path: root/thread_macho64/athread.s
blob: f648c538020fe3f9c63c536dc6c62042b7d11d9c (plain) (tree)


/*	File:	athread.a */
/*	Author:	John van Groningen */
/*	Machine:	amd64 */

	.intel_syntax noprefix


	.globl	_pthread_setspecific
	.globl	_pthread_getspecific
	.globl	_clean_new_thread

	push	rbx
	push	rbp
	push	r12
	push	r13
	push	r14
	push	r15

	sub	rsp,24
	mov	qword ptr 8[rsp],rdi

	mov	rdi,768
	att_call	_malloc

	mov	rbx,rax

	mov	rdi,qword ptr _tlsp_tls_index[rip]
	mov	rsi,rax
	att_call	_pthread_setspecific

	mov	r9,rbx

	mov	rdi,qword ptr 8[rsp]

	mov	rbx,qword ptr 8[rdi]
	test	rbx,rbx
	cmove	rbx,qword ptr (main_thread_local_storage+heap_size_offset)[rip]
	mov	qword ptr heap_size_offset[r9],rbx

	mov	rbx,qword ptr 16[rdi]
	test	rbx,rbx
	cmove	rbx,qword ptr (main_thread_local_storage+a_stack_size_offset)[rip]
	mov	qword ptr a_stack_size_offset[r9],rbx
	call	init_thread

	mov	qword ptr saved_heap_p_offset[r9],rdi
	mov	qword ptr saved_r15_offset[r9],r15
	mov	qword ptr saved_a_stack_p_offset[r9],rsi

	mov	qword ptr halt_sp_offset[r9],rsp

	mov	rdi,qword ptr 8[rsp]
	call	qword ptr [rdi]

	mov	rdi,qword ptr _tlsp_tls_index[rip]
	att_call	_pthread_getspecific
	mov	r9,rax

	add	rsp,24

	jmp	exit_thread

	lea	rax,128[rsp]
	sub	rsp,32+8

	mov	rax,qword ptr heap_size_offset[r9]
	sub	rax,7
	xor	rdx,rdx 
	mov	rbx,65
	div	rbx
	mov	qword ptr heap_size_65_offset[r9],rax

	mov	rax,qword ptr heap_size_offset[r9]
	sub	rax,7
	xor	rdx,rdx 
	mov	rbx,257
	div	rbx

	mov	heap_size_257_offset[r9],rax

	add	rax,7
	and	rax,-8

	mov	qword ptr heap_copied_vector_size_offset[r9],rax
	mov	qword ptr heap_end_after_copy_gc_offset[r9],0

	mov	rax,qword ptr heap_size_offset[r9]
	add	rax,7
	and	rax,-8
	mov	qword ptr heap_size_offset[r9],rax 
	add	rax,7

	mov	rbp,rsp
	and	rsp,-16

	mov	rbx,r9

 .if LINUX
	mov	rdi,rax
	att_call	_malloc
	mov	rcx,rax
	call	allocate_memory
	mov	rsp,rbp

	mov	r9,rbx

	test	rax,rax 
	je	init_thread_no_memory_2

	mov	heap_mbp_offset[r9],rax

	lea	rdi,7[rax]
	and	rdi,-8

	mov	heap_p_offset[r9],rdi 

	mov	rbp,rsp
	and	rsp,-16

	mov	rbx,r9

 .if LINUX
	mov	r14,rdi
	mov	rdi,qword ptr a_stack_size_offset[r9]
	add	rdi,7
	att_call	_malloc
	mov	rdi,r14
	mov	rcx,qword ptr a_stack_size_offset[r9]
	add	rcx,7
  .if 0
	call	allocate_memory_with_guard_page_at_end
	call	allocate_memory
	mov	rsp,rbp

	mov	r9,rbx
	test	rax,rax 
	je	init_thread_no_memory_3

	mov	stack_mbp_offset[r9],rax 

	add	rax,qword ptr a_stack_size_offset[r9]
	add	rax,7+4095
	and	rax,-4096
/*	mov	qword ptr a_stack_guard_page[rip],rax */
	sub	rax,qword ptr a_stack_size_offset[r9]

	add	rax,7
	and	rax,-8

	mov	rsi,rax

	mov	stack_p_offset[r9],rax

/*	lea	rcx,(caf_list+8) */
/*	mov	qword ptr caf_listp,rcx */

/*	lea	rcx,__Nil-8 */
/*	mov	qword ptr finalizer_list,rcx */
/*	mov	qword ptr free_finalizer_list,rcx */

	mov	heap_p1_offset[r9],rdi

	mov	rbp,qword ptr heap_size_257_offset[r9]
	shl	rbp,4
	lea	rax,[rdi+rbp*8]
	mov	heap_copied_vector_offset[r9],rax
	add	rax,heap_copied_vector_size_offset[r9]
	mov	heap_p2_offset[r9],rax

	mov	byte ptr garbage_collect_flag_offset[r9],0

	test	byte ptr _flags[rip],64
	je	init_thread_no_mark1

	mov	rax,qword ptr heap_size_65_offset[r9]
	mov	qword ptr heap_vector_offset[r9],rdi
	add	rdi,rax

	add	rdi,7
	and	rdi,-8

	mov	qword ptr heap_p3_offset[r9],rdi
	lea	rbp,[rax*8]
	mov	byte ptr garbage_collect_flag_offset [r9],-1

	mov	rax,qword ptr heap_size_offset[r9]

	mov	rbx,4000
	test	byte ptr _flags[rip],64
	jne	init_thread_no_mark9
	add	rbx,rbx 

	cmp	rax,rbx 
	jle	init_thread_too_large_or_too_small
	shr	rax,3
	cmp	rax,rbp 
	att_jge	init_thread_too_large_or_too_small
	mov	rbp,rax 

	lea	rax,[rdi+rbp*8]
	mov	heap_end_after_gc_offset[r9],rax

	test	byte ptr _flags[rip],64
	je	init_thread_no_mark2
	mov	qword ptr bit_vector_size_offset[r9],rbp

	mov	qword ptr bit_counter_offset[r9],0
	mov	qword ptr zero_bits_before_mark_offset[r9],0

	mov	r15,rbp

	add	rsp,32+8
	xor	rax,rax

	mov	rax,1

	mov	rbp,rsp
	and	rsp,-16

	mov	rbx,r9

 .if LINUX
	mov	rdi,heap_mbp_offset[r9]
	att_call	_free
	mov	rcx,heap_mbp_offset[r9]
	call	free_memory

	mov	rsp,rbp

	mov	r9,rbx

	add	rsp,32

	mov	rax,1

	att_call	add_execute_time

	mov	rbp,rsp
	and	rsp,-16

	mov	rbx,r9

 .if LINUX
	mov	rdi,stack_mbp_offset[r9]
	att_call	_free

	mov	r9,rbx

	mov	rdi,heap_mbp_offset[r9]
	att_call	_free

	mov	rdi,rbx
	att_call	_free
	mov	rcx,stack_mbp_offset[r9]
	sub	rsp,32
	call	free_memory

	mov	r9,rbx

	mov	rcx,heap_mbp_offset[r9]
	call	free_memory

	call	GetProcessHeap

	mov	rcx,rax
	xor	rdx,rdx
	mov	r8,rbx
	call	HeapFree

	add	rsp,32

	mov	rsp,rbp

	pop	r15
	pop	r14
	pop	r13
	pop	r12
	pop	rbp
	pop	rbx

	xor	rax,rax

/* bit_counter_offset = 0 ? */
/* zero_bits_before_mark_offset = 1 =0 ? */

/* a_stack_guard_page */
/* caf_list */
/* caf_listp */
/* finalizer_list */
/* free_finalizer_list */
/* initial_heap_size */