path: root/thread/acompact.asm
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'thread/acompact.asm')
1 files changed, 1375 insertions, 1375 deletions
diff --git a/thread/acompact.asm b/thread/acompact.asm
index 202565c..00b00d1 100644
--- a/thread/acompact.asm
+++ b/thread/acompact.asm
@@ -1,1375 +1,1375 @@
-; mark used nodes and pointers in argument parts and link backward pointers
- mov rax,qword ptr heap_size_65_offset[r9]
- else
- mov rax,qword ptr heap_size_65
- endif
- shl rax,6
- mov qword ptr heap_size_64_65_offset[r9],rax
- else
- mov qword ptr heap_size_64_65,rax
- endif
- lea rax,(-16000)[rsp]
- mov qword ptr end_stack_offset[r9],rax
- else
- mov qword ptr end_stack,rax
- endif
- mov rax,qword ptr caf_list
- test qword ptr flags,4096
- jne pmarkr
- test rax,rax
- je end_mark_cafs
- push (-8)[rax]
- lea rsi,8[rax]
- mov rax,qword ptr [rax]
- lea rcx,[rsi+rax*8]
- mov qword ptr end_vector_offset[r9],rcx
- else
- mov qword ptr end_vector,rcx
- endif
- call rmark_stack_nodes
- pop rax
- test rax,rax
- jne mark_cafs_lp
- mov rsi,qword ptr stack_p_offset[r9]
- mov rcx,qword ptr stack_top_offset[r9]
- mov qword ptr end_vector_offset[r9],rcx
- else
- mov rsi,qword ptr stack_p
- mov rcx,qword ptr stack_top
- mov qword ptr end_vector,rcx
- endif
- call rmark_stack_nodes
- call add_mark_compact_garbage_collect_time
- jmp compact_heap
- test rax,rax
- je end_rmarkp_cafs
- push (-8)[rax]
- lea rsi,8[rax]
- mov rax,qword ptr [rax]
- lea rcx,[rsi+rax*8]
- mov qword ptr end_vector_offset[r9],rcx
- else
- mov qword ptr end_vector,rcx
- endif
- call rmarkp_stack_nodes
- pop rax
- test rax,rax
- jne rmarkp_cafs_lp
- mov rsi,qword ptr stack_p_offset[r9]
- mov rcx,qword ptr stack_top_offset[r9]
- mov qword ptr end_vector_offset[r9],rcx
- else
- mov rsi,qword ptr stack_p
- mov rcx,qword ptr stack_top
- mov qword ptr end_vector,rcx
- endif
- call rmarkp_stack_nodes
- call add_mark_compact_garbage_collect_time
- jmp compact_heap
- include acompact_rmark.asm
- include acompact_rmark_prefetch.asm
- include acompact_rmarkr.asm
-; compact the heap
- mov rcx,offset finalizer_list
- mov rdx,offset free_finalizer_list
- mov rbp,qword ptr [rcx]
- lea rax,__Nil-8
- cmp rbp,rax
- else
- lea r9,__Nil-8
- cmp rbp,r9
- endif
- je end_finalizers_after_compact1
- mov rax,qword ptr neg_heap_p3_offset[r9]
- else
- mov rax,qword ptr neg_heap_p3
- endif
- add rax,rbp
- mov rbx,rax
- and rax,31*9
- shr rbx,8
- mov esi,dword ptr (bit_set_table2)[rax]
- test esi,dword ptr [rdi+rbx*4]
- je finalizer_not_used_after_compact1
- mov rax,qword ptr [rbp]
- mov rsi,rbp
- jmp finalizer_find_descriptor
- and rax,-4
- mov rsi,rax
- mov rax,qword ptr [rax]
- test rax,1
- jne finalizer_find_descriptor_lp
- mov qword ptr [rsi],offset e____system__kFinalizerGCTemp+2
- cmp rbp,rcx
- ja finalizer_no_reverse
- mov rax,qword ptr [rbp]
- lea rsi,1[rcx]
- mov qword ptr [rbp],rsi
- mov qword ptr [rcx],rax
- lea rcx,8[rbp]
- mov rbp,qword ptr 8[rbp]
- jmp determine_free_finalizers_after_compact1
- mov qword ptr [rbp],offset e____system__kFinalizerGCTemp+2
- mov qword ptr [rdx],rbp
- lea rdx,8[rbp]
- mov rbp ,qword ptr 8[rbp]
- mov qword ptr [rcx],rbp
- jmp determine_free_finalizers_after_compact1
- mov qword ptr [rdx],rbp
- mov rcx,qword ptr finalizer_list
- lea rax,__Nil-8
- cmp rcx,rax
- else
- lea r9,__Nil-8
- cmp rcx,r9
- je finalizer_list_empty
- test rcx,3
- jne finalizer_list_already_reversed
- mov rax,qword ptr [rcx]
- mov qword ptr [rcx],offset finalizer_list+1
- mov qword ptr finalizer_list,rax
- mov rbp ,offset free_finalizer_list
- lea rax,__Nil-8
- cmp qword ptr [rbp],rax
- else
- lea r9,__Nil-8
- cmp qword ptr [rbp],r9
- endif
- je free_finalizer_list_empty
- mov qword ptr end_vector_offset[r9],offset free_finalizer_list+8
- else
- mov qword ptr end_vector,offset free_finalizer_list+8
- endif
- test qword ptr flags,4096
- je no_pmarkr
- call rmarkp_stack_nodes
- jmp free_finalizer_list_empty
- call rmark_stack_nodes
- mov rax,qword ptr heap_size_65_offset[r9]
- else
- mov rax,qword ptr heap_size_65
- endif
- mov rbx,rax
- shl rbx,6
- add rbx,qword ptr heap_p3_offset[r9]
- mov qword ptr end_heap_p3_offset[r9],rbx
- else
- add rbx,qword ptr heap_p3
- mov qword ptr end_heap_p3,rbx
- endif
- add rax,3
- shr rax,2
- mov r12,rax
- mov r8,qword ptr heap_vector_offset[r9]
- else
- mov r8,qword ptr heap_vector
- endif
- lea rbx,4[r8]
- neg rbx
- mov qword ptr neg_heap_vector_plus_4_offset[r9],rbx
- mov rdi,qword ptr heap_p3_offset[r9]
- else
- mov qword ptr neg_heap_vector_plus_4,rbx
- mov rdi,qword ptr heap_p3
- endif
- xor rsi,rsi
- jmp skip_zeros
-; %rax ,%rcx ,%rbp : free
- sub r12,1
- jc end_move
- mov esi,dword ptr [r8]
- add r8,4
- test rsi,rsi
- je skip_zeros
-; %rbp : free
- mov rbp,qword ptr neg_heap_vector_plus_4_offset[r9]
- else
- mov rbp,qword ptr neg_heap_vector_plus_4
- endif
- add rbp,r8
- shl rbp,6
- add rbp,qword ptr heap_p3_offset[r9]
- else
- add rbp,qword ptr heap_p3
- endif
- movzx rax,sil
- test rax,rax
- jne found_bit1
- movzx rcx,si
- shr rcx,8
- jne found_bit2
- mov rax,rsi
- and rax,0ff0000h
- jne found_bit3
- mov rcx,rsi
- shr rcx,24
- movzx rcx,byte ptr first_one_bit_table[rcx*1]
- add rcx,24
- jmp copy_nodes
- shr rax,16
- movzx rcx,byte ptr first_one_bit_table[rax*1]
- add rcx,16
- jmp copy_nodes
- movzx rcx,byte ptr first_one_bit_table[rcx*1]
- add rcx,8
- jmp copy_nodes
- movzx rcx,byte ptr first_one_bit_table[rax*1]
- mov rax,qword ptr [rbp+rcx*8]
- shr esi,1
- lea rbp,8[rbp+rcx*8]
- shr esi,cl
- mov rcx,rbp
- dec rax
- test rax,2
- je begin_update_list_2
- mov rbx,qword ptr (-18)[rax]
- sub rax,2
- test rbx,1
- je end_list_2
- and rbx,-4
- mov rbx,qword ptr [rbx]
- test rbx,1
- jne find_descriptor_2
- mov rdx,rbx
- movzx rbx,word ptr (-2)[rbx]
- cmp rbx,256
- jb no_record_arguments
- movzx rdx,word ptr (-2+2)[rdx]
- sub rdx,2
- jae copy_record_arguments_aa
- sub rbx,256+3
- push rbx
- mov rbx,qword ptr heap_vector_offset[r9]
- else
- mov rbx,qword ptr heap_vector
- endif
- mov rdx,rax
- add rax,qword ptr neg_heap_p3_offset[r9]
- else
- add rax,qword ptr neg_heap_p3
- endif
- push rcx
- mov rcx,rax
- shr rax,8
- and rcx,31*8
- mov ecx,dword ptr bit_set_table2[rcx*1]
- mov eax,dword ptr [rbx+rax*4]
- and rax,rcx
- pop rcx
- je copy_argument_part_1r
- mov rax,qword ptr [rdx]
- mov qword ptr [rdx],rdi
- sub rax,3
- jmp update_up_list_1r
- mov rax,qword ptr [rdx]
- mov qword ptr [rdx],rdi
- mov qword ptr [rdi],rax
- add rdi,8
- mov rax,qword ptr neg_heap_p3_offset[r9]
- else
- mov rax,qword ptr neg_heap_p3
- endif
- add rax,rcx
- shr rax,3
- mov rbx,rax
- and rbx,31
- cmp rbx,1
- jae bit_in_this_word
- dec r12
- mov esi,dword ptr [r8]
- add r8,4
- mov rbp,qword ptr neg_heap_vector_plus_4_offset[r9]
- else
- mov rbp,qword ptr neg_heap_vector_plus_4
- endif
- add rbp,r8
- shl rbp,6
- add rbp,qword ptr heap_p3_offset[r9]
- else
- add rbp,qword ptr heap_p3
- endif
- shr esi,1
- add rbp,8
- pop rbx
- mov rax,qword ptr [rcx]
- add rcx,8
- mov qword ptr [rdi],rax
- add rdi,8
- sub rbx,1
- jnc copy_b_record_argument_part_arguments
- test rsi,rsi
- jne bsf_and_copy_nodes
- jmp find_non_zero_long
- sub rbx,256+2
- sub rbx,rdx
- push rbx
- push rdx
- mov rdx,rax
- mov rax,qword ptr [rdx]
- mov rbx,3
- and rbx,rax
- sub rbx,3
- jne copy_argument_part_2r
- mov qword ptr [rdx],rdi
- sub rax,3
- jmp update_up_list_2r
- mov qword ptr [rdx],rdi
- cmp rax,rcx
- jb copy_record_argument_2
- cmp rax,qword ptr end_heap_p3_offset[r9]
- else
- cmp rax,qword ptr end_heap_p3
- endif
- jae copy_record_argument_2
- mov rdx,rax
- mov rax,qword ptr [rdx]
- lea rbx,1[rdi]
- mov qword ptr [rdx],rbx
- mov qword ptr [rdi],rax
- add rdi,8
- pop rbx
- sub rbx,1
- jc no_pointers_in_record
- mov rdx,qword ptr [rcx]
- add rcx,8
- cmp rdx,rcx
- jb copy_record_pointers_2
- cmp rdx,qword ptr end_heap_p3_offset[r9]
- else
- cmp rdx,qword ptr end_heap_p3
- endif
- jae copy_record_pointers_2
- mov rax,qword ptr [rdx]
- inc rdi
- mov qword ptr [rdx],rdi
- dec rdi
- mov rdx,rax
- mov qword ptr [rdi],rdx
- add rdi,8
- sub rbx,1
- jnc copy_record_pointers
- pop rbx
- sub rbx,1
- jc no_non_pointers_in_record
- mov rax,qword ptr [rcx]
- add rcx,8
- mov qword ptr [rdi],rax
- add rdi,8
- sub rbx,1
- jnc copy_non_pointers_in_record
- test rsi,rsi
- jne bsf_and_copy_nodes
- jmp find_non_zero_long
- sub rbx,3
- mov rdx,rax
- mov rax,qword ptr [rax]
- inc rax
- mov qword ptr [rdx],rdi
- test al,3
- jne copy_argument_part_2
- sub rax,4
- jmp update_up_list_2
- dec rax
- cmp rax,rcx
- jc copy_arguments_1
- cmp rax,qword ptr end_heap_p3_offset[r9]
- else
- cmp rax,qword ptr end_heap_p3
- endif
- jnc copy_arguments_1
- mov rdx,rax
- mov rax,qword ptr [rax]
- inc rdi
- mov qword ptr [rdx],rdi
- dec rdi
- mov qword ptr [rdi],rax
- add rdi,8
- mov rdx,qword ptr [rcx]
- add rcx,8
- cmp rdx,rcx
- jc copy_arguments_2
- cmp rdx,qword ptr end_heap_p3_offset[r9]
- else
- cmp rdx,qword ptr end_heap_p3
- endif
- jnc copy_arguments_2
- mov rax,qword ptr [rdx]
- inc rdi
- mov qword ptr [rdx],rdi
- dec rdi
- mov rdx,rax
- mov qword ptr [rdi],rdx
- add rdi,8
- sub rbx,1
- jnc copy_argument_part_arguments
- test rsi,rsi
- jne bsf_and_copy_nodes
- jmp find_non_zero_long
- dec rax
- mov qword ptr [rdx],rdi
- mov rdx,rax
- mov rax,qword ptr [rax]
- test rax,1
- jz end_update_list_2
- test rax,2
- jz update_list_2_
- lea rdx,(-3)[rax]
- mov rax,qword ptr (-3)[rax]
- jmp update_list__2
- mov qword ptr [rdx],rdi
- mov qword ptr [rdi],rax
- add rdi,8
- test al,2
- je move_lazy_node
- movzx rbx,word ptr (-2)[rax]
- test rbx,rbx
- je move_hnf_0
- cmp rbx,256
- jae move_record
- sub rbx,2
- jc move_hnf_1
- je move_hnf_2
- mov rdx,qword ptr [rcx]
- add rcx,8
- cmp rdx,rcx
- jc move_hnf_3_1
- cmp rdx,qword ptr end_heap_p3_offset[r9]
- else
- cmp rdx,qword ptr end_heap_p3
- endif
- jnc move_hnf_3_1
- lea rax,1[rdi]
- mov rbx,qword ptr [rdx]
- mov qword ptr [rdx],rax
- mov rdx,rbx
- mov qword ptr [rdi],rdx
- mov rdx,qword ptr [rcx]
- add rcx,8
- cmp rdx,rcx
- jc move_hnf_3_2
- cmp rdx,qword ptr end_heap_p3_offset[r9]
- else
- cmp rdx,qword ptr end_heap_p3
- endif
- jnc move_hnf_3_2
- lea rax,(8+2+1)[rdi]
- mov rbx,qword ptr [rdx]
- mov qword ptr [rdx],rax
- mov rdx,rbx
- mov qword ptr 8[rdi],rdx
- add rdi,16
- test rsi,rsi
- jne bsf_and_copy_nodes
- jmp find_non_zero_long
- mov rdx,qword ptr [rcx]
- add rcx,8
- cmp rdx,rcx
- jc move_hnf_2_1
- cmp rdx,qword ptr end_heap_p3_offset[r9]
- else
- cmp rdx,qword ptr end_heap_p3
- endif
- jnc move_hnf_2_1
- lea rax,1[rdi]
- mov rbx,qword ptr [rdx]
- mov qword ptr [rdx],rax
- mov rdx,rbx
- mov qword ptr [rdi],rdx
- mov rdx,qword ptr [rcx]
- add rcx,8
- cmp rdx,rcx
- jc move_hnf_2_2
- cmp rdx,qword ptr end_heap_p3_offset[r9]
- else
- cmp rdx,qword ptr end_heap_p3
- endif
- jnc move_hnf_2_2
- lea rax,(8+1)[rdi]
- mov rbx ,qword ptr [rdx]
- mov qword ptr [rdx],rax
- mov rdx,rbx
- mov qword ptr 8[rdi],rdx
- add rdi,16
- test rsi,rsi
- jne bsf_and_copy_nodes
- jmp find_non_zero_long
- mov rdx,qword ptr [rcx]
- add rcx,8
- cmp rdx,rcx
- jc move_hnf_1_
- cmp rdx,qword ptr end_heap_p3_offset[r9]
- else
- cmp rdx,qword ptr end_heap_p3
- endif
- jnc move_hnf_1_
- lea rax,1[rdi]
- mov rbx,qword ptr [rdx]
- mov qword ptr [rdx],rax
- mov rdx,rbx
- mov qword ptr [rdi],rdx
- add rdi,8
- test rsi,rsi
- jne bsf_and_copy_nodes
- jmp find_non_zero_long
- sub rbx,258
- jb move_record_1
- je move_record_2
- movzx rbx,word ptr (-2+2)[rax]
- sub rbx,1
- ja move_hnf_3
- mov rdx,qword ptr [rcx]
- lea rcx,8[rcx]
- jb move_record_3_1b
- cmp rdx,rcx
- jb move_record_3_1b
- cmp rdx,qword ptr end_heap_p3_offset[r9]
- else
- cmp rdx,qword ptr end_heap_p3
- endif
- jae move_record_3_1b
- lea rax,1[rdi]
- mov rbx,qword ptr [rdx]
- mov qword ptr [rdx],rax
- mov rdx,rbx
- mov qword ptr [rdi],rdx
- add rdi,8
- mov rdx,qword ptr [rcx]
- add rcx,8
- cmp rdx,rcx
- jb move_record_3_2
- cmp rdx,qword ptr end_heap_p3_offset[r9]
- else
- cmp rdx,qword ptr end_heap_p3
- endif
- jae move_record_3_2
- mov rax,qword ptr neg_heap_p3_offset[r9]
- else
- mov rax,qword ptr neg_heap_p3
- endif
- push rbp
- add rax,rdx
- mov rbx,qword ptr heap_vector_offset[r9]
- else
- mov rbx,qword ptr heap_vector
- endif
- add rax,8
- mov rbp,rax
- and rbp,31*8
- shr rax,8
- mov ebp,dword ptr bit_set_table2[rbp]
- test ebp,dword ptr [rbx+rax*4]
- je not_linked_record_argument_part_3_b
- mov rax,qword ptr neg_heap_p3_offset[r9]
- else
- mov rax,qword ptr neg_heap_p3
- endif
- add rax,rdi
- mov rbp,rax
- and rbp,31*8
- shr rax,8
- mov ebp,dword ptr bit_set_table2[rbp]
- or dword ptr [rbx+rax*4],ebp
- pop rbp
- jmp linked_record_argument_part_3_b
- or dword ptr [rbx+rax*4],ebp
- mov rax,qword ptr neg_heap_p3_offset[r9]
- else
- mov rax,qword ptr neg_heap_p3
- endif
- add rax,rdi
- mov rbp,rax
- and rbp,31*8
- shr rax,8
- mov ebp,dword ptr bit_clear_table2[rbp]
- and dword ptr [rbx+rax*4],ebp
- pop rbp
- mov rbx,qword ptr [rdx]
- lea rax,(2+1)[rdi]
- mov qword ptr [rdx],rax
- mov rdx,rbx
- mov qword ptr [rdi],rdx
- add rdi,8
- mov rbx,qword ptr neg_heap_p3_offset[r9]
- else
- mov rbx,qword ptr neg_heap_p3
- endif
- add rbx,rcx
- shr rbx,3
- dec rbx
- and rbx,31
- cmp rbx,2
- jb bit_in_next_word
- shr esi,2
- add rbp,16
- test rsi,rsi
- jne bsf_and_copy_nodes
- jmp find_non_zero_long
- dec r12
- mov esi,dword ptr [r8]
- add r8,4
- and esi,dword ptr bit_clear_table[rbx*4]
- test rsi,rsi
- je skip_zeros
- jmp end_skip_zeros
- cmp word ptr (-2+2)[rax],1
- ja move_hnf_2
- jb move_record_2bb
- mov rdx,qword ptr [rcx]
- add rcx,8
- cmp rdx,rcx
- jb move_record_2_1
- cmp rdx,qword ptr end_heap_p3_offset[r9]
- else
- cmp rdx,qword ptr end_heap_p3
- endif
- jae move_record_2_1
- lea rax,1[rdi]
- mov rbx ,qword ptr [rdx]
- mov qword ptr [rdx],rax
- mov rdx,rbx
- mov qword ptr [rdi],rdx
- mov rbx,qword ptr [rcx]
- add rcx,8
- mov qword ptr 8[rdi],rbx
- add rdi,16
- test rsi,rsi
- jne bsf_and_copy_nodes
- jmp find_non_zero_long
- movzx rbx,word ptr (-2+2)[rax]
- test rbx,rbx
- jne move_hnf_1
- jmp move_real_int_bool_or_char
- mov rax,qword ptr [rcx]
- add rcx,8
- mov qword ptr [rdi],rax
- add rdi,8
- mov rax,qword ptr [rcx]
- add rcx,8
- mov qword ptr [rdi],rax
- add rdi,8
- test rsi,rsi
- jne bsf_and_copy_nodes
- jmp find_non_zero_long
- lea rbx,__STRING__+2
- cmp rax,rbx
- else
- lea r9,__STRING__+2
- cmp rax,r9
- endif
- jbe move_string_or_array
- cmp rax,offset CHAR+2
- jbe move_real_int_bool_or_char
- test rsi,rsi
- jne bsf_and_copy_nodes
- jmp find_non_zero_long
- jne move_array
- mov rax,qword ptr [rcx]
- add rax,7
- shr rax,3
- mov rbx,qword ptr [rcx]
- add rcx,8
- mov qword ptr [rdi],rbx
- add rdi,8
- sub rax,1
- jnc cp_s_arg_lp3
- test rsi,rsi
- jne bsf_and_copy_nodes
- jmp find_non_zero_long
- test rsi,rsi
- push rcx
- jne bsf_and_end_array_bit
- sub r12,1
- mov esi,dword ptr [r8]
- add r8,4
- test rsi,rsi
- je skip_zeros_a
- mov rbp,qword ptr neg_heap_vector_plus_4_offset[r9]
- else
- mov rbp,qword ptr neg_heap_vector_plus_4
- endif
- add rbp,r8
- shl rbp,6
- add rbp,qword ptr heap_p3_offset[r9]
- else
- add rbp,qword ptr heap_p3
- endif
- mov rax,rsi
- mov rdx,rsi
- and rax,0ffh
- jne a_found_bit1
- and rdx,0ff00h
- jne a_found_bit2
- mov rax,rsi
- mov rdx,rsi
- and rax,0ff0000h
- jne a_found_bit3
- shr rdx,24
- movzx rcx,byte ptr first_one_bit_table[rdx*1]
- add rcx,24
- jmp end_array_bit
- shr rax,16
- movzx rcx,byte ptr first_one_bit_table[rax*1]
- add rcx,16
- jmp end_array_bit
- shr rdx,8
- movzx rcx,byte ptr first_one_bit_table[rdx*1]
- add rcx,8
- jmp end_array_bit
- movzx rcx,byte ptr first_one_bit_table[rax*1]
- lea rbx,[rbp+rcx*8]
- shr esi,1
- lea rbp,8[rbp+rcx*8]
- shr esi,cl
- pop rcx
- cmp rcx,rbx
- jne move_a_array
- mov rdx,qword ptr [rcx]
- mov qword ptr [rdi],rdx
- mov rbx,qword ptr 8[rcx]
- add rcx,8
- movzx rax,word ptr (-2)[rbx]
- add rdi,8
- test rax,rax
- je move_strict_basic_array
- sub rax,256
- imul rdx,rax
- mov rax,rdx
- jmp cp_s_arg_lp3
- mov rax,rdx
- cmp rbx,offset dINT+2
- jle cp_s_arg_lp3
- cmp rbx,offset BOOL+2
- je move_bool_array
- add rax,1
- shr rax,1
- jmp cp_s_arg_lp3
- add rax,7
- shr rax,3
- jmp cp_s_arg_lp3
- mov rdx,rbx
- sub rbx,rcx
- shr rbx,3
- push rsi
- sub rbx,1
- jb end_array
- mov rsi,qword ptr [rcx]
- mov rax,qword ptr (-8)[rdx]
- mov qword ptr (-8)[rdx],rsi
- mov qword ptr [rdi],rax
- mov rax,qword ptr [rdx]
- mov rsi,qword ptr 8[rcx]
- add rcx,16
- mov qword ptr [rdx],rsi
- mov qword ptr 8[rdi],rax
- add rdi,16
- test rax,rax
- je st_move_array_lp
- movzx rsi,word ptr (-2+2)[rax]
- movzx rax,word ptr (-2)[rax]
- sub rax,256
- cmp rax,rsi
- je st_move_array_lp
- push rcx
- mov rdx,qword ptr (-16)[rdi]
- mov rbx,rsi
- imul rdx,rax
- shl rdx,3
- sub rax,rbx
- add rdx,rcx
- call reorder
- pop rcx
- sub rbx,1
- sub rax,1
- push rbx
- push rax
- push (-16)[rdi]
- jmp st_move_array_lp_ab
- mov rax,qword ptr 16[rsp]
- mov rbx,qword ptr [rcx]
- add rcx,8
- cmp rbx,rcx
- jb move_array_element_ab
- cmp rbx,qword ptr end_heap_p3_offset[r9]
- else
- cmp rbx,qword ptr end_heap_p3
- endif
- jnc move_array_element_ab
- mov rdx,rbx
- mov rbx,qword ptr [rdx]
- inc rdi
- mov qword ptr [rdx],rdi
- dec rdi
- mov qword ptr [rdi],rbx
- add rdi,8
- sub rax,1
- jnc move_array_ab_a_elements
- mov rax,qword ptr 8[rsp]
- mov rbx,qword ptr [rcx]
- add rcx,8
- mov qword ptr [rdi],rbx
- add rdi,8
- sub rax,1
- jnc move_array_ab_b_elements
- sub qword ptr [rsp],1
- jnc move_array_ab_lp1
- add rsp,24
- jmp end_array
- mov rax,qword ptr [rcx]
- add rcx,8
- add rdi,8
- cmp rax,rcx
- jb move_array_element
- cmp rax,qword ptr end_heap_p3_offset[r9]
- else
- cmp rax,qword ptr end_heap_p3
- endif
- jnc move_array_element
- mov rsi,qword ptr [rax]
- mov rdx,rax
- mov qword ptr (-8)[rdi],rsi
- lea rax,(-8+1)[rdi]
- mov qword ptr [rdx],rax
- sub rbx,1
- jnc move_array_lp1
- jmp end_array
- mov qword ptr (-8)[rdi],rax
- sub rbx,1
- jnc move_array_lp1
- pop rsi
- test rsi,rsi
- jne bsf_and_copy_nodes
- jmp find_non_zero_long
- mov rdx,rax
- movsxd rbx,dword ptr (-4)[rdx]
- test rbx,rbx
- je move_lazy_node_0
- sub rbx,1
- jle move_lazy_node_1
- cmp rbx,256
- jge move_closure_with_unboxed_arguments
- mov rdx,qword ptr [rcx]
- add rcx,8
- cmp rdx,rcx
- jc move_lazy_node_arguments_
- cmp rdx,qword ptr end_heap_p3_offset[r9]
- else
- cmp rdx,qword ptr end_heap_p3
- endif
- jnc move_lazy_node_arguments_
- mov rax,qword ptr [rdx]
- mov qword ptr [rdi],rax
- lea rax,1[rdi]
- add rdi,8
- mov qword ptr [rdx],rax
- sub rbx,1
- jnc move_lazy_node_arguments
- test rsi,rsi
- jne bsf_and_copy_nodes
- jmp find_non_zero_long
- mov qword ptr [rdi],rdx
- add rdi,8
- sub rbx,1
- jnc move_lazy_node_arguments
- test rsi,rsi
- jne bsf_and_copy_nodes
- jmp find_non_zero_long
- mov rdx,qword ptr [rcx]
- add rcx,8
- cmp rdx,rcx
- jc move_lazy_node_1_
- cmp rdx,qword ptr end_heap_p3_offset[r9]
- else
- cmp rdx,qword ptr end_heap_p3
- endif
- jnc move_lazy_node_1_
- lea rax,1[rdi]
- mov rbx,qword ptr [rdx]
- mov qword ptr [rdx],rax
- mov rdx,rbx
- mov qword ptr [rdi],rdx
- add rdi,16
- test rsi,rsi
- jne bsf_and_copy_nodes
- jmp find_non_zero_long
- add rdi,16
- test rsi,rsi
- jne bsf_and_copy_nodes
- jmp find_non_zero_long
- je move_closure_with_unboxed_arguments_1
- add rbx,1
- mov rax,rbx
- and rbx,255
- shr rax,8
- sub rbx,rax
- je move_non_pointers_of_closure
- push rax
- mov rdx,qword ptr [rcx]
- add rcx,8
- cmp rdx,rcx
- jc move_closure_with_unboxed_arguments_
- cmp rdx,qword ptr end_heap_p3_offset[r9]
- else
- cmp rdx,qword ptr end_heap_p3
- endif
- jnc move_closure_with_unboxed_arguments_
- mov rax,qword ptr [rdx]
- mov qword ptr [rdi],rax
- lea rax,1[rdi]
- add rdi,8
- mov qword ptr [rdx],rax
- sub rbx,1
- jne move_closure_with_unboxed_arguments_lp
- pop rax
- jmp move_non_pointers_of_closure
- mov qword ptr [rdi],rdx
- add rdi,8
- sub rbx,1
- jne move_closure_with_unboxed_arguments_lp
- pop rax
- mov rbx,qword ptr [rcx]
- add rcx,8
- mov qword ptr [rdi],rbx
- add rdi,8
- sub rax,1
- jne move_non_pointers_of_closure
- test rsi,rsi
- jne bsf_and_copy_nodes
- jmp find_non_zero_long
- mov rax,qword ptr [rcx]
- mov qword ptr [rdi],rax
- add rdi,16
- test rsi,rsi
- jne bsf_and_copy_nodes
- jmp find_non_zero_long
- mov rcx,qword ptr finalizer_list
- lea rbx,__Nil-8
- cmp rcx,rbx
- else
- lea r9,__Nil-8
- cmp rcx,r9
- endif
- je end_restore_finalizer_descriptors
- mov qword ptr [rcx],offset e____system__kFinalizer+2
- mov rcx,qword ptr 8[rcx]
- jmp restore_finalizer_descriptors
+; mark used nodes and pointers in argument parts and link backward pointers
+ mov rax,qword ptr heap_size_65_offset[r9]
+ else
+ mov rax,qword ptr heap_size_65
+ endif
+ shl rax,6
+ mov qword ptr heap_size_64_65_offset[r9],rax
+ else
+ mov qword ptr heap_size_64_65,rax
+ endif
+ lea rax,(-16000)[rsp]
+ mov qword ptr end_stack_offset[r9],rax
+ else
+ mov qword ptr end_stack,rax
+ endif
+ mov rax,qword ptr caf_list
+ test qword ptr flags,4096
+ jne pmarkr
+ test rax,rax
+ je end_mark_cafs
+ push (-8)[rax]
+ lea rsi,8[rax]
+ mov rax,qword ptr [rax]
+ lea rcx,[rsi+rax*8]
+ mov qword ptr end_vector_offset[r9],rcx
+ else
+ mov qword ptr end_vector,rcx
+ endif
+ call rmark_stack_nodes
+ pop rax
+ test rax,rax
+ jne mark_cafs_lp
+ mov rsi,qword ptr stack_p_offset[r9]
+ mov rcx,qword ptr stack_top_offset[r9]
+ mov qword ptr end_vector_offset[r9],rcx
+ else
+ mov rsi,qword ptr stack_p
+ mov rcx,qword ptr stack_top
+ mov qword ptr end_vector,rcx
+ endif
+ call rmark_stack_nodes
+ call add_mark_compact_garbage_collect_time
+ jmp compact_heap
+ test rax,rax
+ je end_rmarkp_cafs
+ push (-8)[rax]
+ lea rsi,8[rax]
+ mov rax,qword ptr [rax]
+ lea rcx,[rsi+rax*8]
+ mov qword ptr end_vector_offset[r9],rcx
+ else
+ mov qword ptr end_vector,rcx
+ endif
+ call rmarkp_stack_nodes
+ pop rax
+ test rax,rax
+ jne rmarkp_cafs_lp
+ mov rsi,qword ptr stack_p_offset[r9]
+ mov rcx,qword ptr stack_top_offset[r9]
+ mov qword ptr end_vector_offset[r9],rcx
+ else
+ mov rsi,qword ptr stack_p
+ mov rcx,qword ptr stack_top
+ mov qword ptr end_vector,rcx
+ endif
+ call rmarkp_stack_nodes
+ call add_mark_compact_garbage_collect_time
+ jmp compact_heap
+ include acompact_rmark.asm
+ include acompact_rmark_prefetch.asm
+ include acompact_rmarkr.asm
+; compact the heap
+ mov rcx,offset finalizer_list
+ mov rdx,offset free_finalizer_list
+ mov rbp,qword ptr [rcx]
+ lea rax,__Nil-8
+ cmp rbp,rax
+ else
+ lea r9,__Nil-8
+ cmp rbp,r9
+ endif
+ je end_finalizers_after_compact1
+ mov rax,qword ptr neg_heap_p3_offset[r9]
+ else
+ mov rax,qword ptr neg_heap_p3
+ endif
+ add rax,rbp
+ mov rbx,rax
+ and rax,31*9
+ shr rbx,8
+ mov esi,dword ptr (bit_set_table2)[rax]
+ test esi,dword ptr [rdi+rbx*4]
+ je finalizer_not_used_after_compact1
+ mov rax,qword ptr [rbp]
+ mov rsi,rbp
+ jmp finalizer_find_descriptor
+ and rax,-4
+ mov rsi,rax
+ mov rax,qword ptr [rax]
+ test rax,1
+ jne finalizer_find_descriptor_lp
+ mov qword ptr [rsi],offset e____system__kFinalizerGCTemp+2
+ cmp rbp,rcx
+ ja finalizer_no_reverse
+ mov rax,qword ptr [rbp]
+ lea rsi,1[rcx]
+ mov qword ptr [rbp],rsi
+ mov qword ptr [rcx],rax
+ lea rcx,8[rbp]
+ mov rbp,qword ptr 8[rbp]
+ jmp determine_free_finalizers_after_compact1
+ mov qword ptr [rbp],offset e____system__kFinalizerGCTemp+2
+ mov qword ptr [rdx],rbp
+ lea rdx,8[rbp]
+ mov rbp ,qword ptr 8[rbp]
+ mov qword ptr [rcx],rbp
+ jmp determine_free_finalizers_after_compact1
+ mov qword ptr [rdx],rbp
+ mov rcx,qword ptr finalizer_list
+ lea rax,__Nil-8
+ cmp rcx,rax
+ else
+ lea r9,__Nil-8
+ cmp rcx,r9
+ je finalizer_list_empty
+ test rcx,3
+ jne finalizer_list_already_reversed
+ mov rax,qword ptr [rcx]
+ mov qword ptr [rcx],offset finalizer_list+1
+ mov qword ptr finalizer_list,rax
+ mov rbp ,offset free_finalizer_list
+ lea rax,__Nil-8
+ cmp qword ptr [rbp],rax
+ else
+ lea r9,__Nil-8
+ cmp qword ptr [rbp],r9
+ endif
+ je free_finalizer_list_empty
+ mov qword ptr end_vector_offset[r9],offset free_finalizer_list+8
+ else
+ mov qword ptr end_vector,offset free_finalizer_list+8
+ endif
+ test qword ptr flags,4096
+ je no_pmarkr
+ call rmarkp_stack_nodes
+ jmp free_finalizer_list_empty
+ call rmark_stack_nodes
+ mov rax,qword ptr heap_size_65_offset[r9]
+ else
+ mov rax,qword ptr heap_size_65
+ endif
+ mov rbx,rax
+ shl rbx,6
+ add rbx,qword ptr heap_p3_offset[r9]
+ mov qword ptr end_heap_p3_offset[r9],rbx
+ else
+ add rbx,qword ptr heap_p3
+ mov qword ptr end_heap_p3,rbx
+ endif
+ add rax,3
+ shr rax,2
+ mov r12,rax
+ mov r8,qword ptr heap_vector_offset[r9]
+ else
+ mov r8,qword ptr heap_vector
+ endif
+ lea rbx,4[r8]
+ neg rbx
+ mov qword ptr neg_heap_vector_plus_4_offset[r9],rbx
+ mov rdi,qword ptr heap_p3_offset[r9]
+ else
+ mov qword ptr neg_heap_vector_plus_4,rbx
+ mov rdi,qword ptr heap_p3
+ endif
+ xor rsi,rsi
+ jmp skip_zeros
+; %rax ,%rcx ,%rbp : free
+ sub r12,1
+ jc end_move
+ mov esi,dword ptr [r8]
+ add r8,4
+ test rsi,rsi
+ je skip_zeros
+; %rbp : free
+ mov rbp,qword ptr neg_heap_vector_plus_4_offset[r9]
+ else
+ mov rbp,qword ptr neg_heap_vector_plus_4
+ endif
+ add rbp,r8
+ shl rbp,6
+ add rbp,qword ptr heap_p3_offset[r9]
+ else
+ add rbp,qword ptr heap_p3
+ endif
+ movzx rax,sil
+ test rax,rax
+ jne found_bit1
+ movzx rcx,si
+ shr rcx,8
+ jne found_bit2
+ mov rax,rsi
+ and rax,0ff0000h
+ jne found_bit3
+ mov rcx,rsi
+ shr rcx,24
+ movzx rcx,byte ptr first_one_bit_table[rcx*1]
+ add rcx,24
+ jmp copy_nodes
+ shr rax,16
+ movzx rcx,byte ptr first_one_bit_table[rax*1]
+ add rcx,16
+ jmp copy_nodes
+ movzx rcx,byte ptr first_one_bit_table[rcx*1]
+ add rcx,8
+ jmp copy_nodes
+ movzx rcx,byte ptr first_one_bit_table[rax*1]
+ mov rax,qword ptr [rbp+rcx*8]
+ shr esi,1
+ lea rbp,8[rbp+rcx*8]
+ shr esi,cl
+ mov rcx,rbp
+ dec rax
+ test rax,2
+ je begin_update_list_2
+ mov rbx,qword ptr (-18)[rax]
+ sub rax,2
+ test rbx,1
+ je end_list_2
+ and rbx,-4
+ mov rbx,qword ptr [rbx]
+ test rbx,1
+ jne find_descriptor_2
+ mov rdx,rbx
+ movzx rbx,word ptr (-2)[rbx]
+ cmp rbx,256
+ jb no_record_arguments
+ movzx rdx,word ptr (-2+2)[rdx]
+ sub rdx,2
+ jae copy_record_arguments_aa
+ sub rbx,256+3
+ push rbx
+ mov rbx,qword ptr heap_vector_offset[r9]
+ else
+ mov rbx,qword ptr heap_vector
+ endif
+ mov rdx,rax
+ add rax,qword ptr neg_heap_p3_offset[r9]
+ else
+ add rax,qword ptr neg_heap_p3
+ endif
+ push rcx
+ mov rcx,rax
+ shr rax,8
+ and rcx,31*8
+ mov ecx,dword ptr bit_set_table2[rcx*1]
+ mov eax,dword ptr [rbx+rax*4]
+ and rax,rcx
+ pop rcx
+ je copy_argument_part_1r
+ mov rax,qword ptr [rdx]
+ mov qword ptr [rdx],rdi
+ sub rax,3
+ jmp update_up_list_1r
+ mov rax,qword ptr [rdx]
+ mov qword ptr [rdx],rdi
+ mov qword ptr [rdi],rax
+ add rdi,8
+ mov rax,qword ptr neg_heap_p3_offset[r9]
+ else
+ mov rax,qword ptr neg_heap_p3
+ endif
+ add rax,rcx
+ shr rax,3
+ mov rbx,rax
+ and rbx,31
+ cmp rbx,1
+ jae bit_in_this_word
+ dec r12
+ mov esi,dword ptr [r8]
+ add r8,4
+ mov rbp,qword ptr neg_heap_vector_plus_4_offset[r9]
+ else
+ mov rbp,qword ptr neg_heap_vector_plus_4
+ endif
+ add rbp,r8
+ shl rbp,6
+ add rbp,qword ptr heap_p3_offset[r9]
+ else
+ add rbp,qword ptr heap_p3
+ endif
+ shr esi,1
+ add rbp,8
+ pop rbx
+ mov rax,qword ptr [rcx]
+ add rcx,8
+ mov qword ptr [rdi],rax
+ add rdi,8
+ sub rbx,1
+ jnc copy_b_record_argument_part_arguments
+ test rsi,rsi
+ jne bsf_and_copy_nodes
+ jmp find_non_zero_long
+ sub rbx,256+2
+ sub rbx,rdx
+ push rbx
+ push rdx
+ mov rdx,rax
+ mov rax,qword ptr [rdx]
+ mov rbx,3
+ and rbx,rax
+ sub rbx,3
+ jne copy_argument_part_2r
+ mov qword ptr [rdx],rdi
+ sub rax,3
+ jmp update_up_list_2r
+ mov qword ptr [rdx],rdi
+ cmp rax,rcx
+ jb copy_record_argument_2
+ cmp rax,qword ptr end_heap_p3_offset[r9]
+ else
+ cmp rax,qword ptr end_heap_p3
+ endif
+ jae copy_record_argument_2
+ mov rdx,rax
+ mov rax,qword ptr [rdx]
+ lea rbx,1[rdi]
+ mov qword ptr [rdx],rbx
+ mov qword ptr [rdi],rax
+ add rdi,8
+ pop rbx
+ sub rbx,1
+ jc no_pointers_in_record
+ mov rdx,qword ptr [rcx]
+ add rcx,8
+ cmp rdx,rcx
+ jb copy_record_pointers_2
+ cmp rdx,qword ptr end_heap_p3_offset[r9]
+ else
+ cmp rdx,qword ptr end_heap_p3
+ endif
+ jae copy_record_pointers_2
+ mov rax,qword ptr [rdx]
+ inc rdi
+ mov qword ptr [rdx],rdi
+ dec rdi
+ mov rdx,rax
+ mov qword ptr [rdi],rdx
+ add rdi,8
+ sub rbx,1
+ jnc copy_record_pointers
+ pop rbx
+ sub rbx,1
+ jc no_non_pointers_in_record
+ mov rax,qword ptr [rcx]
+ add rcx,8
+ mov qword ptr [rdi],rax
+ add rdi,8
+ sub rbx,1
+ jnc copy_non_pointers_in_record
+ test rsi,rsi
+ jne bsf_and_copy_nodes
+ jmp find_non_zero_long
+ sub rbx,3
+ mov rdx,rax
+ mov rax,qword ptr [rax]
+ inc rax
+ mov qword ptr [rdx],rdi
+ test al,3
+ jne copy_argument_part_2
+ sub rax,4
+ jmp update_up_list_2
+ dec rax
+ cmp rax,rcx
+ jc copy_arguments_1
+ cmp rax,qword ptr end_heap_p3_offset[r9]
+ else
+ cmp rax,qword ptr end_heap_p3
+ endif
+ jnc copy_arguments_1
+ mov rdx,rax
+ mov rax,qword ptr [rax]
+ inc rdi
+ mov qword ptr [rdx],rdi
+ dec rdi
+ mov qword ptr [rdi],rax
+ add rdi,8
+ mov rdx,qword ptr [rcx]
+ add rcx,8
+ cmp rdx,rcx
+ jc copy_arguments_2
+ cmp rdx,qword ptr end_heap_p3_offset[r9]
+ else
+ cmp rdx,qword ptr end_heap_p3
+ endif
+ jnc copy_arguments_2
+ mov rax,qword ptr [rdx]
+ inc rdi
+ mov qword ptr [rdx],rdi
+ dec rdi
+ mov rdx,rax
+ mov qword ptr [rdi],rdx
+ add rdi,8
+ sub rbx,1
+ jnc copy_argument_part_arguments
+ test rsi,rsi
+ jne bsf_and_copy_nodes
+ jmp find_non_zero_long
+ dec rax
+ mov qword ptr [rdx],rdi
+ mov rdx,rax
+ mov rax,qword ptr [rax]
+ test rax,1
+ jz end_update_list_2
+ test rax,2
+ jz update_list_2_
+ lea rdx,(-3)[rax]
+ mov rax,qword ptr (-3)[rax]
+ jmp update_list__2
+ mov qword ptr [rdx],rdi
+ mov qword ptr [rdi],rax
+ add rdi,8
+ test al,2
+ je move_lazy_node
+ movzx rbx,word ptr (-2)[rax]
+ test rbx,rbx
+ je move_hnf_0
+ cmp rbx,256
+ jae move_record
+ sub rbx,2
+ jc move_hnf_1
+ je move_hnf_2
+ mov rdx,qword ptr [rcx]
+ add rcx,8
+ cmp rdx,rcx
+ jc move_hnf_3_1
+ cmp rdx,qword ptr end_heap_p3_offset[r9]
+ else
+ cmp rdx,qword ptr end_heap_p3
+ endif
+ jnc move_hnf_3_1
+ lea rax,1[rdi]
+ mov rbx,qword ptr [rdx]
+ mov qword ptr [rdx],rax
+ mov rdx,rbx
+ mov qword ptr [rdi],rdx
+ mov rdx,qword ptr [rcx]
+ add rcx,8
+ cmp rdx,rcx
+ jc move_hnf_3_2
+ cmp rdx,qword ptr end_heap_p3_offset[r9]
+ else
+ cmp rdx,qword ptr end_heap_p3
+ endif
+ jnc move_hnf_3_2
+ lea rax,(8+2+1)[rdi]
+ mov rbx,qword ptr [rdx]
+ mov qword ptr [rdx],rax
+ mov rdx,rbx
+ mov qword ptr 8[rdi],rdx
+ add rdi,16
+ test rsi,rsi
+ jne bsf_and_copy_nodes
+ jmp find_non_zero_long
+ mov rdx,qword ptr [rcx]
+ add rcx,8
+ cmp rdx,rcx
+ jc move_hnf_2_1
+ cmp rdx,qword ptr end_heap_p3_offset[r9]
+ else
+ cmp rdx,qword ptr end_heap_p3
+ endif
+ jnc move_hnf_2_1
+ lea rax,1[rdi]
+ mov rbx,qword ptr [rdx]
+ mov qword ptr [rdx],rax
+ mov rdx,rbx
+ mov qword ptr [rdi],rdx
+ mov rdx,qword ptr [rcx]
+ add rcx,8
+ cmp rdx,rcx
+ jc move_hnf_2_2
+ cmp rdx,qword ptr end_heap_p3_offset[r9]
+ else
+ cmp rdx,qword ptr end_heap_p3
+ endif
+ jnc move_hnf_2_2
+ lea rax,(8+1)[rdi]
+ mov rbx ,qword ptr [rdx]
+ mov qword ptr [rdx],rax
+ mov rdx,rbx
+ mov qword ptr 8[rdi],rdx
+ add rdi,16
+ test rsi,rsi
+ jne bsf_and_copy_nodes
+ jmp find_non_zero_long
+ mov rdx,qword ptr [rcx]
+ add rcx,8
+ cmp rdx,rcx
+ jc move_hnf_1_
+ cmp rdx,qword ptr end_heap_p3_offset[r9]
+ else
+ cmp rdx,qword ptr end_heap_p3
+ endif
+ jnc move_hnf_1_
+ lea rax,1[rdi]
+ mov rbx,qword ptr [rdx]
+ mov qword ptr [rdx],rax
+ mov rdx,rbx
+ mov qword ptr [rdi],rdx
+ add rdi,8
+ test rsi,rsi
+ jne bsf_and_copy_nodes
+ jmp find_non_zero_long
+ sub rbx,258
+ jb move_record_1
+ je move_record_2
+ movzx rbx,word ptr (-2+2)[rax]
+ sub rbx,1
+ ja move_hnf_3
+ mov rdx,qword ptr [rcx]
+ lea rcx,8[rcx]
+ jb move_record_3_1b
+ cmp rdx,rcx
+ jb move_record_3_1b
+ cmp rdx,qword ptr end_heap_p3_offset[r9]
+ else
+ cmp rdx,qword ptr end_heap_p3
+ endif
+ jae move_record_3_1b
+ lea rax,1[rdi]
+ mov rbx,qword ptr [rdx]
+ mov qword ptr [rdx],rax
+ mov rdx,rbx
+ mov qword ptr [rdi],rdx
+ add rdi,8
+ mov rdx,qword ptr [rcx]
+ add rcx,8
+ cmp rdx,rcx
+ jb move_record_3_2
+ cmp rdx,qword ptr end_heap_p3_offset[r9]
+ else
+ cmp rdx,qword ptr end_heap_p3
+ endif
+ jae move_record_3_2
+ mov rax,qword ptr neg_heap_p3_offset[r9]
+ else
+ mov rax,qword ptr neg_heap_p3
+ endif
+ push rbp
+ add rax,rdx
+ mov rbx,qword ptr heap_vector_offset[r9]
+ else
+ mov rbx,qword ptr heap_vector
+ endif
+ add rax,8
+ mov rbp,rax
+ and rbp,31*8
+ shr rax,8
+ mov ebp,dword ptr bit_set_table2[rbp]
+ test ebp,dword ptr [rbx+rax*4]
+ je not_linked_record_argument_part_3_b
+ mov rax,qword ptr neg_heap_p3_offset[r9]
+ else
+ mov rax,qword ptr neg_heap_p3
+ endif
+ add rax,rdi
+ mov rbp,rax
+ and rbp,31*8
+ shr rax,8
+ mov ebp,dword ptr bit_set_table2[rbp]
+ or dword ptr [rbx+rax*4],ebp
+ pop rbp
+ jmp linked_record_argument_part_3_b
+ or dword ptr [rbx+rax*4],ebp
+ mov rax,qword ptr neg_heap_p3_offset[r9]
+ else
+ mov rax,qword ptr neg_heap_p3
+ endif
+ add rax,rdi
+ mov rbp,rax
+ and rbp,31*8
+ shr rax,8
+ mov ebp,dword ptr bit_clear_table2[rbp]
+ and dword ptr [rbx+rax*4],ebp
+ pop rbp
+ mov rbx,qword ptr [rdx]
+ lea rax,(2+1)[rdi]
+ mov qword ptr [rdx],rax
+ mov rdx,rbx
+ mov qword ptr [rdi],rdx
+ add rdi,8
+ mov rbx,qword ptr neg_heap_p3_offset[r9]
+ else
+ mov rbx,qword ptr neg_heap_p3
+ endif
+ add rbx,rcx
+ shr rbx,3
+ dec rbx
+ and rbx,31
+ cmp rbx,2
+ jb bit_in_next_word
+ shr esi,2
+ add rbp,16
+ test rsi,rsi
+ jne bsf_and_copy_nodes
+ jmp find_non_zero_long
+ dec r12
+ mov esi,dword ptr [r8]
+ add r8,4
+ and esi,dword ptr bit_clear_table[rbx*4]
+ test rsi,rsi
+ je skip_zeros
+ jmp end_skip_zeros
+ cmp word ptr (-2+2)[rax],1
+ ja move_hnf_2
+ jb move_record_2bb
+ mov rdx,qword ptr [rcx]
+ add rcx,8
+ cmp rdx,rcx
+ jb move_record_2_1
+ cmp rdx,qword ptr end_heap_p3_offset[r9]
+ else
+ cmp rdx,qword ptr end_heap_p3
+ endif
+ jae move_record_2_1
+ lea rax,1[rdi]
+ mov rbx ,qword ptr [rdx]
+ mov qword ptr [rdx],rax
+ mov rdx,rbx
+ mov qword ptr [rdi],rdx
+ mov rbx,qword ptr [rcx]
+ add rcx,8
+ mov qword ptr 8[rdi],rbx
+ add rdi,16
+ test rsi,rsi
+ jne bsf_and_copy_nodes
+ jmp find_non_zero_long
+ movzx rbx,word ptr (-2+2)[rax]
+ test rbx,rbx
+ jne move_hnf_1
+ jmp move_real_int_bool_or_char
+ mov rax,qword ptr [rcx]
+ add rcx,8
+ mov qword ptr [rdi],rax
+ add rdi,8
+ mov rax,qword ptr [rcx]
+ add rcx,8
+ mov qword ptr [rdi],rax
+ add rdi,8
+ test rsi,rsi
+ jne bsf_and_copy_nodes
+ jmp find_non_zero_long
+ lea rbx,__STRING__+2
+ cmp rax,rbx
+ else
+ lea r9,__STRING__+2
+ cmp rax,r9
+ endif
+ jbe move_string_or_array
+ cmp rax,offset CHAR+2
+ jbe move_real_int_bool_or_char
+ test rsi,rsi
+ jne bsf_and_copy_nodes
+ jmp find_non_zero_long
+ jne move_array
+ mov rax,qword ptr [rcx]
+ add rax,7
+ shr rax,3
+ mov rbx,qword ptr [rcx]
+ add rcx,8
+ mov qword ptr [rdi],rbx
+ add rdi,8
+ sub rax,1
+ jnc cp_s_arg_lp3
+ test rsi,rsi
+ jne bsf_and_copy_nodes
+ jmp find_non_zero_long
+ test rsi,rsi
+ push rcx
+ jne bsf_and_end_array_bit
+ sub r12,1
+ mov esi,dword ptr [r8]
+ add r8,4
+ test rsi,rsi
+ je skip_zeros_a
+ mov rbp,qword ptr neg_heap_vector_plus_4_offset[r9]
+ else
+ mov rbp,qword ptr neg_heap_vector_plus_4
+ endif
+ add rbp,r8
+ shl rbp,6
+ add rbp,qword ptr heap_p3_offset[r9]
+ else
+ add rbp,qword ptr heap_p3
+ endif
+ mov rax,rsi
+ mov rdx,rsi
+ and rax,0ffh
+ jne a_found_bit1
+ and rdx,0ff00h
+ jne a_found_bit2
+ mov rax,rsi
+ mov rdx,rsi
+ and rax,0ff0000h
+ jne a_found_bit3
+ shr rdx,24
+ movzx rcx,byte ptr first_one_bit_table[rdx*1]
+ add rcx,24
+ jmp end_array_bit
+ shr rax,16
+ movzx rcx,byte ptr first_one_bit_table[rax*1]
+ add rcx,16
+ jmp end_array_bit
+ shr rdx,8
+ movzx rcx,byte ptr first_one_bit_table[rdx*1]
+ add rcx,8
+ jmp end_array_bit
+ movzx rcx,byte ptr first_one_bit_table[rax*1]
+ lea rbx,[rbp+rcx*8]
+ shr esi,1
+ lea rbp,8[rbp+rcx*8]
+ shr esi,cl
+ pop rcx
+ cmp rcx,rbx
+ jne move_a_array
+ mov rdx,qword ptr [rcx]
+ mov qword ptr [rdi],rdx
+ mov rbx,qword ptr 8[rcx]
+ add rcx,8
+ movzx rax,word ptr (-2)[rbx]
+ add rdi,8
+ test rax,rax
+ je move_strict_basic_array
+ sub rax,256
+ imul rdx,rax
+ mov rax,rdx
+ jmp cp_s_arg_lp3
+ mov rax,rdx
+ cmp rbx,offset dINT+2
+ jle cp_s_arg_lp3
+ cmp rbx,offset BOOL+2
+ je move_bool_array
+ add rax,1
+ shr rax,1
+ jmp cp_s_arg_lp3
+ add rax,7
+ shr rax,3
+ jmp cp_s_arg_lp3
+ mov rdx,rbx
+ sub rbx,rcx
+ shr rbx,3
+ push rsi
+ sub rbx,1
+ jb end_array
+ mov rsi,qword ptr [rcx]
+ mov rax,qword ptr (-8)[rdx]
+ mov qword ptr (-8)[rdx],rsi
+ mov qword ptr [rdi],rax
+ mov rax,qword ptr [rdx]
+ mov rsi,qword ptr 8[rcx]
+ add rcx,16
+ mov qword ptr [rdx],rsi
+ mov qword ptr 8[rdi],rax
+ add rdi,16
+ test rax,rax
+ je st_move_array_lp
+ movzx rsi,word ptr (-2+2)[rax]
+ movzx rax,word ptr (-2)[rax]
+ sub rax,256
+ cmp rax,rsi
+ je st_move_array_lp
+ push rcx
+ mov rdx,qword ptr (-16)[rdi]
+ mov rbx,rsi
+ imul rdx,rax
+ shl rdx,3
+ sub rax,rbx
+ add rdx,rcx
+ call reorder
+ pop rcx
+ sub rbx,1
+ sub rax,1
+ push rbx
+ push rax
+ push (-16)[rdi]
+ jmp st_move_array_lp_ab
+ mov rax,qword ptr 16[rsp]
+ mov rbx,qword ptr [rcx]
+ add rcx,8
+ cmp rbx,rcx
+ jb move_array_element_ab
+ cmp rbx,qword ptr end_heap_p3_offset[r9]
+ else
+ cmp rbx,qword ptr end_heap_p3
+ endif
+ jnc move_array_element_ab
+ mov rdx,rbx
+ mov rbx,qword ptr [rdx]
+ inc rdi
+ mov qword ptr [rdx],rdi
+ dec rdi
+ mov qword ptr [rdi],rbx
+ add rdi,8
+ sub rax,1
+ jnc move_array_ab_a_elements
+ mov rax,qword ptr 8[rsp]
+ mov rbx,qword ptr [rcx]
+ add rcx,8
+ mov qword ptr [rdi],rbx
+ add rdi,8
+ sub rax,1
+ jnc move_array_ab_b_elements
+ sub qword ptr [rsp],1
+ jnc move_array_ab_lp1
+ add rsp,24
+ jmp end_array
+ mov rax,qword ptr [rcx]
+ add rcx,8
+ add rdi,8
+ cmp rax,rcx
+ jb move_array_element
+ cmp rax,qword ptr end_heap_p3_offset[r9]
+ else
+ cmp rax,qword ptr end_heap_p3
+ endif
+ jnc move_array_element
+ mov rsi,qword ptr [rax]
+ mov rdx,rax
+ mov qword ptr (-8)[rdi],rsi
+ lea rax,(-8+1)[rdi]
+ mov qword ptr [rdx],rax
+ sub rbx,1
+ jnc move_array_lp1
+ jmp end_array
+ mov qword ptr (-8)[rdi],rax
+ sub rbx,1
+ jnc move_array_lp1
+ pop rsi
+ test rsi,rsi
+ jne bsf_and_copy_nodes
+ jmp find_non_zero_long
+ mov rdx,rax
+ movsxd rbx,dword ptr (-4)[rdx]
+ test rbx,rbx
+ je move_lazy_node_0
+ sub rbx,1
+ jle move_lazy_node_1
+ cmp rbx,256
+ jge move_closure_with_unboxed_arguments
+ mov rdx,qword ptr [rcx]
+ add rcx,8
+ cmp rdx,rcx
+ jc move_lazy_node_arguments_
+ cmp rdx,qword ptr end_heap_p3_offset[r9]
+ else
+ cmp rdx,qword ptr end_heap_p3
+ endif
+ jnc move_lazy_node_arguments_
+ mov rax,qword ptr [rdx]
+ mov qword ptr [rdi],rax
+ lea rax,1[rdi]
+ add rdi,8
+ mov qword ptr [rdx],rax
+ sub rbx,1
+ jnc move_lazy_node_arguments
+ test rsi,rsi
+ jne bsf_and_copy_nodes
+ jmp find_non_zero_long
+ mov qword ptr [rdi],rdx
+ add rdi,8
+ sub rbx,1
+ jnc move_lazy_node_arguments
+ test rsi,rsi
+ jne bsf_and_copy_nodes
+ jmp find_non_zero_long
+ mov rdx,qword ptr [rcx]
+ add rcx,8
+ cmp rdx,rcx
+ jc move_lazy_node_1_
+ cmp rdx,qword ptr end_heap_p3_offset[r9]
+ else
+ cmp rdx,qword ptr end_heap_p3
+ endif
+ jnc move_lazy_node_1_
+ lea rax,1[rdi]
+ mov rbx,qword ptr [rdx]
+ mov qword ptr [rdx],rax
+ mov rdx,rbx
+ mov qword ptr [rdi],rdx
+ add rdi,16
+ test rsi,rsi
+ jne bsf_and_copy_nodes
+ jmp find_non_zero_long
+ add rdi,16
+ test rsi,rsi
+ jne bsf_and_copy_nodes
+ jmp find_non_zero_long
+ je move_closure_with_unboxed_arguments_1
+ add rbx,1
+ mov rax,rbx
+ and rbx,255
+ shr rax,8
+ sub rbx,rax
+ je move_non_pointers_of_closure
+ push rax
+ mov rdx,qword ptr [rcx]
+ add rcx,8
+ cmp rdx,rcx
+ jc move_closure_with_unboxed_arguments_
+ cmp rdx,qword ptr end_heap_p3_offset[r9]
+ else
+ cmp rdx,qword ptr end_heap_p3
+ endif
+ jnc move_closure_with_unboxed_arguments_
+ mov rax,qword ptr [rdx]
+ mov qword ptr [rdi],rax
+ lea rax,1[rdi]
+ add rdi,8
+ mov qword ptr [rdx],rax
+ sub rbx,1
+ jne move_closure_with_unboxed_arguments_lp
+ pop rax
+ jmp move_non_pointers_of_closure
+ mov qword ptr [rdi],rdx
+ add rdi,8
+ sub rbx,1
+ jne move_closure_with_unboxed_arguments_lp
+ pop rax
+ mov rbx,qword ptr [rcx]
+ add rcx,8
+ mov qword ptr [rdi],rbx
+ add rdi,8
+ sub rax,1
+ jne move_non_pointers_of_closure
+ test rsi,rsi
+ jne bsf_and_copy_nodes
+ jmp find_non_zero_long
+ mov rax,qword ptr [rcx]
+ mov qword ptr [rdi],rax
+ add rdi,16
+ test rsi,rsi
+ jne bsf_and_copy_nodes
+ jmp find_non_zero_long
+ mov rcx,qword ptr finalizer_list
+ lea rbx,__Nil-8
+ cmp rcx,rbx
+ else
+ lea r9,__Nil-8
+ cmp rcx,r9
+ endif
+ je end_restore_finalizer_descriptors
+ mov qword ptr [rcx],offset e____system__kFinalizer+2
+ mov rcx,qword ptr 8[rcx]
+ jmp restore_finalizer_descriptors