),a2 cmpl end_heap,a2 jb no_collect_4577 call collect_0l no_collect_4577: movl a4,a0 movl $__ARRAY__+2,(a4) movl d1,4(a4) lea 0(,d1,4),a1 movl $INT+2,8(a4) addl $12,a4 create_arrayBCI: mov d1,a1 shr $1,d1 testb $1,a1b je st_filli_array movl d0,(a4) addl $4,a4 jmp st_filli_array filli_array: movl d0,(a4) movl d0,4(a4) addl $8,a4 st_filli_array: subl $1,d1 jnc filli_array ret create_arrayR: fstl -8(sp) lea -32+12+4(a4,d0,8),a2 movl -8(sp),d1 movl -4(sp),a1 cmpl end_heap,a2 jb no_collect_4579 pushl a1 call collect_0l popl a1 no_collect_4579: orl $4,a4 movl a4,a0 movl $__ARRAY__+2,(a4) movl d0,4(a4) movl $REAL+2,8(a4) addl $12,a4 jmp st_fillr_array fillr_array: movl d1,(a4) movl a1,4(a4) addl $8,a4 st_fillr_array: subl $1,d0 jnc fillr_array ret create_array: lea -32+12(a4,d0,4),a2 cmpl end_heap,a2 jb no_collect_4576 call collect_1l no_collect_4576: movl a0,d1 movl a4,a0 movl $__ARRAY__+2,(a4) movl d0,4(a4) movl $0,8(a4) addl $12,a4 #if 0 popl a2 #endif jmp fillr1_array #if 0 / in 4(sp): number of elements, (sp): element descriptor / d0: element size, d1: element a size -> a0: array create_r_array: subl $2,d0 jc create_r_array_1 je create_r_array_2 subl $2,d0 jc create_r_array_3 je create_r_array_4 jmp create_r_array_5 create_r_array_1: pop a1 pop d0 / d0: number of elements, a1: element descriptor / d1: element a size lea -32+12(a4,d0,4),a2 cmpl end_heap,a2 jb no_collect_4581 pushl a1 call collect_0l popl a1 no_collect_4581: movl a4,a0 movl $__ARRAY__+2,(a4) movl d0,4(a4) movl a1,8(a4) addl $12,a4 popl a2 test d1,d1 je r_array_1_b movl -4(a3),d1 subl $4,a3 jmp fillr1_array r_array_1_b: popl d1 fillr1_array: movl d0,a1 shr $1,d0 testb $1,a1b je st_fillr1_array_1 movl d1,(a4) addl $4,a4 jmp st_fillr1_array_1 fillr1_array_lp: movl d1,(a4) movl d1,4(a4) addl $8,a4 st_fillr1_array_1: subl $1,d0 jnc fillr1_array_lp jmp *a2 create_r_array_2: pop a1 pop d0 / d0: number of elements, a1: element descriptor / d1: element a size lea -32+12(a4,d0,8),a2 cmpl end_heap,a2 jb no_collect_4582 pushl a1 call collect_0 popl a1 no_collect_4582: movl a4,a0 movl $__ARRAY__+2,(a4) movl d0,4(a4) movl a1,8(a4) addl $12,a4 popl a1 subl $1,d1 jc r_array_2_bb je r_array_2_ab r_array_2_aa: movl -4(a3),d1 movl -8(a3),a2 subl $8,a3 jmp st_fillr2_array r_array_2_ab: movl -4(a3),d1 popl a2 subl $4,a3 jmp st_fillr2_array r_array_2_bb: popl d1 popl a2 jmp st_fillr2_array fillr2_array_1: movl d1,(a4) movl a2,4(a4) addl $8,a4 st_fillr2_array: subl $1,d0 jnc fillr2_array_1 jmp *a1 create_r_array_3: pop a1 pop d0 / d0: number of elements, a1: element descriptor / d1: element a size lea -32+12(a4,d0,8),a2 lea (a2,d0,4),a2 cmpl end_heap,a2 jb no_collect_4583 pushl a1 call collect_0l popl a1 no_collect_4583: movl a4,a0 movl $__ARRAY__+2,(a4) movl d0,4(a4) movl a1,8(a4) addl $12,a4 popl a1 test d1,d1 je r_array_3 movl d1,a2 shl $2,a2 subl a2,a3 mov a3,a2 subl $1,d1 copy_a_to_b_lp3: pushl (a2) addl $4,a2 subl $1,d1 jnc copy_a_to_b_lp3 r_array_3: movl a0,K6_0(a3) popl d1 popl a0 popl a2 jmp st_fillr3_array fillr3_array_1: movl d1,(a4) movl a0,4(a4) movl a2,8(a4) addl $12,a4 st_fillr3_array: subl $1,d0 jnc fillr3_array_1 movl K6_0(a3),a0 jmp *a1 create_r_array_4: pop a1 pop d0 / d0: number of elements, a1: element descriptor / d1: element a size movl d0,a2 shl $4,a2 lea -32+12(a4,a2),a2 cmpl end_heap,a2 jb no_collect_4584 pushl a1 call collect_0l popl a1 no_collect_4584: movl a4,a0 movl $__ARRAY__+2,(a4) movl d0,4(a4) movl a1,8(a4) addl $12,a4 popl a1 test d1,d1 je r_array_4 movl d1,a2 shl $2,a2 subl a2,a3 movl a3,a2 subl $1,d1 copy_a_to_b_lp4: pushl (a2) addl $4,a2 subl $1,d1 jnc copy_a_to_b_lp4 r_array_4: popl d1 movl a0,K6_0(a3) movl a1,4(a3) popl a0 popl a1 popl a2 jmp st_fillr4_array fillr4_array: movl d1,(a4) movl a0,4(a4) movl a1,8(a4) movl a2,12(a4) addl $16,a4 st_fillr4_array: subl $1,d0 jnc fillr4_array movl 4(a3),a1 movl K6_0(a3),a0 jmp *a1 create_r_array_5: pop a1 pop a0 / a0: number of elements, a1: element descriptor / d0: element size-4, d1: element a size movl a0,a2 shl $4,a2 lea 12-32(a4,a2),a2 subl $1,d0 pushl d0 sub_size_lp: lea (a2,a0,4),a2 subl $1,d0 jnc sub_size_lp popl d0 cmpl end_heap,a2 jb no_collect_4585 pushl a1 pushl a0 call collect_0l popl a0 popl a1 no_collect_4585: movl $__ARRAY__+2,(a4) movl a0,4(a4) movl a1,8(a4) popl a1 test d1,d1 je r_array_5 movl d1,a2 shl $2,a2 subl a2,a3 movl a3,a2 subl $1,d1 copy_a_to_b_lp5: pushl (a2) addl $4,a2 subl $1,d1 jnc copy_a_to_b_lp5 r_array_5: movl a4,K6_0(a3) movl a1,4(a3) addl $12,a4 popl d1 popl a1 pushl a3 jmp st_fillr5_array fillr5_array_1: movl d1,(a4) movl a1,4(a4) lea 4(sp),a3 pushl d0 movl K6_0(a3),a2 movl a2,8(a4) movl 4(a3),a2 addl $8,a3 movl a2,12(a4) addl $16,a4 copy_elem_lp5: movl K6_0(a3),a2 addl $4,a3 movl a2,(a4) addl $4,a4 subl $1,d0 jnc copy_elem_lp5 popl d0 st_fillr5_array: subl $1,a0 jnc fillr5_array_1 popl a3 shl $2,d0 movl 4(a3),a1 addl d0,sp movl K6_0(a3),a0 addl $12,sp jmp *a1 #else / in 4(sp): number of elements, (sp): element descriptor / d0: element size, d1: element a size -> a0: array create_R_array: subl $2,d0 jc create_R_array_1 je create_R_array_2 subl $2,d0 jc create_R_array_3 je create_R_array_4 jmp create_R_array_5 create_R_array_1: pop a1 pop d0 / d0: number of elements, a1: element descriptor / d1: element a size lea -32+12(a4,d0,4),a2 cmpl end_heap,a2 jb no_collect_4581 pushl a1 call collect_0l popl a1 no_collect_4581: movl a4,a0 movl $__ARRAY__+2,(a4) movl d0,4(a4) movl a1,8(a4) addl $12,a4 test d1,d1 je r_array_1_b movl -4(a3),d1 jmp fillr1_array r_array_1_b: movl 4(sp),d1 fillr1_array: movl d0,a1 shr $1,d0 testb $1,a1b je st_fillr1_array_1 movl d1,(a4) addl $4,a4 jmp st_fillr1_array_1 fillr1_array_lp: movl d1,(a4) movl d1,4(a4) addl $8,a4 st_fillr1_array_1: subl $1,d0 jnc fillr1_array_lp ret create_R_array_2: pop a1 pop d0 / d0: number of elements, a1: element descriptor / d1: element a size lea -32+12(a4,d0,8),a2 cmpl end_heap,a2 jb no_collect_4582 pushl a1 call collect_0 popl a1 no_collect_4582: movl a4,a0 movl $__ARRAY__+2,(a4) movl d0,4(a4) movl a1,8(a4) addl $12,a4 subl $1,d1 jc r_array_2_bb je r_array_2_ab r_array_2_aa: movl -4(a3),d1 movl -8(a3),a2 jmp st_fillr2_array r_array_2_ab: movl -4(a3),d1 movl 4(sp),a2 jmp st_fillr2_array r_array_2_bb: movl 4(sp),d1 movl 8(sp),a2 jmp st_fillr2_array fillr2_array_1: movl d1,(a4) movl a2,4(a4) addl $8,a4 st_fillr2_array: subl $1,d0 jnc fillr2_array_1 ret create_R_array_3: pop a1 pop d0 / d0: number of elements, a1: element descriptor / d1: element a size lea -32+12(a4,d0,8),a2 lea (a2,d0,4),a2 cmpl end_heap,a2 jb no_collect_4583 pushl a1 call collect_0l popl a1 no_collect_4583: movl a4,a0 movl $__ARRAY__+2,(a4) movl d0,4(a4) movl a1,8(a4) addl $12,a4 popl a1 movl sp,4(a3) test d1,d1 je r_array_3 movl d1,a2 shl $2,a2 negl a2 addl a3,a2 subl $1,d1 copy_a_to_b_lp3: pushl (a2) addl $4,a2 subl $1,d1 jnc copy_a_to_b_lp3 r_array_3: movl a0,K6_0(a3) movl (sp),d1 movl 4(sp),a0 movl 8(sp),a2 movl 4(a3),sp jmp st_fillr3_array fillr3_array_1: movl d1,(a4) movl a0,4(a4) movl a2,8(a4) addl $12,a4 st_fillr3_array: subl $1,d0 jnc fillr3_array_1 movl K6_0(a3),a0 jmp *a1 create_R_array_4: pop a1 pop d0 / d0: number of elements, a1: element descriptor / d1: element a size movl d0,a2 shl $4,a2 lea -32+12(a4,a2),a2 cmpl end_heap,a2 jb no_collect_4584 pushl a1 call collect_0l popl a1 no_collect_4584: movl a4,a0 movl $__ARRAY__+2,(a4) movl d0,4(a4) movl a1,8(a4) addl $12,a4 popl a1 movl sp,8(a3) test d1,d1 je r_array_4 movl d1,a2 shl $2,a2 negl a2 addl a3,a2 subl $1,d1 copy_a_to_b_lp4: pushl (a2) addl $4,a2 subl $1,d1 jnc copy_a_to_b_lp4 r_array_4: movl (sp),d1 movl a0,K6_0(a3) movl a1,4(a3) movl 4(sp),a0 movl 8(sp),a1 movl 12(sp),a2 movl 8(a3),sp jmp st_fillr4_array fillr4_array: movl d1,(a4) movl a0,4(a4) movl a1,8(a4) movl a2,12(a4) addl $16,a4 st_fillr4_array: subl $1,d0 jnc fillr4_array movl 4(a3),a1 movl K6_0(a3),a0 jmp *a1 create_R_array_5: pop a1 pop a0 / a0: number of elements, a1: element descriptor / d0: element size-4, d1: element a size movl a0,a2 shl $4,a2 lea 12-32(a4,a2),a2 subl $1,d0 pushl d0 sub_size_lp: lea (a2,a0,4),a2 subl $1,d0 jnc sub_size_lp popl d0 cmpl end_heap,a2 jb no_collect_4585 pushl a1 pushl a0 call collect_0l popl a0 popl a1 no_collect_4585: movl $__ARRAY__+2,(a4) movl a0,4(a4) movl a1,8(a4) popl a1 movl sp,8(a3) test d1,d1 je r_array_5 movl d1,a2 shl $2,a2 negl a2 addl a3,a2 subl $1,d1 copy_a_to_b_lp5: pushl (a2) addl $4,a2 subl $1,d1 jnc copy_a_to_b_lp5 r_array_5: movl a4,K6_0(a3) movl a1,4(a3) addl $12,a4 movl (sp),d1 movl 4(sp),a1 pushl a3 jmp st_fillr5_array fillr5_array_1: movl d1,(a4) movl a1,4(a4) lea 12(sp),a3 pushl d0 movl K6_0(a3),a2 movl a2,8(a4) movl 4(a3),a2 addl $8,a3 movl a2,12(a4) addl $16,a4 copy_elem_lp5: movl K6_0(a3),a2 addl $4,a3 movl a2,(a4) addl $4,a4 subl $1,d0 jnc copy_elem_lp5 popl d0 st_fillr5_array: subl $1,a0 jnc fillr5_array_1 popl a3 movl 8(a3),sp movl 4(a3),a1 movl K6_0(a3),a0 jmp *a1 #endif yet_args_needed: / for more than 4 arguments mov (a1),d1 movzwl -2(d1),d0 add $3,d0 lea -32(a4,d0,4),a2 cmpl end_heap,a2 jae gc_1 gc_r_1: sub $3+1+4,d0 push d1 push a0 mov 4(a1),d1 mov 8(a1),a1 mov a4,a2 mov (a1),a0 mov a0,(a4) mov 4(a1),a0 mov a0,4(a4) mov 8(a1),a0 mov a0,8(a4) add $12,a1 add $12,a4 cp_a: mov (a1),a0 add $4,a1 mov a0,(a4) add $4,a4 subl $1,d0 jge cp_a pop a0 mov a0,(a4) pop d0 add $8,d0 mov d0,4(a4) lea 4(a4),a0 mov d1,8(a4) mov a2,12(a4) add $16,a4 ret gc_1: call collect_2l jmp gc_r_1 yet_args_needed_0: cmpl end_heap,a4 jae gc_20 gc_r_20: mov a0,4(a4) mov (a1),d0 mov a4,a0 add $8,d0 mov d0,(a4) add $8,a4 ret gc_20: call collect_2 jmp gc_r_20 yet_args_needed_1: cmpl end_heap,a4 jae gc_21 gc_r_21: mov a0,8(a4) mov (a1),d0 mov a4,a0 add $8,d0 mov d0,(a4) mov 4(a1),d1 mov d1,4(a4) add $12,a4 ret gc_21: call collect_2 jmp gc_r_21 yet_args_needed_2: cmpl end_heap,a4 jae gc_22 gc_r_22: mov (a1),d0 mov a0,4(a4) add $8,d0 mov 4(a1),a2 mov d0,8(a4) lea 8(a4),a0 mov a2,12(a4) mov 8(a1),a2 mov a2,(a4) mov a4,16(a4) add $20,a4 ret gc_22: call collect_2 jmp gc_r_22 yet_args_needed_3: cmpl end_heap,a4 jae gc_23 gc_r_23: mov (a1),d0 mov a0,8(a4) add $8,d0 mov 4(a1),a2 mov d0,12(a4) mov 8(a1),a1 mov a2,16(a4) mov (a1),a2 mov a4,20(a4) mov a2,(a4) mov 4(a1),a2 lea 12(a4),a0 mov a2,4(a4) add $24,a4 ret gc_23: call collect_2 jmp gc_r_23 yet_args_needed_4: cmpl end_heap,a4 jae gc_24 gc_r_24: mov (a1),d0 mov a0,12(a4) add $8,d0 mov 4(a1),a2 mov d0,16(a4) mov 8(a1),a1 mov a2,20(a4) mov (a1),a2 mov a4,24(a4) mov a2,(a4) mov 4(a1),a2 lea 16(a4),a0 mov a2,4(a4) mov 8(a1),a2 mov a2,8(a4) add $28,a4 ret gc_24: call collect_2 jmp gc_r_24 repl_args_b: test d0,d0 jle repl_args_b_1 dec d0 je repl_args_b_4 mov 8(a0),a1 sub $2,d1 jne repl_args_b_2 mov a1,K6_0(a3) add $4,a3 jmp repl_args_b_4 repl_args_b_2: lea (a1,d0,4),a1 repl_args_b_3: mov -4(a1),a2 sub $4,a1 mov a2,K6_0(a3) add $4,a3 dec d0 jne repl_args_b_3 repl_args_b_4: mov 4(a0),a2 mov a2,K6_0(a3) add $4,a3 repl_args_b_1: ret push_arg_b: cmp $2,d1 jb push_arg_b_1 jne push_arg_b_2 cmp d0,d1 je push_arg_b_1 push_arg_b_2: mov 8(a0),a0 sub $2,d1 push_arg_b_1: mov (a0,d1,4),a0 ret del_args: mov (a0),d1 sub d0,d1 movswl -2(d1),d0 sub $2,d0 jge del_args_2 mov d1,(a1) mov 4(a0),a2 mov a2,4(a1) mov 8(a0),a2 mov a2,8(a1) ret del_args_2: jne del_args_3 mov d1,(a1) mov 4(a0),a2 mov a2,4(a1) mov 8(a0),a2 mov (a2),a2 mov a2,8(a1) ret del_args_3: lea -32(a4,d0,4),a2 cmpl end_heap,a2 jae del_args_gc del_args_r_gc: mov d1,(a1) mov a4,8(a1) mov 4(a0),a2 mov 8(a0),a0 mov a2,4(a1) del_args_copy_args: mov (a0),a2 add $4,a0 mov a2,(a4) add $4,a4 sub $1,d0 jg del_args_copy_args ret del_args_gc: call collect_2l jmp del_args_r_gc #if 0 o__S_P2: mov (a0),d0 mov 8(a0),a0 cmpw $2,-2(d0) je o__S_P2_2 mov (a0),a0 o__S_P2_2: ret ea__S_P2: mov 4(a1),d0 movl $__indirection,(a1) mov a0,4(a1) mov d0,a1 mov (a1),d0 testb $2,d0 jne ea__S_P2_1 mov a0,K6_0(a3) add $4,a3 mov a1,a0 call *d0 mov a0,a1 mov -4(a3),a0 sub $4,a3 ea__S_P2_1: mov (a1),d0 mov 8(a1),a1 cmpw $2,-2(d0) je ea__S_P2_2 mov (a1),a1 ea__S_P2_2: mov (a1),d0 testb $2,d0 jne ea__S_P2_3 sub $20,d0 jmp *d0 ea__S_P2_3: mov d0,(a0) mov 4(a1),a2 mov a2,4(a0) mov 8(a1),a2 mov a2,8(a0) ret #endif #ifdef NOCLIB tan_real: fptan fstsw %ax testb $0x04,%ah fstp %st(0) jnz tan_real_1 ret tan_real_1: fldl NAN_real fstp %st(1) ret asin_real: fld %st(0) fmul %st(0) fsubrl one_real fsqrt fpatan ret acos_real: fld %st(0) fmul %st(0) fsubrl one_real fsqrt fxch %st(1) fpatan ret atan_real: fldl one_real fpatan ret ln_real: fldl2e fdivrl one_real fxch %st(1) fyl2x ret @c_log10: fldl 4(sp) log10_real: fldl2t fdivrl one_real fxch %st(1) fyl2x ret exp_real: fldl2e subl $16, sp fmulp %st(1) fstcw 8(sp) movw 8(sp),%ax andw $0xf3ff,%ax orw $0x0400,%ax movw %ax,10(sp) exp2_real_: fld %st fldcw 10(sp) frndint fldcw 8(sp) fsubr %st,%st(1) fxch %st(1) f2xm1 faddl one_real fscale addl $16,sp fstp %st(1) ret pow_real: sub $16,sp fstcw 8(sp) movw 8(sp),%ax andw $0xf3ff,%ax fxch %st(1) movw %ax,10(sp) fcoml zero_real fnstsw %ax sahf jz pow_zero jc pow_negative pow_real_: fyl2x jmp exp2_real_ pow_negative: fld %st(1) fldcw 10(sp) frndint fistl 12(sp) fldcw 8(sp) fsub %st(2),%st fcompl zero_real fstsw %ax sahf jnz pow_real_ fchs fyl2x fld %st fldcw 10(sp) frndint fldcw 8(sp) fsubr %st,%st(1) fxch %st(1) f2xm1 faddl one_real fscale testl $1,12(sp) fstp %st(1) jz exponent_even fchs exponent_even: add $16,sp ret pow_zero: fld %st(1) fcompl zero_real fnstsw %ax sahf jbe pow_real_ fldl zero_real fstp %st(1) add $16,sp ret entier_real: subl $4,sp fstcw (sp) movw (sp),%ax andw $0xf3ff,%ax orw $0x0400,%ax movw %ax,2(sp) fldcw 2(sp) frndint fldcw (sp) addl $4,sp r_to_i_real: fistl int_to_real_scratch movl int_to_real_scratch,d0 ret @c_pow: fldl 4(sp) fldl 12(sp) call pow_real fstp %st(1) ret @c_entier: fldl 4(sp) call entier_real fstp %st(0) ret #else section (tan_real) tan_real: sub $8,sp fstpl (sp) ffree %st(0) ffree %st(1) ffree %st(2) ffree %st(3) ffree %st(4) ffree %st(5) ffree %st(6) ffree %st(7) call @tan add $8,sp ret section (asin_real) asin_real: sub $8,sp fstpl (sp) ffree %st(0) ffree %st(1) ffree %st(2) ffree %st(3) ffree %st(4) ffree %st(5) ffree %st(6) ffree %st(7) call @asin add $8,sp ret section (acos_real) acos_real: sub $8,sp fstpl (sp) ffree %st(0) ffree %st(1) ffree %st(2) ffree %st(3) ffree %st(4) ffree %st(5) ffree %st(6) ffree %st(7) call @acos add $8,sp ret section (atan_real) atan_real: sub $8,sp fstpl (sp) ffree %st(0) ffree %st(1) ffree %st(2) ffree %st(3) ffree %st(4) ffree %st(5) ffree %st(6) ffree %st(7) call @atan add $8,sp ret section (ln_real) ln_real: sub $8,sp fstpl (sp) ffree %st(0) ffree %st(1) ffree %st(2) ffree %st(3) ffree %st(4) ffree %st(5) ffree %st(6) ffree %st(7) call @log add $8,sp ret section (log10_real) log10_real: sub $8,sp fstpl (sp) ffree %st(0) ffree %st(1) ffree %st(2) ffree %st(3) ffree %st(4) ffree %st(5) ffree %st(6) ffree %st(7) call @log10 add $8,sp ret section (exp_real) exp_real: sub $8,sp fstpl (sp) ffree %st(0) ffree %st(1) ffree %st(2) ffree %st(3) ffree %st(4) ffree %st(5) ffree %st(6) ffree %st(7) call @exp add $8,sp ret section (pow_real) pow_real: sub $16,sp fstpl 8(sp) fstpl (sp) ffree %st(0) ffree %st(1) ffree %st(2) ffree %st(3) ffree %st(4) ffree %st(5) ffree %st(6) ffree %st(7) call @pow add $16,sp ret section (entier_real) entier_real: sub $8,sp fstpl (sp) ffree %st(0) ffree %st(1) ffree %st(2) ffree %st(3) ffree %st(4) ffree %st(5) ffree %st(6) ffree %st(7) call @floor add $8,sp r_to_i_real: fistl int_to_real_scratch movl int_to_real_scratch,d0 ret #endif