implementation module ossystem import StdBool, StdInt, StdReal, StdString import StdMaybe import clCCall_12, clCrossCall_12, windowCrossCall_12 import osdocumentinterface, osfont from ostypes import :: OSRect{..} :: OSWindowMetrics = { osmFont :: !Font // The internal Font used in Windows for controls , osmFontMetrics :: !(!Int,!Int,!Int) // The ascent, descent, leading of osmFont , osmHeight :: !Int // The height of the internal Font , osmHorMargin :: !Int // The default horizontal margin , osmVerMargin :: !Int // The default vertical margin , osmHorItemSpace :: !Int // The default horizontal item space , osmVerItemSpace :: !Int // The default vertical item space , osmHSliderHeight :: !Int // The default height of a horizontal slider control , osmVSliderWidth :: !Int // The default width of a vertical slider control } OSdirseparator :== '/' // OS separator between folder- and filenames in a pathname osHomepath :: !String -> String osHomepath fname = theApplicationPath +++ fname osApplicationpath :: !String -> String osApplicationpath fname = theApplicationPath +++ fname theApplicationPath =: path where ptr = winGetAppPath (path,_)= winGetCStringAndFree ptr 99 OSnewlineChars :== "\xA" // MW11++ OStickspersecond :== 1000 // OS max resolution of ticks per second osMMtoHPixels :: !Real -> Int osMMtoHPixels mm = toInt ( (mm/25.4) * toReal winGetHorzResolution ) osMMtoVPixels :: !Real -> Int osMMtoVPixels mm = toInt ( (mm/25.4) * toReal winGetVertResolution ) osMaxScrollWindowSize :: (!Int,!Int) osMaxScrollWindowSize = winMaxScrollWindowSize osMaxFixedWindowSize :: (!Int,!Int) osMaxFixedWindowSize = winMaxFixedWindowSize osScreenrect :: !*OSToolbox -> (!OSRect,!*OSToolbox) osScreenrect tb # (screenWidth, tb) = winScreenXSize tb # (screenHeight,tb) = winScreenYSize tb = ({rleft=0,rtop=0,rright=screenWidth,rbottom=screenHeight},tb) osPrintSetupTypical :: Bool // MW11++ osPrintSetupTypical = False osGetProcessWindowDimensions :: !OSDInfo !*OSToolbox -> (!OSRect,!*OSToolbox) osGetProcessWindowDimensions osdinfo tb # maybeOSInfo = getOSDInfoOSInfo osdinfo | isNothing maybeOSInfo = osScreenrect tb | otherwise # osinfo = fromJust maybeOSInfo # ((x,y),tb) = winGetWindowPos osinfo.osFrame tb # ((w,h),tb) = winGetClientSize osinfo.osClient tb = ({rleft=x,rtop=y,rright=x+w,rbottom=y+h},tb) osDefaultWindowMetrics :: !*OSToolbox -> (!OSWindowMetrics,!*OSToolbox) osDefaultWindowMetrics tb # (font,tb) = osDialogfont tb # ((ascent,descent,leading,_),tb) = osGetfontmetrics False 0 font tb height = ascent+descent+leading unit = (toReal height)/8.0 margin = toInt (unit*7.0) itemspace = toInt (unit*4.0) # (scrollWidth,scrollHeight,tb) = winScrollbarSize tb = ( { osmFont = font , osmFontMetrics = (ascent,descent,leading) , osmHeight = height , osmHorMargin = margin , osmVerMargin = margin , osmHorItemSpace = itemspace , osmVerItemSpace = itemspace , osmHSliderHeight = scrollHeight , osmVSliderWidth = scrollWidth } , tb ) /* osStripOuterSize isMDI isResizable (width,height) returns (dw,dh) required to add/subtract to view size/outer size in order to obtain outer size/view size. */ osStripOuterSize :: !Bool !Bool !*OSToolbox -> (!(!Int,!Int),!*OSToolbox) osStripOuterSize isMDI isResizable tb | isMDI # (dw,dh,tb) = winMDIClientToOuterSizeDims styleFlags tb = ((dw,dh),tb) | otherwise # (dw,dh,tb) = winSDIClientToOuterSizeDims styleFlags tb = ((dw,dh),tb) where styleFlags = if isResizable WS_THICKFRAME 0