path: root/wcon.c
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2013-12-20ignore clean runtime system options in argv, if flags & 8192John van Groningen1-83/+85
2012-12-21on 64 bit versions of WindowsJohn van Groningen1-7/+9
2007-01-16improve accuracy of printing very large and very small numbers on amd64John van Groningen1-12/+17
2007-01-16fix printing of some values just below a power of 10,John van Groningen1-11/+11
2006-06-07port to 64 bit windowsJohn van Groningen1-49/+318
2006-03-23detect redirection of stdio to or from a pipeJohn van Groningen1-2/+9
2005-01-04workaround bug in windows to print strings of more than about 50 thousand cha...John van Groningen1-0/+59
2005-01-04fix bug in writing strings to redirected stdoutJohn van Groningen1-1/+1
2004-11-16prevent name conflict for dtoa (renamed to d_to_a), changed inline assembly f...John van Groningen1-6/+8
2004-06-25fix freads and freadline if stdin is redirected, use buffered io if stdin orJohn van Groningen1-2/+73
2003-06-17renamed EXCEPTION_HANDLER to STACK_OVERFLOW_EXCEPTION_HANDLERJohn van Groningen1-4/+4
2003-05-20modify condition for waiting for a key pressJohn van Groningen1-5/+12
2003-05-20use virtual memory to detect stack overflowsJohn van Groningen1-0/+1413