implementation module osdocumentinterface import StdMaybe, StdOverloaded, StdString, StdTuple import clCrossCall_12, ostoolbar, ossystem, ostypes, windowCrossCall_12 from commondef import fatalError from StdIOCommon import :: DocumentInterface(..) import code from "cCrossCallxDI_121.o" :: OSDInfo = OSMDInfo !OSMDInfo | OSSDInfo !OSSDInfo | OSNoInfo :: OSMDInfo = { osmdOSInfo :: !OSInfo // The general document interface infrastructure , osmdWindowMenu :: !HMENU // The Window menu in the MDI menu bar } :: OSSDInfo = { ossdOSInfo :: !OSInfo // The general document interface infrastructure } :: OSInfo = { osFrame :: !HWND // The frame window of the (M/S)DI frame window , osToolbar :: !Maybe OSToolbar // The toolbar of the (M/S)DI frame window (Nothing if no toolbar) , osClient :: !HWND // The client window of the (M/S)DI frame window , osMenuBar :: !HMENU // The menu bar of the (M/S)DI frame window } :: OSMenuBar = { menuBar :: !HMENU , menuWindow :: !HWND , menuClient :: !HWND } osdocumentinterfaceFatalError :: String String -> .x osdocumentinterfaceFatalError function error = fatalError function "osdocumentinterface" error osInitialiseDI :: !*OSToolbox -> *OSToolbox osInitialiseDI _ = code { .inline InstallCrossCallxDI ccall InstallCrossCallxDI "I-I" .end } /* emptyOSDInfo creates a OSDInfo with dummy values for the argument document interface. */ emptyOSDInfo :: !DocumentInterface -> OSDInfo emptyOSDInfo di = case di of MDI -> OSMDInfo {osmdOSInfo=emptyOSInfo,osmdWindowMenu=(-1)} SDI -> OSSDInfo {ossdOSInfo=emptyOSInfo} NDI -> OSNoInfo where emptyOSInfo = {osFrame=(-1),osToolbar=Nothing,osClient=(-1),osMenuBar=(-1)} /* getOSDInfoDocumentInterface returns the DocumentInterface of the argument OSDInfo. */ getOSDInfoDocumentInterface :: !OSDInfo -> DocumentInterface getOSDInfoDocumentInterface (OSMDInfo _) = MDI getOSDInfoDocumentInterface (OSSDInfo _) = SDI getOSDInfoDocumentInterface OSNoInfo = NDI /* getOSDInfoOSMenuBar returns the OSMenuBar info from the argument OSDInfo. setOSDInfoOSMenuBar sets the OSMenuBar info in the OSDInfo. */ getOSDInfoOSMenuBar :: !OSDInfo -> Maybe OSMenuBar getOSDInfoOSMenuBar osdInfo = case osdInfo of OSMDInfo {osmdOSInfo} -> get osmdOSInfo OSSDInfo {ossdOSInfo} -> get ossdOSInfo osnoinfo -> Nothing where get {osFrame,osClient,osMenuBar} = Just {menuBar=osMenuBar,menuWindow=osFrame,menuClient=osClient} setOSDInfoOSMenuBar :: !OSMenuBar !OSDInfo -> OSDInfo setOSDInfoOSMenuBar {menuBar,menuWindow,menuClient} osdInfo = case osdInfo of OSMDInfo mdi=:{osmdOSInfo=info} -> OSMDInfo {mdi & osmdOSInfo=set info} OSSDInfo sdi=:{ossdOSInfo=info} -> OSSDInfo {sdi & ossdOSInfo=set info} osnoinfo -> osnoinfo where set info = {info & osMenuBar=menuBar,osFrame=menuWindow,osClient=menuClient} /* getOSDInfoOSInfo returns the OSInfo from the argument OSDInfo if present. setOSDInfoOSInfo sets the OSInfo in the OSDInfo. */ getOSDInfoOSInfo :: !OSDInfo -> Maybe OSInfo getOSDInfoOSInfo (OSMDInfo {osmdOSInfo}) = Just osmdOSInfo getOSDInfoOSInfo (OSSDInfo {ossdOSInfo}) = Just ossdOSInfo getOSDInfoOSInfo osnoinfo = Nothing setOSDInfoOSInfo :: !OSInfo !OSDInfo -> OSDInfo setOSDInfoOSInfo osinfo (OSMDInfo osm) = OSMDInfo {osm & osmdOSInfo=osinfo} setOSDInfoOSInfo osinfo (OSSDInfo oss) = OSSDInfo {oss & ossdOSInfo=osinfo} setOSDInfoOSInfo _ osnoinfo = osnoinfo /* osOpenMDI creates the infrastructure of an MDI process. If the first Bool argument is True, then the frame window is shown, otherwise it is hidden. The second Bool indicates whether the process accepts file open events. */ osOpenMDI :: !Bool !Bool !*OSToolbox -> (!OSDInfo,!*OSToolbox) osOpenMDI show acceptFileOpen tb # createCci = Rq2Cci CcRqCREATEMDIFRAMEWINDOW (toInt show) (toInt acceptFileOpen) # (returncci,tb) = issueCleanRequest2 osCreateMDIWindowCallback createCci tb (framePtr,clientPtr,menuBar,windowMenu) = case returncci.ccMsg of CcRETURN4 -> (returncci.p1,returncci.p2,returncci.p3,returncci.p4) CcWASQUIT -> (OSNoWindowPtr,OSNoWindowPtr,OSNoWindowPtr,OSNoWindowPtr) msg -> osdocumentinterfaceFatalError "OSopenMDI" ("CcRETURN4 expected instead of "+++toString msg) # osmdinfo = { osmdOSInfo = { osFrame = framePtr , osToolbar = Nothing , osClient = clientPtr , osMenuBar = menuBar } , osmdWindowMenu = windowMenu } = (OSMDInfo osmdinfo,tb) where osCreateMDIWindowCallback :: !CrossCallInfo !*OSToolbox -> (!CrossCallInfo,!*OSToolbox) osCreateMDIWindowCallback {ccMsg=CcWmDEACTIVATE} tb = (return0Cci,tb) osCreateMDIWindowCallback {ccMsg=CcWmACTIVATE} tb = (return0Cci,tb) osCreateMDIWindowCallback {ccMsg=CcWmKILLFOCUS} tb /* PA: added. Shouldn't ControlDeactivate be delayed? */ = (return0Cci,tb) osCreateMDIWindowCallback {ccMsg} tb = osdocumentinterfaceFatalError "osCreateMDIWindowCallback" ("received message nr:"+++toString ccMsg) osOpenSDI :: !Bool !*OSToolbox -> (!OSDInfo,!*OSToolbox) osOpenSDI acceptFileOpen tb # createCci = Rq1Cci CcRqCREATESDIFRAMEWINDOW (toInt acceptFileOpen) # (returncci,tb) = issueCleanRequest2 osCreateSDIWindowCallback createCci tb (framePtr,menuBar)= case returncci.ccMsg of CcRETURN2 -> (returncci.p1,returncci.p2) CcWASQUIT -> (OSNoWindowPtr,OSNoWindowPtr) msg -> osdocumentinterfaceFatalError "OSopenSDI" ("CcRETURN2 expected instead of "+++toString msg) # ossdinfo = { ossdOSInfo = {osFrame=framePtr,osToolbar=Nothing,osClient=OSNoWindowPtr,osMenuBar=menuBar} } = (OSSDInfo ossdinfo,tb) where osCreateSDIWindowCallback :: !CrossCallInfo !*OSToolbox -> (!CrossCallInfo,!*OSToolbox) osCreateSDIWindowCallback {ccMsg=CcWmDEACTIVATE} tb = (return0Cci,tb) osCreateSDIWindowCallback {ccMsg=CcWmACTIVATE} tb = (return0Cci,tb) osCreateSDIWindowCallback {ccMsg=CcWmKILLFOCUS} tb /* PA: added. Shouldn't ControlDeactivate be delayed? */ = (return0Cci,tb) osCreateSDIWindowCallback {ccMsg} tb = osdocumentinterfaceFatalError "osCreateSDIWindowCallback" ("received message nr:"+++toString ccMsg) osOpenNDI :: !*OSToolbox -> (!OSDInfo,!*OSToolbox) // PA: added. Dummy on Windows. osOpenNDI tb = (OSNoInfo,tb) osCloseOSDInfo :: !OSDInfo !*OSToolbox -> *OSToolbox osCloseOSDInfo (OSMDInfo {osmdOSInfo={osFrame}}) tb = snd (issueCleanRequest2 (osDestroyProcessWindowCallback "osCloseMDI") (Rq1Cci CcRqDESTROYWINDOW osFrame) tb) osCloseOSDInfo (OSSDInfo {ossdOSInfo={osFrame}}) tb = snd (issueCleanRequest2 (osDestroyProcessWindowCallback "osCloseSDI") (Rq1Cci CcRqDESTROYWINDOW osFrame) tb) osCloseOSDInfo _ tb = tb osDestroyProcessWindowCallback :: String !CrossCallInfo !*OSToolbox -> (!CrossCallInfo,!*OSToolbox) osDestroyProcessWindowCallback _ {ccMsg=CcWmDEACTIVATE} tb = (return0Cci,tb) osDestroyProcessWindowCallback _ {ccMsg=CcWmACTIVATE} tb = (return0Cci,tb) osDestroyProcessWindowCallback _ {ccMsg=CcWmKEYBOARD} tb = (return0Cci,tb) osDestroyProcessWindowCallback _ {ccMsg=CcWmPAINT,p1=hwnd} tb = (return0Cci,winFakePaint hwnd tb) osDestroyProcessWindowCallback function {ccMsg} tb = osdocumentinterfaceFatalError function ("received message nr:"+++toString ccMsg) // getOSDInfoOSToolbar retrieves the OSToolbar, if any. getOSDInfoOSToolbar :: !OSDInfo -> Maybe OSToolbar getOSDInfoOSToolbar (OSMDInfo {osmdOSInfo={osToolbar}}) = osToolbar getOSDInfoOSToolbar (OSSDInfo {ossdOSInfo={osToolbar}}) = osToolbar getOSDInfoOSToolbar _ = Nothing /* osOSDInfoIsActive tests if the given OSDInfo represents the interactive process with the active menu system. (Always True on Windows; use menu bar on Mac.) */ osOSDInfoIsActive :: !OSDInfo !*OSToolbox -> (!Bool, !*OSToolbox) osOSDInfoIsActive osdinfo tb = (True,tb)