implementation module windowevent import StdBool, StdFunc, StdList, StdMisc, StdTuple import clCCall_12, clCrossCall_12, windowCrossCall_12 from ostypes import OSNoWindowPtr from oswindow import fromOSscrollbarRange, osScrollbarsAreVisible import commondef, controlcreate, deviceevents, iostate, windowaccess from StdControlAttribute import isControlKeyboard, getControlKeyboardAtt, isControlMouse, getControlMouseAtt, isControlActivate, isControlDeactivate from StdPSt import accPIO from StdWindowAttribute import isWindowKeyboard, getWindowKeyboardAtt, isWindowMouse, getWindowMouseAtt, isWindowCursor, getWindowCursorAtt from windowcreate import createModalDialogControls windoweventFatalError :: String String -> .x windoweventFatalError function error = fatalError function "windowevent" error /* windowEvent filters the scheduler events that can be handled by this window device. For the time being no timer controls are added, so these events are ignored. windowEvent assumes that it is not applied to an empty IOSt. */ import StdMisc windowEvent :: !SchedulerEvent !(PSt .l) -> (!Bool,!Maybe DeviceEvent,!SchedulerEvent,!PSt .l) windowEvent schedulerEvent pState //| True = abort "windowevent\n" # (hasDevice,pState) = accPIO (ioStHasDevice WindowDevice) pState | not hasDevice // This condition should never occur: WindowDevice must have been 'installed' = windoweventFatalError "windowFunctions.dEvent" "could not retrieve WindowSystemState from IOSt" | otherwise = windowEvent schedulerEvent pState where windowEvent :: !SchedulerEvent !(PSt .l) -> (!Bool,!Maybe DeviceEvent,!SchedulerEvent,!PSt .l) windowEvent schedulerEvent=:(ScheduleOSEvent osEvent _) pState=:{io=ioState} | not (isWindowOSEvent osEvent.ccMsg) = (False,Nothing,schedulerEvent,pState) | otherwise # (_,wDevice,ioState) = ioStGetDevice WindowDevice ioState # (wMetrics, ioState) = ioStGetOSWindowMetrics ioState windows = windowSystemStateGetWindowHandles wDevice (myEvent,replyToOS,deviceEvent,windows,ioState) = filterOSEvent wMetrics osEvent windows ioState # ioState = ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows) ioState # pState = {pState & io=ioState} schedulerEvent = if (isJust replyToOS) (ScheduleOSEvent osEvent (fromJust replyToOS)) schedulerEvent = (myEvent,deviceEvent,schedulerEvent,pState) where isWindowOSEvent :: !Int -> Bool isWindowOSEvent CcWmACTIVATE = True isWindowOSEvent CcWmBUTTONCLICKED = True isWindowOSEvent CcWmCLOSE = True isWindowOSEvent CcWmCOMBOSELECT = True isWindowOSEvent CcWmDEACTIVATE = True isWindowOSEvent CcWmDRAWCONTROL = True isWindowOSEvent CcWmIDLEDIALOG = True isWindowOSEvent CcWmINITDIALOG = True isWindowOSEvent CcWmKEYBOARD = True isWindowOSEvent CcWmKILLFOCUS = True isWindowOSEvent CcWmLOSTKEY = True isWindowOSEvent CcWmLOSTMOUSE = True isWindowOSEvent CcWmMOUSE = True isWindowOSEvent CcWmPAINT = True isWindowOSEvent CcWmSCROLLBARACTION = True isWindowOSEvent CcWmSETFOCUS = True isWindowOSEvent CcWmSIZE = True isWindowOSEvent CcWmSPECIALBUTTON = True isWindowOSEvent _ = False windowEvent schedulerEvent=:(ScheduleMsgEvent msgEvent) pState=:{io=ioState} # (ioId,ioState) = ioStGetIOId ioState | ioId<>recLoc.rlIOId || recLoc.rlDevice<>WindowDevice = (False,Nothing,schedulerEvent,{pState & io=ioState}) | otherwise # (_,wDevice,ioState) = ioStGetDevice WindowDevice ioState windows = windowSystemStateGetWindowHandles wDevice (found,windows) = hasWindowHandlesWindow (toWID recLoc.rlParentId) windows deviceEvent = if found (Just (ReceiverEvent msgEvent)) Nothing # ioState = ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows) ioState # pState = {pState & io=ioState} = (found,deviceEvent,schedulerEvent,pState) where recLoc = getMsgEventRecLoc msgEvent windowEvent schedulerEvent pState = (False,Nothing,schedulerEvent,pState) /* filterOSEvent filters the OSEvents that can be handled by this window device. */ filterOSEvent :: !OSWindowMetrics !OSEvent !(WindowHandles (PSt .l)) !(IOSt .l) -> (!Bool,!Maybe [Int],!Maybe DeviceEvent,!WindowHandles (PSt .l), !IOSt .l) filterOSEvent _ {ccMsg=CcWmBUTTONCLICKED,p1=wPtr,p2=cPtr,p3=mods,p4=toolbarIndex} windows ioState # (found,wsH,windows) = getWindowHandlesWindow (toWID wPtr) windows | not found = (False,Nothing,Nothing,windows,ioState) # (able,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleSelect wsH | not able = (True,Nothing,Nothing,setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows,ioState) | otherwise # (wids, wsH) = getWindowStateHandleWIDS wsH (itemNr,wsH) = getControlsItemNr cPtr wsH controlSelectInfo = if (itemNr==0) // itemNrs are always > 0 Nothing (Just (ControlSelection {csWIDS = wids ,csItemNr = itemNr ,csItemPtr = cPtr ,csMoreData = 0 ,csModifiers= toModifiers mods }) ) = (True,Nothing,controlSelectInfo,setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows,ioState) where getControlsItemNr :: !OSWindowPtr !(WindowStateHandle .pst) -> (!Int,!WindowStateHandle .pst) getControlsItemNr cPtr wsH=:{wshHandle=Just wlsH=:{wlsHandle=wH=:{whItems}}} # (_,itemNr,itemHs) = getControlsItemNr cPtr whItems = (itemNr,{wsH & wshHandle=Just {wlsH & wlsHandle={wH & whItems=itemHs}}}) where getControlsItemNr :: !OSWindowPtr ![WElementHandle .ls .pst] -> (!Bool,!Int,![WElementHandle .ls .pst]) getControlsItemNr cPtr [itemH:itemHs] # (found,itemNr,itemH) = getControlItemNr cPtr itemH | found = (found,itemNr,[itemH:itemHs]) | otherwise # (found,itemNr,itemHs) = getControlsItemNr cPtr itemHs = (found,itemNr,[itemH:itemHs]) where getControlItemNr :: !OSWindowPtr !(WElementHandle .ls .pst) -> (!Bool,!Int,!WElementHandle .ls .pst) getControlItemNr cPtr (WItemHandle itemH=:{wItemPtr,wItemNr,wItemInfo,wItemKind,wItemSelect,wItemShow,wItems}) | cPtr==wItemPtr = (True,itemNr,WItemHandle itemH) | wItemKind==IsRadioControl = (contains (\{radioItemPtr}->radioItemPtr==cPtr) (getWItemRadioInfo wItemInfo).radioItems,itemNr,WItemHandle itemH) | wItemKind==IsCheckControl = (contains (\{checkItemPtr}->checkItemPtr==cPtr) (getWItemCheckInfo wItemInfo).checkItems,itemNr,WItemHandle itemH) | wItemSelect && wItemShow # (found,itemNr,itemHs) = getControlsItemNr cPtr wItems = (found,itemNr,WItemHandle {itemH & wItems=itemHs}) | otherwise = (False,0,WItemHandle itemH) where itemNr = if wItemSelect wItemNr 0 getControlItemNr cPtr (WListLSHandle itemHs) # (found,itemNr,itemHs) = getControlsItemNr cPtr itemHs = (found,itemNr,WListLSHandle itemHs) getControlItemNr cPtr (WExtendLSHandle wExH=:{wExtendItems=itemHs}) # (found,itemNr,itemHs) = getControlsItemNr cPtr itemHs = (found,itemNr,WExtendLSHandle {wExH & wExtendItems=itemHs}) getControlItemNr cPtr (WChangeLSHandle wChH=:{wChangeItems=itemHs}) # (found,itemNr,itemHs) = getControlsItemNr cPtr itemHs = (found,itemNr,WChangeLSHandle {wChH & wChangeItems=itemHs}) getControlsItemNr _ [] = (False,0,[]) getControlsItemNr _ _ = windoweventFatalError "getControlsItemNr" "window placeholder not expected" filterOSEvent _ {ccMsg=CcWmCOMBOSELECT,p1=wPtr,p2=cPtr,p3=index} windows ioState # (found,wsH,windows) = getWindowHandlesWindow (toWID wPtr) windows | not found = (False,Nothing,Nothing,windows,ioState) # (able,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleSelect wsH | not able = (True,Nothing,Nothing,setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows,ioState) | otherwise # (wids, wsH) = getWindowStateHandleWIDS wsH (itemNr,wsH) = getPopUpControlItemNr cPtr wsH controlSelectInfo = if (itemNr==0) // itemNrs are always > 0 Nothing (Just (ControlSelection {csWIDS = wids ,csItemNr = itemNr ,csItemPtr = cPtr ,csMoreData = index+1 ,csModifiers= NoModifiers }) ) = (True,Nothing,controlSelectInfo,setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows,ioState) where getPopUpControlItemNr :: !OSWindowPtr !(WindowStateHandle .pst) -> (!Int,!WindowStateHandle .pst) getPopUpControlItemNr cPtr wsH=:{wshHandle=Just wlsH=:{wlsHandle=wH=:{whItems}}} # (_,itemNr,itemHs) = getPopUpControlsItemNr cPtr whItems = (itemNr,{wsH & wshHandle=Just {wlsH & wlsHandle={wH & whItems=itemHs}}}) where getPopUpControlsItemNr :: !OSWindowPtr ![WElementHandle .ls .pst] -> (!Bool,!Int,![WElementHandle .ls .pst]) getPopUpControlsItemNr cPtr [itemH:itemHs] # (found,itemNr,itemH) = getPopUpControlItemNr cPtr itemH | found = (found,itemNr,[itemH:itemHs]) | otherwise # (found,itemNr,itemHs) = getPopUpControlsItemNr cPtr itemHs = (found,itemNr,[itemH:itemHs]) where getPopUpControlItemNr :: !OSWindowPtr !(WElementHandle .ls .pst) -> (!Bool,!Int,!WElementHandle .ls .pst) getPopUpControlItemNr cPtr (WItemHandle itemH=:{wItemPtr,wItemNr,wItemKind,wItemSelect,wItemShow,wItems}) | cPtr==wItemPtr = (True,if (wItemKind==IsPopUpControl && wItemSelect && wItemShow) wItemNr 0,WItemHandle itemH) | wItemShow # (found,itemNr,itemHs) = getPopUpControlsItemNr cPtr wItems = (found,itemNr,WItemHandle {itemH & wItems=itemHs}) | otherwise = (False,0,WItemHandle itemH) getPopUpControlItemNr cPtr (WListLSHandle itemHs) # (found,itemNr,itemHs) = getPopUpControlsItemNr cPtr itemHs = (found,itemNr,WListLSHandle itemHs) getPopUpControlItemNr cPtr (WExtendLSHandle wExH=:{wExtendItems=itemHs}) # (found,itemNr,itemHs) = getPopUpControlsItemNr cPtr itemHs = (found,itemNr,WExtendLSHandle {wExH & wExtendItems=itemHs}) getPopUpControlItemNr cPtr (WChangeLSHandle wChH=:{wChangeItems=itemHs}) # (found,itemNr,itemHs) = getPopUpControlsItemNr cPtr itemHs = (found,itemNr,WChangeLSHandle {wChH & wChangeItems=itemHs}) getPopUpControlsItemNr _ [] = (False,0,[]) getPopUpControlItemNr _ _ = windoweventFatalError "getPopUpControlItemNr" "window placeholder not expected" filterOSEvent _ {ccMsg=CcWmDRAWCONTROL,p1=wPtr,p2=cPtr,p3=gc} windows ioState # (found,wsH,windows) = getWindowHandlesWindow (toWID wPtr) windows | not found = (False,Nothing,Nothing,windows,ioState) | otherwise # (wids,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleWIDS wsH # (controls,wsH) = getUpdateControls cPtr wsH updateInfo = if (isEmpty controls) Nothing (Just (WindowUpdate {updWIDS=wids,updWindowArea=zero,updControls=controls,updGContext=Just gc})) = (True,Nothing,updateInfo,setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows,ioState) where getUpdateControls :: !OSWindowPtr !(WindowStateHandle .pst) -> (![ControlUpdateInfo],!WindowStateHandle .pst) getUpdateControls cPtr wsH=:{wshHandle=Just wlsH=:{wlsHandle=wH=:{whItems,whSize}}} # (_,controls,itemHs) = getUpdateControls cPtr zero (sizeToRect whSize) whItems = (controls,{wsH & wshHandle=Just {wlsH & wlsHandle={wH & whItems=itemHs}}}) where getUpdateControls :: !OSWindowPtr !Point2 !OSRect ![WElementHandle .ls .pst] -> (!Bool,![ControlUpdateInfo],![WElementHandle .ls .pst]) getUpdateControls cPtr parentPos clipRect [itemH:itemHs] # (found,controls,itemH) = getUpdateControl cPtr parentPos clipRect itemH | found = (found,controls,[itemH:itemHs]) | otherwise # (found,controls,itemHs) = getUpdateControls cPtr parentPos clipRect itemHs = (found,controls,[itemH:itemHs]) where getUpdateControl :: !OSWindowPtr !Point2 !OSRect !(WElementHandle .ls .pst) -> (!Bool,![ControlUpdateInfo],!WElementHandle .ls .pst) getUpdateControl cPtr parentPos clipRect (WItemHandle itemH=:{wItemPtr,wItemNr,wItemShow,wItemPos,wItemSize,wItems}) | cPtr==wItemPtr = (True,[{cuItemNr=wItemNr,cuItemPtr=wItemPtr,cuArea=clipRect1}],WItemHandle itemH) | wItemShow # (found,controls,itemHs) = getUpdateControls cPtr parentPos clipRect1 wItems = (found,controls,WItemHandle {itemH & wItems=itemHs}) | otherwise = (False,[],WItemHandle itemH) where absolutePos = movePoint wItemPos parentPos clipRect1 = intersectRects clipRect (posSizeToRect absolutePos wItemSize) getUpdateControl cPtr parentPos clipRect (WListLSHandle itemHs) # (found,controls,itemHs) = getUpdateControls cPtr parentPos clipRect itemHs = (found,controls,WListLSHandle itemHs) getUpdateControl cPtr parentPos clipRect (WExtendLSHandle wExH=:{wExtendItems=itemHs}) # (found,controls,itemHs) = getUpdateControls cPtr parentPos clipRect itemHs = (found,controls,WExtendLSHandle {wExH & wExtendItems=itemHs}) getUpdateControl cPtr parentPos clipRect (WChangeLSHandle wChH=:{wChangeItems=itemHs}) # (found,controls,itemHs) = getUpdateControls cPtr parentPos clipRect itemHs = (found,controls,WChangeLSHandle {wChH & wChangeItems=itemHs}) getUpdateControls _ _ _ [] = (False,[],[]) getUpdateControls _ _ = windoweventFatalError "getUpdateControls" "placeholder not expected" /* PA: CcWmIDLEDIALOG is sent after a modal dialogue and its controls have been created. At that moment the initialisation action can be evaluated. This is done by the WindowInitialise device event. */ filterOSEvent _ {ccMsg=CcWmIDLEDIALOG,p1=wPtr} windows ioState # (maybeWIDS,windows) = getWindowHandlesActiveModalDialog windows | isNothing maybeWIDS = (False,Nothing,Nothing,windows,ioState) # wids = fromJust maybeWIDS | wPtr<>wids.wPtr = (False,Nothing,Nothing,windows,ioState) | otherwise = (True,Nothing,Just (WindowInitialise (fromJust maybeWIDS)),windows,ioState) /* PA: CcWmINITDIALOG is generated for modal and modeless dialogs. It should create all the controls of the dialog, and return the desired position, size, and focus control of the dialog. PA: THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT IS NOT TRUE; FUNCTIONALITY MOVED TO CcWmIDLEDIALOG. In addition, the return DeviceEvent should be WindowInitialise to have the initialisation function evaluated. */ /* PA: previous version. Now code is shared in windowcreate and windowevent. filterOSEvent wMetrics {ccMsg=CcWmINITDIALOG,p1=wPtr} windows ioState # (maybeWIDS,windows) = getWindowHandlesActiveWindow windows | isNothing maybeWIDS = (False,Nothing,Nothing,windows,ioState) # wids = fromJust maybeWIDS | wids.wPtr<>0 = (False,Nothing,Nothing,windows,ioState) | otherwise # (_,wsH,windows) = removeWindowHandlesWindow (toWID 0) windows wids = {wids & wPtr=wPtr} wsH = (\wsH->{wsH & wshIds=wids}) wsH # (tb,ioState) = getIOToolbox ioState # (returnOS,wsH,tb) = createDialogControls wMetrics wsH tb # ioState = setIOToolbox tb ioState windows = addWindowHandlesActiveWindow wsH windows = (True,Just returnOS,Nothing,windows,ioState) where createDialogControls :: !OSWindowMetrics !(WindowStateHandle .pst) !*OSToolbox -> (![Int], !WindowStateHandle .pst, !*OSToolbox) createDialogControls wMetrics wsH=:{wshHandle=Just wlsH=:{wlsHandle=wH=:{whItems=itemHs,whSize={w,h}}}} tb # (itemHs,tb) = createControls wMetrics whDefaultId whCancelId True wPtr itemHs tb # (itemPtr,wH) = getInitActiveControl {wH & whItems=itemHs} r5cci = [-1,-1,w,h,if (itemPtr==OSNoWindowPtr) 0 itemPtr] = (r5cci,{wsH & wshHandle=Just {wlsH & wlsHandle=wH}},tb) where whDefaultId = wH.whDefaultId whCancelId = wH.whCancelId createDialogControls _ _ _ = windoweventFatalError "createDialogControls" "placeholder not expected" */ filterOSEvent wMetrics {ccMsg=CcWmINITDIALOG,p1=wPtr} windows ioState # (maybeWIDS,windows) = getWindowHandlesActiveWindow windows | isNothing maybeWIDS = (False,Nothing,Nothing,windows,ioState) # wids = fromJust maybeWIDS | wids.wPtr<>0 = (False,Nothing,Nothing,windows,ioState) # (tb,ioState) = getIOToolbox ioState # (itemPtr,windows,tb) = createModalDialogControls wMetrics wPtr windows tb # ioState = setIOToolbox tb ioState # (found,wsH,windows) = getWindowHandlesWindow (toWID wPtr) windows | not found // This alternative can't be reached, because createModalDialogControls has added this handle = windoweventFatalError "filterOSEvent (CcWmINITDIALOG)" "could not retrieve window" | otherwise # ({w,h},wsH) = getWindowStateHandleSize wsH windows = setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows = (True,Just [-1,-1,w,h,if (itemPtr==OSNoWindowPtr) 0 itemPtr],Nothing,windows,ioState) filterOSEvent _ {ccMsg=CcWmSCROLLBARACTION,p1=wPtr,p2=cPtr,p3=iBar,p4=action,p5=osThumb} windows ioState # (found,wsH,windows) = getWindowHandlesWindow (toWID wPtr) windows | not found = (False,Nothing,Nothing,windows,ioState) # (able,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleSelect wsH | not able = (True,Nothing,Nothing,setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows,ioState) | otherwise # (wids,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleWIDS wsH (sliderEvent,wsH) = getSlidersEvent wids iBar osThumb cPtr wsH = (True,Nothing,Just sliderEvent,setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows,ioState) where getSlidersEvent :: !WIDS !Int !Int !OSWindowPtr !(WindowStateHandle .pst) -> (!DeviceEvent,!WindowStateHandle .pst) getSlidersEvent wids iBar osThumb itemPtr wsH=:{wshHandle=Just wlsH=:{wlsHandle=wH=:{whWindowInfo,whItems,whSize={w,h}}}} | wids.wPtr==itemPtr = (WindowScrollAction info,wsH) with info = { wsaWIDS = wids , wsaSliderMove = move min max view osThumb , wsaDirection = if isHorizontal Horizontal Vertical } windowInfo = getWindowInfoWindowData whWindowInfo domainRect = windowInfo.windowDomain isHorizontal = iBar==SB_HORZ (min,max,view) = if isHorizontal (domainRect.rleft,domainRect.rright, w) (domainRect.rtop, domainRect.rbottom,h) # (found,sliderEvent,itemHs)= getSlidersEvent wids iBar osThumb itemPtr whItems | found = (sliderEvent,{wsH & wshHandle=Just {wlsH & wlsHandle={wH & whItems=itemHs}}}) | otherwise = windoweventFatalError "getSlidersEvent" "SliderControl could not be located" where getSlidersEvent :: !WIDS !Int !Int !OSWindowPtr ![WElementHandle .ls .pst] -> (!Bool,!DeviceEvent,![WElementHandle .ls .pst]) getSlidersEvent wids iBar osThumb itemPtr [itemH:itemHs] # (found,sliderEvent,itemH) = getSliderEvent wids iBar osThumb itemPtr itemH | found = (found,sliderEvent,[itemH:itemHs]) | otherwise # (found,sliderEvent,itemHs)= getSlidersEvent wids iBar osThumb itemPtr itemHs = (found,sliderEvent,[itemH:itemHs]) where getSliderEvent :: !WIDS !Int !Int !OSWindowPtr !(WElementHandle .ls .pst) -> (!Bool,!DeviceEvent,!WElementHandle .ls .pst) getSliderEvent wids iBar osThumb itemPtr (WItemHandle itemH=:{wItemPtr,wItemNr,wItemKind,wItemShow,wItems,wItemInfo,wItemSize}) | itemPtr<>wItemPtr | wItemShow # (found,sliderEvent,itemHs) = getSlidersEvent wids iBar osThumb itemPtr wItems = (found,sliderEvent,WItemHandle {itemH & wItems=itemHs}) // otherwise = (False,ControlSliderAction dummySlidersEvent,WItemHandle itemH) | wItemKind==IsCompoundControl = (True,CompoundScrollAction info,WItemHandle itemH) with info = { csaWIDS = wids , csaItemNr = wItemNr , csaItemPtr = itemPtr , csaSliderMove = move min max view osThumb , csaDirection = if isHorizontal Horizontal Vertical } compoundInfo = getWItemCompoundInfo wItemInfo domainRect = compoundInfo.compoundDomain isHorizontal = iBar==SB_HORZ (min,max,view) = if isHorizontal (domainRect.rleft,domainRect.rright, wItemSize.w) (domainRect.rtop, domainRect.rbottom,wItemSize.h) | otherwise = (True,ControlSliderAction info,WItemHandle itemH) with info = { cslWIDS = wids , cslItemNr = wItemNr , cslItemPtr = itemPtr , cslSliderMove = move sliderState.sliderMin sliderState.sliderMax 0 osThumb } sliderInfo = getWItemSliderInfo wItemInfo sliderState = sliderInfo.sliderInfoState getSliderEvent wids iBar osThumb itemPtr (WListLSHandle itemHs) # (found,sliderEvent,itemHs) = getSlidersEvent wids iBar osThumb itemPtr itemHs = (found,sliderEvent,WListLSHandle itemHs) getSliderEvent wids iBar osThumb itemPtr (WExtendLSHandle wExH=:{wExtendItems=itemHs}) # (found,sliderEvent,itemHs) = getSlidersEvent wids iBar osThumb itemPtr itemHs = (found,sliderEvent,WExtendLSHandle {wExH & wExtendItems=itemHs}) getSliderEvent wids iBar osThumb itemPtr (WChangeLSHandle wChH=:{wChangeItems=itemHs}) # (found,sliderEvent,itemHs) = getSlidersEvent wids iBar osThumb itemPtr itemHs = (found,sliderEvent,WChangeLSHandle {wChH & wChangeItems=itemHs}) getSlidersEvent _ _ _ _ [] = (False,ControlSliderAction dummySlidersEvent,[]) dummySlidersEvent = { cslWIDS=wids,cslItemNr=0,cslItemPtr=0,cslSliderMove=SliderIncSmall } getSlidersEvent _ _ _ _ _ = windoweventFatalError "getSlidersEvent" "placeholder not expected" move :: !Int !Int !Int !Int -> SliderMove move min max view osThumb = case action of SB_LINEUP -> SliderDecSmall SB_LINEDOWN -> SliderIncSmall SB_PAGEUP -> SliderDecLarge SB_PAGEDOWN -> SliderIncLarge SB_THUMBPOSITION-> SliderThumb (fromOSscrollbarRange (min,max) osThumb) SB_THUMBTRACK -> SliderThumb (fromOSscrollbarRange (min,max) osThumb) SB_TOP -> SliderThumb min SB_BOTTOM -> SliderThumb (max-view) SB_ENDSCROLL -> SliderThumb (fromOSscrollbarRange (min,max) osThumb) filterOSEvent _ {ccMsg=CcWmACTIVATE,p1=wPtr} windows ioState # (found,wsH,windows) = getWindowHandlesWindow (toWID wPtr) windows | not found = (False,Nothing,Nothing,windows,ioState) # (active,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleActive wsH | active // The window is already active, skip = (True,Nothing,Nothing,setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows,ioState) | otherwise # (wids,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleWIDS wsH windows = setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows // (activeModal,windows) = getWindowHandlesActiveModalDialog windows // = (True,Nothing,if (isJust activeModal) (Just (WindowInitialise wids)) (Just (WindowActivation wids)),windows,ioState) // PA: WindowInitialise? Why? Doesn't smell well = (True,Nothing,Just (WindowActivation wids),windows,ioState) // DvA: always activate/deactivate windows filterOSEvent _ {ccMsg=CcWmCLOSE,p1=wPtr} windows ioState # (found,wsH,windows) = getWindowHandlesWindow (toWID wPtr) windows | not found = (False,Nothing,Nothing,windows,ioState) | otherwise # (wids,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleWIDS wsH windows = setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows = (True,Nothing,Just (WindowRequestClose wids),windows,ioState) filterOSEvent _ {ccMsg=CcWmDEACTIVATE,p1=wPtr} windows ioState # (found,wsH,windows) = getWindowHandlesWindow (toWID wPtr) windows | not found = (False,Nothing,Nothing,windows,ioState) // PA: in my version this test was not present. # (active,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleActive wsH | not active // The window is already inactive, skip = (True,Nothing,Nothing,setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows,ioState) // ...PA | otherwise # (wids,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleWIDS wsH windows = setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows // (activeModal,windows) = getWindowHandlesActiveModalDialog windows // = (True,Nothing,if (isJust activeModal) Nothing (Just (WindowDeactivation wids)),windows,ioState) = (True,Nothing,Just (WindowDeactivation wids),windows,ioState) // DvA: always activate/deactivate windows filterOSEvent _ {ccMsg=CcWmKEYBOARD,p1=wPtr,p2=cPtr,p3=keycode,p4=state,p5=mods} windows ioState # (found,wsH,windows) = getWindowHandlesWindow (toWID wPtr) windows | not found = (False,Nothing,Nothing,windows,ioState) # (wids,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleWIDS wsH | wPtr==cPtr // The keyboard action takes place in the window # (inputTrack,ioState) = ioStGetInputTrack ioState (ok,key,wsH,inputTrack) = okWindowKeyboardState keycode state mods wsH inputTrack # ioState = ioStSetInputTrack inputTrack ioState deviceEvent = if ok (Just (WindowKeyboardAction {wkWIDS=wids,wkKeyboardState=key})) Nothing = (True,Nothing,deviceEvent,setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows,ioState) with okWindowKeyboardState :: !Int !Int !Int !(WindowStateHandle .pst) !(Maybe InputTrack) -> (!Bool,KeyboardState,!WindowStateHandle .pst, ! Maybe InputTrack) okWindowKeyboardState keycode state mods wsH=:{wshHandle=Just {wlsHandle={whKind,whWindowInfo,whAtts}}} inputTrack | whKind==IsDialog = (False,undef,wsH,inputTrack) | trackingKeyboard wPtr 0 inputTrack // Window is already handle Key(Repeat/Up) | isDownKey // Ignore all key down events = (False,undef,wsH,inputTrack) | pressState==KeyUp = (okKeyboardAtt,keystate,wsH,untrackKeyboard inputTrack) // Clear keyboard tracking // otherwise = (okKeyboardAtt,keystate,wsH,inputTrack) | isDownKey = (okKeyboardAtt,keystate,wsH,trackKeyboard wPtr 0 inputTrack) // Key down sets input track | otherwise = (False,undef,wsH,inputTrack) where keystate = keyState keycode state mods pressState = getKeyboardStateKeyState keystate isDownKey = pressState==KeyDown False (filter,selectState,_) = getWindowKeyboardAtt (snd (cselect isWindowKeyboard (WindowKeyboard (const False) Unable undef) whAtts)) okKeyboardAtt = filter keystate && selectState==Able okWindowKeyboardState _ _ _ _ _ = windoweventFatalError "okWindowKeyboardState" "placeholder not expected" | otherwise // The keyboard action takes place in a control # (inputTrack,ioState) = ioStGetInputTrack ioState (ok,itemNr,key,wsH,inputTrack)= okControlItemsNrKeyboardState wPtr cPtr keycode state mods wsH inputTrack # ioState = ioStSetInputTrack inputTrack ioState info = { ckWIDS = wids , ckItemNr = itemNr , ckItemPtr = cPtr , ckKeyboardState = key } deviceEvent = if ok (Just (ControlKeyboardAction info)) Nothing = (True,Nothing,deviceEvent,setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows,ioState) with okControlItemsNrKeyboardState :: !OSWindowPtr !OSWindowPtr !Int !Int !Int !(WindowStateHandle .pst) !(Maybe InputTrack) -> (!Bool,!Int,KeyboardState,!WindowStateHandle .pst, ! Maybe InputTrack) okControlItemsNrKeyboardState wPtr itemPtr keycode state mods wsH=:{wshHandle=Just wlsH=:{wlsHandle=wH=:{whItems}}} inputTrack # (_,ok,itemNr,itemPos,itemHs,inputTrack) = okControlsItemNrKeyboardState wPtr itemPtr True keycode state mods whItems inputTrack = (ok,itemNr,itemPos,{wsH & wshHandle=Just {wlsH & wlsHandle={wH & whItems=itemHs}}},inputTrack) where okControlsItemNrKeyboardState :: !OSWindowPtr !OSWindowPtr !Bool !Int !Int !Int ![WElementHandle .ls .pst] !(Maybe InputTrack) -> (!Bool,!Bool,!Int,KeyboardState,![WElementHandle .ls .pst],! Maybe InputTrack) okControlsItemNrKeyboardState wPtr itemPtr contextAble keycode state mods [itemH:itemHs] inputTrack # (found,ok,itemNr,itemPos,itemH,inputTrack) = okControlItemNrKeyboardState wPtr itemPtr contextAble keycode state mods itemH inputTrack | found = (found,ok,itemNr,itemPos,[itemH:itemHs],inputTrack) | otherwise # (found,ok,itemNr,itemPos,itemHs,inputTrack) = okControlsItemNrKeyboardState wPtr itemPtr contextAble keycode state mods itemHs inputTrack = (found,ok,itemNr,itemPos,[itemH:itemHs],inputTrack) where okControlItemNrKeyboardState :: !OSWindowPtr !OSWindowPtr !Bool !Int !Int !Int !(WElementHandle .ls .pst) !(Maybe InputTrack) -> (!Bool,!Bool,!Int,KeyboardState,!WElementHandle .ls .pst, ! Maybe InputTrack) okControlItemNrKeyboardState wPtr itemPtr contextAble keycode state mods (WItemHandle itemH=:{wItemPtr,wItemNr,wItemKind,wItemSelect,wItemShow,wItemAtts}) inputTrack | itemPtr<>wItemPtr | not wItemShow = (False,False,0,undef,WItemHandle itemH,inputTrack) // otherwise # (found,ok,itemNr,itemPos,itemHs,inputTrack) = okControlsItemNrKeyboardState wPtr itemPtr contextAble1 keycode state mods itemH.wItems inputTrack = (found,ok,itemNr,itemPos,WItemHandle {itemH & wItems=itemHs},inputTrack) | trackingKeyboard wPtr itemPtr inputTrack // Control is already handling Key(Repeat/Up) | isDownKey // Ignore all key down events = (True,False,0,undef,WItemHandle itemH,inputTrack) | pressState==KeyUp // Clear keyboard tracking = (True,okKeyboardAtt,wItemNr,keystate,WItemHandle itemH,untrackKeyboard inputTrack) // otherwise = (True,okKeyboardAtt,wItemNr,keystate,WItemHandle itemH,inputTrack) | isDownKey // Key down sets input track = (True,okKeyboardAtt,wItemNr,keystate,WItemHandle itemH,trackKeyboard wPtr itemPtr inputTrack) | otherwise = (True,False,0,undef,WItemHandle itemH,inputTrack) where contextAble1 = contextAble && wItemSelect noKeyboardAtt = ControlKeyboard (const False) Unable undef (filter,selectState,_) = getControlKeyboardAtt (snd (cselect isControlKeyboard noKeyboardAtt wItemAtts)) okKeyboardAtt = contextAble1 && enabled selectState && filter keystate keystate = keyState keycode state mods pressState = getKeyboardStateKeyState keystate isDownKey = pressState==KeyDown False okControlItemNrKeyboardState wPtr itemPtr contextAble keycode state mods (WListLSHandle itemHs) inputTrack # (found,ok,itemNr,itemPos,itemHs,inputTrack) = okControlsItemNrKeyboardState wPtr itemPtr contextAble keycode state mods itemHs inputTrack = (found,ok,itemNr,itemPos,WListLSHandle itemHs,inputTrack) okControlItemNrKeyboardState wPtr itemPtr contextAble keycode state mods (WExtendLSHandle wExH=:{wExtendItems=itemHs}) inputTrack # (found,ok,itemNr,itemPos,itemHs,inputTrack) = okControlsItemNrKeyboardState wPtr itemPtr contextAble keycode state mods itemHs inputTrack = (found,ok,itemNr,itemPos,WExtendLSHandle {wExH & wExtendItems=itemHs},inputTrack) okControlItemNrKeyboardState wPtr itemPtr contextAble keycode state mods (WChangeLSHandle wChH=:{wChangeItems=itemHs}) inputTrack # (found,ok,itemNr,itemPos,itemHs,inputTrack) = okControlsItemNrKeyboardState wPtr itemPtr contextAble keycode state mods itemHs inputTrack = (found,ok,itemNr,itemPos,WChangeLSHandle {wChH & wChangeItems=itemHs},inputTrack) okControlsItemNrKeyboardState _ _ _ _ _ _ itemH inputTrack = (False,False,0,undef,itemH,inputTrack) okControlItemsNrKeyboardState _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = windoweventFatalError "okControlItemsNrKeyboardState" "window placeholder not expected" where keyState :: !Int !Int !Int -> KeyboardState keyState keycode state mods | isSpecial = SpecialKey special ks modifiers | otherwise = CharKey (toChar keycode) ks where modifiers = toModifiers mods ks = case state of KEYDOWN -> KeyDown False KEYREPEAT -> KeyDown True KEYUP -> KeyUp (isSpecial,special) = case keycode of WinBackSpKey-> (True,backSpaceKey) WinBeginKey -> (True,beginKey) WinDelKey -> (True,deleteKey) WinDownKey -> (True,downKey) WinEndKey -> (True,endKey) WinEscapeKey-> (True,escapeKey) WinHelpKey -> (True,helpKey) WinLeftKey -> (True,leftKey) WinPgDownKey-> (True,pgDownKey) WinPgUpKey -> (True,pgUpKey) WinReturnKey-> (True,enterKey) WinRightKey -> (True,rightKey) WinUpKey -> (True,upKey) WinF1Key -> (True,f1Key) WinF2Key -> (True,f2Key) WinF3Key -> (True,f3Key) WinF4Key -> (True,f4Key) WinF5Key -> (True,f5Key) WinF6Key -> (True,f6Key) WinF7Key -> (True,f7Key) WinF8Key -> (True,f8Key) WinF9Key -> (True,f9Key) WinF10Key -> (True,f10Key) WinF11Key -> (True,f11Key) WinF12Key -> (True,f12Key) _ -> (False,undef) filterOSEvent _ {ccMsg=CcWmKILLFOCUS,p1=wPtr,p2=cPtr} windows ioState # (found,wsH,windows) = getWindowHandlesWindow (toWID wPtr) windows | not found = (False,Nothing,Nothing,windows,ioState) # (wids,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleWIDS wsH (found,itemNr,wsH) = getControlKeyFocusItemNr False cPtr wsH windows = setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows | not found = (True,Nothing,Nothing,windows,ioState) | otherwise = (True,Nothing,Just (ControlLooseKeyFocus {ckfWIDS=wids,ckfItemNr=itemNr,ckfItemPtr=cPtr}),windows,ioState) filterOSEvent _ {ccMsg=CcWmLOSTKEY,p1=wPtr,p2=cPtr} windows ioState # (found,wsH,windows) = getWindowHandlesWindow (toWID wPtr) windows | not found = (False,Nothing,Nothing,windows,ioState) # (able,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleSelect wsH | not able = (True,Nothing,Nothing,setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows,ioState) # (wids,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleWIDS wsH | wPtr==cPtr // The window lost the keyboard input # (ok,wsH) = okWindowKeyLost wsH deviceEvent = if ok (Just (WindowKeyboardAction {wkWIDS=wids,wkKeyboardState=KeyLost})) Nothing = (True,Nothing,deviceEvent,setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows,ioState) with okWindowKeyLost :: !(WindowStateHandle .pst) -> (!Bool,!WindowStateHandle .pst) okWindowKeyLost wsH=:{wshHandle=Just {wlsHandle={whKind,whAtts}}} | whKind==IsDialog = (False,wsH) | otherwise = (okKeyAtt,wsH) where (filter,selectState,_) = getWindowKeyboardAtt (snd (cselect isWindowKeyboard (WindowKeyboard (const False) Unable undef) whAtts)) okKeyAtt = filter KeyLost && selectState==Able okWindowKeyLost _ = windoweventFatalError "okWindowKeyLost" "placeholder not expected" | otherwise // One of the window controls lost the keyboard input # (ok,itemNr,wsH) = okControlItemNrsKeyLost cPtr wsH info = { ckWIDS = wids , ckItemNr = itemNr , ckItemPtr = cPtr , ckKeyboardState = KeyLost } deviceEvent = if (ok && itemNr>0) (Just (ControlKeyboardAction info)) Nothing = (True,Nothing,deviceEvent,setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows,ioState) with okControlItemNrsKeyLost :: !OSWindowPtr !(WindowStateHandle .pst) -> (!Bool,!Int,!WindowStateHandle .pst) okControlItemNrsKeyLost itemPtr wsH=:{wshHandle=Just wlsH=:{wlsHandle=wH=:{whItems}}} # (_,ok,itemNr,itemHs) = okControlsItemNrKeyLost True itemPtr whItems = (ok,itemNr,{wsH & wshHandle=Just {wlsH & wlsHandle={wH & whItems=itemHs}}}) where okControlsItemNrKeyLost :: !Bool !OSWindowPtr ![WElementHandle .ls .pst] -> (!Bool,!Bool,!Int,![WElementHandle .ls .pst]) okControlsItemNrKeyLost contextAble itemPtr [itemH:itemHs] # (found,ok,itemNr,itemH) = okControlItemNrKeyLost contextAble itemPtr itemH | found = (found,ok,itemNr,[itemH:itemHs]) | otherwise # (found,ok,itemNr,itemHs) = okControlsItemNrKeyLost contextAble itemPtr itemHs = (found,ok,itemNr,[itemH:itemHs]) where okControlItemNrKeyLost :: !Bool !OSWindowPtr !(WElementHandle .ls .pst) -> (!Bool,!Bool,!Int,!WElementHandle .ls .pst) okControlItemNrKeyLost contextAble itemPtr (WItemHandle itemH=:{wItemPtr,wItemNr,wItemSelect,wItemShow,wItemAtts,wItems}) | itemPtr<>wItemPtr | wItemShow # (found,okKey,itemNr,itemHs) = okControlsItemNrKeyLost contextAble1 itemPtr wItems = (found,okKey,itemNr,WItemHandle {itemH & wItems=itemHs}) // otherwise = (False,False,0,WItemHandle itemH) | otherwise = (True,okKeyAtt,wItemNr,WItemHandle itemH) where contextAble1= contextAble && wItemSelect (filter,selectState,_) = getControlKeyboardAtt (snd (cselect isControlKeyboard (ControlKeyboard (const False) Unable undef) wItemAtts)) okKeyAtt = contextAble1 && enabled selectState && filter KeyLost okControlItemNrKeyLost contextAble itemPtr (WListLSHandle itemHs) # (found,okKey,itemNr,itemHs) = okControlsItemNrKeyLost contextAble itemPtr itemHs = (found,okKey,itemNr,WListLSHandle itemHs) okControlItemNrKeyLost contextAble itemPtr (WExtendLSHandle wExH=:{wExtendItems=itemHs}) # (found,okKey,itemNr,itemHs) = okControlsItemNrKeyLost contextAble itemPtr itemHs = (found,okKey,itemNr,WExtendLSHandle {wExH & wExtendItems=itemHs}) okControlItemNrKeyLost contextAble itemPtr (WChangeLSHandle wChH=:{wChangeItems=itemHs}) # (found,okKey,itemNr,itemHs) = okControlsItemNrKeyLost contextAble itemPtr itemHs = (found,okKey,itemNr,WChangeLSHandle {wChH & wChangeItems=itemHs}) okControlsItemNrKeyLost _ _ [] = (False,False,0,[]) okControlItemNrsKeyLost _ _ = windoweventFatalError "okControlItemNrsKeyLost" "placeholder not expected" filterOSEvent _ {ccMsg=CcWmLOSTMOUSE,p1=wPtr,p2=cPtr} windows ioState # (found,wsH,windows) = getWindowHandlesWindow (toWID wPtr) windows | not found = (False,Nothing,Nothing,windows,ioState) # (able,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleSelect wsH | not able = (True,Nothing,Nothing,setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows,ioState) # (wids,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleWIDS wsH | wPtr==cPtr // The window lost the mouse input # (ok,wsH) = okWindowMouseLost wsH deviceEvent = if ok (Just (WindowMouseAction {wmWIDS=wids,wmMouseState=MouseLost})) Nothing = (True,Nothing,deviceEvent,setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows,ioState) with okWindowMouseLost :: !(WindowStateHandle .pst) -> (!Bool,!WindowStateHandle .pst) okWindowMouseLost wsH=:{wshHandle=Just {wlsHandle={whKind,whAtts}}} | whKind==IsDialog = (False,wsH) | otherwise = (okMouseAtt,wsH) where (filter,selectState,_) = getWindowMouseAtt (snd (cselect isWindowMouse (WindowMouse (const False) Unable undef) whAtts)) okMouseAtt = filter MouseLost && selectState==Able okWindowMouseLost _ = windoweventFatalError "okWindowMouseLost" "placeholder not expected" | otherwise // One of the window controls lost the mouse input # (ok,itemNr,wsH) = okControlItemNrsMouseLost cPtr wsH info = { cmWIDS = wids , cmItemNr = itemNr , cmItemPtr = cPtr , cmMouseState = MouseLost } deviceEvent = if (ok && itemNr>0) (Just (ControlMouseAction info)) Nothing = (True,Nothing,deviceEvent,setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows,ioState) with okControlItemNrsMouseLost :: !OSWindowPtr !(WindowStateHandle .pst) -> (!Bool,!Int,!WindowStateHandle .pst) okControlItemNrsMouseLost itemPtr wsH=:{wshHandle=Just wlsH=:{wlsHandle=wH=:{whItems}}} # (_,ok,itemNr,itemHs) = okControlsItemNrMouseLost True itemPtr whItems = (ok,itemNr,{wsH & wshHandle=Just {wlsH & wlsHandle={wH & whItems=itemHs}}}) where okControlsItemNrMouseLost :: !Bool !OSWindowPtr ![WElementHandle .ls .pst] -> (!Bool,!Bool,!Int,![WElementHandle .ls .pst]) okControlsItemNrMouseLost contextAble itemPtr [itemH:itemHs] # (found,ok,itemNr,itemH) = okControlItemNrMouseLost contextAble itemPtr itemH | found = (found,ok,itemNr,[itemH:itemHs]) | otherwise # (found,ok,itemNr,itemHs) = okControlsItemNrMouseLost contextAble itemPtr itemHs = (found,ok,itemNr,[itemH:itemHs]) where okControlItemNrMouseLost :: !Bool !OSWindowPtr !(WElementHandle .ls .pst) -> (!Bool,!Bool,!Int,!WElementHandle .ls .pst) okControlItemNrMouseLost contextAble itemPtr (WItemHandle itemH=:{wItemPtr,wItemNr,wItemSelect,wItemShow,wItemAtts,wItems}) | itemPtr<>wItemPtr | wItemShow # (found,ok,itemNr,itemHs) = okControlsItemNrMouseLost contextAble1 itemPtr wItems = (found,ok,itemNr,WItemHandle {itemH & wItems=itemHs}) // otherwise = (False,False,0,WItemHandle itemH) | otherwise = (True,okMouseAtt,wItemNr,WItemHandle itemH) where contextAble1= contextAble && wItemSelect (filter,selectState,_) = getControlMouseAtt (snd (cselect isControlMouse (ControlMouse (const False) Unable undef) wItemAtts)) okMouseAtt = contextAble1 && enabled selectState && filter MouseLost okControlItemNrMouseLost contextAble itemPtr (WListLSHandle itemHs) # (found,ok,itemNr,itemHs) = okControlsItemNrMouseLost contextAble itemPtr itemHs = (found,ok,itemNr,WListLSHandle itemHs) okControlItemNrMouseLost contextAble itemPtr (WExtendLSHandle wExH=:{wExtendItems=itemHs}) # (found,ok,itemNr,itemHs) = okControlsItemNrMouseLost contextAble itemPtr itemHs = (found,ok,itemNr,WExtendLSHandle {wExH & wExtendItems=itemHs}) okControlItemNrMouseLost contextAble itemPtr (WChangeLSHandle wChH=:{wChangeItems=itemHs}) # (found,ok,itemNr,itemHs) = okControlsItemNrMouseLost contextAble itemPtr itemHs = (found,ok,itemNr,WChangeLSHandle {wChH & wChangeItems=itemHs}) okControlsItemNrMouseLost _ _ [] = (False,False,0,[]) okControlItemNrsMouseLost _ _ = windoweventFatalError "okControlItemNrsMouseLost" "placeholder not expected" filterOSEvent _ {ccMsg=CcWmMOUSE,p1=wPtr,p2=cPtr,p3=action,p4=x,p5=y,p6=mods} windows ioState # (found,wsH,windows) = getWindowHandlesWindow (toWID wPtr) windows | not found = (False,Nothing,Nothing,windows,ioState) # (able,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleSelect wsH | not able = (True,Nothing,Nothing,setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows,ioState) # (wids,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleWIDS wsH | wPtr==cPtr // The mouse action takes place in the window # (inputTrack,ioState) = ioStGetInputTrack ioState (ok,mouse,wsH,inputTrack) = okWindowMouseState action {x=x,y=y} wsH inputTrack deviceEvent = if ok (Just (WindowMouseAction {wmWIDS=wids,wmMouseState=mouse})) Nothing # ioState = ioStSetInputTrack inputTrack ioState = (True,Nothing,deviceEvent,setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows,ioState) with okWindowMouseState :: !Int !Point2 !(WindowStateHandle .pst) !(Maybe InputTrack) -> (!Bool,MouseState,!WindowStateHandle .pst, ! Maybe InputTrack) okWindowMouseState action eventPos wsH=:{wshHandle=Just {wlsHandle={whKind,whWindowInfo,whAtts}}} inputTrack | whKind==IsDialog = (False,undef,wsH,inputTrack) | trackingMouse wPtr 0 inputTrack // Window is already handling Mouse(Drag/Up) | isDownButton || buttonstate==ButtonStillUp // Ignore all mouse down and mouse move events = (False,undef,wsH,inputTrack) | buttonstate==ButtonUp // Clear mouse tracking = (okMouseAtt,mousestate,wsH,untrackMouse inputTrack) // otherwise = (okMouseAtt,mousestate,wsH,inputTrack) | isDownButton // Mouse down event sets input track = (okMouseAtt,mousestate,wsH,trackMouse wPtr 0 inputTrack) | isMember buttonstate [ButtonStillDown,ButtonUp] // Ignore all mouse drag and up events when not tracking = (False,undef,wsH,inputTrack) | otherwise = (okMouseAtt,mousestate,wsH,inputTrack) where origin = (getWindowInfoWindowData whWindowInfo).windowOrigin mousestate = mouseState action (eventPos+origin) buttonstate = getMouseStateButtonState mousestate isDownButton = isMember buttonstate [ButtonDown,ButtonDoubleDown,ButtonTripleDown] (filter,selectState,_) = getWindowMouseAtt (snd (cselect isWindowMouse (WindowMouse (const False) Unable undef) whAtts)) okMouseAtt = filter mousestate && selectState==Able okWindowMouseState _ _ _ _ = windoweventFatalError "okWindowMouseState" "placeholder not expected" | otherwise // The mouse action takes place in a control # (inputTrack,ioState) = ioStGetInputTrack ioState (ok,itemNr,mouse,wsH,inputTrack) = okControlItemsNrMouseState wPtr cPtr action {x=x,y=y} wsH inputTrack # ioState = ioStSetInputTrack inputTrack ioState info = { cmWIDS = wids , cmItemNr = itemNr , cmItemPtr = cPtr , cmMouseState = mouse } deviceEvent = if ok (Just (ControlMouseAction info)) Nothing = (True,Nothing,deviceEvent,setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows,ioState) with okControlItemsNrMouseState :: !OSWindowPtr !OSWindowPtr !Int !Point2 !(WindowStateHandle .pst) !(Maybe InputTrack) -> (!Bool,!Int,MouseState,!WindowStateHandle .pst, ! Maybe InputTrack) okControlItemsNrMouseState wPtr itemPtr action eventPos wsH=:{wshHandle=Just wlsH=:{wlsHandle=wH=:{whItems}}} inputTrack # (_,ok,itemNr,itemPos,itemHs,inputTrack) = okControlsItemNrMouseState True wPtr itemPtr action eventPos whItems inputTrack = (ok,itemNr,itemPos,{wsH & wshHandle=Just {wlsH & wlsHandle={wH & whItems=itemHs}}},inputTrack) where okControlsItemNrMouseState :: !Bool !OSWindowPtr !OSWindowPtr !Int !Point2 ![WElementHandle .ls .pst] !(Maybe InputTrack) -> (!Bool,!Bool,!Int,MouseState,![WElementHandle .ls .pst], !Maybe InputTrack) okControlsItemNrMouseState contextAble wPtr itemPtr action eventPos [itemH:itemHs] inputTrack # (found,ok,itemNr,itemPos,itemH,inputTrack) = okControlItemNrMouseState contextAble wPtr itemPtr action eventPos itemH inputTrack | found = (found,ok,itemNr,itemPos,[itemH:itemHs],inputTrack) | otherwise # (found,ok,itemNr,itemPos,itemHs,inputTrack) = okControlsItemNrMouseState contextAble wPtr itemPtr action eventPos itemHs inputTrack = (found,ok,itemNr,itemPos,[itemH:itemHs],inputTrack) where okControlItemNrMouseState :: !Bool !OSWindowPtr !OSWindowPtr !Int !Point2 !(WElementHandle .ls .pst) !(Maybe InputTrack) -> (!Bool,!Bool,!Int,MouseState,!WElementHandle .ls .pst, !Maybe InputTrack) okControlItemNrMouseState contextAble wPtr itemPtr action eventPos (WItemHandle itemH=:{wItemPtr,wItemSelect,wItemKind,wItemNr,wItemShow,wItemAtts,wItems,wItemInfo}) inputTrack | itemPtr<>wItemPtr | wItemShow # (found,ok,itemNr,mousestate,itemHs,inputTrack) = okControlsItemNrMouseState contextAble1 wPtr itemPtr action eventPos wItems inputTrack = (found,ok,itemNr,mousestate,WItemHandle {itemH & wItems=itemHs},inputTrack) // otherwise = (False,False,0,undef,WItemHandle itemH,inputTrack) | trackingMouse wPtr itemPtr inputTrack // Control is already handling Mouse(Drag/Up) | isDownButton || buttonstate==ButtonStillUp // Ignore all mouse down and mouse move events = (True,False,0,undef,WItemHandle itemH,inputTrack) | buttonstate==ButtonUp // Clear mouse tracking = (True,okMouseAtt,wItemNr,mousestate,WItemHandle itemH,untrackMouse inputTrack) // otherwise = (True,okMouseAtt,wItemNr,mousestate,WItemHandle itemH,inputTrack) | isDownButton // Mouse down event sets input track = (True,okMouseAtt,wItemNr,mousestate,WItemHandle itemH,trackMouse wPtr itemPtr inputTrack) | isMember buttonstate [ButtonStillDown,ButtonUp] // Ignore all mouse drag and up events when not tracking = (True,False,0,undef,WItemHandle itemH,inputTrack) | otherwise = (True,okMouseAtt,wItemNr,mousestate,WItemHandle itemH,inputTrack) where contextAble1= contextAble && wItemSelect (filter,selectState,_) = getControlMouseAtt (snd (cselect isControlMouse (ControlMouse (const False) Unable undef) wItemAtts)) okMouseAtt = contextAble1 && enabled selectState && filter mousestate mousestate = mouseState action (origin+eventPos) buttonstate = getMouseStateButtonState mousestate isDownButton= isMember buttonstate [ButtonDown,ButtonDoubleDown,ButtonTripleDown] origin = case wItemKind of IsCustomButtonControl -> zero IsCustomControl -> zero IsCompoundControl -> (getWItemCompoundInfo wItemInfo).compoundOrigin _ -> windoweventFatalError "okControlItemsNrMouseState" "mouse event generated for unexpected control" okControlItemNrMouseState contextAble wPtr itemPtr action eventPos (WListLSHandle itemHs) inputTrack # (found,ok,itemNr,mousestate,itemHs,inputTrack) = okControlsItemNrMouseState contextAble wPtr itemPtr action eventPos itemHs inputTrack = (found,ok,itemNr,mousestate,WListLSHandle itemHs,inputTrack) okControlItemNrMouseState contextAble wPtr itemPtr action eventPos (WExtendLSHandle wExH=:{wExtendItems=itemHs}) inputTrack # (found,ok,itemNr,mousestate,itemHs,inputTrack) = okControlsItemNrMouseState contextAble wPtr itemPtr action eventPos itemHs inputTrack = (found,ok,itemNr,mousestate,WExtendLSHandle {wExH & wExtendItems=itemHs},inputTrack) okControlItemNrMouseState contextAble wPtr itemPtr action eventPos (WChangeLSHandle wChH=:{wChangeItems=itemHs}) inputTrack # (found,ok,itemNr,mousestate,itemHs,inputTrack) = okControlsItemNrMouseState contextAble wPtr itemPtr action eventPos itemHs inputTrack = (found,ok,itemNr,mousestate,WChangeLSHandle {wChH & wChangeItems=itemHs},inputTrack) okControlsItemNrMouseState _ _ _ _ _ [] inputTrack = (False,False,0,undef,[],inputTrack) okControlItemsNrMouseState _ _ _ _ _ _ = windoweventFatalError "okControlItemsNrMouseState" "placeholder not expected" where modifiers = toModifiers mods nrDown = case action of BUTTONDOWN -> 1 BUTTONDOUBLEDOWN -> 2 _ -> 3 mouseState action pos = case action of BUTTONSTILLUP -> MouseMove pos modifiers BUTTONUP -> MouseUp pos modifiers BUTTONSTILLDOWN -> MouseDrag pos modifiers _ -> MouseDown pos modifiers nrDown filterOSEvent _ {ccMsg=CcWmSETFOCUS,p1=wPtr,p2=cPtr} windows ioState # (found,wsH,windows) = getWindowHandlesWindow (toWID wPtr) windows | not found = (False,Nothing,Nothing,windows,ioState) # (wids,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleWIDS wsH (found,itemNr,wsH) = getControlKeyFocusItemNr True cPtr wsH windows = setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows | not found = (True,Nothing,Nothing,windows,ioState) | otherwise = (True,Nothing,Just (ControlGetKeyFocus {ckfWIDS=wids,ckfItemNr=itemNr,ckfItemPtr=cPtr}),windows,ioState) filterOSEvent wMetrics {ccMsg=CcWmSIZE,p1=wPtr,p2=w,p3=h,p4=usersizing} windows ioState # (found,wsH,windows) = getWindowHandlesWindow (toWID wPtr) windows | not found = (False,Nothing,Nothing,windows,ioState) # (wKind,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleWindowKind wsH | wKind==IsDialog // This alternative should never occur = windoweventFatalError "filterOSEvent" "WindowSizeAction event generated for Dialog" | otherwise # (wids,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleWIDS wsH # (tb,ioState) = getIOToolbox ioState (info,wsH,tb) = getWindowStateHandleSize wids w h (usersizing<>0) wsH tb # ioState = setIOToolbox tb ioState windows = setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows = (True,Nothing,Just (WindowSizeAction info),windows,ioState) where getWindowStateHandleSize :: !WIDS !Int !Int !Bool !(WindowStateHandle .pst) !*OSToolbox -> (!WindowSizeActionInfo,!WindowStateHandle .pst, !*OSToolbox) getWindowStateHandleSize wids newW newH usersizing wsH=:{wshHandle=Just {wlsHandle=wH=:{whSize,whWindowInfo}}} tb = ({wsWIDS=wids,wsSize={w=newW`,h=newH`},wsUpdateAll=not usersizing},wsH,tb) where windowInfo = getWindowInfoWindowData whWindowInfo domainRect = windowInfo.windowDomain hasScrolls = (isJust windowInfo.windowHScroll,isJust windowInfo.windowVScroll) (visHScroll,visVScroll) = osScrollbarsAreVisible wMetrics domainRect (toTuple whSize) hasScrolls newW` = if visVScroll (newW+wMetrics.osmVSliderWidth) newW // Correct newW in case of visible vertical scrollbar newH` = if visHScroll (newH+wMetrics.osmHSliderHeight) newH // Correct newH in case of visible horizontal scrollbar getWindowStateHandleSize _ _ _ _ _ _ = windoweventFatalError "getWindowStateHandleSize" "placeholder not expected" filterOSEvent _ {ccMsg=CcWmSPECIALBUTTON,p1=wPtr,p2=okOrCancel} windows ioState # (found,wsH,windows) = getWindowHandlesWindow (toWID wPtr) windows | not found = (False,Nothing,Nothing,windows,ioState) | otherwise # (wids,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleWIDS wsH (okId,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleDefaultId wsH (cancelId,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleCancelId wsH okOrCancelEvent = if (okOrCancel==ISOKBUTTON) (if (isJust okId) (Just (WindowOK wids)) Nothing) (if (okOrCancel==ISCANCELBUTTON) (if (isJust cancelId) (Just (WindowCANCEL wids)) Nothing) (windoweventFatalError "filterOSEvent (CcWmSPECIALBUTTON)" "incorrect argument")) = (True,Nothing,okOrCancelEvent,setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows,ioState) /* The CcWmPAINT message is generated to update the indicated rectangle of the argument window. */ filterOSEvent _ {ccMsg=CcWmPAINT,p1=wPtr,p2=left,p3=top,p4=right,p5=bottom,p6=gc} windows ioState # (found,wsH,windows) = getWindowHandlesWindow (toWID wPtr) windows | not found = (False,Nothing,Nothing,windows,ioState) | otherwise # (wids,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleWIDS wsH windows = setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows updRect = fromTuple4 (left,top,right,bottom) updateInfo = {updWIDS=wids,updWindowArea=updRect,updControls=[],updGContext=if (gc==0) Nothing (Just gc)} = (True,Nothing,Just (WindowUpdate updateInfo),windows,ioState) filterOSEvent _ _ _ _ = windoweventFatalError "filterOSEvent" "unmatched OSEvent" /* PA: moved to clCCall_12: toModifiers :: !Int -> Modifiers toModifiers i = { shiftDown = shifton , optionDown = alton , commandDown = ctrlon , controlDown = ctrlon , altDown = alton } where shifton = i bitand SHIFTBIT <> 0 alton = i bitand ALTBIT <> 0 ctrlon = i bitand CTRLBIT <> 0 */ getControlKeyFocusItemNr :: !Bool !OSWindowPtr !(WindowStateHandle .pst) -> (!Bool,!Int,!WindowStateHandle .pst) getControlKeyFocusItemNr activated cPtr wsH=:{wshHandle=Just wlsH=:{wlsHandle=wH}} # (found,itemNr,itemHs) = getControlsKeyFocusItemNr` activated cPtr wH.whItems = (found,itemNr,{wsH & wshHandle=Just {wlsH & wlsHandle={wH & whItems=itemHs}}}) where getControlsKeyFocusItemNr` :: !Bool !OSWindowPtr ![WElementHandle .ls .pst] -> (!Bool,!Int,![WElementHandle .ls .pst]) getControlsKeyFocusItemNr` activated cPtr [] = (False,0,[]) getControlsKeyFocusItemNr` activated cPtr [itemH:itemHs] # (found,itemNr,itemH) = getControlKeyFocusItemNr` activated cPtr itemH | found = (found,itemNr,[itemH:itemHs]) | otherwise # (found,itemNr,itemHs) = getControlsKeyFocusItemNr` activated cPtr itemHs = (found,itemNr,[itemH:itemHs]) where getControlKeyFocusItemNr` :: !Bool !OSWindowPtr !(WElementHandle .ls .pst) -> (!Bool,!Int,!WElementHandle .ls .pst) getControlKeyFocusItemNr` activated cPtr (WItemHandle itemH=:{wItemPtr,wItemNr,wItemKind,wItemSelect,wItemAtts,wItems}) | cPtr==wItemPtr | not (isMember wItemKind [IsCompoundControl,IsCustomControl,IsEditControl,IsPopUpControl]) = (True,0,WItemHandle itemH) /* PA: deze tests zijn verwijderd | not wItemSelect = (0,WItemHandle itemH) | contains reqAttribute wItemAtts = (wItemNr,WItemHandle itemH) // otherwise = (0,WItemHandle itemH) */ // otherwise = (True,wItemNr,WItemHandle itemH) | not (isRecursiveControl wItemKind) = (False,0,WItemHandle itemH) | otherwise # (found,itemNr,itemHs) = getControlsKeyFocusItemNr` activated cPtr wItems = (found,itemNr,WItemHandle {itemH & wItems=itemHs}) /* where reqAttribute = if activated isControlActivate isControlDeactivate // PA: wordt niet meer gebruikt */ getControlKeyFocusItemNr` activated cPtr (WListLSHandle itemHs) # (found,itemNr,itemHs) = getControlsKeyFocusItemNr` activated cPtr itemHs = (found,itemNr,WListLSHandle itemHs) getControlKeyFocusItemNr` activated cPtr (WExtendLSHandle wExH=:{wExtendItems=itemHs}) # (found,itemNr,itemHs) = getControlsKeyFocusItemNr` activated cPtr itemHs = (found,itemNr,WExtendLSHandle {wExH & wExtendItems=itemHs}) getControlKeyFocusItemNr` activated cPtr (WChangeLSHandle wChH=:{wChangeItems=itemHs}) # (found,itemNr,itemHs) = getControlsKeyFocusItemNr` activated cPtr itemHs = (found,itemNr,WChangeLSHandle {wChH & wChangeItems=itemHs}) getControlKeyFocusItemNr _ _ _ = windoweventFatalError "getControlKeyFocusItemNr" "window placeholder not expected" // Access operations on InputTrack: trackingMouse :: !OSWindowPtr !OSWindowPtr !(Maybe InputTrack) -> Bool trackingMouse wPtr cPtr (Just {itWindow,itControl,itKind={itkMouse}}) = wPtr==itWindow && cPtr==itControl && itkMouse trackingMouse _ _ _ = False trackingKeyboard :: !OSWindowPtr !OSWindowPtr !(Maybe InputTrack) -> Bool trackingKeyboard wPtr cPtr (Just {itWindow,itControl,itKind={itkKeyboard}}) = wPtr==itWindow && cPtr==itControl && itkKeyboard trackingKeyboard _ _ _ = False trackMouse :: !OSWindowPtr !OSWindowPtr !(Maybe InputTrack) -> Maybe InputTrack trackMouse wPtr cPtr (Just it=:{itWindow,itControl,itKind=itk}) | wPtr<>itWindow || cPtr<>itControl = windoweventFatalError "trackMouse" "incorrect window/control parameters" | otherwise = Just {it & itKind={itk & itkMouse=True}} trackMouse wPtr cPtr nothing // = Just {itWindow=wPtr,itControl=cPtr,itKind={itkMouse=True,itkKeyboard=False}} = Just { itWindow = wPtr , itControl = cPtr , itKind = { itkMouse = True , itkKeyboard = False , itkChar = 0 // PA: assuming the fields itkChar and itkSlider are not used on Windows platform , itkSlider = Nothing // dito } } untrackMouse :: !(Maybe InputTrack) -> Maybe InputTrack untrackMouse (Just it=:{itKind=itk}) | itk.itkKeyboard = Just {it & itKind={itk & itkMouse=False}} | otherwise = Nothing untrackMouse nothing = nothing untrackKeyboard :: !(Maybe InputTrack) -> Maybe InputTrack untrackKeyboard (Just it=:{itKind=itk}) | itk.itkMouse = Just {it & itKind={itk & itkKeyboard=False}} | otherwise = Nothing untrackKeyboard nothing = nothing trackKeyboard :: !OSWindowPtr !OSWindowPtr !(Maybe InputTrack) -> Maybe InputTrack trackKeyboard wPtr cPtr (Just it=:{itWindow,itControl,itKind=itk}) | wPtr<>itWindow || cPtr<>itControl = windoweventFatalError "trackKeyboard" "incorrect window/control parameters" | otherwise = Just {it & itKind={itk & itkKeyboard=True}} trackKeyboard wPtr cPtr nothing // = Just {itWindow=wPtr,itControl=cPtr,itKind={itkMouse=False,itkKeyboard=True}} = Just { itWindow = wPtr , itControl = cPtr , itKind = { itkMouse = False , itkKeyboard = True , itkChar = 0 // PA: assuming the fields itkChar and itkSlider are not used on Windows platform , itkSlider = Nothing // dito } }