implementation module osprint import StdArray, StdBool, StdEnum, StdFile, StdFunc, StdInt, StdList, StdMisc, StdTuple import clCCall_12,clCrossCall_12, iostate, scheduler import ospicture, osevent, StdWindow, StdPSt import code from "cCrossCallPrinter_121.o", "cprinter_121.o" :: PrintSetup = { devmode :: !String , device :: !String // device, driver & output strings are null terminated , driver :: !String , output :: !String } :: JobInfo = { range :: !(!Int,!Int) , copies :: !Int } :: PrintInfo = { printSetup :: PrintSetup , jobInfo :: JobInfo } :: Alternative x y = Cancelled x | StartedPrinting y os_installprinter :: !*OSToolbox -> *OSToolbox os_installprinter _ = code { .inline InstallCrossCallPrinter ccall InstallCrossCallPrinter "I-I" .end } os_getpagedimensions :: !PrintSetup !Bool -> (!(!Int,!Int), !(!(!Int,!Int),!(!Int,!Int)), !(!Int,!Int)) os_getpagedimensions { devmode, device, driver } emulateScreenRes = os_getpagedimensionsC devmode device driver emulateScreenRes os_defaultprintsetup :: !*env -> (!PrintSetup, !*env) os_defaultprintsetup env # (dmSize,printerHandle,device,driver,output,env) = getDevmodeSizeC env | dmSize==0 = ({devmode="\0", device="\0", driver="\0", output="\0"},env) # devmode = createArray dmSize ' ' devmode = { devmode & [dec dmSize]='\0'} env = getDefaultDevmodeC devmode printerHandle device env // alters contents of printSetup = ({devmode=devmode, device=device, driver=driver, output=output}, env) printSetupDialogBoth :: !PrintSetup !(Maybe *Context) -> (!PrintSetup, !Maybe *Context) printSetupDialogBoth print_setup=:{devmode,device,driver,output} mb_context # (os, mb_context) = EnvGetOS mb_context # os = os_installprinter os # (devmodePtr,os) = winMakeCString devmode os # (devicePtr, os) = winMakeCString device os # (driverPtr, os) = winMakeCString driver os # (outputPtr, os) = winMakeCString output os # (ok, pdPtr, mb_context, os) = CCPrintSetupDialog mb_context (size devmode) devmodePtr devicePtr driverPtr outputPtr os # os = winReleaseCString devmodePtr os # os = winReleaseCString devicePtr os # os = winReleaseCString driverPtr os # os = winReleaseCString outputPtr os | ok==0 # os = release_memory_handles pdPtr os = (print_setup, EnvSetOS os mb_context) | otherwise # ((ndevmode,ndevice,ndriver,noutput),os) = get_printSetup_with_PRINTDLG pdPtr os # os = release_memory_handles pdPtr os = ({devmode=ndevmode,device=ndevice,driver=ndriver,output=noutput}, EnvSetOS os mb_context) os_printsetupvalid :: !PrintSetup !*env -> (!Bool, !*env) os_printsetupvalid {devmode,device,driver} env = os_printsetupvalidC devmode device driver env os_printsetupvalidC :: !String !String !String!*env -> (!Bool, !*env) os_printsetupvalidC _ _ _ _ = code { ccall os_printsetupvalidC "SSS:I:A" } class PrintEnvironments printEnv where os_printpageperpage :: !Bool !Bool !.x .(.x -> .(PrintInfo -> .(*Picture -> *((.Bool,Point2),*(.state,*Picture))))) (*(.state,*Picture) -> *((.Bool,Point2),*(.state,*Picture))) !PrintSetup !*printEnv -> (Alternative .x .state,!*printEnv) os_printsetupdialog :: !PrintSetup !*printEnv -> (!PrintSetup,!*printEnv) instance PrintEnvironments (PSt .l) where os_printpageperpage doDialog emulateScreen x initFun transFun printSetup pSt=:{io} #! (windowStack, io) = getWindowStack io windowStackIds = map fst windowStack (zippedWithSelectState, io) = seqList (map zipWithSelectState windowStackIds) io activeWindowIds = [ id \\ (mbSelectState, id) <- zippedWithSelectState | isEnabled mbSelectState] io = seq (map disableWindow activeWindowIds) io (result, pSt) = accContext accFun { pSt & io=io } pSt = appPIO (seq (map enableWindow activeWindowIds)) pSt = (result, pSt) where accFun context # (os, context) = EnvGetOS context # os = os_installprinter os # (x,mb_context,os) = printPagePerPageBothSemaphor doDialog emulateScreen x initFun transFun printSetup (Just context) os = (x,EnvSetOS os (fromJust mb_context)) zipWithSelectState :: Id (IOSt .l) -> (v:(Maybe SelectState,Id),IOSt .l) zipWithSelectState id io #! (mbSelectState, io) = getWindowSelectState id io = ((mbSelectState, id), io) isEnabled (Just Able) = True isEnabled _ = False os_printsetupdialog printSetup pSt = accContext (accFun printSetup) pSt where accFun printSetup context # (printSetup, Just context) = printSetupDialogBoth printSetup (Just context) = (printSetup, context) instance PrintEnvironments Files where os_printpageperpage doDialog emulateScreen x initFun transFun printSetup files # (os, files) = EnvGetOS files # os = os_installprinter os # (x,_,os) = printPagePerPageBothSemaphor doDialog emulateScreen x initFun transFun printSetup Nothing os = (x, EnvSetOS os files) os_printsetupdialog printSetup files # (printSetup, _) = printSetupDialogBoth printSetup Nothing = (printSetup, files) // oh lala printPagePerPageBothSemaphor :: !Bool !Bool .a .(.a -> .(.PrintInfo -> .(*Picture -> *((Bool,Origin),*(.b,*Picture))))) (*(.b,*Picture) -> *((Bool,Origin),*(.b,*Picture))) !PrintSetup *(Maybe *Context) !*OSToolbox -> *(*(Alternative .a .b),*(Maybe *Context),!*OSToolbox) printPagePerPageBothSemaphor p1 p2 x p4 p5 printSetup mb_context os // with this mechanism it is assured, that only one print job can happen at a time // addSemaphor adds the parameter to a C global and gives back the previous value of that // global # (s,os) = addSemaphor 1 os | s>0 # (_,os) = addSemaphor (-1) os = (Cancelled x,mb_context,os) # (result,mb_context,os) = printPagePerPageBoth p1 p2 x p4 p5 printSetup mb_context os (_,os) = addSemaphor (-1) os = (result,mb_context,os) printPagePerPageBoth :: !Bool !Bool .a .(.a -> .(.PrintInfo -> .(*Picture -> *((Bool,Origin),*(.b,*Picture))))) (*(.b,*Picture) -> *((Bool,Origin),*(.b,*Picture))) PrintSetup *(Maybe *Context) !*OSToolbox -> *(*(Alternative .a .b),*(Maybe *Context),!*OSToolbox) printPagePerPageBoth doDialog emulateScreen x initFun transFun printSetup mb_context os // do the print dialog (or not) and get the hdc and the printInfo # (err, hdc, printInfo, mb_context, os) = getPrintInfo doDialog emulateScreen printSetup mb_context os | err == 4107 // this error occurs, when the printsetup contains bad values # (defaultPS, os) = os_defaultprintsetup os = printPagePerPageBoth doDialog emulateScreen x initFun transFun defaultPS mb_context os // check, whether the user canceled | err >= 0 = (Cancelled x, mb_context, os) // call StartDoc either via the OS thread or direct # (err, mb_context, os) = CCstartDoc hdc mb_context os | err <= 0 = (Cancelled x, mb_context, deleteDC hdc os) // user canceled printing to file from file dialog // initialise printer picture and call the initFun function # picture = initPicture zeroOrigin (hdc,os) (endOrig,(initState,picture)) = initFun x printInfo picture (_,_,_,hdc,os) = unpackPicture picture // now print all pages # (finalState,hdc,mb_context,os) = printPages 0 transFun endOrig initState hdc mb_context os // Sluit af (mb_context, os) = CCendDoc hdc mb_context os = (StartedPrinting finalState, mb_context, (deleteDC hdc os)) printPages :: Int (*(.a,*Picture) -> *((Bool,Origin),* (.a,*Picture))) (Bool,Origin) .a HDC *(Maybe *Context) !*OSToolbox -> *(.a,HDC,*(Maybe *Context),!*OSToolbox) printPages _ _ (True,_) state hdc mb_context os =(state,hdc,mb_context,os) printPages pageNr fun (_,origin) state hdc mb_context os // give OS thread eventually a chance to handle events # (mb_context,os) = evtlSwitchToOS pageNr hdc mb_context os # (ok, os) = startPage hdc os | ok == 0 = abort "\nPrint08: Failed in \"StartPage\". Probably not enough memory." # picture = initPicture origin (hdc,os) // apply drawfunctions contained in this page ((endOfDoc,nextOrigin),(state`,picture)) = fun (state,picture) // finish drawing # (_,_,_,hdc,os) = unpackPicture picture (ok, os) = endPage hdc os // (not ok) should not cause an abort, because endPage returns an error, when user chooses // "encapsulated postscript" as output format and the output is longer than one page. // This situation can't be retrieved from the "GetLastError" code. An abort should not occur. (canceled,os) = wasCanceled os // draw rest of pages = printPages (inc pageNr) fun (endOfDoc || canceled || (ok==0),nextOrigin) state` hdc mb_context os zeroOrigin :== zero /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// getPrintInfo :: !.Bool !.Bool .PrintSetup *(Maybe *Context) !*OSToolbox -> *(Int,Int,.PrintInfo,*Maybe *Context,!.OSToolbox); getPrintInfo doDialog emulateScreen {devmode, device, driver, output} mb_context os # (devmodePtr,os) = winMakeCString devmode os (devicePtr,os) = winMakeCString device os (driverPtr,os) = winMakeCString driver os (outputPtr,os) = winMakeCString output os ( err, data, pdPtr, mb_context, os) = CCgetDC (if doDialog 1 0) (if emulateScreen 2 0) // these two bits will be packed into one word in CCgetDC (size devmode) devmodePtr devicePtr driverPtr outputPtr mb_context os os = winReleaseCString devmodePtr os os = winReleaseCString devicePtr os os = winReleaseCString driverPtr os os = winReleaseCString outputPtr os | doDialog && (err==(-1)) # (setup_strings, os) = get_printSetup_with_PRINTDLG pdPtr os os = release_memory_handles pdPtr os = continuation err data mb_context (setup_strings, os) = continuation err data mb_context ((devmode,device,driver,output),os) where continuation err (first,last,copies,hdc) mb_context ((devmode,device,driver,output),os) # first` = max 1 first last` = max first` last copies` = max 1 copies = ( err, hdc, { printSetup = { devmode=devmode, device=device ,driver=driver, output=output }, jobInfo = { range = (first`,last`), copies = copies` } }, mb_context, os ) handleContextOSEvent` :: !OSEvent !Context !*OSToolbox -> (!CrossCallInfo,!Context,!*OSToolbox) handleContextOSEvent` osEvent context tb # (return,context) = handleContextOSEvent osEvent context = (setReplyInOSEvent return,context,tb) CCgetDC :: !.Int !.Int !.Int !.Int !.Int !.Int !.Int !*(Maybe *Context) !*OSToolbox -> *(!Int,!(!Int,!Int,!Int,!Int),!Int,!*Maybe *Context,!.OSToolbox); CCgetDC doDialog emulateScreen devmodeSize devmodePtr devicePtr driverPtr outputPtr Nothing os # (ok,first,last,copies,pdPtr,deviceContext,os) = getDC doDialog emulateScreen 1 devmodeSize devmodePtr devicePtr driverPtr outputPtr os = (ok,(first,last,copies,deviceContext),pdPtr,Nothing,os) CCgetDC doDialog emulateScreen devmodeSize devmodePtr devicePtr driverPtr outputPtr (Just context) os # createcci = Rq6Cci CcRqGET_PRINTER_DC (doDialog bitor emulateScreen) devmodeSize devmodePtr devicePtr driverPtr outputPtr # (rcci, context, os) = issueCleanRequest handleContextOSEvent` createcci context os = ( rcci.p1, (rcci.p2, rcci.p3, rcci.p4,rcci.p6), rcci.p5, ////////err, (first, last, copies, deviceContext),pdPtr, Just context,os ) CCPrintSetupDialog :: !(Maybe *Context) !.Int !.Int !.Int !.Int !.Int !*OSToolbox -> (!OkReturn,!Int,!Maybe *Context, !.OSToolbox); CCPrintSetupDialog nothing=:Nothing devmodeSize devmodePtr devicePtr driverPtr outputPtr os # (ok, pdPtr, os) = printSetup 1 devmodeSize devmodePtr devicePtr driverPtr outputPtr os = (ok, pdPtr, nothing, os) CCPrintSetupDialog (Just context) devmodeSize devmodePtr devicePtr driverPtr outputPtr os # createcci = Rq5Cci CcRqDO_PRINT_SETUP devmodeSize devmodePtr devicePtr driverPtr outputPtr (rcci, context, os) = issueCleanRequest handleContextOSEvent` createcci context os = (rcci.p1, rcci.p2, Just context, os) /* MW was CCPrintSetupDialog :: !.Bool .Int .Int .Int .Int .Int !*OSToolbox -> (OkReturn,Int,!.OSToolbox); CCPrintSetupDialog True devmodeSize devmodePtr devicePtr driverPtr outputPtr os = printSetup 1 devmodeSize devmodePtr devicePtr driverPtr outputPtr os CCPrintSetupDialog False devmodeSize devmodePtr devicePtr driverPtr outputPtr os # createcci = Rq5Cci CcRqDO_PRINT_SETUP devmodeSize devmodePtr devicePtr driverPtr outputPtr (rcci, os) = issueCleanRequest2 (ErrorCallback2 "ERROR in osPrint08") createcci os (rcci, os) = issueCleanRequest2 handleContextOSEvent` createcci os = (rcci.p1, rcci.p2, os) */ CCstartDoc :: !.HDC !*(Maybe *Context) !*OSToolbox -> *(!Int,!*Maybe *Context,!*OSToolbox) // error code: -1:no error, 0: user canceled file dialog, others: other error CCstartDoc hdc Nothing os # (err,os) = startDoc hdc os = (err,Nothing,os) CCstartDoc hdc (Just context) os # createcci = Rq1Cci CcRqSTARTDOC hdc (rcci,context, os) = issueCleanRequest handleContextOSEvent` createcci context os = (rcci.p1, Just context, os) CCendDoc :: !.HDC !*(Maybe *Context) !*OSToolbox -> *(!*Maybe *Context,!*OSToolbox) CCendDoc hdc Nothing os # os = endDoc hdc os = (Nothing,os) CCendDoc hdc (Just context) os # createcci = Rq1Cci CcRqENDDOC hdc (_,context, os) = issueCleanRequest handleContextOSEvent` createcci context os = (Just context,os) evtlSwitchToOS :: !Int !.Int !*(Maybe *Context) !*OSToolbox -> *(!*Maybe *Context,!.OSToolbox) evtlSwitchToOS _ _ Nothing os = (Nothing,os) evtlSwitchToOS pageNr hdc (Just context) os # nrStr = toString pageNr # messageText = if (pageNr==0) "" (nrStr+++" page"+++(if (pageNr==1) "" "s")+++" printed") # (textPtr,os) = winMakeCString messageText os # createcci = Rq1Cci CcRqDISPATCH_MESSAGES_WHILE_PRINTING textPtr # (_,context, os) = issueCleanRequest handleContextOSEvent` createcci context os # os = winReleaseCString textPtr os = (Just context, os) initPicture :: !.Origin !*(!.OSPictContext,!*OSToolbox) -> *Picture initPicture origin intPict = packPicture origin defaultPen False (fst intPict) (snd intPict) EnvGetOS :: !*env -> (!*OSToolbox,!*env) EnvGetOS env = (42,env) EnvSetOS :: !*OSToolbox !*env -> *env EnvSetOS os env = env ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // C CALLING FUNCTIONS // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////// :: OkReturn :== Int // okReturn<>0 <=> ok ! os_getpagedimensionsC :: !String !String !String !Bool -> (!(!Int,!Int), !(!(!Int,!Int),!(!Int,!Int)), !(!Int,!Int)) os_getpagedimensionsC _ _ _ _ = code { ccall os_getpagedimensionsC "SSSI-IIIIIIII" } getDevmodeSizeC :: !*env -> (!Int,!Int,!String,!String,!String,!*env) getDevmodeSizeC _ = code { ccall getDevmodeSizeC ":VIISSS:A" } getDefaultDevmodeC :: !String !Int !String !*env -> *env getDefaultDevmodeC _ _ _ _ = code { ccall getDefaultDevmodeC "SIS:V:A" } printSetup :: !Int !Int !Int !Int !Int !Int !*OSToolbox -> (!OkReturn,!Int,!*OSToolbox) printSetup _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = code { ccall printSetup "IIIIII:VII:I" } get_printSetup_with_PRINTDLG :: !Int !*OSToolbox -> (!(!String, !String, !String, !String), !*OSToolbox) get_printSetup_with_PRINTDLG _ _ = code { ccall get_printSetup_with_PRINTDLG "I:VSSSS:I" } release_memory_handles :: !Int !*OSToolbox -> *OSToolbox release_memory_handles _ _ = code { ccall release_memory_handles "II-I" } startPage :: !HDC !*OSToolbox -> (!OkReturn, !*OSToolbox) startPage _ _ = code { ccall startPage "I:I:I" } endPage :: !HDC !*OSToolbox -> (!OkReturn, !*OSToolbox) endPage _ _ = code { ccall endPage "I:I:I" } startDoc :: !HDC !*OSToolbox -> (!Int, !*OSToolbox) // err code: >0:no error, <=0: user cancelled file dialog startDoc _ _ = code { ccall startDoc "I:I:I" } endDoc :: !HDC !*OSToolbox -> *OSToolbox endDoc _ _ = code { ccall endDoc "I:V:I" } wasCanceled :: !*OSToolbox -> (!Bool,!*OSToolbox) wasCanceled _ = code { ccall wasCanceled ":I:I" } deleteDC :: !HDC !*OSToolbox -> *OSToolbox deleteDC _ _ = code { ccall deleteDC "I:V:I" } getDC :: !Int !Int !Int !Int !Int !Int !Int !Int !*OSToolbox -> (!Int, !Int, !Int, !Int, !Int, !Int, !*OSToolbox) // getDC doDialog emulateScreen "getDC called directly from CleanThread" devmodeSize // first element of result is an error code: // -1:no error, others: non fatal error getDC _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = code { ccall getDC "IIIIIIII:VIIIIII:I" } addSemaphor :: !Int !*OSToolbox -> (!Int,!*OSToolbox) addSemaphor _ _ = code { ccall addSemaphor "I:I:I" } os_printsetuptostring :: !PrintSetup -> String os_printsetuptostring {devmode, device, driver, output} = toString (size devmode)+++" "+++toString (size device)+++" "+++toString (size driver)+++" " +++devmode+++device+++driver+++output os_stringtoprintsetup :: !String -> PrintSetup os_stringtoprintsetup string #! chList = [ch \\ ch<-:string] (sizeChLists, rest) = seqList (repeatn 3 (splitInt [])) chList sizes = map (toInt o toString) sizeChLists (devmodeSize, deviceSize, driverSize) = listTo3Tuple sizes devmode = toString (rest % (0, devmodeSize-1)) driverStartIndex = devmodeSize+deviceSize device = toString (rest % (devmodeSize, driverStartIndex-1)) outputStartIndex = driverStartIndex+driverSize driver = toString (rest % (driverStartIndex, outputStartIndex-1)) output = toString (rest % (outputStartIndex, (size string)-1)) | size devmode==devmodeSize && size device==deviceSize && size driver==driverSize && size output==(length rest)-outputStartIndex && devmodeSize>0 && deviceSize>0 && driverSize>0 && size output>0 = {devmode=devmode, device=device, driver=driver, output=output} = {devmode="\0", device="\0", driver="\0", output="\0"} where splitInt akku [] = (reverse akku, []) splitInt akku [ch:chs] | isDigit ch = splitInt [ch:akku] chs = (reverse akku, chs) listTo3Tuple [e1,e2,e3] = (e1,e2,e3)