implementation module osfont import StdBool, StdClass, StdEnum, StdReal import clCrossCall_12, pictCCall_12 from clCCall_12 import winMakeCString, winGetCString, :: CSTR, winGetVertResolution from StdPictureDef import :: FontName, :: FontSize, :: FontStyle, BoldStyle, ItalicsStyle, UnderlinedStyle from commondef import fatalError, isBetween, minmax, stateMap from ostypes import :: OSPictContext, :: HDC :: Font = { fontdef :: !OSFontDef // The font requested by the program , fontimp :: !OSFont // The font selected by the system } :: OSFont = { osfontname :: !String // Name of the font , osfontstyles:: !Int // Style variations of the font , osfontsize :: !Int // Size of the font } :: OSFontDef :== ( !String // Name of the font , ![String] // Style variations of the font , !Int // Point size of the font ) instance == OSFont where (==) :: !OSFont !OSFont -> Bool (==) f1 f2 = f1.osfontsize==f2.osfontsize && f1.osfontstyles==f2.osfontstyles && f1.osfontname==f2.osfontname // Font constants: osSerifFontDef :: OSFontDef; osSerifFontDef = ("Serif", [],10) osSansSerifFontDef :: OSFontDef; osSansSerifFontDef = ("Sans", [],10) osSmallFontDef :: OSFontDef; osSmallFontDef = ("Sans", [],7 ) osNonProportionalFontDef :: OSFontDef; osNonProportionalFontDef= ("Monospace", [],10) osSymbolFontDef :: OSFontDef; osSymbolFontDef = ("Symbol", [],10) osSelectfont :: !OSFontDef !*OSToolbox -> (!Bool,!Font,!*OSToolbox) osSelectfont fdef=:(fName,fStyles,fSize) tb = (True,{fontdef=fdef,fontimp=fimp},tb) where fimp = {osfontname=fName,osfontstyles=sStyle2IStyle fStyles,osfontsize=fSize} osDefaultfont :: !*OSToolbox -> (!Font,!*OSToolbox) osDefaultfont tb = ({fontdef=def,fontimp=imp},tb) where def = (name,styles,size) imp = {osfontname=name,osfontstyles=sStyle2IStyle styles,osfontsize=size} name = "Sans" styles = [] size = 10 osDialogfont :: !*OSToolbox -> (!Font,!*OSToolbox) osDialogfont tb = ({fontdef=def,fontimp=imp},tb) where def = (name,styles,size) imp = {osfontname=name,osfontstyles=sStyle2IStyle styles,osfontsize=size} name = "Sans" styles = [] size = 8 osFontgetdef :: !Font -> OSFontDef osFontgetdef {fontdef} = fontdef osFontgetimp :: !Font -> OSFont osFontgetimp {fontimp} = fontimp sStyle2IStyle :: ![FontStyle] -> Int sStyle2IStyle styles = s2i styles 0 where s2i [] i = i s2i [ BoldStyle : rest ] i = s2i rest (i bitor iBold) s2i [ ItalicsStyle : rest ] i = s2i rest (i bitor iItalic) s2i [ UnderlinedStyle : rest ] i = s2i rest (i bitor iUnderline) s2i [ _ : rest ] i = s2i rest i iStyle2SStyle :: !Int -> [FontStyle] iStyle2SStyle istyle = idtofontstyles` istyle [iBold,iItalic,iUnderline,iStrikeOut] where idtofontstyles` :: !Int ![Int] -> [String] idtofontstyles` 0 _ = [] idtofontstyles` istyle [styleflag:styleflags] | notStyleFlag = styles | otherwise = [style:styles] where notStyleFlag = istyle bitand styleflag == 0 styles = idtofontstyles` (istyle-styleflag) styleflags style = if (styleflag==iBold) BoldStyle (if (styleflag==iItalic) ItalicsStyle (if (styleflag==iUnderline) UnderlinedStyle (fatalError "iStyle2SStyle" "osfont" "unmatched styleflag value ("+++toString styleflag+++")" ))) idtofontstyles` _ _ = [] osFontnames :: !*OSToolbox -> (![String], !*OSToolbox) osFontnames tb # getFontNamesCci = {ccMsg=CcRqGETFONTNAMES,p1=0,p2=0,p3=0,p4=0,p5=0,p6=0} # (_,unsortednames,tb) = issueCleanRequest fontnamesCallback getFontNamesCci [] tb = (sortAndRemoveDuplicates unsortednames,tb) where fontnamesCallback :: !CrossCallInfo ![FontName] !*OSToolbox -> (!CrossCallInfo,![String],!*OSToolbox) fontnamesCallback cci names os # (newname,os) = winGetCString cci.p1 os = (return0Cci,[newname:names],os) sortAndRemoveDuplicates :: !u:[a] -> u:[a] | Ord a sortAndRemoveDuplicates [e:es] = insert e (sortAndRemoveDuplicates es) where insert :: a !u:[a] -> u:[a] | Ord a insert a list=:[b:x] | ab = [b:insert a x] | otherwise = list insert a _ = [a] sortAndRemoveDuplicates _ = [] osFontstyles :: !String !*OSToolbox -> (![String],!*OSToolbox) osFontstyles fname tb = ([BoldStyle,ItalicsStyle,UnderlinedStyle],tb) osFontsizes :: !Int !Int !String !*OSToolbox -> (![Int],!*OSToolbox) osFontsizes between1 between2 fname tb # (textptr,tb) = winMakeCString fname tb getFontSizesCci = {ccMsg=CcRqGETFONTSIZES,p1=textptr,p2=0,p3=0,p4=0,p5=0,p6=0} # (_,unsortedsizes,tb) = issueCleanRequest fontSizesCallback getFontSizesCci [] tb = (sortAndRemoveDuplicates unsortedsizes,tb) where (low,high) = minmax between1 between2 fontSizesCallback :: !CrossCallInfo ![FontSize] !*OSToolbox -> (!CrossCallInfo,![FontSize],!*OSToolbox) fontSizesCallback cci=:{p1=size,p2=0} sizes tb = (return0Cci,newsizes,tb) where pts = height2Points size newsizes= if (isBetween pts low high) [pts:sizes] sizes fontSizesCallback _ _ tb = (return0Cci,[low..high],tb) height2Points :: !Int -> Int height2Points h = toInt points where dpi = toReal winGetVertResolution phfactor= dpi / 72.0 points = toReal h / phfactor /* XXX MW: probably not called anywhere points2Height :: !Int -> Int points2Height p = toInt height where dpi = toReal winGetVertResolution phfactor= dpi / 72.0 height = toReal p * phfactor */ osGetfontcharwidths :: !Bool !OSPictContext ![Char] !Font !*OSToolbox -> (![Int], !*OSToolbox) osGetfontcharwidths hdcPassed maybeHdc chars {fontimp={osfontname,osfontstyles,osfontsize}} tb = stateMap (\c tb->winGetCharWidth c (osfontname,osfontstyles,osfontsize) (toInt hdcPassed) maybeHdc tb) chars tb osGetfontstringwidth :: !Bool !OSPictContext !String !Font !*OSToolbox -> (!Int, !*OSToolbox) osGetfontstringwidth hdcPassed maybeHdc string {fontimp={osfontname,osfontstyles,osfontsize}} tb = winGetStringWidth string (osfontname,osfontstyles,osfontsize) (toInt hdcPassed) maybeHdc tb osGetfontstringwidths :: !Bool !OSPictContext ![String] !Font !*OSToolbox -> (![Int], !*OSToolbox) osGetfontstringwidths hdcPassed maybeHdc strings {fontimp={osfontname,osfontstyles,osfontsize}} tb = stateMap (\s tb->winGetStringWidth s (osfontname,osfontstyles,osfontsize) (toInt hdcPassed) maybeHdc tb) strings tb osGetfontmetrics :: !Bool !OSPictContext !Font !*OSToolbox -> (!(!Int,!Int,!Int,!Int),!*OSToolbox) osGetfontmetrics hdcPassed maybeHdc {fontimp={osfontname,osfontstyles,osfontsize}} tb # (ascent,descent,maxwidth,leading,tb) = winGetFontInfo (osfontname,osfontstyles,osfontsize) (toInt hdcPassed) maybeHdc tb = ((ascent,descent,leading,maxwidth),tb)