path: root/astartup.asm
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'astartup.asm')
1 files changed, 83 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/astartup.asm b/astartup.asm
index 834dca6..7f1ccb8 100644
--- a/astartup.asm
+++ b/astartup.asm
@@ -388,13 +388,17 @@ _DATA ends
public _create_arrayB
public _create_arrayC
public _create_arrayI
+ public _create_arrayI32
public _create_arrayR
+ public _create_arrayR32
public _create_r_array
public create_array
public create_arrayB
public create_arrayC
public create_arrayI
+ public create_arrayI32
public create_arrayR
+ public create_arrayR32
public create_R_array
public BtoAC
@@ -482,11 +486,13 @@ _DATA ends
public __driver
-; from
+; from
extrn dINT:near
+ extrn INT32:near
extrn CHAR:near
extrn BOOL:near
extrn REAL:near
+ extrn REAL32:near
extrn FILE:near
extrn __STRING__:near
extrn __ARRAY__:near
@@ -3944,14 +3950,28 @@ _create_arrayI:
call collect_0
mov rcx,rdi
- lea rbp,__ARRAY__+2
- mov qword ptr [rdi],rbp
+ mov qword ptr [rdi],offset __ARRAY__+2
mov qword ptr 8[rdi],rax
lea rbp,dINT+2
mov qword ptr 16[rdi],rbp
lea rdi,24[rdi+rax*8]
+ mov rbx,rax
+ add rax,6+1
+ shr rax,1
+ sub r15,rax
+ jge no_collect_3572
+ call collect_0
+ mov rcx,rdi
+ mov qword ptr [rdi],offset __ARRAY__+2
+ mov qword ptr 8[rdi],rbx
+ mov qword ptr 16[rdi],offset INT32+2
+ lea rdi,[rdi+rax*8]
+ ret
lea rbp,3[rax]
sub r15,rbp
@@ -3960,11 +3980,26 @@ _create_arrayR:
mov rcx,rdi
mov qword ptr [rdi],offset __ARRAY__+2
- mov qword ptr 8[rdi],rax
+ mov qword ptr 8[rdi],rax
mov qword ptr 16[rdi],offset REAL+2
lea rdi,24[rdi+rax*8]
+ mov rbx,rax
+ add rax,6+1
+ shr rax,1
+ sub r15,rax
+ jge no_collect_3580
+ call collect_0
+ mov rcx,rdi
+ mov qword ptr [rdi],offset __ARRAY__+2
+ mov qword ptr 8[rdi],rax
+ mov qword ptr 16[rdi],offset REAL32+2
+ lea rdi,[rdi+rax*8]
+ ret
; rax : number of elements, rbx: element descriptor
; r10 : element size, r11 : element a size, rcx :a_element-> rcx : array
@@ -4125,6 +4160,27 @@ no_collect_4578:
add rdi,16
jmp create_arrayBCI
+ mov r10,rbx
+ add rbx,6+1
+ shr rbx,1
+ sub r15,rbx
+ jge no_collect_3577
+ call collect_0
+ mov rcx,rdi
+ mov qword ptr [rdi],offset __ARRAY__+2
+ mov qword ptr 8[rdi],r10
+ mov qword ptr 16[rdi],offset INT32+2
+ add rdi,24
+ sub rbx,3
+ mov ebp,eax
+ shl rax,32
+ or rax,rbp
+ jmp create_arrayBCI
lea rbp,3[rbx]
sub r15,rbp
@@ -4158,6 +4214,29 @@ st_filli_array:
+ cvtsd2ss qword ptr (-8)[rsp],xmm0
+ mov r10,rax
+ add rax,6+1
+ shr rax,1
+ mov ebx,qword ptr (-8)[rsp]
+ sub r15,rax
+ jge no_collect_3579
+ call collect_0
+ mov rcx,rdi
+ mov qword ptr [rdi],offset __ARRAY__+2
+ mov qword ptr 8[rdi],r10
+ mov qword ptr 16[rdi],offset REAL32+2
+ add rdi,24
+ sub rax,3
+ mov edx,ebx
+ shl rbx,32
+ or rbx,rdx
+ jmp st_fillr_array
movsd qword ptr (-8)[rsp],xmm0
lea rbp,3[rax]