implementation module osevent import StdBool, StdList, StdMisc, StdTuple import clCrossCall_12, ostime, ostoolbox, ostypes from commondef import hdtl, fatalError from StdMaybe import :: Maybe(..) oseventFatalError :: String String -> .x oseventFatalError function error = fatalError function "osevent" error /* The OSEvents environment keeps track of delayed events. */ :: *OSEvents :== [OSEvent] osAppendEvents :: !*[OSEvent] !OSEvents -> OSEvents osAppendEvents newEvents osEvents = osEvents ++ newEvents osInsertEvents :: !*[OSEvent] !OSEvents -> OSEvents osInsertEvents newEvents osEvents = newEvents ++ osEvents osIsEmptyEvents :: !OSEvents -> (!Bool,!OSEvents) osIsEmptyEvents [] = (True, []) osIsEmptyEvents osEvents = (False, osEvents) osRemoveEvent :: !OSEvents -> (!OSEvent,!OSEvents) osRemoveEvent [osEvent:osEvents] = (osEvent,osEvents) osRemoveEvent [] = oseventFatalError "osRemoveEvent" "OSEvents argument is empty" /* PA: does not seem to be used. osCopyEvents :: !OSEvents -> (!OSEvents,!OSEvents) osCopyEvents [] = ([],[]) osCopyEvents [e:es] = ([e:es1],[e:es2]) where (es1,es2) = osCopyEvents es */ osNewEvents :: OSEvents osNewEvents = [] :: OSEvent :== CrossCallInfo :: OSSleepTime // The max time the process allows multi-tasking :== Int osNullEvent :: OSEvent osNullEvent = { ccMsg = CcWmIDLETIMER , p1 = 0 , p2 = 0 , p3 = 0 , p4 = 0 , p5 = 0 , p6 = 0 } // OSLongSleep :: OSSleepTime OSLongSleep :== 2^15-1 // OSNoSleep :: OSSleepTime OSNoSleep :== 0 osHandleEvents :: !(.s -> (Bool,.s)) !(.s -> (OSEvents,.s)) !((OSEvents,.s) -> .s) !(.s -> (Int,.s)) !(OSEvent -> .s -> ([Int],.s)) !(!.s,!*OSToolbox) -> (!.s,!*OSToolbox) osHandleEvents isFinalState getOSEvents setOSEvents getSleepTime handleOSEvent (state,tb) # (terminate,state) = isFinalState state | terminate = (state,tb) # (osEvents,state) = getOSEvents state # (noDelayEvents,osEvents) = osIsEmptyEvents osEvents | noDelayEvents # state = setOSEvents (osEvents,state) # (sleep,state) = getSleepTime state getEventCci = {ccMsg=CcRqDOMESSAGE,p1=toInt (sleep<>OSLongSleep),p2=sleep,p3=0,p4=0,p5=0,p6=0} # (_,state,tb) = issueCleanRequest (rccitoevent handleOSEvent) getEventCci state tb = osHandleEvents isFinalState getOSEvents setOSEvents getSleepTime handleOSEvent (state,tb) with rccitoevent :: !(OSEvent -> .s -> ([Int],.s)) !OSEvent !.s !*OSToolbox -> (!OSEvent,!.s,!*OSToolbox) rccitoevent handleOSEvent osEvent=:{ccMsg} state tb // # (reply,state) = handleOSEvent (trace_n ("CcRqDOMESSAGE-->"+++toCleanCrossCallInfoString osEvent) osEvent) state # (reply,state) = handleOSEvent osEvent state = (setReplyInOSEvent reply,state,tb) | otherwise # (osEvent,osEvents) = osRemoveEvent osEvents # state = setOSEvents (osEvents,state) // # (_,state) = handleOSEvent (trace_n ("DelayedEvent-->"+++toCleanCrossCallInfoString osEvent) osEvent) state # (_,state) = handleOSEvent osEvent state = osHandleEvents isFinalState getOSEvents setOSEvents getSleepTime handleOSEvent (state,tb) setReplyInOSEvent :: ![Int] -> OSEvent setReplyInOSEvent reply | isEmpty reply = return0Cci # (e1,reply) = hdtl reply | isEmpty reply = return1Cci e1 # (e2,reply) = hdtl reply | isEmpty reply = return2Cci e1 e2 # (e3,reply) = hdtl reply | isEmpty reply = return3Cci e1 e2 e3 # (e4,reply) = hdtl reply | isEmpty reply = return4Cci e1 e2 e3 e4 # (e5,reply) = hdtl reply | isEmpty reply = return5Cci e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 # (e6,_) = hdtl reply | isEmpty reply = return6Cci e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 e6 | otherwise = oseventFatalError "setReplyInOSEvent" "number of reply codes > 6" osEventIsUrgent :: !OSEvent -> Bool osEventIsUrgent {ccMsg} = case ccMsg of CcWmDRAWCLIPBOARD -> False // PA: in a future version, use this event to evaluate a clipboard callback function. CcWmIDLETIMER -> False CcWmTIMER -> False CcWmZEROTIMER -> False _ -> True /* createOS(Dea/A)ctivateWindowEvent creates the event the platform would generate for a genuine (de)activate event. */ createOSActivateWindowEvent :: !OSWindowPtr !*OSToolbox -> (!OSEvent,!*OSToolbox) createOSActivateWindowEvent wPtr tb = (Rq1Cci CcWmACTIVATE wPtr,tb) createOSDeactivateWindowEvent :: !OSWindowPtr !*OSToolbox -> (!OSEvent,!*OSToolbox) createOSDeactivateWindowEvent wPtr tb = (Rq1Cci CcWmDEACTIVATE wPtr,tb) /* createOS(Dea/A)ctivateControlEvent creates the event the platform would generate for a genuine (de)activate event. */ createOSActivateControlEvent :: !OSWindowPtr !OSWindowPtr !*OSToolbox -> (!OSEvent,!*OSToolbox) createOSActivateControlEvent wPtr cPtr tb = (Rq2Cci CcWmSETFOCUS wPtr cPtr,tb) createOSDeactivateControlEvent :: !OSWindowPtr !OSWindowPtr !*OSToolbox -> (!OSEvent,!*OSToolbox) createOSDeactivateControlEvent wPtr cPtr tb = (Rq2Cci CcWmKILLFOCUS wPtr cPtr,tb) /* createOSLoose(Mouse/Key)Event creates the event for reporting loss of mouse/keyboard input (virtual event). */ createOSLooseMouseEvent :: !OSWindowPtr !OSWindowPtr !*OSToolbox -> (!OSEvent,!*OSToolbox) createOSLooseMouseEvent wPtr cPtr tb = (Rq2Cci CcWmLOSTMOUSE wPtr cPtr,tb) createOSLooseKeyEvent :: !OSWindowPtr !OSWindowPtr !*OSToolbox -> (!OSEvent,!*OSToolbox) createOSLooseKeyEvent wPtr cPtr tb = (Rq2Cci CcWmLOSTKEY wPtr cPtr,tb) /* createOSZeroTimerEvent creates the event for reporting continued zero timer (virtual event). getOSZeroTimerStartTime returns the registered time in the virtual event. Zero if wrong argument. */ createOSZeroTimerEvent :: !OSTime -> OSEvent createOSZeroTimerEvent zeroStart = Rq1Cci CcWmZEROTIMER (toInt zeroStart) getOSZeroTimerStartTime :: !OSEvent -> Maybe OSTime getOSZeroTimerStartTime {ccMsg,p1} | ccMsg==CcWmZEROTIMER = Just (fromInt p1) | otherwise = Nothing